任斌 :厦门大学化学系教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 00:01





2002-2003作为洪堡学者在Fritz-Haber研究所, 在Bruno Pettinger 以及Gerhard Ertl(2008诺贝尔化学奖得主)指导下,从事针尖增强拉曼光谱的研究。目前研究兴趣为界面电化学和增强拉曼光谱方法,包括光谱电化学、表面增强拉曼光谱和针尖增强拉曼光谱研究。在国内外刊物发表论文180余篇,其中SCI论文160余篇。包括Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem.(1), Angewante Chem. Int. Ed.(2), Phys. Rev. Lett. (1), J. Am. Chem. Soc.(2),论文被他引1600余次。应邀为Wiley \u0026 Sons的分析化学大全、Wiley \u0026 VCH的电化学大全、和Elsevier电化学表面吸附和电催化专著撰写有关章节,应邀为John Wiley \u0026Sons 撰写表面增强拉曼光谱专著。获霍英东青年教师奖励基金(2006-2008);教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2006-2008),国家杰出青年基金(2008)。目前正主持两项国家自然科学基金和一项教育部博士点基金。还参加了包括国家自然科学基金重点项目和“973”项目子课题等项目的研究工作。


1.Visualizing the structural evolution of individual active sites in MoS2 during electrocatalytic evolution reaction. T. X. Huang, X. Cong, S. S. Wu, J. B. Wu, Y. F. Bao, M. F. Cao, L. Wu, M. L. Lin, X. Wang*, P. H. Tan*, B. Ren*, Nature Catal., 2024, 7, 646–654.

2.surfaceEnhanced Raman Spectroscopy: Current Understanding, Challenges, and Opportunities. H. Ma, S. Q. pan, W. L. Wang, X. Yue, X. H. Xi, S. Yan, D. Y. Wu, X. Wang*, G. K. Liu*, B. Ren*, ACS Nano, 2024, 18,14000–14019

3.Noise learning of instruments for high-contrast, high-resolution and fast hyperspectral microscopy and nanoscopy. H. He, M. F. Cao, Y. Gao, P. Zheng, S. Yan, J. H. Zhong*, L.Wang*, D. Y. Jin, B. Ren*, Nature Commun., 2024, 15, 754.

4.Rapidly Determining the 3D Structure of Proteins by surfaceenhanced Raman Spectroscopy. H. Ma, S. Yan, X. Y. Lu, Y. F. Bao, J. Liu, L. X. Liao, D. Kun, M. F. Cao, X. J. Zhao, H. Yan, H. L. Wang, X. H. Peng, N. Y. Chen, H. S. Feng, L. L. Zhu, G. B. Yao, C. H. Fan, D. Y. Wu, B. J. Wang, X. Wang*, B. Ren*, Sci. Adv., 2023, 9, eadh8362.

5.Electrochemical surfaceenhanced Raman spectroscopy. C. L. Brosseau*, A. Colina*, J. V. Perales-Rondon, A. J. Wilson*, P. B. Joshi, B. Ren*, X. Wang*, Nat. Rev. Methods Primers, 2023, 3, 79.

6.Correlation coefficient-directed label-free characterization of native proteins by surfaceenhanced Raman spectroscopy. P. S. Wang, H. Ma*, S. Yan, X. Y. Lu, H. Tang, X. H. Xi, X. H. Peng, Y. J. Huang, Y. F. Bao, M. F. Cao, H. M. Wang, J. L. Huang, G. K. Liu, X. Wang*, B. Ren*, Chem. Sci., 2022, 13, 13829-13835.

7.Accelerated interfacial proton transfer for promoting the electrocatalytic activity. K. C. Deng, Z. X. Lu, J. J. Sun, J. Y. Ye, F. Dong, H. S. Su, K. Yang, M. Sartin, S. Yan, J. 成姓, Z. Y. Zhou, B. Ren*. Chem. Sci., 2022, 13, 10884-10890.

8.Real-时间 imaging of surface chemical reactions by electrochemical photothermal reflectance microscopy. C. Zong, C. Zhang, P. Lin, J. Z. Yin, Y. R. Bai, H. N. Lin, B. Ren*, J. X. 成姓*, Chem. Sci., 2021, 12, 1930-1936.

9.Metallic Plasmonic Array Structures: Principles, Fabrications, Properties, and Applications. K. Yang, X. Yao, B. W. Liu*, B. Ren*, Adv. Mater., 2021, 33, 2007988.

10.Observing atomic layer electrodeposition on single nanocrystals surface by dark field spectroscopy. S. Hu, J. Yi, Y. J. Zhang, K. Q. Lin, B. J. Liu, L. Chen, C. Zhan, Z. C. Lei, J. J. Sun, C. Zong, J. F. Li, B. Ren*, Nature Commun., 2020, 11, 2518.

11.Fundamental understanding and applications of PLASMONenhanced Raman spectroscopy. X. Wang, S. C. Huang, S. Hu, S. Yan, Bin Ren*, Nature Rev. Phys., 2020, 2, 253.

12.Probing the local generation and diffusion of active 物种 on a Pd/Au bimetallic surface by tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. H. S. Su, H. S. Feng, Q. Q. Zhao, X. G. Zhang, J. J. Sun, Y. H. He, S. C. Huang, T. X. Huang, J. H. Zhong*, D. Y. Wu, B. Ren*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2020, 142, 1341.

13.Disentangling charge carrier from photothermal effects in plasmonic metal nanostructures. C. Zhan, B. W. Liu, Y. F. Huang, S. Hu, B. Ren*, M. Moskovits*, Z. Q. Tian*, Nature Commun., 2019, 10, 2671.

14.surfaceenhanced Raman spectroscopy for bioanalysis: reliability and challenges. C. Zong, M. X. Xu, L.J. Xu, T. Wei, X. Ma, X.S. Zheng, R. Hu, B. Ren*, Chem. Rev., 2018, 118, 4946.

15.A plasmonic sensor array with ultrahigh figures of merit and 共振 linewidths down to 3 nm. B. W. Liu, S. Chen, J. C. Zhang, X. Yao, J. H. Zhong, H. X. Lin, T. X. Huang, Z. L. Yang, J. F. Zhu, S. Liu, C. Lienau, L. Wang*, B. Ren*, Adv. Mater., 2018, 30, 1706031.

16.Plasmonic photoluminescence for recovering native chemical information from surfaceenhanced Raman scattering, K. Q. Lin, Jun Yi, J. H. Zhong, S. Hu, B. J. Liu, J. Y. Liu, C. Zong, Z. C. Lei, X. Wang*, J. Aizpurua, R. Esteban*, B. Ren*, Nature Commun., 2017, 8, 14891.

17.Probing the electronic and 催化 properties of a bimetallic surface with 3 nm resolution, J. H. Zhong, X. Jin, L. Meng, X. Wang, H. S. Su, Z. L. Yang, C. T. Willams, B. Ren*, Nature Nanotechnol., 2017, 12, 132.

18.Electrochemical tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Z. C. Zeng, S. C. Huang, D. Y. Wu, L. Y. Meng, M. H. Li, T. X. Huang, J. H. Zhong, X. Wang, Z. L. Yang, B. Ren*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137, 11928.

19.Reliable quantitative SERS analysis facilitated by core-shell nanoparticles with embedded internal standards. W. Shen, X. Lin, C. Jiang, C. Li, H. Lin, J. Huang, S. Wang, G. Liu, X. Yan, Q. Zhong, B. Ren*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2015, 54, 7308.

20.Label-free surfaceenhanced Raman spectroscopy detection of 脱氧核糖核酸 with single-base sensitivity. L. Xu, Z. Lei, J. Li, C. Zong, C. Yang, B. Ren*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137, 5149.






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