何潮洪 :何潮洪

更新时间:2024-09-20 23:22






1.   何潮洪,冯霄主编. 化工原理(上)(普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材),第二版,北京:科学出版社,2007.

2. 冯霄,何潮洪主编. 化工原理(下)(普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材),第二版,北京市:科学出版社,2007.

3. 何潮洪,南碎飞,安越,陈欢林,詹晓力,叶向群编. 化工原理习题精解(下册),北京:科学出版社,2003.

4. 何潮洪,窦梅,朱明乔,叶向群编. 化工原理习题精解(上册),北京:科学出版社,2003.

5. 何潮洪,冯霄主编. 化工原理,北京:科学出版社,2001.

6. 苏为科,何潮洪编著. 医药中间体制备方法,第一册,抗菌药中间体(一). 北京:化学工业出版社,2001.

7. 何潮洪,窦梅,钱栋英编著. 化工原理操作型问题的分析,北京市:化学工业出版社,1998.


1. 传热过程的强化及相关传热设备(含特殊反应器)的开发;

2. 天然产物中有效成份的提取分离及化学修饰;

3. 反应与分离耦合过程;

4. 萃取过程的强化及相关设备开发;

5. 传质与分离的相关基础研究(含基础物性数据的测定、关联及预测)。


1. 过程强化(973)

2. 界面张力对小、微管对流传热过程的影响研究,国家自然科学基金资助项目(20876131)

3. 等离子裂解煤产物的冷及热能回收与利用(重大横向项目)

4. 浙江省自然科学基金杰出青年团队项目(R4090358)

5. 反应/蒸馏集成技术的开发及其推广应用,宁波市科技项目(2010B10009)


1. 用于植物有效成分提取、分离的连续式浸取-萃取耦合过程研究,国家自然科学基金资助项目(20576113)

2. 化工过程绿色设计中的两个关键问题研究,国家自然科学基金资助项目(20376073)

3. 从植物中高效地提取分离黄类化合物的基础研究,国家自然科学资金资助项目(20176049)

4. 雷公藤总苷在线检测软测量技术开发,国家科技攻关计划(2001BA701A46)

5. 连续管道化反应技术在己内胺生产工艺改造中的应用研究及推广,浙江省绿色化工技术专项(2006C11198)

6. 喃酮制备工艺的绿色设计及产业化开发,浙江省科技计划项目(2003C24004)

7. 脉冲填料塔在分离过程中的应用,浙江省科技计划项目(011103976)

8. 巨化集团年产五千吨己内酰胺装置废液回收的中试,浙江省科技计划项目(011101088)

9. Computer aided green 设计 for chemical processes,Academic link with China Scheme (ALCS): SHA/992/307

10. 1,1,1-三氟乙烷制备过程中精馏单元优化的探索性研究(横向)

11. 聚生产废水综合利用研究(横向)

12. 含产品工艺开发的探索性研究(横向)

13. 宁波化学工业区循环经济实施方案(横向)

14. 盐酸羟胺新工艺的中试研究(横向)

15. 大气环境容量优化计算(横向)

16. 废气中有机溶剂回收的试验研究(横向)

17. 化工实验设备开发(横向)

18. 工业用硫酸羟胺与盐酸羟胺的开发(横向)

19. 硫母液脱色研究(横向)

20. HCFC-22装置副产HCl中HFC-23的回收研究(横向)

21. 用脉冲萃取塔回收硫铵中己内酰胺的研究(横向)

22. 反应结晶制焦亚硫酸钠过程研究(横向)

23. 萃取己内酰胺残液的脉冲筛板塔设计(横向)

24. 己内酰胺萃取残液的扩大中试研究(横向)

25. 硅烷系列装置的设计(横向)


1. Zhao C X, He C H. 质量 transfer and separation criteria for high-speed countercurrent chromatography, AIChE J, accepted.

2. Fang S, He C H. A new one parameter viscosity model for binary mixtures, AIChE J, accepted.

3. Zhao C X, Xu Y L, He C H. Axial dispersion in high-speed counter-current chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 2009, 1216(24): 4841-4846.

4. Fang S, Zhang J G, Liu J Q, Liu M, Luo S, He C H. Physicochemical properties of aqueous 羟胺 sulfate and aqueous (hydroxylamine sulfate plus ammonium sulfate) solutions at different 温度s, J Chem Eng Data, 2009, 54(7): 2028-2032.

5. Fang S, Zhu M Q, He C H. Moving window as a variable selection method in potentiometric titration multivariate calibration and its application to the simultaneous determination of ions in Raschig synthesis mixtures, J 化学计量学, 2009, 23(3-4): 117-123.

6. Fang S, Zhao C X, He C H, Liu J Q, Sun J H. Densities and viscosities of binary mixtures of tris(2-ethylhexyl) 磷酸盐 + 正戊基环己烷 or n-hexane at T= (293.15, 298.15, and 303.15) K and p=0.1MPa, J Chem Eng Data, 2008, 53: 2718-2720.

7. Fang S, Zhao C X, He C H. Densities and viscosities of binary mixtures of tri-n-butyl 磷酸盐 + 正戊基环己烷, +n-庚烷 at T= (288.15, 293.15, 303.15, and 308.15) K, J Chem Eng Data, 2008, 53: 2244-2246.

8. Xu H N, Huang W N, He C H. Modeling for extraction of isoflavones from stem of Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi using n-butanol/液态水 two-phase solvent system, Separation and Purification Technology, 2008,62: 590-595.

9. Xu L X, He C H, Zhu M Q, Wu K J, Lai Y L. surface stabilization of gold by sol-gel post-modification of alumina support with silica for cyclohexane oxidation, Catalysis Communications, 2008, 9(5): 816-820.

10. Xu L X, He C H, Zhu M Q, Wu K J, Lai Y L. Silica-supported gold catalyst modified by doping with titania for cyclohexane oxidation. Catalysis Letters, 2007, 118(3-4): 248-253.

11. Xu H N, He C H. Separation and purification of puerarin with solvent extraction,Separation and Purification Technology, 2007,56: 397–400.

12. Xu H N, Zhang Y X, He C H. Ultrasonically Assisted Extraction of Isoflavones from Stem of Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi and its Mathematical Model, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2007, 15(6), 861-867.

13. Zhao C X, He C H. Solubility of atractylenolide III in 己烷, ethyl acetate, diethyl ether, and 乙醇 from (283.2 to 323.2) K. Journal of Chemical \u0026 Engineering Data. 2007,52(4):1223-1225.

14. 范杰平,何潮洪,傅鹏飞. 柿叶中总三的提取以及熊果酸分离、纯化研究,中国药学杂志,2007,42(16): 1258-1261.

15. 陈欣,徐小勇,何潮洪,鲍立曾,金春晖. 动态循环提取雷公藤总生物碱的过程研究, 高校化学工程学报,2007, 21(4): 581-585.

16. Xu L X, He C H, Zhu M Q, Fang S. A highly active Au/Al2O3 catalyst for 正戊基环己烷 oxidation using molecular Catalysis Letters, 2007, 114(3-4): 202-205.

17. He C H, Zhao C X. Retention of the stationary phase retention for high-speed countercurrent chromatography, AIChE J, 2007, 53: 1460-1471.

18. Zhao C X, He C H. Sample capacity in preparative high-speed counter-current chromatography, Journal of Chromatography A, 2007, 1146: 186-192.

19. Xu H N,He C H. Extraction of isoflavones from stem of Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi using n-butanol/液态水 two-phase solvent system and separation of daidzein. Separation and Purification Technology,2007,56:85-89

20. OuYang X K, Jin M C, He C H. Preparative separation of four major alkaloids from medicinal 植物界 of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook. F. using High speed countercurrent chromatography. Separation and Purification Technology, 2007,56:319-324.

21. OuYang X K, Jin M C, He C H. Simultaneous determination of four sesquiterpene alkaloids in Tripterygium Wilfordii Hook. f. extracts by high-performance liquid chromatography, Phytochemical Analysis, 2007,18:320-325.

22. OuYang X K, Jin M C, He C H. Simultaneous determination of triptolide and tripdiolide in extract of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook. f. by LC-APCI-MS, Chromatographia, 2007, 65(5/6): 373-375.

23. Liu C, Wang L H, He C H, Ye X Q. The isobaric vapor-liquid Equilibrium of butanone-DMF and 甲苯DMF at reduced 压强s, Chinese J Chem Eng, 2006, 14(6): 825-828. (SCI)

24. 张颖心,何潮洪. 从毛竹叶中提取黄酮的工艺研究,高校化学工程学报,2006, 20(5):691-695.

25. Zhao C X, He C H. Preparative isolation and purification of atractylon and atractylenolide III from the Chinese medicinal 植物界 苍术属 macrocephala by high-speed counter-current chromatography, J Sep Sci, 2006, 29: 1630-1636.

26. 谢春和,金伟光,张家森,何潮洪. 乙酰柠檬酸三丁酯催化合成,高校化学工程学报,2006, 20(3):428-432.

27. Fan J P, He C H. Simultaneous quantification of three major bioactive triterpene acids in the leaves of Diospyros kaki by high-performance liquid chromatography method, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2006, 41(3):950-956.

28. Fan J P, He C H. Single-step preparative separation of barbinervic acid and its epimer (rotungenic acid) along with other two pentacyclic triterpene acids from leaves of Diospyros kaki using HSCCC, Journal of Liquid Chromatography \u0026 Related Technologies, 2006, 29(6):815-826.

29. 虞肖鹏,叶向群,何潮洪. 脉冲填料萃取塔的绿色设计,高校化学工程学报,2005, 19(6):745-750.

30. 房升,易玲敏,葛挺峰,何潮洪. 2,5-二甲基4-羟基3(2H)-呋喃酮的合成研究,高校化学工程学报,2005, 19(2):233-237.

31. He C H, Ge T F, Yang S H, Edwards D W. Chemical reaction route selection based on green chemical engineering, Chinese J Chem Eng, 2004, 12(5): 662-667.

32. He C H, Gao Y H, Yang S H, Edwards D W. Optimization of the process for recovering caprolactam from wastewater in a pulsed-sieve-plate column using green 设计 methodologies, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2004, 17(3): 195-204.

33. Xie F Y, Zhu M Q, Liu J Q, He C H. Extraction of caprolactam from aqueous ammonium sulfate solution in pulsed packed column using 250Y Mellapak packings, Chinese J Chem Eng, 2002, 10(6): 677-680.

34. Liu H, Xie F Y, He C H, Shentu B Q, Han D L. Diffusion of an antifogging agent in 聚乙烯 film, Chinese J Chem Eng, 2002, 10(5): 575-579.

35. Liu J Q, Xie F Y, He C H, Zhu M Q. Recovery of 己内酰胺 from waste 液态水 in caprolactam production using pulsed-sieve-plate extraction column, Chinese J Chem Eng, 2002, 10(3): 371-373.

36. Yang S H, Yang L, He C H. Improve safety of industrial processes using dynamic operator training simulators, Trans IChemE, Part B, 2001, 79: 329-338.

37. Chung P W H, Yang S H, He C H. Conceptual 设计 of pressure 浮雕 systems, J Loss Prevention Process Industries, 2000, 13: 519-526.

38. Zhu J Q, Yu Y S, He C H. Calculation of solid’s solubilities in mixed liquid solvents by the lh equation using mixing rules, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 1999, 155(1), 85-94.

39. He C H, Yu Y S. New equation for INFINITEdilution diffusion coefficients in supercritical and high-温度 liquid solvents, Ind Eng Chem Res, 1998, 37, 3793-3798.

40. He C H. Prediction of binary diffusion coefficients of solutes in supercritical solvents, AIChE J, 1997, 43, 2944-2947.

41. He C H, Yu Y S. Prediction of the temperature dependence of liquid diffusion coefficients at INFINITE dilution by a group contribution method, Chinese J Chem Eng, 1997, 5, 367-370.

42. He C H. Prediction of the concentration-dependence of mutual diffusion coefficients in binary liquid mixtures, Ind Eng Chem Res, 1995, 34, 2148-2153.


1. 朱明乔,杨国成,何潮洪,南碎飞,杜旭英,金伟光,窦梅,林清香. 带有脉冲发生器的传质教学模型,专利号:ZL 200710070509.3,授权日:2009.06.10。

2. 房升,朱明乔,梁燕,韩艳,何潮洪. 从聚酯废水中回收乙二醇乙醛的方法,专利号:ZL 200610155056.X,授权日:2009.02.18。

3. 何潮洪,范杰平. 从柿叶中提取活性成分熊果酸的方法,专利号:ZL 200510118223.9,授权日:2009.04.22。

4. 朱明乔黄志尧,何潮洪. 一种用于油水气三相连续计量分离器的除沫装置,专利号:ZL 200710070508.9,授权日:2008.12.24。

5. 许立信,朱明乔,何潮洪,梁燕. 一种负载型纳米金催化剂及制备方法,专利号:ZL 200710067476.7,授权日:2008.11.26。

6. 欧阳小琨,何潮洪. 逆流色谱法从雷公藤中分离制备雷公藤生物碱单体的方法,专利号:ZL 200610053146.8,授权日:2008,10,01。

7. 何潮洪,欧阳小琨,喻均 从雷公藤中分离制备雷公藤内酯二醇的方法,专利号:ZL 200610048993.5,授权日:2008,10,01。

8. 何潮洪,范杰平. 逆流色谱法从柿叶中分离制备熊果酸及其衍生物的方法,专利号:ZL 200510060481.6,授权日:2008,10,22。

9. 朱明乔,韩守刚,何潮洪. 用于合成丙酮醛的催化剂及制备方法,专利号:ZL 200610051732.9,授权日:2008.07.02。

10. 徐化能,何潮洪. 一种从食用葛中提取、分离大豆元的方法,专利号:ZL 200610053091.0,授权日:2008,05,14。

11. 何潮洪,谢春和. 固定床反应器催化合成乙酰柠檬酸三正丁酯的装置及方法,专利号:ZL 200610049962.1,授权日:2008,05,14。

12. 许立信朱明乔,何潮洪. 负载型纳米金催化剂及制备方法,专利号:ZL 200610050249.9,授权日:2008,01,30。

13. 何潮洪,黄志尧贾幼尧,梁其林,朱明乔,冀海峰,傅天耀. 用于油水气三相计量的分离器,专利号:ZL 200410018336.7,授权日:2008,01,16。

14. 黄志尧,何潮洪. 工作频率可调的液体电导测量方法及其装置专利号:ZL 200510050428.8,授权日:2007,09,26。

15. 何潮洪,刘建青,朱明乔,谢方友,何朝阳. 制备固体盐酸羟胺的方法,专利号:ZL 200510060291.4,授权日:2007,08,08。

16. 黄志尧,何潮洪,贾幼尧,傅天耀,冀海峰,朱明乔,梁其林. 油气水三相流量连续计量系统,专利号:ZL 200410018335.2,授权日:2007,10,03。

17. 何潮洪,赵春霞. 从白术挥发油中分离有效成分白术内酯III的方法,专利号:ZL 200510060643.6,授权日:2007,03,28,

18. 何潮洪,谢春和,金伟光. 乙酰柠檬酸三正丁酯催化合成方法,专利号:ZL 200510050433.9,授权日:2007,03,07。

19. 何潮洪,范杰平. 一种从柿叶中提取活性成分熊果酸的方法,专利号:ZL 200410025770.8,授权日:2006,06,28。

20. 何潮洪,高云鹤,朱明乔,刘建青,谢方友. 用于萃取的脉冲塔,专利号:ZL 03 1 16771.3,授权日:2005,05,18。


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