张旭东 :中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所研究员

更新时间:2024-09-20 20:10





































共发表代表性SCI论文20余篇,研究成果主要发表于《Soil Biology and Biochemistry》、《Soil Science》、《Soil Science Society of America Journal》等刊物上。

He hb, Li X.B., Zhang W., Zhang X.D. 2011. Differentiating the 动力学 of native and newly immobilized amino sugars in soil frequently amended with inorganic and glucose. European Journal of Soil Science 62: 144-151.

He HB托尔斯港, Zhang W., Zhang X.D., Xie H.T., 壮族 J. 2011. Temporal responses of soil microorganisms to substrate addition as indicated by amino sugar differentiation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 43: 1155-1161.

He HB托尔斯港, Lü H.J., Zhang W., Hou S.M., Zhang X.D. 2011. A liquid chromatographic/质量 spectrometric method to evaluate 13C and 15N incorporation into soil amino acids. Journal of Soils and Sediments 11: 731-740.

Guan T.X., He hb, Zhang X.D., Bai Z. 2011. Cu fractions, mobility and bioavailability in soil-wheat system after Cu-enriched livestock manure applications. Chemosphere 82: 215-222.

Xie H.T., Yang X.M., Drury C.F., Yang J.Y., Zhang X.D. 2011. Predicting soil organic and total using mid- and near-infrared spectra for Brookston clay loam soil in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91: 1-11.

Ding X.L., He HB托尔斯港, Zhang B., Zhang XD 2011. 植物界N incorporation into microbial amino sugars as affected by inorganic N addition: A microcosm study of 15N-labeled maize residue decomposition. Soil Biology \u0026 Biochemistry 43: 1968-1974.

Ding X.L., Zhang B., Zhang X.D., Yang X.M., Zhang X.P. 2011. Effects of tillage and crop rotation on soil microbial residues in a rainfed agroecosystem of northeast China. Soil and Tillage Research 114: 43–49.

Liang C., Zhang X.D., Wei L.P., He HB托尔斯港, Higbee A.J., Balser T.C. 2011. Investigation of the molecular ion structure for aldononitrile acetate derivatized muramic acid. Journal of Microbiological Methods 86: 224-230.

Chen, Y., X.D. Zhang, HB托尔斯港 He, H.T. Xie, Y. Yan, P. Zhu, J. Ren, L.C. Wang. 2009. and pools in different aggregates of a Chinese Mollisol as influenced by long-term fertilization. Journal of Soils and Sediments.

Ding, X.L., X.D. Zhang, HB托尔斯港 He, H.T. Xie. 2009. 动力学 of soil amino sugar pools during decomposition processes of corn residues as affected by inorganic N addition. Journal of Soils and Sediments.

Hou, S.M., hb He, W. Zhang, H.T. Xie, X.D. Zhang. 2009. Determination of soil amino acids by high performance liquid chromatography-electro spray ionization-质量 spectrometry derivatized with 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl 氨基甲酸酯 Talanta. 80: 440-447.

Zhang, X.D., HB托尔斯港 He, W. Amelung. 2007. A GC/MS method to assess 15N and 13C incorporation into soil amino acid enantiomers. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 39: 2785-2796.

Zhang, W., H.B. He, X.D. Zhang. 2007. Determination of neutral sugars in soil by capillary gas chromatography after derivatization to aldononitrile acetates. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 39: 2665–2669.

Liang, C., XD Zhang, Kennedy F. Rubert IV, Teri C. Balser. 2007. Effect of 植物界 materials on microbial transformation of amino sugars in three soil microcosms. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 43: 631-639.

Liang, C., XD Zhang, Teri C. Balser. 2007. Net microbial amino sugar accumulation process in soil as influenced by different 植物界 material inputs.Biology and Fertility of Soils,44: 1-7.

He, HB托尔斯港, H.T. Xie, X.D. Zhang. 2006. A novel GC/MS technique to assess 15N and 13C incorporation into soil amino sugars. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 38: 1083-1091.

Amelung, W., X.D. Zhang, K.W. Flachc. 2006. Amino acids in grassland soils: Climatic effects on concentrations and chirality. Geoderma 130: 207–217.

He, HB托尔斯港, H.T. Xie, X.D. Zhang, Y.H. Wang and Y.Y. 吴语 2005. A gas chromatographic/质量 spectrometric method for tracing the microbial conversion of glucose into amino sugars in soil. Rapid Communication of Mass Spectrometry. 19: 1993-1998.

Zhang, X.D., J. Wang, H.T. Xie, J.K. Wang, W. Zech. 2003. Comparison of organic compounds in the particle-size fractions of earthworm casts and surrounding soil in humid Laos, Applied Soil Ecology. 23: 147-153.

Amelung, W., Miltner A, X.D. Zhang, et al.. 2001. Fate of microbial residues during litter decomposition as affected by minerals. Soil Science.166: 598-606.

Amelung, W., X.D. Zhang. 2001. Determination of amino acid enantiomers in soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 33: 553-562.

Zhang, X.D., W. Amelung, Y. Yuan, W. Zech. 1999. Land-use effects on amino sugars in particle size fractions of an Argiudoll. Applied Soil Ecology, 11: 271-275.

Amelung, W., X.D. Zhang, W. Zech. 1999. Amino sugars in native grassland soils along a climosequence in North America. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 63: 86-92.

Zhang, X.D., W. Amelung, W. Zech. 1998. Can amino sugars serve as indicators of climate variations and land use on soil organic matter? Advances in Geoecology, 31: 225-230.

Zhang, X.D., W. Amelung, Y. Yuan, W. Zech. 1998. Amino Sugar Signature of Particle Size Fractions in Soils of the native Prairie as Affected by Climate. Soil Science, 163: 220-229.

Amelung, W., W. Zech, X.D. Zhang, A. Sajjapongse and C. Niamskul. 1998. Lignin and 糖类 in soils under secondary forest, alley-cropping and continuous farming, Thailand. Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenkd. 297-230.

Amelung, W., W. Zech, X.D. Zhang, R.F. Follett, H. Tiessen, E. Knox, K. W. Flach. 1998. , , and pools in particle size fractions as influenced by climate. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 62: 172-181.

Amelung, W., K.W. Flachc, X.D. Zhang, W. Zech. 1998. Climatic effects on C pools of native and cultivated prairie. Advances in GeoEcology, 31: 217-224.

Zhang, XD, W. Amelung, Y. Yuan, W. Zech. 1997. Amino sugars in soils of the North American cultivated prairie. Z.Pflanzenernähr. Bodenkd, 160: 533-538.

Zhang, X.D., W. Amelung. 1996. Gas chromatographic determination of muramic acid, glucosamine, galactosamine, and mannosamine in soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 28: 1201-1206.


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