朱爱民 :大连理工大学,教授、博导

更新时间:2024-09-21 14:21


中国力学学会第五、六届等离子体科学与技术专业委员会委员、中国环境科学学会挥发性有机物污染防治专业委员会常务委员、中国环境保护产业协会废气净化委员会技术专家(第五届) 、《Plasma Processes and Polymers》期刊国际编委。







2000--2005,大连理工大学,副教授;美国Texas 德州农工大学 University,博士后(2004-2005)

2005--至今,大连理工大学,教授、博导;美国University of Houston,访问教授(2009)



中国环境科学学会挥发性有机物污染防治专业委员会常务委员(2012- )


















1. Qi Sun, Aimin Zhu, Xuefeng Yang, Jinhai Niu, Yong Xu, “Formation of NOx from N2 and O2 in catalyst-pellet filled dielectric barrier discharges at atmospheric 压强”, Chemical Communications, 2003, (12):1418-1419

2. Xiao-Song Li , Ai-Min Zhu*, Kang-Jun Wang, Yong Xu, Zhi-Min Song, “甲烷 conversion to C2 hydros and in atmospheric non-thermal plasmas generated by different electric discharge techniques”, Catalysis Today, 2004, 98(4):617-624

3. Ai-Min Zhu*, Qi Sun, Jin-Hai Niu, Yong Xu, Zhi-Min Song, “Conversion of NO in NO/N2, NO/O2/N2, NO/乙烯/N2 and NO/C2H4/O2/N2 Systems by Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasmas”, Plasma 化学 and Plasma Processing, 2005, 25(4): 371-386

4. Xiao-Song Li, Chuan Shi, Kang-Jun Wang, Xiu-Ling Zhang, Yong Xu, Ai-Min Zhu*, “High Yield of Aromatics from CH4 in a Plasma-followed-by-catalyst (PFC) Reactor”, AIChE Journal, 2006, 52(9): 3321-3324

5. Ai-Min Zhu*, Long-Hui Nie, Qing-Hao Wu, Xiu-Ling Zhang, Xue-Feng Yang, Yong Xu, Chuan Shi, “Uniform-size Nanosphere, Crystalline TiO2 Films by a Novel Plasma 心血管疾病 Process at Atmospheric 压强 and Room 温度”, Chemical Vapor Deposition, 2007, 13:141-144

6. Xiao-Song Li, Chuan Shi, Yong Xu, Xiu-Ling Zhang, Kang-Jun Wang, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Pulsed Streamer Discharge Plasma over Ni/HZSM-5 Catalysts for Methane Conversion to Aromatics at Atmospheric 压强”, Plasma Processes and Polymers, 2007, 4:15-18

7. Xiu-Ling Zhang, Long-Hui Nie, Yong Xu, Chuan Shi, Xue-Feng Yang, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Plasma oxidation for achieving supported TiO2 photocatalysts derived from adsorbed TiCl4 using dielectric barrier discharge”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2007, 40: 1763-1768

8. Xiao-Song Li, Chuan Shi, Yong Xu, Kang-Jun Wang, Ai-Min Zhu*, “A process for high yield of aromatics from free conversion of 甲烷: combining plasma with Ni/HZSM-5 catalysts”, Green 化学, 2007, 9:647-653

9. Long-Hui Nie, Chuan Shi, Yong Xu, Qing-Hao Wu, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Atmospheric cold plasma for synthesizing nanocrystalline anatase TiO2 using dielectric barrier discharge”, Plasma Processes and Polymers, 2007, 4:574-582

10. Yong Wang, Aimin Zhu, Yuzhuo Zhang, C.T. Au, Xuefeng Yang, Chuan Shi, “Catalytic reduction of NO by CO over NiO/CeO2 catalyst in stoichiometric NO/CO and NO/CO/O2 reaction”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2008, 81: 141-149

11. Xiao-Song Li, Can-Kun Lin, Chuan Shi, Yong Xu, You-Nian Wang, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Stable kilohertz spark discharges for high-efficiency conversion of methane to and 乙炔”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2008, 41:175203

12. Hong-Yu Fan, Chuan Shi, Xiao-Song Li, Xue-Feng Yang, Yong Xu, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Low-温度 NOx Selective Reduction by Hydrocarbons on H-Mordenite Catalysts in Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma”, Plasma 化学 and Plasma Processing, 2009, 29: 43-53

13. Lan-Bo Di, Xiao-Song Li, Chuan Shi, Yong Xu, De-Zhi Zhao, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Atmospheric-压强 plasma CVD of TiO2 photocatalytic films using surface dielectric barrier discharge”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2009, 42:032001

14. Xiaoqing Cheng, Aimin Zhu, Yuzhuo Zhang, Yong Wang, C.T. Au, Chuan Shi, “A combined DRIFTS and MS study on reaction mechanism of NO reduction by CO over NiO/CeO2 catalyst”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2009, 90: 395-404

15. Hong-Yu Fan, Chuan Shi, Xiao-Song Li, De-Zhi Zhao, Yong Xu, Ai-Min Zhu*, “High-efficiency plasma catalytic removal of dilute benzene from air”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2009, 42: 225105

16. An-Jie Zhang, Ai-Min Zhu, Jun Guo, Yong Xu and Chuan Shi, “Conversion of greenhouse gases into syngas via combined effects of discharge activation and catalysis”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2010, 156(3): 601-606

17. Xiao-Song Li, Bin Zhu, Chuan Shi, Yong Xu, Ai-Min Zhu*, “ dioxide reforming of 甲烷 in kilohertz spark-discharge plasma at atmospheric pressure”, AIChE Journal, 2011, 57(10):2854-2860

18. De-Zhi Zhao, Xiao-Song Li, Chuan Shi, Hong-Yu Fan, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Low-concentration formaldehyde removal from air using a cycled storage–discharge (CSD) plasma catalytic process”, Chemical Engineering Science, 2011, 66:3922-3929

19. Hong-Yu Fan, Xiao-Song Li, Chuan Shi, De-Zhi Zhao, Jing-Lin Liu, Yan-Xia Liu, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Plasma catalytic oxidation of stored benzene in a cycled storage-discharge (CSD) process: catalysts, reactors and operation conditions”, Plasma 化学 and Plasma Processing, 2011, 31: 799-810

20. Bin Zhu, Xiao-Song Li, Chuan Shi, Jing-Lin Liu, Tian-Liang Zhao, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Pressurization effect on dry reforming of biogas in kilohertz spark-discharge plasma”, International Journal of 能量, 2012, 37: 4945-4954

21. Hong-Yu Fan, Chuan Shi, Xiao-Song Li, Shuo Zhang, Jing-Lin Liu, Ai-Min Zhu*, “In-situ plasma regeneration of deactivated Au/TiO2 nanocatalysts during CO oxidation and effect of N2 content”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2012, 119-120: 49-55

22. Da-Lei Chang, Xiao-Song Li, Tian-Liang Zhao, Jin-Hua Yang, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Non-thermal effect of atmospheric-压强 RF cold plasma on photocatalytic activity of as-deposited TiO2 film”, Chemical Vapor Deposition, 2012, 18:121-125

23. Bin Zhu, Xiao-Song Li, Jing-Lin Liu, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Optimized mixed reforming of biogas with O2 addition in spark-discharge plasma”, International Journal of 能量, 2012, 37: 16916-16924

24. De-Zhi Zhao, Chuan Shi, Xiao-Song Li, Ai-Min Zhu*, Ben W.-L. Jang*, “Enhanced effect of 液态水 vapor on complete oxidation of formaldehyde in air with 臭氧 over MnOx catalysts at room 温度”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 239-240:362-369

25. Lan-Bo Di, Chuan Shi, Xiao-Song Li, Jing-Lin Liu, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Uniformity, structure and photocatalytic activity of TiO2 films deposited by atmospheric-压强 linear cold plasma”, Chemical Vapor Deposition, 2012, 18: 309-314

26. Bing-bing Chen, Chuan Shi*, Mark Crocker, Yu Wang, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Catalytic removal of formaldehyde at room 温度 over supported gold catalysts”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2013, 132-133: 245-255

27. Shi-Xin Liu, Xiao-Song Li, Xiaobing Zhu, Tian-Liang Zhao, Jing-Lin Liu, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Gliding arc plasma synthesis of crystalline TiO2 nanopowders with high photocatalytic activity”, Plasma 化学 and Plasma Processing, 2013, 33:827-838

28. Tian-Liang Zhao, Yong Xu, Yuan-Hong Song, Xiao-Song Li, Jing-Lin Liu, Jin-Bao Liu, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Determination of vibrational and rotational temperatures in a gliding arc discharge by using overlapped molecular emission spectra”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2013, 46: 345201

29. Jing-Lin Liu, Xiao-Song Li, Xiaobing Zhu, Kai Li, Chuan Shi, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Renewable and high-concentration syngas production from oxidative reforming of simulated biogas with low 能量 cost in a plasma shade”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 234: 240-246

30. Chuan Shi*, Zhao-shun Zhang, Mark Crocker, Li Xu, Chun-yan Wang, Chaktong Au, Ai-min Zhu*, “Non-thermal plasma-assisted NOx storage and reduction on a LaMn0.9Fe0.1O3 perovskite catalyst”, Catalysis Today, 2013, 211:96-103

31. Zhi-Guang Sun, Xiao-Song Li, Xiaobing Zhu, Xiao-Qing Deng, Da-Lei Chang, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Facile and fast deposition of amorphous TiO2 film at atmospheric 压强 and room 温度 and its high photocatalytic activity under UV-C light”, Chemical Vapor Deposition, 2014, 20 (1-3): 8-13

32. Xiaobing Zhu*, Kai Li, Jing-Lin Liu, Xiao-Song Li, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Effect of CO2/CH4 Ratio on Biogas Reforming with Added O2 through an Unique Spark-Shade Plasma”, International Journal of 能量, 2014, 39: 13902-13908

33. Tian-Liang Zhao, Jing-Lin Liu, Xiao-Song Li, Jin-Bao Liu, Yuan-Hong Song, Yong Xu, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Temporal evolution characteristics of an annular-mode gliding arc discharge in a vortex flow”, Physics of Plasmas, 2014, 21: 053507

34. Yang Liu, Xiao-Song Li, Chuan Shi, Jing-Lin Liu, Ai-Min Zhu*, Ben W.-L. Jang*, “臭氧 catalytic oxidation of adsorbed benzene over AgMn/HZSM-5 catalysts at room 温度”, Catalysis Science \u0026 Technology, 2014, 4: 2589-2598

35. Shuo Zhang, Xiao-Song Li, Bingbing Chen, Xiaobing Zhu*, Chuan Shi*, Ai-Min Zhu, “CO oxidation activity at room temperature over Au/CeO2 catalysts: 解密兄弟 of induction period and humidity effect”, ACS Catalysis, 2014, 4: 3481-3489

36. Shi-Xin Liu, Jing-Lin Liu, Xiao-Song Li, Xiaobing Zhu*, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Gliding arc plasma synthesis of visiblelight active C-doped titania photocatalysts”, Plasma Process and Polymers, 2015, 12: 422-430

37. Bin Zhu, Xiao-Song Li, Jing-Lin Liu, Xiaobing Zhu*, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Kinetics study on carbon dioxide reforming of 甲烷 in kilohertz spark-discharge plasma”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 264: 445-452

38. Yang Liu, Xiao-Song Li, Jing-Lin Liu, Chuan Shi, Xiaobing Zhu*, Ai-Min Zhu, Ben W.-L. Jang*, “臭氧 catalytic oxidation for ammonia removal from simulated air at room 温度”, Catalysis Science \u0026 Technology, 2015, 2015, 5: 2227-2237

39. Bin Zhu, Xiao-Song Li, Jing-Lin Liu, Jin-Bao Liu, Xiaobing Zhu*, Ai-Min Zhu*, “In-situ regeneration of Au nanocatalysts by atmospheric-压强 air Plasma: significant contribution of 液态水 vapor”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2015, 179: 69-77













目录 22
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