李自成 :武汉工程大学电气信息学院教师

更新时间:2024-09-21 15:32

李自成,男,1977年9月出生,教授,博士,研究生导师。湖北省人工智能学会理事、副秘书长,湖北省自动化学会理事,湖北省新世纪高层次人才工程第三层次人选。2010年3月华中科技大学控制科学与工程专业博士研究生毕业,获工学博士学位;2011年5月到2013年4月在华中科技大学数字制造装备与技术国家重点实验室从事博士后研究;2013年5月到2014年4月在加拿大University of Waterloo做访问学者。2010年晋升为副教授,2015年晋升为教授。目前主要从事控制理论及应用、电机系统的高性能控制、计算机集成控制系统等方面的研究工作。







[1]Sai Zhang, Anwen Shen, Xin Luo, Qipeng Tang, Zicheng Li. Multi-sliding mode current disturbance suppression Scheme based model reference adaptive system for sensorless control of permanent 磁铁 synchronous 摩托车 ISA Transactions, 2023 (SCI/EI收录)

[2]Xiaobing Liao, Min Zhang, Jian Le, Lina Zhang, Zicheng Li. Global sensitivity analysis of static 电压 stability based on extended affine model. Electric 功率 Systems Research, 2022, 208:1-9 (SCI/EI收录)

[3]Sai Zhang, Zicheng Li, Houneng Wang, Tao Xiong. Fractional Order Sliding Mode Control Based on Single Parameter Adaptive Law for Nano-positioning of Piezoelectric Actuators. IET Control Theory and Applications, 2021, 15(10):1422-1437 (SCI/EI收录)

[4]李自成,张赛,王后能,熊涛. 基于混合差分遗传算法的 Bouc-Wen 迟滞模型辨识策略. 控制与决策,2021, 36(2):371-378 (EI收录)

[5]Zicheng Li, Qingyao Kong, Shanmei Cheng, Jiang Liu. Torque ripple suppression of brushless DC 摩托车 drives using an alternating two-phase and three-phase conduction mode. IET 功率 电子学, 2020, 13(8):1622-1629 (SCI/EI收录)

[6]Zicheng Li, Xuan Xiong, Houneng Wang, Tao Xiong. PrandTeam Liquidishlinskii model identification strategy based on an improved particle swarm optimization algorithm. 2020 5th International Conference on Control, Robotics and Cybernetics, P61-65, October 16, 2020 (EI收录)

[7]Jinlong Jia, Liwen Cao, Shuxun Sang, Zicheng Li. An experimental study on the damage characteristics of mechanical properties of anthracite induced by supercritical CO2 injection. Environmental 地球 Sciences, 2020, 79:12 (SCI/EI收录)

[8]Zicheng Li, Yangwu Chen, Houneng Wang. Piston Displacement Tracking of Hydraulic Propulsion System in Horizontal Well of Coal-bed 甲烷 Based on Sliding Mode Control. Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control and Decision Conference, P2645-2649, August 22-24, 2020 (EI收录)

[9]Zicheng Li, Yuan Yuan, Houneng 汪姓 Fuzzy Adaptive 时间Delay Feedback Controlling Chaos in Buck Converter. Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control and Decision Conference, P2645-2649, August 22-24, 2020 (EI收录)

[10]王志豪,李自成,王后能,刘庆 基于RBF神经网络的光伏系统MPPT研究.电力系统保护与控制,2020, 48(6):85-91 (EI收录)

[11]Zicheng Li, Mengxiong Ruan, Houneng Wang, Sai Zhang. Chaos control of boost converter based on super twisting sliding mode control. Proceedings of the 31st Chinese Control and Decision Conference. 2019:188-193 (EI收录)

[12]Zicheng Li, Xinzhi Liu, Xinyu Liu, Xiaomin Wang, Houneng 汪姓 Active 频率 Drift Islanding Detection Method with the Positive Feedback by Absolute Value of 电压 Frequency. Proceedings of Chinese 自动化技术 Congress. 2018:579-582 (EI收录)

[13]Wenlong Li, An Wu, Zicheng Li, Gang Zhang, Wenyong Yu. A new calibration method between an optical sensor and a rotating Platform in turbine blade inspection. Measurement Science and Technology, 2017:035009 (SCI/EI收录)

[14]Haojie Jian, Zicheng Li, Bin Zhao, Guoli Zhu. Advanced geological detection instrument for TBM tunneling based on AC induced polarization method. Proceedings of the 12th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications. 2016:1-5 (EI收录)

[15]胡祥涛,张红旗,李自成,黄永安 基于部分可观测Markov决策过程理论的盾构推进载荷规划. 机械工程学报,2014,50(21):84-91 (EI收录)

[16]任宏,何强,胡祥涛,李自成. 盾构掘进过程中隧道上覆地层松动土压力研究. 机械工程学报,2014,50(21):17-22 (EI收录)

[17]Hongqi Zhang, Xiangtao Hu, Xiaodong Shao, Zicheng Li, Yuhui Wang. IPSO-based hybrid approaches for reliability-redundancy allocation problems. Science China Technological Sciences,2013, 56(11):2854-2864 (SCI/EI收录)

[18]Zicheng Li, Zhouping Yin, Youlun Xiong, Xinzhi Liu. Rotor speed and stator resistance identification Scheme for sensorless induction 摩托车 drives. Telkomnika - Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2013, 11(1):503-512 (EI收录)

[19]Zicheng Li, Zhouping Yin, Li Zeng. Error compensation of stator resistance estimation in sensorless induction 摩托车 drives.Industrial Instrumentation and Control Systems, 2013, 241:1812-1815 (EI收录)

[20]Zicheng Li, Zhouping Yin, Youlun Xiong. A novel PWM Scheme for position sensorless control of BLDC motor drives based on back EMF. Lecture Notes in 计算机 Science, 2013, 8103:545-554 (EI收录)

[21]李自成,尹周平熊有伦 无刷直流电机换相转矩脉动分析及抑制. 华中科技大学学报, 2012, 40(S2):74-78(EI收录)

[22]Zicheng Li, Ziyu Ou, Shanmei 成姓 Rotor position phase correction for sensorless brushless DC 摩托车 based on line back EMF. Renewable and Sustainable 能量, 2012, 347: 607-610 (EI收录)

[23]李自成,程善美,秦忆. 线反电动势检测无刷直流电机转子位置方法. 电机与控制学报, 2010, 14(12):96-100 (EI收录)

[24]李自成,程善美,蔡凯,秦忆. 反电动势过零检测无刷直流电机转子位置新方法. 电工技术学报, 2009, 24(7):52-58 (EI收录)

[25]李自成,程善美,蔡凯,秦忆. 减小无刷直流电机转矩脉动的PWM新方法. 华中科技大学学报, 2009, 37(11):1-4 (EI收录)

[26]Zicheng Li, Shanmei Cheng, Yi Qin, Kai Cai. A novel line-to-line back EMF calculation for sensorless brushless DC 摩托车 drives. 11th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, 2008, 1406-1411 (EI收录)

[27]沈安文,李自成. 基于MRAS的感应电机无速度传感器向量控制. 华中科技大学学报, 2005, 33(12):51-53 (EI收录)





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