殷允强 :东华理工大学理学院副教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 15:16




殷允强,现任东华理工大学理学院副教授,博士。曾荣获北京师范大学2006-2007 年度优秀研究生奖学金—学术优秀奖、北京师范大学励耘奖学助学基金一等奖及北京师范大学2009届优秀毕业研究生,及江西省教育成果奖三等奖。主要研究领域涉及调度理论与算法、模糊(超)代数学等。现为Information Sciences(SCI)、Computers \u0026 Industrial Engineering(SCI)、International Journal of Fuzzy Systems(SCI)、Computers \u0026 数学 with Applications(SCI)等多个国际期刊的审稿人,并担任国际期刊Italian Journal of pure and applied mathematics的编委。近几年, 在 IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans(SCI)、Information Sciences(SCI)、Expert Systems With Applications(SCI)、Computers \u0026 数学 with Applications(SCI)、Applied Mathematical Modelling(SCI)、International Journal of Fuzzy Systems(SCI)、Computers \u0026 Mathematics with Applications(SCI)、The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology(SCI)等国外著名期刊发表(含接收)研究论文85篇,其中SCI刊源69篇,EI检索 6 篇,出版专著《Fuzzy hemirings》一部。作为主要参与人参与了两项国家自然科学基金,作为项目负责人主持了一项江西省青年自然科学基金、一项江西省教育厅青年科学基金以及一项华理工大学博士基金科研基金。2011年6月和8月分别受台湾正修科技大学和台湾逢甲大学邀请访问和交流两周。




1. Yunqiang Yin, Hongxing Li, Note on ``Generalized fuzzy interior ideals in semigroups”, Information Sciences, . (SCI)

2. Yunqiang Yin, Xiao-Kun Huang, Zhen-Liang Zhang, The fuzzy prime ideals in fuzzy semigroups based on fuzzy points, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 31.

3. Yunqiang Yin, Fei Li, Zhen-Liang Zhang, The pointwise fuzzy maximal ideals in fuzzy semigroups, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied 数学, 21.

4. Fei Li, Yunqiang Yin, Lingxia Lu, -fuzzy rough approximation operators and the -fuzzy rough ideals on a ring, Information Sciences. (SCI)

5. Fei Li, Yunqiang Yin, Zhen-Liang Zhang, The fuzzy point 功率 ring, Southeast Asian Bulletin of 数学, .

6. Xiaokun Huang, Hongjie Li, Yunqiang Yin, The -hemiregular fuzzy duo hemirings, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, (SCI)


7. Yunqiang Yin, Hongxing Li, The characterizations of -hemiregular hemirings and h-intra-hemiregular hemirings, Information Sciences, . (SCI)

8. Yunqiang Yin, Xiao-Kun Huang, Zhen-Liang Zhang, The properties and structures of fuzzy 功率 monoid, Set-valued 数学 and Applications 1.

9. Yunqiang Yin, Dehua Xu, Hongxing Li, The -fuzzy prime, weak-prime and semiprime ideals of -fuzzy semigroups, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, .

10. Yunqiang Yin, Hongxing Li, The characterization of regular and intra-regular ordered semigroups, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied 数学, .

11. Xiaokun Huang, Yunqiang Yin, Jine Zhao, The -fuzzy ideals of a semigroup, Mathematical Science Research Journal, .

12. Xiaokun Huang, Yunqiang Yin, The -fuzzy prime ideals and maximal ideals of a semigroup, International 数学 Forum, 932.


13. Yunqiang Yin, Dehua Xu, Kaibiao Sun, Hongxing Li, Some scheduling problems with general position- dependent and 时间dependent learning effects, Information Sciences,. (SCI)

14. Yunqiang Yin, Xiaokun Huang, Dehua Xu, Fei Li, The characterization of-semisimple hemirings, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, . (SCI)

15. Yunqiang Yin, Dehua Xu, Hongxing Li, The -fuzzy subusemigroups and ideals of -fuzzy semigroups, Southeast Asian Bulletin of 数学, .

16. Fei Li, Yunqiang Yin, Approaches to knowledge reduction of covering decision systems based on information theory, Inform. Sci. . (SCI)

17. Dehua Xu, Yunqiang Yin, Hongxing Li. A note on "scheduling of nonresumable jobs and flexible maintenance activities on a single machine to minimize makespan". European Journal of Operational Research, . (SCI)

18. Dehua Xu, Zhenmin Cheng, Yunqiang Yin, Hongxing Li. Makespan minimization for two parallel machines scheduling with a periodic availability constraint. Computers and Operations Research, 36 (2009) 1809-1812. (SCI)

19. Jianhua Wang, Xinhe Lin, Yunqiang Yin, Intuitionistic fuzzy ideals with thresholds of rings, International mathematical Forum, .

20. Hongjie Li, Xiaokun Huang, Yunqiang Yin, The characterization of regular hemirings, Southeast Asian Bulletin of 数学, .


21. Yunqiang Yin, Jianming Zhan, Dehua Xu, Jiayin Wang, The -fuzzy hypermodules, Computers \u0026 Mathematics with Applications, . (SCI)

22. Yunqiang Yin, Jianming Zhan, New types of fuzzy filters of BL-algebras, Computers \u0026 数学 with Applications, . (SCI)

23. Yunqiang Yin, Dehua Xu, Jiayin Wang, Some single-machine scheduling problems past-sequence-dependent setup times and a general learning effect, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, . (SCI)

24. Yunqiang Yin, Dehua Xu, Notes on "Minimizing the earliness/tardiness costs on parallel machine with learning effects and deteriorating jobs: a mixed nonlinear integer programming approach", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, . (SCI)

25. Yunqiang Yin, Dehua Xu, Jibo Wang, Notes on "Single-machine scheduling with a 时间dependent deterioration", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, . (SCI)

26. Yunqiang Yin, Dehua Xu, Jiayin Wang, Single-machine scheduling with a general sum-of-actual-processing-times-based and job-position-based learning effect, Applied Mathematical Modelling, . (SCI)

27. Yunqiang Yin, Zhousheng Ruan, Hai Sun, Single-machine scheduling problems with past-sequence-deppendent setup times and deterioration jobs,The third international joint conference on computational sciences and optimization(CSO 2010), .(EI)

28. Yunqiang Yin, Hai Sun, Zhousheng Ruan, Single-machine scheduling problems with general learning effects and deterioration jobs, The third international joint conference on computational sciences and optimization (CSO 2010), .(EI)

29. Dehua Xu, Yunqiang Yin, Hongxing Li. Scheduling jobs under increasing linear

machine maintenance 时间 Journal of Scheduling . (SCI)

30. Dehua Xu, Yunqiang Yin, Hongxing Li. Comments on “A note on minimizing maximum lateness in an m-machine scheduling problem with a learning effect” . Applied 数学 and Computation. (SCI)

31. Jianming Zhan, Yunqiang Yin, Redefined generalized fuzzy ideals of near-rings, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. 25(3)2010 341-348. (SCI)

32. Aihua Liu, Yunqiang Yin, Junpo Jiang, Flow Shop Scheduling Problems with General Learning Effect under Dominant Machines, 2010 International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering, 1. (EI)

33. Zhihui Yang, Yunqiang Yin, New method for the measurement on the roughness of rough set, Proceedings - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence, AICI 2010, v 1, . (EI)

34. Guochen Sun, Yunqiang Yin, Yuewu Li, Interval valued fuzzy -ideals of hemirings, International Mathematical Forum,.

35. Guochen Sun, Yuewu Li, Yunqiang Yin, The characterization of regular ordered semigroups, Advanced and Applications in Mathematical Sciences, .


36. Yunqiang Yin, Dehua Xu, Xiaokun Huang, Notes on "The common due-date early/tardy scheduling problem on a parallel machine under the effects of 时间dependent learning and linear and nonlinear deterioration", Expert Systems With Applications, . (SCI)

37. Yunqiang Yin, Dehua Xu, Xiaokun Huang, Notes on ``some single-machine scheduling problems with general position-dependent and 时间dependent learning effects", Information Sciences, . (SCI)

38. Yunqiang Yin, Dehua Xu, Notes on “Single machine scheduling problems under the effects of nonlinear deterioration and time-dependent learning”, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, . (SCI)

39. Yunqiang Yin, Dehua Xu, Some singe-machine scheduling problems with general

effects of learning and deterioration, Computers \u0026 数学 with Applications, . (SCI)

40. Yunqiang Yin, Jianming Zhan, P. Corsini, -fuzzy roughness of n-ary polygroups, Acta Mathematica Sinica English Series, . (SCI)

41. Yunqiang Yin, Jianming Zhan, P. Corsini, Fuzzy roughness of n-ary hypergroups based a complete residuated lattice, Neural Computing \u0026 Applications, . (SCI)

42. Yunqiang Yin, Young Bae Jun, Jianming Zhan, Vague soft hemirings, Computers and 数学 with Applications, . (SCI)

43. Yunqiang Yin, Jianming Zhan, Xiaokun Huang, A new view of L-fuzzy polygroups, Neural Computing \u0026 Applications, . (SCI)

44. Yunqiang Yin, Dehua Xu, Xiaokun Huang, Erratum to ``Single-machine scheduling problems with both deteriorating jobs and learning effects", Applied Mathematical Modelling, . (SCI)

45. Yunqiang Yin, Dehua Xu, Xiaokun Huang, Erratum to ``Single machine past-sequence-dependent setup times scheduling with general position-dependent and 时间dependent learning effects", Applied Mathematical Modelling, . (SCI)

46. Yunqiang Yin, Jianming Zhan, Dehua Xu, Generalized intuitionistic fuzzy ideals of ordered semigroups,Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, . (SCI)

47. Yunqiang Yin, Jianming Zhan, Xiaokun Huang, A new way to fuzzy -ideals of hemirings, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, . (SCI)

48. Yunqiang Yin, Xiao-kun Huang, Fuzzy roughness in hyperrings based on a complete residuated lattice, International journal of fuzzy systems, . (SCI)

49. Yunqiang Yin, Dehua Xu, Xiaokun Huang, Notes on “Single-machine scheduling with past-sequence-dependent setup times and effects of deterioration and learning”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, . (SCI)

50. Yunqiang Yin, Fenglian Yuan, A note on single-machine scheduling with deteriorating jobs, Advanced Materials Research. .(EI)

51. Dehua Xu, Yunqiang Yin,Comments on `A bicriteria parallel machine schedulingwith a learning effect”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,. (SCI)

52. Dehua Xu, Yunqiang Yin, A note on “Human and Machine Effects in a Just-In-时间 Scheduling Problem” [Eren, T. (2009). Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, ],Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries, . (SSCI,SCI)

53. Dehua Xu, Yunqiang Yin, Comments on “A bicriteria m-machine flowshop scheduling with sequence-dependent setup times”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, (SCI)

54. Dehua Xu, Yunqiang Yin, Notes on “A bicriteria flowshop scheduling with a learning effect”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, (SCI)

55. Dehua Xu, Yunqiang Yin, Comments on “A bicriteria parallel machine scheduling with a learning effect of setup and removal times”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, (SCI)

56. Dehua Xu, Yunqiang Yin, Erratum to “Minimizing total tardiness in a scheduling problem with a learning effect” [Appl. 数学 Model. , Applied Mathematical Modelling, (SCI)

57. Dehua Xu, Yunqiang Yin, Comments on “A bicriteria parallel machine scheduling with a learning effect of setup and removal times”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, (SCI)

58. Dehua Xu, Yunqiang Yin, On single-machine scheduling with flexible maintenance activities, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, . (SCI)

59. Chin-Chia Wu, Yunqiang Yin, Shuenn-Ren Cheng, Some single-machine scheduling problems with a truncation learning effect, Computers \u0026 Industrial Engineering, 60.(SCI)

60. Jianming Zhan,Yunqiang Yin, Yang Xu, A new view of fuzzy ideals in rings, Annals of Fuzzy 数学 and Informatics ,2.

61. Xinhe Lin, Yunqiang Yin, Interval-valued fuzzy h-ideals of -hemirings, Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics, 1 .

62. B. Davvaz, Jianming Zhan, Yunqiang Yin, --rings, Computers \u0026 数学 with Applications, 61. (SCI)

63. Xiaokun Huang, Sican Xiong, Yunqiang Yin, Single-machine scheduling problems with decreasing linear deterioration and learning effects, 2011 Fourth International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and 最优化, . (EI)

64. Jiehua Zhou, Yuewu Li, Yunqiang Yin, Intuitionistic fuzzy soft semigroups, Mathematica Aeterna, 1.


65. Yunqiang Yin, Chin-Chia Wu, Wen-Hsiang Wu, Shuenn-Ren Cheng, The single-machine total weighted tardiness scheduling problem with position-based learning effects, Computers \u0026 Operations Research . (SCI)

66. Yunqiang Yin, Min Liu, Jinhua Hao, Mengchu Zhou, Single machine scheduling with job position-dependent learning and time-dependent deterioration, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, . (SCI)

67. Yunqiang Yin, Shuenn-Ren Cheng, Chin-Chia Wu, Scheduling problems with two agents and a linear non-increasing deterioration to minimize earliness penalties, Information Sciences, . (SCI)

68. Yunqiang Yin, Jianming Zhan, Xiaokun Huang, Generalized fuzzy n-ary subhypergroups of a commutative n-ary hypergroup, Mathematica Slovaca . (SCI)

69. 殷允强, 詹建明, 模糊软P-超群,数学学报中文版, .

70. Xueling Ma, Yunqiang Yin, Jianming Zhan, Characterizations of h-intra- and h-quasi -hemiregular hemirings, Computers \u0026 数学 with Applications . (SCI)

Accepted paper:

71. Yunqiang Yin, Jianming Zhan, The characterization of ordered semigroups in terms of fuzzy soft ideals,Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, (SCI)

72. Yunqiang Yin, Young Bae Jun, Zhihui Yang, General forms of -fuzzy ideals of ordered semigroups, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, (SCI)

73. Yunqiang Yin, B. Davvaz, Jianming Zhan, A fuzzy view of -hyperrings, Neural Computing \u0026 Applications, doi: 10.-y. (SCI)

74. Yunqiang Yin, Jianming Zhan, The characterizations of hemirings in terms of fuzzy soft h-ideals, Neural Computing \u0026 Applications, doi: 10.. (SCI)

75. Yunqiang Yin, Chin-Chia Wu, Wen-Hsiang Wu, Juei-Chao Chen, Single-machine group scheduling with a general learning effect, European Journal of Industrial Engineering, accepted. (SCI)

76. Yunqiang Yin, Dehua Xu, Xiaokun Huang, Notes on “Scheduling problems with general effects of deterioration and learning” Information Sciences, doi:(SCI)

77. Yunqiang Yin, TCE Cheng, Dehua Xu, 齐纳吾·英塔拉库辛Chia 吴语 Common due date assignment and scheduling with a rate-modifying activity to minimize the due date, earliness, tardiness, holding, and batch delivery cos, Computers \u0026 Industrial Engineering, Doi: /j.cie... (SCI)

78. Yunqiang Yin, Dehua Xu, Shuenn-Ren Cheng and Chin-Chia Wu, A generalizetion model of learning and deteriorating effects on a single-machine scheduling with past-sequence

-dependent setup times, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, in press. (SCI)

79. Jianming Zhan, Yunqiang Yin, New types of fuzzy ideals of near-rings, Neural Computing \u0026 Applications, doi: 10./---1. (SCI)

80. Chin-Chia Wu, Yunqiang Yin, Wen-Hsiang Wu, Shuenn-Ren Cheng, Some polynomial solvable single-machine scheduling problems with a truncation sum-of-processing-times based learning effect, European Journal of Industrial Engineering, accepted. (SCI)

81. Wen-Hsiang Wu, Yunqiang Yin, Shuenn-Ren Cheng, pengHsiang Hsu, Chin-Chia Wu, Genetic algorithm for a two-agent scheduling problem with truncated learning consideration, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, accepted. (SCI)

82. Chin-Chia Wu, Yunqiang Yin, Shuenn-Ren Cheng, Single-machine and two-machine flowshop scheduling problems with truncated position-based learning functions, Journal of the Operational Research Society, accepted. (SCI)

83. Fei Li, Yunqiang Yin, The θ-lower and T-upper fuzzy rough approximation operators on a semigroup, Information Sciences, Doi:. (SCI)

84. Xiaokun Huang, Hongjie Li, Yunqiang Yin, Notes on “Vague soft sets and their properties” Computers \u0026 数学 with Applications, Doi:. (SCI)

85. Wen-Hsiang Wu, Shuenn-Ren Cheng, Chin-Chia Wu, Yunqiang Yin, Ant colony algorithms for a two-agent scheduling with sum-of processing times-based learning and deteriorating considerations, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, . (SCI)


1. Yunqiang Yin, Jiayin Wang,Fuzzy hemirings,Science Press USA inc., USA, 2010.

2. 张振良、张金玲、殷允强、李扉.模糊集理论与方法. 武汉市武汉大学出版社, 2010.



1. 江西省青年自然科学基金《代数超结构学的模糊不确定性研究》,编号.

2. 江西省教育厅青年科学基金《超代数学的不确定性理论及应用》,编号.

3. 华理工大学博士基金科研基金《h-半环的不确定性理论及应用》。



5. 国家自然科学基金《结构性数据中属性重要性评价及其统计推断》,编号.





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