王慧 :中国科学院上海生科院营养所研究员

更新时间:2024-09-21 11:43







2006年入选上海市“浦江人才计划”,2007年入选中国科学院“百人计划”, 2011年获得国家杰出青年科学基金资助,2011年被评为上海市科技系统三八红旗手, 2012年入选上海市优秀学术带头人,2013年获得中国青年女科学家奖,2014年获得明治生命科学奖优秀奖,2015年获得上海市三八红旗手,2015年获得第十四届“上海市科技精英”提名奖,2016年获得首届女科技工作者社会服务奖。



(1) 肿瘤分子靶点和营养药学的应用基础研究:发现肿瘤人群易感标志物和诊断治疗新靶点,研究靶点功能及其分子调控和信号转导,探索以膳食营养素、天然植物活性成份、化学小分子探针等靶向干预和治疗肿瘤的新机制和新方法。

(2) 营养和食品安全的基础和应用研究:营养成分安全性评价及毒理学研究,营养素和营养素物质的安全剂量,过量时的毒理作用以及机制;食物中有毒有害物质代谢途径和致病机理,食品安全风险评估、预防控制和检测新技术研究。


Ba Q, Huang C, Fu Y, Li J, Li J, Chu R, Jia X,Wang H*. Cumulative metabolic effects of low-dose benzo(a)pyrene exposure on human cells.毒理学 Research. 2016;5:107-115. (*Corresponding author)

Li X, Yao W, Yuan Y, Chen P, Li B, Li J, Chu R, Song H, Xie D, Jiang X,Wang H*. Targeting of tumour-infiltrating macrophages via CCL2/CCR2 signalling as a therapeutic strategy against hepatocellular carcinoma.Gut. 2015 Oct 9. (*Corresponding author)

Zhang X, Ba Q, Gu Z, Guo D, Zhou Y, Xu Y,Wang H*, Ye D, Liu H. Fluorescent Coumarin–Artemisinin Conjugates as Mitochondria-Targeting Theranostic Probes for Enhanced Anticancer Activities.化学 2015 Nov 23;21(48):17415-21. (*Corresponding author)

Ba Q, Li J, Huang C, Qiu H, Li J, Chu R,Zhang W, Xie D, Wu Y,Wang H*. Cumulative benzo(a)pyrene exposure promotes humanhepatocellular carcinoma angiogenesis and metastasis via NF-κB pathway.Environ Health Perspect. 2015 Mar;123(3):246-54. (*Corresponding author)

Ba Q, Li J, Huang C, Li J, Chu R, Wu Y,Wang H*. Topological, functional, and dynamic properties of the protein interaction networks rewired by benzo(a)pyrene.Toxicol Appl Pharmac奥林匹克里昂足球俱乐部 2015 Mar 1;283(2):83-91. (*Corresponding author)

Li M, Zhang Z, Li X, Ye J, Wu X, Tan Z, Liu C, Shen B, Wang XA, Wu W, Zhou D, Zhang D, Wang T, Liu B, Qu K, Ding Q, Weng H, Ding Q, Mu J, Shu Y, Bao R, Cao Y, Chen P, Liu T, Jiang L, Hu Y, 越南盾 P, Gu J, Lu W, Shi W, Lu J, Gong W, Tang Z, Zhang Y, Wang X, Chin YE, Weng X, Zhang H, Tang W, Zheng Y, He L,Wang H*, Liu Y, Liu Y. Whole-exome and targeted gene sequencing of gallbladder carcinoma identifies recurrent mutations in the ErbB pathway.Nat Genet. 2014 Aug;46(8):872-6. (*Corresponding author)

Li M, Chen P, Li J, Chu R, Xie D,Wang H*. The Impacts of Circulating 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels on Cancer Patient Outcomes: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Jul;99(7):2327-36. (*Corresponding author)

Chen P, Li C, Li X, Li J, Chu R,Wang H*. Higher dietary folate intake reduces the breast cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Br J Cancer. 2014 Apr 29;110(9):2327-38. (*Corresponding author)

Li C, Chen P, Hu P, Li M, Li X, Guo H, Li J, Chu R, Zhang W,Wang H*. Folate intake and MT华丰橡胶 polymorphism C677T is not associated with ovarian cancer risk: evidence from the meta-analysis.摩尔 Biol Rep. 2013 Dec;40(12):6547-60. (*Corresponding author)

Huang C, Ba Q, Yue Q, Li J, Li J, Chu R,Wang H*. Artemisinin rewires the protein interaction network in cancer cells: network analysis, pathway identification, and target prediction.摩尔 Biosyst. 2013 Dec 29;9(12):3091-100. (*Corresponding author)

Li J, Ba Q, Yin J, Wu S, Zhuan F, Xu S, Li J, Salazar JK, Zhang W,Wang H*. Surface Display of Recombinant Drosophila melanogaster Acetylcholinesterase for Detection of Organic Phosphorus and Carbamate Pesticides.PLoS ONE. 2013 Sep 9;8(9):e72986. (*Corresponding author)

Liu Y, Li C, Chen P, Li X, Li M, Guo H, Li J, Chu R,Wang H*. Polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor (VDR) and the risk of ovarian cancer: a meta-analysis.PLoS ONE. 2013 Jun 24;8(6):e66716. (*Corresponding author)

Li M, Chen PZ, Yue QX, Li JQ, Chu RA, Zhang W,Wang H*. Pungent ginger components modulates human cytochrome P450 enzymes in vitro.Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2013 Sep 5;34(9):1237-42. (*Corresponding author)

Hou W, Qin X, Zhu X, Fei M, Liu P, Liu L, Moon H, Zhang P, Greshock J, Bachman KE, Ye BC,Wang H*, Zang CY. Lapatinib inhibits the growth of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and synergistically interacts with 5-fluorouracil in patient-derived xenograft models.Oncol Rep. 2013 Aug;30(2):707-14. (*Corresponding author)

Ba Q, Duan J, Tian JQ, Wang ZL, Chen T, Li XG, Chen PZ, Wu SJ, Xiang L, Li JQ, Chu RA,Wang H*. Dihydroartemisinin promotes angiogenesis during the early embryonic development of zebrafish.Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2013 Aug;34(8):1101-7. (*Corresponding author)

Li X, Yang X, Liu Y, Gong N, Yao W, Chen P, Qin J, Jin H, Li J, Chu R, Shan L, Zhang R, Zhang W,Wang H*. Japonicone A suppresses growth of Burkitt’s lymphoma cells through its effect on NF-κB.Clin Cancer Res. 2013 Jun 1;19(11):2917-28. (*Corresponding author)

Li X ,Chen T, Lin S, Zhao J, Chen P, Ba Q, Guo H, Liu Y, Li J, Chu R, Shan L , Zhang W andWang H*. Valeriana jatamansi Constituent IVHD-valtrate As a Novel Therapeutic Agent to Human Ovarian Cancer: in vitro and in vivo Activities and Mechanisms.Curr Cancer Drug Targets. 2013 May 1;13(4):472-83. (*Corresponding author)

Zhang X, Wang W,Wang H, Wang MH, Xu W, Zhang R. Identification of ribosomal protein S25 (RPS25)-MDM2-p53 regulatory feedback loop.Oncogene. 2013 May 30;32(22):2782-91.

Chen P, Li M, Gu X, Liu Y, Li X, Li C, Wang Y, Xie D, Wang F, Yu C, Li J, Chen X, Chu R, Zhu J, Ou Z,Wang H*. Higher Blood 25(OH)D Level May Reduce the Breast Cancer Risk: Evidence from a Chinese Population Based Case-Control Study and Meta-Analysis of the Observational Studies.PLoS ONE. 2013;8(1):e49312. (*Corresponding author)

Lin S, Zhang ZX, Chen T, Ye J, Dai WX, Shan L, Su J, Shen YH, Li HL, Liu RH, Xu XK,Wang H*, Zhang WD. Characterization of chlorinated valepotriates from Valeriana jatamansi.Phyto化学 2013 Jan;85:185-93. (*Corresponding author)

Ba Q, Zhou N, Duan J, Chen T, Hao M, Yang X, Li J, Yin J, Chu R,Wang H*. Dihydroartemisinin Exerts Its Anticancer Activity through Depleting Cellular Iron via Transferrin 捕手1.PLoS ONE. 2012;7(8):e42703. (*Corresponding author)

Zhang X, Zhang Z, Cheng J, Li M, Wang W, Xu W,Wang H, Zhang R. Transcription factor NFAT1 activates the mdm2 oncogene independent of p53.J Biol Chem. 2012 Aug 31;287(36):30468-76.

Ba Q, Hao M, Huang H, Hou J, Ge S, Zhang Z, Yin J, Chu R, Jiang H, Wang F, Chen K, Liu H andWang H*. Iron deprivation suppresses hepatocellular carcinoma growth in experimental studies.Clin Cancer Res. 2011 Dec 15;17(24):7625-33. (*Corresponding author)

Chen T, Xu Y, Guo H, Liu Y, Hu P, Yang X, Li X, Ge S, Velu S, Nadkarni D, Wang W, Zhang R andWang H*. Experimental therapy of ovarian cancer with synthetic Makaluvamine Analog: In vitro and in vivo anticancer activity and molecular mechanisms of action.PLoS ONE. 2011;6(6):e20729. (*Corresponding author)

Duan J, Ba Q, Wang Z, Hao M, Hu P, Li X, Zhang D, Zhang R andWang H*. Knockdown of Ribosomal Protein S7 Causes Developmental Abnormalities via p53 Dependent and Independent Pathways in Zebrafish.Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2011 Aug;43(8):1218-27. (*Corresponding author)

Guo D, Chen T, Ye D, Xu j, Jiang H, Chen K,Wang H*and Liu H. Cell-permeable Imino香豆素based Fluorescent Dyes for Mitochondria.Org Lett. 2011 Jun 3;13(11):2884-7. (*Corresponding author)

Li M, Zhou Y, Chen P, Yang H, Yuan X, Tajima K, Cao J andWang H*. Genetic Variants on Chromosome 8q24 and Colorectal Neoplasia Risk: A C欧洲航天局control Study in China and a Meta-analysis of the Published Literature.PLoS ONE. 2011 Mar; 6(3):e18251. (*Corresponding author)

Hao M, Wang W, Zhao Y, Zhang R andWang H*. Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of 25-hydroxyprotopanaxadiol, an anti-cancer compound isolated from 人参属 ginseng, in athymic mice bearing xenografts of human pancreatic tumors.Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. 2011 Jan;35(3-4):109-13. (*Corresponding author)

Feng Y, Wang T, Deng Y, Yang P, Li J, Guan D, Yao F, Zhu Y, Qin Y, Wang H, Li N, Wu M,Wang H, Wang X, Cheng S and Xie D. Sorafenib suppresses postsurgical recurrence and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma in an orthotopic mouse model.Hepatology. 2011 Feb;53(2):483-92.

Hao M, Ba Q, Yin J, Li J, Zhao Y andWang H*. Deglycosylated ginsenosides are more potent inducers of CYP1A1, CYP1A2 and CYP3A4 expression in HepG2 cells than glycosylated ginsenosides.Drug 新陈代谢 and Pharmacokinetics. 2011;26(2):201-5. (*Corresponding author)

Tang H, Pang S, Wang M, Xiao X, Rong Y,Wang H, Zang YQ. TLR4 activation is required for IL-17-induced multiple tissue inflammation and wasting in mice.J Immun奥林匹克里昂女子足球队 2010 Aug 15;185(4):2563-9.

Liang J, Chen P, Hu Z, Shen H, Wang F, Chen L, Li M, Tang J,Wang H*and Shen H. Genetic variants in trinucleotide repeat-containing 9 (TNRC9) are associated with risk of estrogen receptor positive breast cancer in a Chinese population.Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2010 Nov;124(1):237-41. (*Corresponding author)

Feng Y, Ding X, Chen T, Chen L, Liu F, Jia X, Luo X, Shen X, Chen K, Jiang H,Wang H*, Liu H, Liu D. Design, synthesis and interaction study of quinazoline-2(1H)-thione derivatives as potential novel Bcl-xL Inhibitors.J Med Chem. 2010 May 13;53(9):3465-79. (*Corresponding author)

Lin S, Chen T, Liu XH, Shen YH, Li HL, Shan L, Liu RH, Xu XK, Zhang WD,Wang H*. Iridoids and Lignans from Valeriana jatamansi.J Nat Prod. 2010 Apr 23;73(4):632-8. (*Corresponding author)

Chen P, Hu P, Xie D, Qin Y, Wang F, andWang H*. Meta-analysis of Vitamin D, Calcium and the Prevention of Breast Cancer.Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2010 Jun;121(2):469-77. (*Corresponding author)

Chen T, Li M, Zhang R, andWang H*. Dihydroartemisinin Induces Apoptosis and Sensitizes Human Ovarian Cancer Cells to 卡铂 Therapy.J Cell 摩尔 Med. 2009 Jul;13(7):1358-70. (*Corresponding author)

Lin S, Shen YH, Li HL, Yang XW, Chen T, Lu LH, Huang ZS, Liu RH, Xu XK, Zhang WD,Wang H*. Acylated iridoids with cytotoxicity from Valeriana jatamansi.J Nat Prod. 2009 Apr;72(4):650-5. (*Corresponding author)

Chen D, Zhang J, Li M, Rayburn ER,Wang H, Zhang R. RYBP stabilizes p53 by modulating MDM2.EMBO Rep. 2009 Feb;10(2):166-72.

Liang J, Chen P, Hu Z, Zhou X, Chen L, Li M, Wang Y, Tang J,Wang H*and Shen H. Genetic variants in fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) contribute to susceptibility of breast cancer in Chinese women.Carcinogenesis. 2008 Dec;29(12):2341-6. (*Corresponding author)

Chen P, Liang J, Wang Z, Zhou X, Chen L, Li M, Xie D, Hu Z, Shen H, andWang H*. Association of Common PALB2 Polymorphisms with Breast Cancer Risk: a Case-Control Study.Clin Cancer Res. 2008. Sep 15; 14 (8): 5931-37. (* Corresponding author)

Hou J, Wang D, Zhang R, andWang H*. Experimental Therapy of Hepatoma with Artemisinin and Its Derivatives: In vitro and In vivo Activity, Chemosensitization, and Mechanisms of Action.Clin Cancer Res. 2008 Sep 1; 14(17):5519-30. (* Corresponding author)

Hao M, Zhao Y, Chen P, Huang H, Liu H, Zhang R, andWang H*. Structure-Activity Relationship and Substrate-dependent Phenomena in Effects of Ginsenosides on Activities of Drug-metabolizing P450 Isozymes.PLoS ONE. 2008 Jul 16;3(7):e2697. (* Corresponding author)

Wang W,Wang H*, Rayburn ER, Zhao Y, Hill DL, Zhang R. 20(S)-25-methoxyl-dammarane-3β, 12β, 20-triol, a novel natural product for prostate cancer: activity in vitro and in vivo and mechanisms of action.Br J Cancer. 2008 Feb 26;98(4):792-802. (*Co-first and Corresponding author)

Wang W, Rayburn ER, HaoM, Zhao Y, Hill DL, Zhang R,Wang H*. Experimental Therapy of Prostate Cancer with Novel Natural Product Anti-cancer Ginsenosides.Prostate. 2008 Mar 6;68(8):809-819 .(*Corresponding author)


( 1 )一种原人参二醇衍生物的抗肿瘤用途,2011,第5作者

( 2 )用于有机磷和氨基甲酸类农药残留快速检测的显色方法,2010,第1作者

( 3 )一种致病微生物快速检测试剂盒,2010,第1作者

( 4 )一种用于解酒保肝的组合物、其制备方法及应用,2009,第1作者

( 5 )一种在细胞表面展示外源蛋白的方法及产品,2008,第1作者


( 1 )预防医学(国家杰出青年科学基金),主持,国家级,2012-01--2015-12

( 2 )食品化学污染物与新资源危害识别关键技术研究,主持,国家级,2012-01--2014-12

( 3 )全自动食源性致病菌快速检测设备研制,主持,国家级,2015-01--2019-12


中国科学院大学研究生导师简介-王慧 - 中国科学院大学师资导师.Free考研考试.2022-01-26

目录 22
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