王齐华 :兰州化学物理研究所原所长

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奖励信息2010年 获得国家杰出青年基金

2009年12月 获2009年度中国科学院“朱李月华优秀教师”奖


2007年03月 获2006年国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴

2007年05月 获第十一届“甘肃青年五四奖章标兵”荣誉称号


1998年08月 获中国科学院首届刘永龄奖




[1] Ruan, Hongwei, Zhang, Yaoming, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Chao, Wang, Tingmei. A novel earthworm-inspired smart lubrication material with self-healing 函数 摩擦学 INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2022, 165:

[2] Duan, Chunjian, Gao, Chuanping, Li, Song, Yang, Rui, Yang, Zenghui, Zhang, Yaoming, Tao, Liming, Zhang, Xinrui, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Tingmei. Tailoring polyimide composites with low friction and wear at high temperatures. JOURNAL OF APPLIED 均聚物 SCIENCE[J]. 2022, 139(9):

[3] Chunhui Qu, Tingmei Wang, Qihua Wang, Shoubing Chen. A novel ternary interpenetrating polymer networks based on NBR/PU/EP with outstanding damping and tribological properties for H₂O-lubricated bearings. 摩擦学 International[J]. 2022, 167:

[4] 杨增辉, 张耀明, 张新瑞, 王廷梅, 王齐华. 高温形状记忆聚合物研究进展. 功能高分子学报[J]. 2022, 35(4): 1-14.

[5] Wang, Ruoyu, Wang, Qihua. Determination and estimation of optimal quarantine duration for infectious diseases with application to 数据 analysis of COVID-19. BIOMETRICS. 2021, .

[6] 杨蕊, 马巍, 王超, 王廷梅, 王齐华. 热轧对Ti-50.8Ni合金显微组织及摩擦学行为的影响. 中国有色金属学报:英文版. 2021, 31(4): 967-979,

[7] Guo, Lihe, Zhang, Yaoming, Zhang, Ga, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Tingmei. MXene-Al2O3 synergize to reduce friction and wear on epoxy-steel contacts lubricated with ultra-low diesel. 摩擦学 INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2021, 153: .1016/j.triboint.2020.106588 .

[8] Ruan, Hongwei, Zhang, Yaoming, Li, Song, Yang, Lijun, Wang, Chao, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Effect of 温度 on the friction and wear performance of porous oil-containing polyimide. 摩擦学 INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2021, 157: .1016/j.triboint.2021.106891 .

[9] Qu, Chunhui, Li, Song, Zhang, Yaoming, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua, Chen, Shoubing. surface modification of Ti(3)C2-MXene with polydopamine and amino silane for high performance nitrile butadiene rubber composites. 摩擦学 Internationa[J]. 2021, 163: .1016/j.triboint.2021.107150 .

[10] Tang, Zhangzhang, Yang, Jing, Gong, Junhui, Zhang, Xinrui, Chen, Shoubing, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Tingmei, Zhang, Jianqiang, Zhang, Yaoming. 氰酸盐 ester based shape memory 均聚物s with enhanced toughness and tailored property. REACTIVE \u0026 FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS[J]. 2021, 166: .1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2021.104982 .

[11] Zhang, Nan, Zhang, Yaoming, Duan, Chunjian, Li, Song, Yang, Zenghui, Zhang, Xinrui, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Supercritical CO2-assisted microfluidization as ultra-high efficiency strategy for graphene preparation. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE[J]. 2021, 56(28): 15653-15666, .1007/s10853-021-05903-4 .

[12] Wu, Jianyu, Liu, Hong, Wang, Hongding, Ma, Wei, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Effects of TiO2 decorated reduced graphene 氧化物 on mechanical and tribological properties of thermosetting polyimide. COMPOSITE INTERFACES. 2021, :000612100400001.

[13] 丰晓春, 贾均红, 高强, 杨晶晶, 王文珍, 易戈文, 王齐华. 添加Ag_(2)Nb_(4)O_(11)的NiAl基复合材料的高温摩擦学性能及高温润滑机理研究. 摩擦学学报. 2021, 41(2): 187-196, [14] Yang, Rui, Li, Song, Zhang, Nan, Wang, Chao, Wang, TingMei, Wang, QiHua. 摩擦学 behaviors of Ti-Ni51 .5 at% shape memory alloy with different microstructures and textures. RARE METALS[J]. 2021, 40(12): 3616-3626, .1007/s12598-021-01706-3 .

[15] Shi, Peiying, Wang, Wenzhen, Wan, Shanhong, Gao, Qiang, Sun, Huwei, Feng, Xiaochun, Yi, Gewen, Xie, Erqing, Wang, Qihua. Tribological 表演 and high 温度 oxidation behaviour of thermal sprayed Ni- and NiCrAlY-based composite coatings. surface \u0026 COATINGS TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2021, 405: .1016/j.surfcoat.2020.126615 .

[16] Rui YANG, Wei MA, Chunjian DUAN, Song LI, Tingmei WANG, Qihua WANG. Self-lubrication of tribologically-induced oxidation during dry reciprocating sliding of aged Ti-Ni51.5 at% 合金. FRICTION[J]. 2021, 9(5): 1038-1049, :000583668300001.

[17] Feng, Xiaochun, Jia, Junhong, Gao, Qiang, Lu, 成姓, Yang, Jingjing, Shi, Peiying, Wang, Wenzhen, Yi, Gewen, Wang, Qihua. Regeneration mechanisms of silver 铌酸 in NiAl composites with respective addition of AgNbO3 and Ag/Nb2O5 at elevated temperatures sliding. 摩擦学 INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2021, 153: .1016/j.triboint.2020.106623 .

[18] Yang, Jing, Tao, Liming, Cao, Pengrui, Yang, Zenghui, Zhang, Xinrui, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Tingmei, Luo, Heming, Zhang, Yaoming. 联苯 Containing Shape Memory Epoxy Resin with Post-heating Adjustable Properties. MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING[J]. 2021, 306(8): .1002/mame.202100185 .

[19] Shi, Peiying, Yi, Gewen, Wan, Shanhong, Sun, Huwei, Feng, Xiaochun, Pham, Sang T, Tieu, Kiet A, Xie, Erqing, Wang, Qihua. High 温度 tribological 表演 of based composite coatings by incorporating multiple 氧化物s (TiO2-ZnO-MoO3). 摩擦学 INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2021, 155: :000612135200002.

[20] Shi, Peiying, Wan, Shanhong, Yi, Gewen, Sun, Huwei, Yu, Yuan, Xie, Erqing, Wang, Qihua, Shen, Shirley Z, Alam, Nazmul. TiO2-ZnO/Ni-5wt.%Al composite coatings on GH4169 superalloys by atmospheric 等离子体 spray techniques and theirs elevated-温度 tribological behavior. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2020, 46(9): 13527-13538, .1016/j.ceramint.2020.02.138 .

[21] Yang, Zenghui, Zhang, Yaoming, Li, Song, Zhang, Xinrui, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Fully Closed-Loop Recyclable Thermosetting Shape Memory Polyimide. ACS SUSTAINABLE 化学 \u0026 ENGINEERING[J]. 2020, 8(51): 18869-18878, [22] Li, Song, Wang, Cong, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua, Zhang, Xinrui. Improving interfacial compatibility by a micro-nano synergetic structure for high-performance epoxy composites. JOURNAL OF APPLIED 均聚物 SCIENCE[J]. 2020, 137(40): :000520582500001.

[23] Sheng, Ying, Wang, Qihua. Conditional probability estimation based classification with class label missing at random. JOURNAL OF MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS[J]. 2020, 176: .1016/j.jmva.2019.104566 .

[24] Duan, Chunjian, He, Ren, Li, Song, Yang, Rui, 邵姓, Mingchao, Yang, Zenghui, Zhang, Nan, Yuan, Ping, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Effect of atomic on corrosion and friction and wear behavior of 聚酰亚胺 composites. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE[J]. 2020, 137(10): :000486738200001.

[25] Duan, Chunjian, He, Ren, Li, Song, 邵姓, Mingchao, Yang, Rui, Tao, Liming, Wang, Chao, Yuan, Ping, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Exploring the friction and wear behaviors of Ag-Mo hybrid modified thermosetting polyimide composites at high 温度 FRICTION[J]. 2020, 8(5): 893-904,

[26] Sheng, Ying, Wang, Qihua. Model-free feature screening for ultrahigh dimensional classification. JOURNAL OF MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS[J]. 2020, 178: .1016/j.jmva.2020.104618 .

[27] Liu, Hong, Jia, Yongfeng, Wang, Hongding, Duan, Chunjian, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Ultra-high compression and wear resistant hybrid filled polyimide composite: Synergistic effect of Fe(2)O(3)decorated RGO. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE[J]. 2020, 137(40): :000553544900006.

[28] Li, Song, Yang, Rui, Wang, Tingmei, Zhang, Xinrui, Wang, Qihua. surface textured 聚酰亚胺 composites for improving conversion efficiency of ultrasonic 摩托车 摩擦学 INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2020, 152: .1016/j.triboint.2020.106489 .

[29] Li, Xiao, Yang, Yangyang, Zhang, Yaoming, Wang, Tingmei, Yang, Zenghui, Wang, Qihua, Zhang, Xinrui. Dual-method molding of 4D shape memory polyimide ink MATERIALS \u0026 设计[J]. 2020, 191: .1016/j.matdes.2020.108606 .

[30] Shi, Peiying, Yu, Yuan, Xiong, Nina, Liu, Mingzi, Qiao, Zhuhui, Yi, Gewen, Yao, Qianqian, Zhao, Gaopan, Xie, Erqing, Wang, Qihua. Microstructure and tribological behavior of a novel atmospheric 等离子体 sprayed AlCoCrFeNi high entropy alloy matrix self-lubricating composite coatings. 摩擦学 INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2020, 151: .1016/j.triboint.2020.106470 .

[31] Wang, Qihua, Tao, Liming, Yang, Zenghui, Raj, Wojciech, Zhang, Yaoming, Wang, Tingmei, Pietrasik, Joanna. Macroscopic and Microscopic Shape Memory Effects of Block Copolymers Prepared via ATRP. JOURNAL OF 均聚物 SCIENCE[J]. 2020, 58(1): 20-24, :000519197800003.

[32] Wang, Chao, Zhang, Di, Wang, Qihua, Ruan, Hongwei, Wang, Tingmei. Effect of Porosity on the Friction Properties of Porous Polyimide Impregnated with 聚α烯烃 in Different Lubrication Regimes. 摩擦学 LETTERS[J]. 2020, 68(4): :000572095100001.

[33] Wang, Cong, Zhang, Yaoming, Li, Jianming, Yang, Zenghui, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Tingmei, Li, Song, Chen, Shoubing, Zhang, Xinrui. Shape memory properties of interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs) based on hyperbranched polyurethane (HBPU). EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL[J]. 2020, 123: .1016/j.eurpolymj.2019.109393 .

[34] Li, Song, Duan, Chunjian, Li, Xiao, 邵姓, Mingchao, Qu, Chunhui, Zhang, Di, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Tingmei, Zhang, Xinrui. The effect of different layered materials on the tribological properties of PTFE composites. FRICTION[J]. 2020, 8(3): 542-552,

[35] Feng, Xiaochun, Lu, 成姓, Jia, Junhong, Xue, Jiali, Wang, Qihua, Sun, Yuan, Wang, Wenzhen, Yi, Gewen. High 温度 tribological behaviors and wear mechanisms of NiAl-NbC-Ag composites formed by in-situ decomposition of AgNbO3. 摩擦学 INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2020, 141: .1016/j.triboint.2019.105898 .

[36] 刘维民, 马建霞, 王齐华, 王晓波 中国学科发展战略.润滑材料. 2019, .

[37] Zhang, Di, Wang, Chao, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Tingmei. High thermal stability and wear resistance of porous thermosetting heterocyclic 聚酰亚胺 impregnated with silicone oil. 摩擦学 INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2019, 140: 105728-, .1016/j.triboint.2019.04.012 .

[38] Yang, Zenghui, Duan, Chunjian, Sun, Yong, Wang, Tingmei, Zhang, Xinrui, Wang, Qihua. Utilizing Polyhexahydro三嗪 (PHT) to Cross-Link Polyimide Oligomers for High-温度 Shape Memory 均聚物. INDUSTRIAL \u0026 ENGINEERING 化学 RESEARCH[J]. 2019, 58(24): 10599-10608 , [39] 阮洪伟, 张韶华, 王廷梅, 王超, 王齐华, 卿涛. 多孔聚酰亚胺含油轴承保持架的磨损机理研究. 空间控制技术与应用[J]. 2019, 45(3): 64-70, [40] Yang, Rui, Ma, Wei, Duan, Chunjian, Yang, Zenghui, Zhang, Xinrui, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Microstructure responses and deformation mechanisms of solutionized Ti-51.5 at.%Ni alloy during reciprocating sliding. 摩擦学 INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2019, 140: 105816-, .1016/j.triboint.2019.06.009 .

[41] Lv, Mei, Wang, Litao, Liu, Jing, Kong, Fandong, Ling, Aixia, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Surface 能量, hardness, and tribological properties of -fiber/polytetrafluoroethylene composites modified by proton irradiation. 摩擦学 INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2019, 132: 237-243, .1016/j.triboint.2018.12.028 .

[42] 裘进浩, 董显林, 王齐华, 曲宁松, 范大鹏, 李华峰, 赵盖, 刘晓亮. 压电精密驱动功能部件的基础研究. 中国基础科学. 2019, 21(4): 1-6,

[43] Li, Song, Li, Xiao, 邵姓, Mingchao, Yang, Jingling, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Tingmei, Zhang, Xinrui. Regulating interfacial compatibility with amino silane and bio-inspired polydopamine for high-表演 epoxy composites. 摩擦学 INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2019, 140: 105861-, .1016/j.triboint.2019.105861 .

[44] 李霄, 杨增辉, 段春俭, 王廷梅, 王齐华, 张新瑞. 不同分子量和交联密度对形状记忆聚酰亚胺摩擦学性能的影响机制研究. 摩擦学学报[J]. 2019, 39(5): 547-555,

[45] Li, Song, Zhang, Nan, Yang, Zenghui, Li, Xiao, Zhao, Gai, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua, Zhang, Xinrui. Tailoring friction interface with surface texture for high-表演 ultrasonic 摩托车 friction materials. 摩擦学 INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2019, 136: 412-420, .1016/j.triboint.2019.03.072 .

[46] Yang, Rui, Ma, Wei, Duan, Chunjian, Yang, Zenghui, Zhang, Yaoming, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Tribologically induced amorphization in the subsurface of aged Ni-rich TiNi alloy during dry sliding. INTERMETALLICS[J]. 2019, 113: .1016/j.intermet.2019.106574 .

[47] Li, Song, Shao, Mingchao, Duan, Chunjian, Yan, Yingnan, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Tingmei, Zhang, Xinrui. Tribological behavior prediction of friction materials for ultrasonic 摩托车s using Monte Carlo-based artificial neural network. JOURNAL OF APPLIED 均聚物 SCIENCE[J]. 2019, 136(10): [48] Qu, Chunhui, Li, Xiao, Yang, Zenghui, Zhang, Xinrui, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua, Chen, Shoubing. Damping, thermal, and mechanical 表演s of a novel semi-interpenetrating polymer networks based on polyimide/epoxy. JOURNAL OF APPLIED 均聚物 SCIENCE[J]. 2019, 136(41): [49] WangTingmei, Duan Chunjian, He Ren, Li Song, Wang Qihua. Exploring the friction and wear behaviors of Ag-Mo hybrids modified thermosetting polyimide composites at high 温度. Friction[J]. 2019, 123-, .

[50] 段春俭, 邵明超, 李宋, 张新瑞, 王超, 王齐华, 王廷梅. 极端条件下的聚亚胺自润滑复合材料的研究进展. 中国科学:化学 2018, 48(12): 1561-1567,

[51] Qi, Huimin, Guo, Yuexia, Zhang, Ligang, Li, Guitao, Zhang, Ga, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Covalently attached mesoporous silica-ionic 羧基液体丁腈橡胶 hybrid nanomaterial as H₂O lubrication additives for 均聚物metal tribopair. 摩擦学 INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2018, 119: 721-730, .1016/j.triboint.2017.12.012 .

[52] Wang, Yanming, Cai, Peng, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Influence of Graphite on Tribological Properties of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Hybrid/Polyimide Composites in Wide 温度 Range. JOURNAL OF 摩擦学TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME[J]. 2018, 140(1): .

[53] Shao, Mingchao, Li, Song, Duan, Chunjian, Yang, Zenghui, Qu, Chunhui, Zhang, Yaoming, Zhang, Di, Wang, Chao, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Cobweb-like Structural Stimuli-Responsive Composite with Oil warehouse and 搬运作用 System for Oil Storage and Recyclable Smart-Lubrication. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS \u0026 INTERFACES[J]. 2018, 10(48): 41699-41706,

[54] Wang, Qihua, Wang, Xuan. Analysis of censored 数据 under heteroscedastic transformation regression models with unknown transformation function. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF 统计学REVUE CANADIENNE DE STATISTIQUE[J]. 2018, 46(2): 233-245, :000434068100002.

[55] 张迪, 王超, 卿涛, 王齐华, 王廷梅. 空间用多孔聚合物轴承保持架材料研究进展. 机械工程学报[J]. 2018, 54(9): 17-26, [56] Yang JingFeng, Wang QiHua, Wang TingMei. Synthesis and Property of Alumina Aerogel. JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALSnull. 2018, 33(3): 259-265, :000429463400002.

[57] Qi, Huimin, Zhang, Ligang, Zhang, Ga, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Comparative study of tribochemistry of ultrahigh molecular weight 聚乙烯, polyphenylene 硫化物 and polyetherimide in tribo-composites. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE[J]. 2018, 514: 615-624, .1016/j.jcis.2017.12.078 .

[58] Bai, Yongkang, Liu, Yuejun, Wang, Qihua. 纤维素 乙酸盐 for Shape Memory Polymer: Natural, Simple, High Performance, and Recyclable. ADVANCES IN 均聚物 TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2018, 37(3): .

[59] Wang, Yanming, Cai, Peng, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Influence of Graphite on Tribological Properties of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Hybrid/Polyimide Composites in Wide 温度 Range. JOURNAL OF 摩擦学TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME[J]. 2018, 140(1): .

[60] Guo, Yuexia, Zhang, Ligang, Zhang, Ga, Wang, Daoai, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. High lubricity and electrical responsiveness of solvent-free ionic SiO2 nanofluids. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS 化学 A[J]. 2018, 6(6): 2817-2827, .

[61] 王齐华, 刘维民, 阎兴斌 前言:庆祝中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所成立60周年. 中国科学:化学. 2018, 48(12): 1429-1431,

[62] 杨景锋, 王齐华, 王廷梅. 氧化铝气凝胶的合成与性能. 无机材料学报[J]. 2018, 33(3): 259-265,

[63] Sun, Yong, Yang, Zenghui, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Tingmei. The effect of N-doped quantumdots on the properties of in situ prepared colorless polyimide nanocomposite films. MATERIALS \u0026 设计[J]. 2018, 140: 144-152, .1016/j.matdes.2017.11.041 .

[64] Gao, Chuanping, Fan, Shuguang, Zhang, Shengmao, Zhang, Pingyu, Wang, Qihua. Enhancement of tribofilm formation from H₂O lubricated PEEK composites by nanowires. APPLIED surface SCIENCE[J]. 2018, 444: 364-376, .1016/j.apsusc.2018.02.272 .

[65] 王齐华, 王廷梅, 陈守兵, 谢海 PU/PMMA IPNs复合材料摩擦学性能和阻尼性能研究. 摩擦学学报[J]. 2018, 38(1): 1-7,

[66] 杨景锋, 王齐华, 王廷梅. 氧化铝气凝胶的合成与性能. 保温材料与节能技术. 2018, 49-56,

[67] Duan, Chunjian, Yuan, Dongming, Yang, Zenghui, Li, Song, Tao, Liming, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Tingmei. High wear-resistant 表演 of thermosetting polyimide reinforced by graphitic nitride (g-C3N4) under high 温度 COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING[J]. 2018, 113(113): 200-208, .1016/positesa.2018.07.008 .

[68] Duan, Chunjian, Yang, Zenghui, Zhang, Di, Tao, Liming, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Tingmei. Effect of isomerism on mechanical and tribological properties of thermoplastic polyimide films. 摩擦学 INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2018, 121: 373-380, .1016/j.triboint.2018.01.060 .

[69] Lv, Mei, Wang, Huiyun, Wang, Litao, Kong, Fandong, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. The effect of space irradiation on the lubricating 表演 of perfluoropolyether greases in simulated space environment. LUBRICATION SCIENCE[J]. 2017, 29(8): 567-575, .

[70] Wang, Chao, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Controllable porous fluorinated polyimide thin films for ultralow dielectric constant interlayer dielectric applications. JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE PART A-PURE AND APPLIED 化学[J]. 2017, 54(5): 311-315, .

[71] Yang, Jingfeng, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Tingmei. Effects of Ti Addition on Alumina/Titania Composite Aerogels Synthesized by Sol-Gel Process and Supercritical 乙醇 干燥 JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY[J]. 2017, 64(8): 978-985, .

[72] 吕美, 韩峰, 王齐华, 王廷梅, 梁永民. The structure properties and tribological behavior of the ionic 羧基液体丁腈橡胶polyimide composite films. High Performence Polymer[J]. 2017, 29(2): 170-177, .

[73] Gao, Chuanping, Guoa, Guofan, Zhang, Ga, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Honggang. Formation mechanisms and functionality of boundary films derived from water lubricated 聚甲醛/hexagonal boron nitride nanocomposites. MATERIALS \u0026 设计[J]. 2017, 115: 276-286, .1016/j.matdes.2016.11.016 .

[74] Zhao, Fuyan, Li, Guitao, Zhang, Ga, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Hybrid effect of ZnS sub-螺旋测微器 particles and reinforcing fibers on tribological 表演 of polyimide under oil lubrication conditions. WEAR[J]. 2017, 380-381: 86-95, .1016/j.wear.2017.03.007 .

[75] Lv, Mei, Han, Feng, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Tingmei, Liang, Yongmin. The structure properties and tribological behavior of the ionic 羧基液体丁腈橡胶polyimide composite films under high-vacuum environment. HIGH PERFORMANCE 均聚物S[J]. 2017, 29(2): 170-177, :000395456400006.

[76] Zhang, Di, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Chao. Selectively enhanced oil retention of porous polyimide bearing materials by direct chemical modification. JOURNAL OF APPLIED 均聚物 SCIENCE[J]. 2017, 134(29): .

[77] Zhang, Ding, Qi, Huimin, Zhao, Fuyan, Zhang, Ga, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Tribological 表演 of 聚苯硫醚 composites under diesel lubrication conditions. 摩擦学 INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2017, 115: 338-347, .1016/j.triboint.2017.05.040 .

[78] Zhang, Ligang, Qi, Huimin, Li, Guitao, Wang, Daoai, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua, Zhang, Ga. Significantly enhanced wear resistance of PEEK by simply filling with modified graphitic nitride. MATERIALS \u0026 设计[J]. 2017, 129: 192-200, .1016/j.matdes.2017.05.041 .

[79] Guo, Lihe, Zhang, Ga, Wang, Daoai, Zhao, Fuyan, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Significance of combined functional nanoparticles for enhancing tribological performance of PEEK reinforced with fibers. COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING[J]. 2017, 102: 400-413, .1016/positesa.2017.09.002 .

[80] Yang, Zenghui, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Tingmei. Engineering a hyperbranched polyimide membrane for shape memory and CO2 capture. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A[J]. 2017, 5(26): 13823-13833, .

[81] Chen, Shoubing, Zhang, Xinrui, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Tingmei. Physical Properties of Micro Hollow Glass Bead Filled Castor Oil-Based Polyurethane/Epoxy Resin IPN Composites. JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE PART B-PHYSICS[J]. 2017, 56(3): 161-169, .

[82] Yang, Jingfeng, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Tingmei. A novel synthesis route of titania-alumina composite aerogels with titanate as the precursor. JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2017, 83(3): 527-536, .

[83] Zhang, Ligang, Qi, Huimin, Li, Guitao, Zhang, Ga, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Impact of reinforcing fillers' properties on transfer film structure and tribological performance of 聚甲醛based materials. 摩擦学 INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2017, 109: 58-68, .1016/j.triboint.2016.12.005 .

[84] 段春俭, 崔宇, 王超, 陶立明, 王齐华, 谢海, 王廷梅. 高温条件下热固性聚酰亚胺摩擦学性能研究. 摩擦学学报[J]. 2017, 37(6): 717-724,

[85] Qi, Huimin, Li, Guitao, Liu, Gen, Zhang, Chao, Zhang, Ga, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Comparative study on tribological mechanisms of polyimide composites when sliding against medium steel and NiCrBSi. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE[J]. 2017, 506: 415-428, .1016/j.jcis.2017.07.070 .

[86] Li, Guitao, Qi, Huimin, Zhang, Ga, Zhao, Fuyan, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Significant friction and wear reduction by assembling two individual PEEK composites with specific functionalities. MATERIALS \u0026 设计[J]. 2017, 116: 152-159, .1016/j.matdes.2016.11.100 .

[87] Guo, Lihe, Qi, Huimin, Zhang, Ga, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Distinct tribological mechanisms of various oxide nanoparticles added in PEEK composite reinforced with fibers. COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING[J]. 2017, 97: 19-30, .

[88] 张鼎, 赵福燕, 张嘎, 王齐华, 王廷梅. 聚苯硫醚复合材料在柴油润滑状态下的摩擦学性能研究. 摩擦学学报[J]. 2017, 37(4): 527-536, [89] Qi, Huimin, Zhang, Ga, Chang, Li, Zhao, Fuyan, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Ultralow Friction and Wear of Polymer Composites under Extreme Unlubricated Sliding Conditions. ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES[J]. 2017, 4(13): n/a-n/a, .

[90] Song, Fuzhi, Yang, Zenghui, Zhao, Gai, Wang, Qihua, Zhang, Xinrui. Tribological performance of filled PTFE-based friction material for ultrasonic motor under different temperature and vacuum degrees. JOURNAL OF APPLIED 均聚物 SCIENCE[J]. 2017, 134(39): .

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[92] 王超, 王齐华, 王廷梅. 聚苯酯/玻璃纤维改性PTFE密封材料的热力学性能. 润滑与密封[J]. 2017, 42(8): 1-5,30,

[93] Yang, Jingfeng, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Tingmei, Liang, Yongmin. Facile one-step precursor-to-aerogel synthesis of silica-doped alumina aerogels with high specific surface 面积 at elevated temperatures. JOURNAL OF POROUS MATERIALS[J]. 2017, 24(4): 889-897, :000404788400007.

[94] 李珍莲, 张新瑞, 王廷梅, 王齐华. 复合填充改性聚酰亚胺润滑材料的摩擦学性能. 润滑与密封[J]. 2016, 41(10): 82-85,97,

[95] Song, Fuzhi, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Tingmei. Effects of glass fiber and disulfide on tribological behaviors and PV limit of chopped carbon fiber reinforced Polytetrafluoroethylene composites. 摩擦学 INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2016, 104: 392-401, .1016/j.triboint.2016.01.015 .

[96] Cai, Peng, Wang, Yanming, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Improving tribological behaviors of friction material by mullite. 摩擦学 INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2016, 93: 282-288, .1016/j.triboint.2015.09.039 .

[97] Zhao, Gai, Ding, Qingjun, Wang, Qihua. Comparative Study on the Tribological Properties of the Polyimide Composites Reinforced With Different Fibers. POLYMER COMPOSITES[J]. 2016, 37(8): 2541-2548, .

[98] Yang, Zenghui, Wang, Qihua, Wang, Tingmei. Dual-Triggered and Thermally Reconfigurable Shape Memory Graphene-Vitrimer Composites. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS \u0026 INTERFACES[J]. 2016, 8(33): 21691-21699, .

[99] 张利刚, 张嘎, Li Chang, Bernd Wetzel, Baicheng Jim, 王齐华. Distinct tribological mechanisms of silica nanoparticles in epoxy composites reinforced with carbon nanotubes, carbon fibers and glass fiber. 摩擦学 International[J]. 2016, 104: 225-236, .

[100] Tao, Liming, Niu, Fang, Liu, Jingang, Wang, Tingmei, Wang, Qihua. Troger's base functionalized covalent triazine frameworks for CO2 capture. RSC ADVANCES[J]. 2016, 6(97): 94365-94372 , .1039/c6ra21196h .






王齐华 男 汉族 博导 兰州化学物理研究所.中国科学院大学.2024-03-14





目录 22
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