田村幸雄 :中国工程院外籍院士

更新时间:2024-09-20 17:44



国家风灾减灾组织主席、日本风工程协会前主席、日本学术会议联络委员、日本建筑学会抗风设计委员会主审人;田村幸雄教授毕业于早稻田大学,现为日本东京工艺大学教授,是日本多项国家级重大科研项目负责人、日本COE(2003-2007)计划负责人、Global COE项目风工程专题的负责人(2008-2012),并受聘为《国际风工程与空气动力学》、《结构工程进展》、《风与结构》、《高层与特殊建筑的结构设计》等国际著名期刊编委,获美国土木工程师协会ASCE Cermak奖章、日本风工程协会奖章、日本建筑学会奖章。




1965年 ~ 1969年在日本早稻田大学攻读风工程学获学士

1969年 ~ 1971年在日本早稻田大学攻读风工程学或硕士学位。

1971年 ~ 1981年在日本早稻田大学攻读风工程学或博士学位。

1983年 ~ 2015年在东京工业大学任教。

2014年 ~ 2017年在北京交通大学任助教。





yukio Tamura

The Professor/Director, Wind Engineering Research 内角

Director, GLOBAL COE Program

Tokyo Polytechnic University


Prizes and Awards

Partial List of Social Activities


Y. Tamura, Y. Iwatani, K. Hibi, K. Suda, O. Nakamura, T. Maruyama, R. Ishibashi, Profiles of mean wind speeds and vertical turbulence intensities measured at seashore and two inland sites using Doppler sodars,Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial 空气动力学, 容积单位 95, Issue 6, June 2007, Pages 411-427

Y.Q. Li, Y. Tamura, A. Yoshida, A. Katsumura, K. Cho, Wind loading and its effects on single-layer reticulated cylindrical shells,Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial 空气动力学, 容积单位 94, Issue 12, December 2006, Pages 949-973

Y. Tamura, K. Suda, A. Sasaki, K. Miyashita, Y. Iwatani, T. Maruyama, K. Hibi, R. Ishibashi, Simultaneous wind measurements over two sites using Doppler sodars,Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial 空气动力学, 容积单位 89, Issues 14-15, December 2001, Pages 1647-1656

Y. Tamura, H. Kikuchi, K. Hibi, Extreme wind 压强 distributions on low-rise building models, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 容积单位 89, Issues 14-15, December 2001, Pages 1635-1646

Y. Tamura, H. Kikuchi, K. Hibi, Quasi-static wind load combinations for low- and middle-rise buildings, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 容积单位 91, Issues 12-15, December 2003, Pages 1613-1625A. Katsumura,

Y. Tamura, O. Nakamura, Universal wind load distribution simultaneously reproducing largest load effects in all subject members on large-span cantilevered roof, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial 空气动力学, 容积单位 95, Issues 9-11, October 2007, Pages 1145-1165

Y. Tamura, I. Nishimura, Elastic model of reinforced 混凝土 chimney for wind tunnel testing, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial 空气动力学, 容积单位 33, Issues 1-2, March 1990, Pages 231-236

K. Fujii, Y. Tamura, T. Sato, T. Wakahara, Wind-induced vibration of tower and practical applications of tuned sloshing damper, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial 空气动力学, 容积单位 33, Issues 1-2, March 1990, Pages 263-

Tsukagoshi, Y Tamura, A Sasaki, H Kanai, Response analyses on along-wind and across-wind vibrations of tall buildings in time domain, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial 空气动力学, Volumes 46-47, August 1993, Pages 497-506

Y. Tamura, H. Ueda, H. Kikuchi, K. Hibi, S. Suganuma, B. Bienkiewicz, Proper orthogonal decomposition study of approach wind-building 压强 correlation, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial 空气动力学, 容积单位 72, November-December 1997, Pages 421-431

Y. Tamura, R. Kousaka, V. J. Modi, Practical application of nutation damper for suppressing wind-induced vibrations of airport towers, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial 空气动力学, 容积单位 43, Issues 1-3, 1992, Pages 1919-1930

H. Yasui, H. Marukawa, J. Katagiri, A. Katsumura, Y. Tamura, K. Watanabe, Study of wind-induced response of long-span structure, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial 空气动力学, 容积单位 83, Issues 1-3, November 1999, Pages 277-288

Y. Tamura, M. Matsui, Luisa-Carlotta Pagnini, R. Ishibashi, A. Yoshida, Measurement of wind-induced response of buildings using RTK-GPS, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial 空气动力学, 容积单位 90, Issues 12-15, December 2002, Pages 1783-1793

Y. Tamura, K. Fujii, H. Ueda, 设计 wind loads for beams supporting flat roofs, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 43, Issues 1-3, 1992, Pages 1841-1852




2016年获国际风工程学会 Alan G. Davenport 奖。

2016年获美国土木工程师学会 Robert H. Scanlan 奖。




2004年获美国土木工程师学会 Jack E. Cermak 奖。


1969年早稻田大学 Tachu-Naito奖。





目录 22
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