聂家财 :北京师范大学物理系教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 17:22






1997年,聂家财获得日本科技厅STA Fellowship,前往日本电子技术综合研究所进行博士后研究。1999年至2002年,他担任日本科技厅科学技术振兴事业团基础战略研究员。2002年底,他成为日本产业技术综合研究所的研究员。2004年7月起,聂家财在北京师范大学物理系担任教授。


聂家财是中国物理学会半导体物理专业委员会的委员,并在第十二至二十六届复合物纳米工程国际会议中担任学术委员会委员。他还是多个国际学术期刊的特邀审稿人,包括Appl. Phys. Lett., Nanotechnology, Supercond. Sci. Technol., J. Appl. Phys., Chinese Phys., JJAP, Physica C等。











聂家财近年来申请并获得了三项国际发明专利授权、五项国家发明专利授权。他在Nature Commun.,Phys.Rev.Lett., Phys.Rev.B和Appl.Phys.Lett.等国际知名期刊上发表了100余篇SCI论文,被他引近3000次。他主持了国家自然科学基金面上项目6项(一项在研),国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目一项(已结题),973子课题2项(已结题)。


聂家财的代表性论文包括在Phys. Rev. B上发表的多篇论文,如:

1.Shao T N, Zhang Z T, Qiao Y J, Zhao Q, Liu H W, Chen X X, Jiang W M, Yao C L, Chen X Y, Chen M H, Dou R F, Xiong C M, Zhang G M, Yang Y F, Nie J C,  Kondo scattering in underdoped Nd1-xSrxNiO2 INFINITElayer superconducting thin film,  Nat. Sci. Rev., 2023, 10(11), nwad112.

2.Zhang Z T, Jiang W M, Shao T N, Qiao Y J, Chen X Y, Zhao Q, Chen M H, Dou R F, Xiong C M, and Nie J C,  A spin–orbit scattering–enhanced high upper critical field at the LaAlO3/KTaO3(111) superconducting interface , New J. Phys.,2023,25(2), 023023.

3.Liu M R, Liu H W, Shao T N, Jiang W M, Zhang Z T, Ling J Z, Yao C L, Qiao Y J, Zhao Q, Xiong C M, Dou R F, and Nie J C,  Magnetic field controllable planar Hall effect in Sr2IrO4 films , Phys. Rev. B,2021, 104(3), 035301.

4.M. R. Liu, H. X. Xue, J. C. Meng, R. P. Bai, W. M. Jiang, Z. Zhang, J. Z. Ling, L. He, C. M. Xiong, R. F. Dou, and J. C. Nie,  Symmetry breaking of in-plane anisotropic magnetoresistance with 温度 in La-doped Sr2IrO4 films,  Phys. Rev. B, 2019, 100(7), 075129 (2019).

5.Xue H X, Hong Y P, Li C J, Meng J C, Li Y C, Liu K J, Liu M R, Jiang W M, Zhang Z, He L, Dou R F, Xiong C M, and Nie J C,  Large negative magnetoresistance driven by enhanced weak localization and Kondo effect at the interface of LaAlO3 and Fe-doped SrTiO3,  Phys. REV B, 2018, 98(8), 085305.

6.Xue H X, Li C J, Hong Y P, Wang X X, Li Y C, Liu K J, Jiang W M, Liu M R, He L, Dou R F, Xiong C M, and Nie J C,  温度 dependence of the conductive layer thickness at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterointerface , Phys. Rev. B, 2017, 96(23), 235310.

7.Shen S, Xing Y., Wang P, Liu H, Fu H, Zhang Y, He L, Xie X, Lin X, Nie J, and Wang J,  Observation of Quantum Griffiths Singularity and Ferromagnetism at Superconducting LaAlO3/SrTiO3(110) Interface , Phys. REV B, 2016, 94(14), 144517.

8.Han Y L, Fang Y W, Yang Z Z, Li C J, He L, Shen S C, Luo Z Z, Qu G L, Xiong C M, Dou R F, Wei X, Gu L, Duan C G, Nie J C,  Reconstruction of electrostatic field at the interface leads to formation of two-dimensional electron gas at multivalent (110) LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces, Phys. REV B, 2015, 92(11), 115304.

9.Han Y L, Luo Z Z, Li C J, Shen S C, Qu G L, Xiong C M, Dou R F, He L, and Nie J C, “ Carrier-mediated Kondo effect and Hall mobility by electrolyte gating in slightly doped anatase TiO2 films”,  Phys. Rev. B, 2014, 90(20), 205107.

10. Bai K K, Zhou Y, Zheng H, Meng L, Peng H L, Liu Z F, Nie J C, He L,  “Creating One-Dimensional Nanoscale Periodic Ripples in a Continuous Mosaic Graphene Monolayer”,  Phys. Rev. Lett., 2014, 113(8): 086102.

11. Yan W, He W Y, Chu Z D, Liu M, Dou R F, Meng L, Feng L, Zhang Y F, Liu Z F, Nie J C, and He L, “ Strain-induced evolution of electronic band structures of Twisted Graphene Bilayer ”,Nature Commun. 2013, 4:2159.

12. Yan W, Liu M, Dou R F, Meng L, Feng L, Chu Z D, Zhang Y, Liu Z, Nie J C, and He L,  “Angle-Dependent Van Hove Singularities in a Slightly Twisted Graphene Bilayer”,  Phys. Rev. Lett., 2012, 109(12): 126801.


《Superconductivity: From Materials Science to Practical Applications》,Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020. ISBN 978-3-030-23302-0, ISBN 978-3-030-23303-7 (eBook),https://doi.org/101007/978-3-030-23303-7






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