薛勇 :中国科学院研究员

更新时间:2023-11-10 20:37



薛勇,主要从事高性能地学计算和气溶胶遥感定量反演研究,承担与参与863、973、自然科学基金面上项目等多项项目。英国皇家特许物理学家(CPhys),IEEE地学遥感学会高级会员,英国物理研究所学术成员(MInstP),英国遥感和航空测量学会专业会员(AFRSPSoc)。SCI收录国际期刊International Journal of Remote Sensing编委,SCI收录国际期刊International Journal of Digital Earth编委。1990年以来已发表专著两部(合著),学术论文160多篇(国际期刊和国际会议论文集),其中被SCI收录78篇。


1991/11–1995/02,University of 邓迪(英国),遥感与地理信息系统系,博士学位





1998/04–2000/01,University of 布里斯托尔(英国),大学终身讲师

1997/03–1998/03,De Montfort University(英国),研究员

1995/02–1997/02,University of Leicester(英国),博士后副研究员

1991/11–1995/02,University of 邓迪(英国),助理研究员



到目前为止,已培养博士生14人,硕士生5人,其中2005年和2006年连续两年共4人获得中国科学院院长优秀奖,3人获得优秀毕业生奖。在读博士生4名,硕士生6名。1名博士生在2012年获得了中科院BHP Billiton奖学金,朱李月华优秀博士生奖(非西部地区)。

1名博士生获得2011年度中欧联合培养奖学金资助,赴不来梅大学(Bremen University)进行联合培养一年。









2012年中国科学院大学BHP Billiton导师科研奖。



[1.] Linlu Mei, Yong Xue, Gerrit de Leeuw, Wolf Gang von Hoyningen-Huene, Alexander A. Kokhanovsky, Larysa Istomina, Jie Guang, John P. Burrows, 2013, Aerosol optical depth retrieval in the Arctic region using MODIS data over snow. Remote Sensing of Environment

[2.] Yingjie Li, Yong Xue, Gerrit de Leeuw, Chi Li, Leiku Yang, Tingting Hou, Farhi Marir, 2013, Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth and surface Reflectance over Land from NOAA AVHRR Data. Remote Sensing of Environment.

[3.] Linlu Mei, Yong Xue, Alexander A. Kokhanovsky, Wolf Gang von Hoyningen-Huene, Larysa Istomina, Gerrit de Leeuw, John P. Burrows, Jie Guang, 2013, Aerosol optical depth retrieval over snow using AATSR 控制资料公司 International Journal of Remote Sensing. (Accepted)

[4.] Mei, L., Xue, Y., de Leeuw, G., Holzer-Popp, T., Guang, J., Li, Y., Yang, L., Xu, H., Xu, X., Li, C., Wang, Y., Wu, C., Hou, T., He, X., Liu, J., Dong, J., and Chen, Z., 2012, Retrieval of aerosol optical depth over land based on a 时间 series technique using MSG/SEVIRI data, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

[5.] Yong Xue, Xiaowen Li, Zengyuan Li and Cunxiang Cao, 2012, Prior Knowledge Based Retrieval and Validation of Information from Remote Sensing Data at Various Scales. International Journal of Remote Sensing

[6.] Yingjie Li, Yong Xue, Xingwei He, Jie Guang, 2012, High-Resolution Aerosol Remote Sensing Retrieval over Urban Areas by Synergetic use of HJ-1 CCD and MODIS Data. Atmospheric Environment

[7.] Linlu Mei, Yong Xue, Hui Xu, Jie Guang, Yingjie Li, Ying Wang, Jianwen Ai , Yang Qi, Shuzheng Jiang, Xingwei He, 2012, Validation and analysis of aerosol optical thickness retrieval over land. International Journal of Remote Sensing.

[8.] Ying Wang, Yong Xue, Yingjie Li, Jie Guang, Linlu Mei, Hui Xu and Jianwen Ai, 2012, Prior knowledge supported aerosol optical depth retrieval over land surface at 500m spatial resolution with MODIS data. International Journal of Remote Sensing

[9.] J. Guang, Y. Xue, Y. J. Li, S. L. Liang, L.L. Mei and H. Xu, 2012, Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth over Bright Land Surfaces by Coupling Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution 函数 Model and Aerosol Retrieval Model. Remote Sensing Lette

[10.] Mei, L., Xue, Y., de Leeuw, G., Guang, J., Wang, Y., Li, Y., Xu, H., Yang, L., Hou, T., He, X., Wu, C., 越南盾, J., and Chen, Z., 2011: Integration of remote sensing data and surface observations to estimate the impact of the Russian wildfires over Europe and Asia during August 2010, Biogeoscien国际消费类电子产品展览会

[11.] Yong Xue, Ziqiang Chen, Hui Xu, Jianwen Ai, Shuzheng Jiang, Yingjie Li, Ying Wang, Jie Guang, Linlu Mei, Xijuan Jiao, Xingwei He, Tingting Hou,2011, A High Throughput Geocomputing System for Remote Sensing Quantitative Retrieval and a Case Study. International Journal of Applied 地球 Observation and Geoinformation,

[12.] Yong Xue, Dominic Palmer-褐色, Huadong Guo, 2011, The Use of High Performance and High Throughput Computing for the Fertilization of Digital Earth and Global Change Study. International Journal of Digital 地球

[13.] Yong Xue, Jianwen Ai, Wei Wan, Huadong Guo, Yingjie Li, Ying Wang, Jie Guang, Linlu Mei, and Hui Xu, 2011, gridEnabled High-Performance Quantitative Aerosol Retrieval from Remotely Sensed Data. Computers \u0026 Geosciences

[14.] J. Guang, Y. Xue, Y. Wang, Y. J. Li, L. L. Mei, H. Xu, S. L. Liang, J. D. Wang, and L. Y. Bai, 2011, Simultaneous determination of aerosol optical thickness and surface reflectance using 紫菀属 visible to near-infrared data over land. International Journal of Remote Sensing,

[15.] Yong Xue, Jianwen Ai, Wei Wan, Yingjie Li, Ying Wang, Jie Guang, Linlu Mei, Hui Xu, Qiang Li, and Linyan Bai, 2010, Workload and Task 管理学 of Grid- Enabled Quantitative Aerosol Retrieval from Remotely-Sensed Data. Future Generation Computer Systems

[16.] Yong Xue, Jianping Guo, and Xiaoye Zhang, 2009, Aerosol Optical Thickness Retrieval over non-Lambertian Land surface with Synergistic Use of AATSR Radiance Measurements and MODIS Derived Albedo Model Parameters. Atmospheric Research

[17.] Jianping Guo, Huadong Xiao, Yong Xue, Huizheng Che, Xiaoye Zhang, Chunxiang Cao, Jie Guang and Hao Zhang, 2009, A new method to retrieve aerosol optical thickness from satellite Stock Images on a parallel system. Particuology

[18.] Jianping Guo, Yong Xue, Chunxiang Cao, Hao Zhang, Jie Guang, Xiaoye Zhan and Xiaowen Li, 2009, A synergic algorithm for retrieval of aerosol optical depth over land. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences

[19.] Yong Xue, Yingjie Li, Jie Guang, Xiaoye Zhang and Jianping Guo, 2008, Small Satellite Remote Sensing and Applications - History, Current and Future. International Journal of Remote Sensing

[20.] Yong Xue, Wei Wan, Yingjie Li, Jie Guang, Linyian Bai, Ying Wang and Jianwen Ai, 2008, A Data Intensive Scientific Computing Framework for Quantitative Retrieval of Geophysical Parameters using Satellite Data, IEEE Computer

[21.] Yong Xue, Huadong Guo, Wei Wan, Jianqin Wang and Ying Luo, 2008, Overview and preliminary idea for the building Digital 地球 with grid computing technology. International Journal of Digital Earth

[22.] Yong Xue, Dingsheng Liu, Jianwen Ai, and Wei Wan, 2008, High Performance Geocomputation – Preface. Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences

[23.] Cai, Guoyin, Xue, Yong, Hu, Yincui, Wang, Ying, Guo, Jiangping, Qi, Shuhua, 2007, Quantitative Study of Net Radiation from MODIS Data in the Lower Boundary Layer in Poyang Lake Area of Jiangxi Province, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing

[24.] Cai, G., Xue, Y., Hu, Y., Wang, Y., Guo, J., Luo, Y., Wu, C., Zhong, S. and Qi, S., 2007, Soil moisture retrieval from MODIS data in Northern China Plain using thermal inertia model, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume

[25.] Jiakui Tang, Yong Xue, Tong Yu, Yanning Guan, Guoyin Cai \u0026 Yincui, Hu, 2006, Aerosol Optical Thickness Determination for Land surface from MODIS data. Science in China (Ser. D 地球 Sciences)

[26.] Y. Xue, J. Wang, Y. Wang, C. Wu, and Y. Hu, 2005, Preliminary Study of Grid Computing for Remotely Sensed Information. International Journal of Remote Sensing

[27.] Jiakui Tang, Yong Xue, Tong Yu, Yanning Guan, 2005, Aerosol Optical Thickness Determination by Exploiting the Synergy of TERRA and AQUA MODIS (SYNTAM). Remote Sensing of Environment,

[28.] Y. Xue, Guoyin Cai, Y. N. Guan, A. P. Cracknell and Jiakui Tang, 2005, Iterative Self-Consistent Approach For 地球 surface 温度 Determination. International Journal of Remote Sensing

[29.] Sun YJ, Wang JF, Zhang RH, Gillies RR, Xue Y, Bo YC, 2005, Air temperature retrieval from remote sensing data based on thermodynamics. Theoretical and Applied Climatology

[30.] Wang YW, Wang YF, Xue Y, Gao W, 2004, A new algorithm for remotely sensed image texture classification and segmentation. International Journal of Remote Sensing

[31.] Xue, Y., Sun, M., and Ma, A-N., 2004, On the Reconstruction of 3-Dimensional Complex Geological Bodies. Future Generation Computer System

[32.] Yong Xue, Jianqin Wang, and Huadong Guo, 2004, Digital 地球 vs Grid Computing - A Prime. Journal of Remote Sensing

[33.] Ma, J. W., Xue, Y., Ma, C. F., and Wang, Z. G., 2003, A Data Fusion Approach for Soil Erosion Monitoring in the Upper Yangtze River Basin of China Based on Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) Model. International Journal of Remote Sensing.

[34.] Xue, Y., Cracknell, A. P. and Guo, H. D., 2002, Telegeoprocessing: The Integration of Remote Sensing, Geographic Information System (GIS), Global Positioning System (GPS) and Telecommunication. International Journal of Remote Sensing

[35.] Yanning Guan, Guo Shan, Xue Yong, Li R., Yang QK, 2003, Landscape Dynamitic Change in Mu Us Desert Derived from Landsat TM Data. Journal of Environmental Science

[36.] Yong Xue, David T. LlewellynJones, Sean P. Lawrence, and Mutlow, C. T., 2000, On the 地球's surface 能量 exchange determination from ERS satellite ATSR data: Part 3. Turbulence heat flux of open sea. International Journal of Remote Sensing

[37.] Yong Xue, David T. LlewellynJones, Sean P. Lawrence, and Mutlow, C. T., 2000, On the 地球's surface 能量 exchange determination from ERS satellite ATSR data: Part 2. Short-wave radiation. International Journal of Remote Sensing

[38.] Xue, Y., Volz, P. A., and Cracknell, A. P., 1999, Human Health Applications of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing. 密歇根大学 Academicia

[39.] Xue, Y., Lawrence, S. P., LlewellynJones, D. T., and Mutlow, C. T., 1998, On the 地球's surface 能量 exchange determination from ERS satellite ATSR data: Part 1. Long-wave radiation. International Journal of Remote Sensing

[40.] Cracknell, A. P. and Xue, Y., 1996, Estimation of Ground Heat Flux Using AVHRR data from Advanced Thermal Inertia Model. International Journal of Remote Sensing

[41.] Cracknell, A. P. and Xue, Y., 1996, Thermal Inertia Determination from Space - A Tutorial Review. International Journal of Remote Sensing,

[42.] Cracknell, A. P. and Xue, Y., 1996, Dynamic Aspects Study of surface 温度 from Remotely-Sensed Data Using Advanced Thermal Inertia Model. International Journal of Remote Sensing,

[43.] Xue, Y. and Cracknell, A. P., 1995, Advanced Thermal Inertia Modelling. International Journal of Remote Sensing,

[44.] Xue, Y. and Cracknell, A. P., 1995, Operational Bi-Angle Approach to Retrieve the 地球 surface Albedo from AVHRR data in the visible Band. International Journal of Remote Sensing

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