虞沂 :教授

更新时间:2024-09-20 20:09



1996.9 – 2002.6华中农业大学生物技术基地班,本硕连读

2003.9 – 2007.3 中科院微生物研究所,博士


2007.7 - 2009.6 上海交通大学生命科学技术学院生物工程学系,讲师

2009.7 - 2010.6 华中农业大学生命科学技术学院,讲师

2010.7 至今武汉大学药学院,副教授













1. Huang, S.; Zhao, Y.D.; Qin, Z.W.; Wang, X.L.; Onega, M.; Chen, L.; He, J.*; Yu, Y.*; Deng, H.*, Identification and heterologous expression of the bIOSynthetic gene cluster for holomycin produced by 链霉菌属 clavuligerus. (2011) Process Biochem, 46, 811-16 (*共同通讯作者)

2. Zhang, Q.; Li, Y.X.; Chen, D.D.; Yu, Y.; Duan, L.; Shen, B.; Liu, W. Radical-mediated enzymatic carbon chain fragmentation-recombination. (2011) Nat Chem Biol, 7, 154-60

3. Yu, Y.; Guo, H.; Zhang, Q.; Duan, L.; Ding, Y.; Liao, R.J.; Lei, C.; Shen, B.; Liu, W. NOSA Catalyzing Carboxyl-Terminal 酰胺 Formation in Nosiheptide Maturation via an Enamine Dealkylation on the Serine-Extended Precursor Peptide. (2010) J AM CHEM SOC, 132(46), 16324-26.

4. Wang, J.; Yu, Y.; Tang, K.; Liu, W.; He, X.; Huang, X.; Deng, Z. Thiopeptide antibiotic cyclothiazomycin: Identification and Analysis of its biosynthetic gene cluster in 链霉菌属 hygroscopicus 10-22. (2010)APPL Environ Microb, 76(7), 2335-44.

5. Ding, Y.; Yu, Y.; pan, H.;Guo, H.;Li, Y.;Liu, W. Moving posttranslational modifications forward to biosynthesize the glycosylated thiopeptide nocathiacin I in Nocardia sp.ATCC202099. (2010)摩尔 Biosyst, 6(7), 1180-85.

6. Yu, Y.; Duan, L.; Zhang, Q.; Liao, R. J.; Ding, Y.; Pan, H. X.; Wendt-Pienkowski, E.; Tang, G. L.; Shen, B.; Liu, W., Nosiheptide Biosynthesis Featuring a Unique Indole Side Ring Formation on the Characteristic Thiopeptide Framework. (2009)ACS Chem Biol, 4(10), 855-64.

7. Liao, R. J.; Duan, L.; Lei, C.; pan, H. X.; Ding, Y.; Zhang, Q.; Chen, D. J.; Shen, B.; Yu, Y.*; Liu, W.* Thiopeptide Biosynthesis Featuring Ribosomally Synthesized Precursor Peptides and Conserved Posttranslational Modifications. (2009)(*共同通讯作者)Chem Biol, 16 (2), 141-47.

8. Liu, W.; Yu, Y. Combinatorial Biosynthesis of Pharmaceutical Natural Products. Biocatalysis for the pharmaceutical industry: Discovery, Development, and Manufacturing (Chapter 11) Wiley Press, ISBN: 978-0-470-82314-9, Oct. 2008, 229-246

9. Yu, Y.; Wang, HY; Liu, L.N.; Chen, Z.L.; Xia, G.X. Functional identification of cytokinesis-related genes from tobacco BY-2 cells. (2007)植物界 Cell Rep, 26(7), 889-94

10. Chen, Z.L.*; Yu, Y.*; Liu, L.N.; Xia, G.X. Isolation, characterization and functional analysis of a cdc48 homologue from tobacco By2 cells.(2007)Progress in Nature Science 17, 156-62. (*并列第一作者)

11.Yu, Y.; Bai, L. Q.; Minagawa, K.; Jian, X. H.; Li, L.; Li, J. L.; Chen, S. Y.; Cao, E. H.; Mahmud, T.; floss, H. G.; Zhou, X. F.; Deng, Z. X., Gene cluster responsible for validamycin biosynthesis in 链霉菌属 hygroscopicus subsp jinggangensis 5008.(2005) APPL Environ Microb, 71 (9), 5066-76.

12. Wang, HY*; Yu, Y.*, Chen, Z.L.; Xia, G.X. Functional characterization of Gossypium hirsutum profilin 1 gene (GhPFN1) in tobacco suspension cells. Characterization of in vivo functions of a cotton profilin gene. (2005) 植物界 222, 594-603. (*并列第一作者)


DR Hai Deng, Lecturer

University of Aberdeen, Department of 化学, Marine Biodiscovery Center




目录 22
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