赵念席 :赵念席

更新时间:2024-09-21 00:17



2000年7月毕业于南开大学生命科学学院生物科学专业,获得学士;2005年7月毕业于南开大学环境与工程学院环境生物学专业,获得博士学位;2005年7至2007年6月,在南开大学生物学博士后流动站从事博士后研究,期间赴英国Open大学开展为期3个月的合作研究(合作导师为著名植物种群生态学家Jonathan Silvertown教授);2007年6月留南开大学植物生物学与生态学系任教。




1.Nianxi Zhao, Yubao Gao, Jinlong Wang, Anzhi Ren. Genetic diversity and population differentiation of the dominant 物种 Stipa krylovii in the Inner Mongolia steppe. Biochemical Genetics, 2006, 44, 513-526.

2.Nianxi Zhao, Yubao Gao, Jinlong Wang, Anzhi Ren. Population structure and Genetic diversity of Stipa grandis, a dominant 物种 in the typical steppe of northern China. Biochemical systematics and ecology, 2008, 36: 1-10.

3.赵念席,高玉葆,王金龙,任安芝,徐华 大针茅种群RAPD多样性及其与若干生态因子的相关关系研究. 生态学报, 2006, 26(5): 1312-1319.

4.赵念席,高玉葆,王金龙,任安芝,阮维斌,陈磊,刘惠芬. 内蒙古自治区中东部草原大针茅种群遗传分化研究. 生态学报, 2004, 24(10): 2178-2185.

5.赵念席,高玉葆,王金龙,陈磊,阮维斌,任安芝,刘惠芬. 内蒙古中东部草原区克氏针茅种群遗传分化的RAPD研究. 生态学报, 2004, 24(3): 560-566.


1.赵念席,高玉葆,王金龙,任安芝. Genetic diversity and population differentiation of the dominant 物种 Stipa krylovii in the Inner Mongolia steppe. BIOCHEMICAL GENETICS 44-11-1-513-526. 2007-1-1

2.赵念席,高玉葆,王金龙,任安芝. Genetic diversity and population differentiation of the dominant species Stipa krylovii in the Inner Mongolia steppe. BIOCHEMICAL GENETICS 44-11-1-513-526. 2007-1-1

3.Wang, JL; Zhao, NX; Gao, YB; Lin, F; Ren, AZ; Ruan, WB; Chen, L. RAPD analysis of genetic diversity and population genetic structure of Stipa krylovii Reshov. in Inner Mongolia steppe. RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS 42-5-468. 2006-1-1

4.Xu-hui Chen, Yu-bao Gao, Nian-xi Zhao, Ting-ting Zhao, Min-jie Zhu. An AFLP analysis of genetic diversity and structure of Caragana microphylla populations in Inner Mongolia steppe, China. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 37--. 2009-11-1

5.吴建波, 陈成彬,包晓影, 宋文芹,赵念席, 高玉葆. 内蒙古自治区中东部草原狼针草大针茅和克氏针茅的染色体核型分析. 植物研究 25-5-534-538. 2009-10-1

6.Jian-bo Wu, Yu-bao Gao , Xiao-ying Bao, Hui Gao, Mei-qing Jia, Jie Li, Nian-xi Zhao. Genetic diversity of Stipa grandis P.Smirn populations across the 物种’ range in the Inner 蒙古语 Biochemical Systematics and Ecology --. 2010-8-1

7.Jian-bo Wu, Yu-bao Gao, Xiao-ying Bao, Hui Gao, Mei-qing Jia, Jie Li, Nian-xi Zhao. Genetic variation among Stipa grandis P. Smirn populations with different durations of fencing in the Inner Mongolian Steppe. The Rangeland Journal 32--427�434. 2010-10-1

8.吴建波, 包晓影, 李洁, 赵念席, 高玉葆. 不同围封年限对典型草原群落及大针茅种群特征的影响. 草地学报 18-4-490-495. 2010-7-15

9.刘宏,高慧,张丽红,陈丽萍,赵念席,高玉葆. 内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒草原大针茅-克氏针茅群落的种间关联特征分析. 植物生态学报 34-9-1016�1024. 2010-9-15

10.Nian-xi Zhao, Dan Wang, Yu-bao Gao. Genetic characteristics of Leymus chinensis Tzvel in the Inner Mongolia Steppe of China based on ISSR. ICECS --103-108. 2010-10-20

11.Zhao Tingting, Li Junpeng, Zhang Xinjun, Zhao Nianxi, Gao Yubao. Photosynthetic and morphological characters of Caragana microphylla in different slope aspects and positions. Acta Ecologica Sinica 31--163�168. 2011-5-9


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