邵天敏 :邵天敏

更新时间:2024-09-20 20:11

邵天敏,博士、研究员、博士生导师,清华大学摩擦学国家重点实验室常务副主任。先后主持和参加国家自然科学基金、国家自然科学基金重点项目、973课题、国家科技重大专项课题、国际合作课题以及企业合作项目等20余项。发表论文100余篇, 被SCI收录60篇,国际会议邀请报告11次;获授权发明专利14项;合作主编教材1部;参编英文著作1章节;主持研制多台套摩擦磨损和表面技术装备;开发的若干表面工程产品获得应用。




2005.12— 清华大学摩擦学国家重点实验室 研究员 博导(2006)

2004.01—2004.03 香港城市大学 Research Fellow

2002.03—2002.09 香港城市大学Research Associate

1995.08—2005.12 清华大学精密仪器系摩擦学国家重点实验室 副教授

1994.10—1995.08 清华大学精仪系摩擦学国家重点实验室 讲师

1992.12—1994.10 清华大学精仪系摩擦学国家重点实验室 博士后

1989.10—1992.07 罗马尼亚石油与天然气学院机械系 博士

1983.09—1986.07 东北石油大学机械系 硕士

1978.10—1982.07 大庆石油学院机械系 学士



中国电工学会离子束与电子束专业委员会 副主任委员;




STLE中国顾问委员会 主席;

中国表面工程》、《润滑与密封》、《friction》 编委。







1.Hongfei Shang, Jian Li and Tianmin Shao,Mechanical properties and thermal stability of TiAlN/Ta multilayer film deposited by ion beam assisted deposition,Applied surface Science, 2014, 310: 317–320.

2.Yuanyue Zhang and Tianmin Shao, Contact electrification between polymers and steel, Journal of Electrostatics, 2013, 71:862-866.

3.Yuanyue Zhang and Tianmin Shao, Effect of contact deformation on contact electrification: A first principles calculation, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2013, 46(23): 235304.

4. Yuanyue Zhang and Tianmin Shao, A method of charge measurement for contact electrification, Journal of Electrostatics, 2013,71(4):712-716.

5. Zhang Yuan-Yue, Shao Tian-Min and Su Kang, First-principles study of electronic properties of interfacial atoms in metal–metal contact electrification,齐纳吾·英塔拉库辛 Phys. B. 2013, 22(5):053403.

6. Jun Xu, Tianmin Shao,Thickness dependence of the structural, mechanical and electrical properties of Ni films deposited on polyimide by ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD),surface and Interface Analysis,2013, 45(3): 691–697.

7. X. Huang, H. Kasem, HF. Shang, TM. Shao, and I. Etsion: Experimental study of a potential weakening effect in spheres with thin hard coatings, Wear, 2012,296(1-2):590-597.

8. Songbo Wei, Tianmin Shao, Jun Xu, Investigation of nitride films deposited by ion beam-assisted deposition with low bombarding 能量 of N ions, Materials 化学 and Physics, 2012,135(2-3): 733-737.

9. Songbo Wei, Tianmin Shao, Jun Xu, Effect of bombarding energy of N ions on composition, hardness and surface free energy of nitride films, Surface \u0026 Coatings Technology, 2012,206 (19-20):3944-3948.

10. Jiachen Liu, Dameng Liu, Tianmin Shao,FDTD simulation on laser-induced enhancement of electric field in the near-field apertureless probe system, Laser Physics Letter, 2012,9(7):511-518.

11. Songbo Wei, Tianmin Shao, Peng Ding, Improvement of orthodontic friction by coating archwire with nitride film,Applied surface Science, 2011,257(24): 10333-10337.

12. Songbo Wei, Tianmin Shao, Peng Ding, Study of CNx films coated 316L stainless steel for dental applications, Diamond and Related Materials, 2010,19(5-6): 648–653.

13. Jun Xu, Tianmin Shao, Songbo Wei, Li Qin Effects of ion beam bombardment on the properties of polyimide and Ni films deposited on polyimide by ion beam assisted deposition, surface and Coatings Technology, 2010,204(21-22):3443-3450.

14. Yiqian Zhou, Tianmin Shao, and Liang Yin,A method of micro laser surface texturing based on optical fiber focusing,Laser Physics, 2009, 19(5):1061–1066.

15. 龚海飞,邵天敏,张晨辉,徐军,/Ti纳米多层膜调制比对摩擦磨损行为影响的研究,无机材料学报, 2008,23(4):758-762.

16. 卿涛,邵天敏,温诗铸,材料表面之间粘附过程分析,物理学报, 2007, 56(3):1555-1562.

17. 卿涛,邵天敏,温诗铸,相对湿度对材料表面粘附力影响的研究, 摩擦学学报, 2006,26(4):295-299.

18. Shao T.M.Revolution, Luo J.G. Response 频率 spectrum analysis for impact behavior assessment of material surfaces,Surf. and Coats Tech., 2005,192(2-3):365-373.

19. Tianmin Shao,Meng Hua, An approach for laser polishing of metals, surface \u0026 Coatings Technology, 2005,197(1):77-84.

20. Sedao, T.M.Shao, H.Q.Mu, W.D. Yuan, Production of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystalline film by pulsed laser induced vacuum arc deposition, Thin Solid Films, 2005,483:1-5.

21. ShaoT.M .Cao X.K. et al, Tribological Behaviour of Plasma Spray AlCuFe+Sn Composite Coatings, Journal of non-crystalline solids, 2004, 334-335C:466-470.

22. Yuan WD, Shao TM, Fleury E, Microstructure and tribological properties of plasma sprayed Al-Cu-Fe QC coatings, Surf. and Coats Tech., 2004,185(1): 99-105.

23. ShaoT.M. Meng H.Tam H.Y. Impact wear behavior of laser hardened hypoeutectoid 2Cr13 martensite stainless steel, Wear, 2003,255(1-6):444 – 455.


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