郭彩霞 :北京基因组研究所研究员

更新时间:2024-09-21 08:05



1999年10月至2001年1月 美国肯塔基大学生理系 博士后

2001年1月至2004年 得克萨斯州西南医学中心病理系 博士后

2004年至2008年 美国德克萨斯州西南医学中心病理系Instructor

2008年3月至2009年8月 美国德克萨斯州西南医学中心病理系 助理教授

2009年-至今 中国科学院北京基因组研究所“百人计划”研究员










1、 Guo C, Savage L, Sarge KD, Park-Sarge OK (2001) Gonadotropins decrease the stability of estrogen receptor beta mRNA in rat granulosa cells. Endocrinology

2、 Schenten D, Gerlach VL, Guo C, Velasco-Miguel S, Hladik CL, White CL, Friedberg EC, Rajewsky K, Esposito G (2002) 脱氧核糖核酸 polymerase kappa deficiency does not affect somatic hypermutation in mice. Eur J Immunol

3、 Guo C, Fischhaber PL, Luk-Paszyc MJ, Masuda Y, Zhou J, Kamiya K, Kisker C, Friedberg EC (2003) Mouse REV1 protein interacts with multiple 脱氧核糖核酸 polymerases involved in translesion DNA synthesis. embo J

4、Guo C, Gao T, Confer N, Velasco-Miguel S and Friedberg EC (2005) Multiple PolK (POLK) transcripts in mammalian testis. DNA Repair

5、Takenaka K, Ogi T, Okada T, Sonoda E, Guo C, Friedberg EC, Takeda S (2006) Involvement of 脊椎动物 Polkappa in translesion 脱氧核糖核酸 synthesis across DNA monoalkylation damage. J Biol Chem

6、Guo C, Tang TS, Bienko M, Sonoda E, 派克汉尼汾 JL, Bielen AB, Takeda S, Ulrich HD, Dikic I, Friedberg ec (2006) Ubiquitin-Binding Motifs in Rev1 Protein are Required for Its Role in the Tolerance of 脱氧核糖核酸 Damage. 摩尔 Cell Biol

7、Guo C, Sonoda E, Tang TS, Parker JL, Bielen AB, Takeda S, Ulrich HD, Friedberg ec (2006) REV1 protein interacts with PCNA: significance of the REV1 BRCT domain in vitro and in vivo Mol Cell

8、 Guo C, Tang TS, Bienko M, Dikic I and Friedberg EC. (2008) Requirements for the Interaction of Mouse Polkappa With Ubiquitin, and its Biological Significance. J Biol Chem

9、Kosarek JN, Woodruff RV, Rivera-Begeman A, Guo C, D’Souza S, Koonin EV, Walker GCand Friedberg EC. (2008) Comparative Analysis of in vivo Interactions Between Rev1 Protein and Other Y-Family 脱氧核糖核酸 Polymerases in Animals and Yeasts. DNA Repair

10、 Tang TS, Guo C, Wang H, Chen X, Bezprozvanny I. (2009) Neuroprotective effects of 肌醇 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor C-terminal fragment in a Huntington's disease mouse model. J Neurosci

11、Guo C*,Kosarek JN, Tang TS and Friedberg ec (2009) Y-Family 脱氧核糖核酸 Polymerases in Mammalian Cells. Cell 摩尔 Life Sci

12、 Stancel JN, McDaniel LD, Velasco S, Richardson J, Guo C, Friedberg EC. (2009) Polk mutant mice have a spontaneous mutator phenotype. DNA repair.

13、 Guo C, Tang TS, Friedberg ec (2010) Snapshot: 核苷酸 excision repair. Cell

14、吕娜,唐铁山,郭彩霞*. (2011) 哺乳纲跨损伤DNA聚合酶Polk研究进展. 生物化学和生物物理进展.

15、 Wang Z,Wang F, Tang T, Guo C*. (2012) The role of PARP1 in the 脱氧核糖核酸 damage response and its application in tumor therapy. Front Med

16、Zhang X, Lv L, Chen Q, Yuan F, Zhang T, Yang Y, Zhang H, Wang Y, Jia Y, Qian L, Chen B, Zhang Y, Friedberg C, Tang T and Guo C*.(2013)Mouse 脱氧核糖核酸 polymerase kappa has a functional role in the repair of DNA strand breaks. DNA Repair

17、Wang J, Chen Q, Wang X, Wang Q, Wang Y, Cheng H, Guo C, Sun Q, Chen Q, Tang TS (2013) Dysregulation of Mitochondrial Calcium Signaling and Superoxide Flashes Cause Mitochondrial Genomic 脱氧核糖核酸 Damage in Huntington’s Disease. J. Biol. Chem

18、Wang F, Yang Y, Lin X, Wang JQ, Wu YS, Xie W, Wang D, Zhu S, Liao YQ, Sun Q, Yang YG, Luo HR, Guo C*, Han C* , Tang TS*. (2013). Genome-wide loss of 5-hmC is a novel epigenetic feature of Huntington’s disease. Hum 摩尔 獛属

19、Bétous R, Pillaire MJ, Pierini L, Van der Laan S, Recolin B, Ohl-Séguy E, Guo C, Niimi N, Grúz P, Nohmi T, Friedberg E, Cazaux C, Maiorano D, Hoffmann JS. (2013). 脱氧核糖核酸 polymerase κ- dependent DNA synthesis at stalled replication forks is important for CHK1 activation. EMBO J

20、Lv L, Wang F, Ma X, Yang Y, Wang Z, Liu H, Li X, Liu Z, Zhang T, Huang M, Friedberg E, Tang TS, Guo C*. (2013). Mismatch repair protein MSH2 regulates translesion 脱氧核糖核酸 synthesis following exposure of cells to UV radiation. Nucleic Acid Research.


目录 22
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