黄晓华 :南京师范大学化学院教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 19:04








作为项目主持人近三年来,完成中美合作项目、国家自然科学基金、国家发改委、江苏省高技术及教育部重点项目等8项、在研项目3项。在J.Biol.Inorg.Chem.,J.Phys.Chem.,Dalton Transactions,Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,Annals of 植物学,Electrochimica Acta.,J.Electro. Chem.,J.Mater.Chem.等学术期刊上合作发表SCI论文60余篇(其中第一及通信作者42篇)。被国外SCI期刊如Journal of Physical Chemistry(B、C),Dalton Transactions,International Journal of Biological Sciences,Biological Trace Element Research,Langmuir,Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,Annals of 植物学,Environmental 化学 Letters等他引223次,单篇最高引用17次。2007年应邀在“13th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry(ICBIC13,维也纳)”会上报告;2009年又收到“ICBIC14,日本”会议报告的邀请。获得1项美国专利及6项中国(授权)发明专利。其中,一项特色研究成果用于出口经济作物,05-07连续三年该产品获得欧盟生态证书及出口美国、加拿大丹麦德国等国家和地区,净增经济效益96万美元。






(1)Huang, X.H., Zhou, Q., Lu,T.H., Guo, S.F (2009). Design and preparation of 植物界 growth regulator of rare 地球 element-amino acid-vitamine, United States Patent(EFSID;4978659;PCT/CN07/01912).

(2)Guo , X.Y., Yin,W.Q., Sun, X.H., Huang, X.H.*,. Lu, T.H.(2009). Study on intreaction between Eu(III) and thermosensitive microsphere. Polym.Bull. 62:337-344.

(3)Guo, S.F., Cao, R., Lu, A.H., Zhou, Q., Lu, T.H., Ding, X.L., Li, CJ集团, Huang, X.H.* (2008) One of the Possible Mechanisms for the Inhibition Effect of Tb (III) on Peroxidase Activity in Horseradish (Armoracia Rusticana) Treated with Tb (III). Journal of Biological Inorganic 化学 13(4): 587-597.

(4)Guo, S.F., Zhou, Q., Lu, T.H., Ding, X.L., Huang, X.H.* (2008) Inhibition Mechanism of Tb-III on Horseradish Peroxidase Activity. Chemistry \u0026 Biodiversity. 5(10): 2050-2059.

(5)Ye, Y.X., Wang, L.H., Huang, X.H.*, Lu, T.H., Ding, X.L., Zhou, Q.*, Guo, S.F. (2008) Subcellular Location of Horseradish Peroxidase in Horseradish Leaves Treated with La(III), Ce(III) and Tb(III). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 71(3): 677-684.

(6)Wang, L.H., Huang, X.H.*, Zhou, Q.* (2008) Effects of Rare 地球 Elements on the Distribution of Mineral Elements and Heavy Metals in Horseradish. Chemosphere. 73(3): 314-319.

(7)Liu, H.K. *, Huang, X.H.*, Lu, T.H., Wang, X.J., Sun, W.Y., Kang, B.S. (2008) Discrete and INFINITE 1d, 2d/3d Cage Frameworks with Inclusion of Anionic 物种 and Anion-Exchange Reactions of Ag3l2 Type Receptor with Tetrahedral and Octahedral Anions. Dalton Transactions. (24): 3178-3188.

(8)Guo, S.F., Zhou, Q., Lu, T.H., Ding, X.L., Huang, X.H.* (2008) Spectroscopic Studies of Interactions Involving Horseradish Peroxidase and Tb3+. Spectrochimica Acta Part A-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 70(4): 818-823.

(9)Zhou, H., Lu, T.H., Shi, H.X., Dai, Z.H., Huang, X.H.* (2008) Direct Electrochemistry and Electrocatalysis of Catalase Immobilized on Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Modified Glassy Electrode and Its Application. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 612(2): 173-178.

(10)Guo, X.Y., Lu, T.H., Huang, X.H.* (2008) Eu(III)-Modified Properties of Thermosensitive Core-Shell Microspheres. Colloid and Polymer Science. 286(4): 469-473.

(11)Guo, X.Y., Chen, M.Q., Lu, T.H., Huang, X.H.* (2008) Effect of Tb(III) on the Properties of P(Nipam-Co-St) Copolymer Microspheres. Journal of Polymer Research. 15(2): 141-145.

(12)Guo, S.F., Zhou, Q., Lu, T.H., Ding, X.L., Huang, X.H.* (2007)Inhibition Effect of Tb(III) on Horseradish Peroxidase Activity. Journal of Biological Inorganic 化学 12, (S1): S203.

(13)Guo, X.S., Zhou, Q., Zhu, X.D., Lu, T.H., Huang, X.H.* (2007) Migration of a Rare 地球 Element Cerium(III) in Horseradish. Acta Chimica Sinica. 65(17): 1922-1924.

(14)Guo, X.S., Zhou, Q., Lu, T.H., Fang, M., Huang, X.H.* (2007) Distribution and Translocation of Ce-141 (III) in Horseradish. Annals of 植物学 100(7): 1459-1465.

(15)Guo, S.F., Zhou, Q., Lu, T.H., Ding, X.L., Huang, X.H.* (2007) Interaction between La3+ and Mp-11 in the Physiological Solution. Electrochimica Acta. 52(5): 2032-2038.

(16)Zhao, B.*, Rong, Y.Z., Huang, X.H., Shen, J.S. (2007) Experimental and Theoretical Study on the Structure and Electronic Spectra of Imiquimod and its Synthetic Intermediates. Bioorganic \u0026 Medicinal 化学 Letters. 17(17): 4942-4946.

(17)Huang, X.H.*, Guo, S.F., Zhou, Q., Lu, T.H.*, Ding, X.L. (2007) Effect of La3+ on Structure and Electrochemical Reaction of Microperoxidase-11 in Imitated Physiological Solution. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 600(2): 227-235.

(18)Yin, W.Q., Chen, M.Q., Lu, T.H., AKASHI, M., Huang, X.H.* (2007) Properties of Complex of Tb(III) and Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide)-G-Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide-Co-苯乙烯) Core-Shell Nanoparticles. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 432(1-2): L18-L21.


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