黎厚斌 :中国振动工程学会常务理事

更新时间:2024-09-21 11:14



黎厚斌,博士,教授,教育部高等学校包装工程专业分指导委员会副主任委员,中国包装联合会包装教育指导委员会副主任委员,中国振动工程学会包装动力学专业委员会第六届理事会常务理事,全国数码影像材料与数字印刷标准化技术委员会副秘书长。主要从事绿色包装材料、功能材料、高分子化学与物理等方向的研究。主持国家自然基金项目、国防科工委配套项目、广东省产学研项目和中央高校专项基金等项目,参与国家科技支撑计划、自然基金项目、国家发改委专项及军工项目。发表学术论文60余篇,其中SCI收录31篇,EI收录8篇,ISTP收录6篇,申请发明专利23项,授权16项。担任Bioresources、Journal of Applied polymer Science、Chemical Engineering Journal等国际期刊特约审稿人,《中国印刷与包装研究》首届编委会委员、中国包装联合会培训专家委员会首届委员、《包装学报》编委会委员、《包装与食品机械》特约审稿专家。获全国包装教育先进个人称号、汕头市科学技术进步奖



N. Su, H. B. Li*, S. J. Yuan, S. P. Yi, E .Q. Yin,Synthesis and characterization of 聚吡咯 doped with anionic spherical polyelectrolyte brushes,eXPRESS Polymer Letters, 6(9), 697–705,2012

N. Su, H. B. Li*, H. M. Zheng, S. P. Yi, X. H. Liu,Synthesis and characterization of poly(sodium-p-styrenesulfonate)/modified SiO2 spherical brushes,eXPRESS Polymer Letters, 6(8) 680–686,2012

Xinxin Zhu, Na Su, Houbin Li*, Xinghai Liu, Yan Li,Synthesis and characterization of spherical polymer brushes,Materials Letters, 65, 2816–2819 ,2011

Fangfang Zhang, Zhengkai Tu, Jun Yu, Houbin Li, Chi Huang, Haining Zhang, Impregnation of imidazole functionalized polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane in polymer electrolyte membrane for elevated 温度 fuel cells, RSC Advances, 2013, (Accepted)

Yang, Jian, Chu, Jiahai; Yang, Yao; Guo, Yubao; Lou, Xigang; Li, Houbin* ,Preparation of silver nanoplates and application in PCB ink-jet, Advanced Materials Research, 380, 129-132,2012

Yifu Zhang, Meijuan Fan, Xinghai Liu, Chi Huang, and Houbin Li, Beltlike V2O3@C Core–Shell-Structured Composite: 设计, Preparation, Characterization, Phase Transition, and Improvement of Electrochemical Properties of V2臭氧, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 1650, 1650–1659,2012

Houbin Li*, Meijuan Fan, Yifu Zhang, Chi Huang, Guangyong Xie, Xinghai Liu, Preparation and Electrochemical Properties of VO2(B) Nanobelts, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 80-81, 327-331,2011

Zhang, Yifu ; Fan, Meijuan; Liu, Xinghai; Xie, Guangyong; Li, Houbin; Huang, Chi, Synthesis of VO2(A) nanobelts by the transformation of VO2(B) under the hydrothermal treatment and its optical switching properties, Solid State Communications, 152(4), 253-256,2012

Wenjuan Gu, Houbin Li*,Huaiyu Zhan, Jun Ding, Xiaohui Zhang, The Interface Interaction Between 液态水Soluble Chitosan(DD=50%) and Peroxide Bleached Reed Kraft Pulp, Journal of Applied Polymer Science,Vol. 121, 2606–2613, 2011

Zhang, Yifu ; Fan, Meijuan; Zhou, Min; Huang, Chi; Chen, Chongxue; Cao, Yuliang; Xie, Guangyong; Li, Houbin; Liu, Xinghai, Controlled synthesis and electrochemical properties of vanadium oxides with different nanostructures: Bulletin of Materials Science, 35(3), 369-376,2012

Su Na, Chen Ivan,Li Houbin*,Liu Xinghai, Zhu Xinxin,Preparation and 表演 of Cationic Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brushes as Retention and Drainage Aid in Papermaking,Advanced Materials Research, 174, 333-336,2011

Zhang, Yifu ; Fan, Meijuan; Niu, Fei; Zhong, Yalan; Huang, Chi; Liu, Xinghai; Wang, Baojun; Li, Houbin, Hydrothermal synthesis of VO2(A) nanobelts and their phase transition and optical switching properties,Micro and Nano Letters, 6(11), 888-891,2011

Zhang, Yifu ; Liu, Xinghai; Chen, Dongzhi; Yu, Lei; Nie, Jiaorong; Yi, Shengping; Li, Houbin; Huang, Chi, Fabrication of V3O7·H2O@C core-shell nanostructured composites and the effect of V3O7·H2O and V3O7·H2O@C on decomposition of ammonium perchlorate, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509(5), 69-73, 2011

Yalan zhong, Yifu zhang, Xin Liu, Xinghai Liu, Chi Huang, Houbin Li, Synthesis of VO2(A) Nanostructures by a Hydrothermal Method and Their Transition to VO2(M), Advanced Materials Research, 295-297, 368-372,2011

Zhang, Yifu; Li, Wei; Fan, Meijuan; Zhang, Fangfang; Zhang, Juecheng; Liu, Xinghai; Zhang, Haining; Huang, Chi; Li, Houbin, Preparation of W- and Mo-doped VO2(M) by 乙醇 reduction of peroxovanadium complexes and their phase transition and optical switching properties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 544, 30-36 ,2012

YIFU ZHANG, MEIJUAN FAN, MIN ZHOU, CHI HUANG, CHONGXUE CHEN, YULIANG CAO, GUANGYONG XIE, HOUBIN LI and XINGHAI LIU,Controlled synthesis and electrochemical properties of vanadium oxides with different nanostructures, Bull. Mater. Sci., 35(3), 369–376,2012

Xinghai Liu, Yifu Zhang, Shengping Yi , Chi Huang, Jun Liao, Houbin Li, Preparation of V2臭氧 nanopowders by supercritical fluid reduction, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 56,194-200,2011

Liu Xinghai, Wang Yan, Li Houbin*, Huang Chi, Chen Songzhou,Preparation and Characterization of Nanomaterials for Intelligent 温度 Control Package,Advanced Materials Research, 174, 454-457,2011

Zhang, Yifu; Fan, Meijuan; Niu, Fei; Wu, Weibing; Huang, Chi; Liu, Xinghai; Li, Houbin; Leu, Xin, Belt-like VO2(M) with a rectangular cross section: A new route to prepare, the phase transition and the optical switching properties, Current Applied Physics, 12(3), 875-879,2012


黎厚斌 苏娜 易生平 刘兴海 黄驰,一种新型纳米阳离子球型聚电解质刷的制备方法, 201110330465.x

黎厚斌 苏娜 易生平 刘兴海 黄驰,球型聚电解质刷掺杂导电聚合物的制备方法,01110335805.8

黎厚斌,刘艳,一种控温聚乙烯醇包装薄膜及其制备方法和应用, ZL200910063289.0

黎厚斌 刘艳,一种控温聚乙烯醇包装薄膜及其制备方法和应用,2010.5, ZL200910063289.0

黎厚斌 张彦粉,可食用的抗菌油墨,ZL 200910273063.3

黎厚斌 苏娜 黄瑜 张雄志 刘兴海,一种球型聚电解质刷荷载有机导电复合微纳粒子及其制备方法. 201310037731.9

黎厚斌,刘娟,一种生物降解塑料及其及其制备方法,ZL 200910063297.5

黎厚斌,张乾,刘娟,一种生物降解缓冲包装材料及其制备方法,ZL 200910063296.0

黎厚斌,张彦粉,可食用的抗菌油墨,ZL 200910273063.3

刘兴海,黄驰,黎厚斌,易生平. 一种低表面能抗覆冰涂料及其制备方法, ZL201110123468.6.

刘兴海,黄驰,黎厚斌,易生平. 一种水性UV固化涂料及其制备方法, 201110123455.9.












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