齐广海 :中国农业科学院饲料研究所所学术委员会副主任委员

更新时间:2024-09-20 15:17



齐广海,1963年5月出生于陕西省周至县。1983年毕业于西北农林科技大学(现西北农林科技大学)畜牧专业,获得学士。1991年在中国农业科学院获得动物营养学硕士学位,1995年获得动物营养与饲料科学博士学位(与加拿大阿尔伯塔省大学联合培养)。1983年8月至1996年3月在中国农业科学院畜牧研究所工作,1996年4月至今在中国农业科学院饲料研究所工作,历任动物营养研究室副主任、主任、所长助理、副所长,2013年1月起担任所长、党委副书记、所学术委员会主任委员,2019年4月29日免去所长职务。齐广海兼任多项学术和社会职务,包括现代农业产业技术体系(蛋鸡)岗位科学家、生物饲料开发国家工程研究中心专家委员会副主任委员、中国农业科学院学术委员会委员等。他还担任《Poultry Science》Associate Editor、《饲料与畜牧:新饲料》主编等杂志编委,并在多个学术组织中担任重要职务。齐广海的研究成果丰富,发表论文100余篇,其中20多篇被SCI收录,出版专著和书籍20多部(册)。他曾获得国家科技进步二等奖1次,省部级科技一等奖1次、二等奖3次、三等奖2次。




Xiao J F, Zhang Y N, Wu S G, Zhang H J, Yue H Y, Qi G H. 2014. Manganese supplementation enhances the synthesis of glycosaminoglycan in eggshell membrane: A strategy to improve eggshell quality in laying hens. Poult. Sci. 93(2):380–388

Zhang L, Wang J, Wu S G, Qiao X, Yue H Y, Yao J H, Zhang H J, Qi G H. 2014. Stimulation with monochromatic green light during incubation alters satellite cell mitotic activity and gene expression in relation to embryonic and posthatch muscle growth of broiler chickens. 动物界, 7(1):86-93

pan Y Z, Wu S G, Dai H C, Zhang H J, Yue H Y, Qi G H. 2013. Solexa sequencing of microRNAs on 新陈代谢 in broiler Chicks J. Nutrigenet. Nutrigenom. 6(3):137-153

Jiang X R, Luo F H, Qu M R, Bontempo V, Wu S G, Zhang H J, Yue H Y, Qi G H. 2013. Effect of non-phytate levels and phytase sources on the growth 表演, serum biochemical and tibial parameters of broiler chickens. Italian J. Anim. Sci. 12(e60):375-380

Wang J, Wu S G, Zhang H J, Yue H Y, Xu L, Ji F, Xu L, Qi G H. 2013. 三甲胺 deposition in the egg yolk from laying hens with different FMO3 genotypes. Poult. Sci. 92 (3):746-752

Qiao X, Zhang H J, Wu S G, Yue H Y, Zuo J J, Feng D Y, Qi G H. 2013. Effect of β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate on growth, blood parameters, and carcass qualities of broiler chickens. Poult. Sci. 92(3):753-759

Wang J, Yue H Y, Xia Z Q, Wu S G, Zhang H J, Ji F, Xu L, Qi G H. 2012. Effect of dietary choline supplementation under different flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 genotypes on 三甲胺 新陈代谢 in laying hens. Poult. Sci. 91(9):2221-2228

Zhang L, Zhang H J, Qiao X, Yue H Y, Wu S G, Yao J H, Qi G H. 2012. Effect of monochromatic light stimuli during embryogenesis on muscular growth, chemical composition, and meat quality of breast muscle in male broilers. Poult. Sci. 91(4):1026-1031

Qi, X L, Wu S G, Zhang H J, Yue H Y, Xu S H, Ji F, Qi G H. 2011. Effects of dietary conjugated linoleic acids on lipid 新陈代谢 and antioxidant capacity in laying hens. Arch. Anim. Nutr. 65(5): 354–365

Xu L, Wu S G, Zhang H J, Zhang L, Yue H Y, Ji F, Qi G H. 2011. Comparison of lipid oxidation, mRNA levels of avian uncoupling protein, avian adenine nucleotide translocator, and avian peroxisome proliferator-activated 捕手γ coactivator-1α in skeletal muscles from electrical- and gas- stunned broilers. Poult. Sci. 90(9):2069-2075

Xu L, Yue H Y, Wu S G, Zhang H J, Ji F, Zhang L, Qi G H. 2011. Comparison of blood variables, fiber intensity, and muscle metabolites in H.O.T.boned muscles from electrical- and gas-stunned broilers. Poult. Sci. 90(8):1837-1843

Xu L, Ji F, Yue H Y, Wu S G, Zhang H J, Zhang L, Qi G H. 2011. Plasma variables, meat quality, and glycolytic potential in broilers stunned with different dioxide concentrations. Poult. Sci. 90(8):1831-1836

Xu L, Zhang L, Yue H Y, Wu S G, Zhang H J, Ji F, Qi G H. 2011. Effect of electrical stunning current and 频率 on meat quality, plasma parameters, and glycolytic potential in broilers. Poult. Sci. 90(8):1823-1830

Yue, H Y, Wang J, Qi X L, Ji F, Liu M F, Wu S G, Zhang H J, Qi G H. 2011. Effects of dietary oxidized oil on laying 表演, lipid 新陈代谢, and apolipoprotein gene expression in laying hens. Poult. Sci. 90(8):1728-1736

Qin Y C, Lv X W, Li J, Qi G H, Diao Q Y, Liu G H, Xue M, Wang J Q, Tong J M, Zhang L Y, Zhang K Y. Assessment of 三聚氰胺 contamination in crop, soil and 液态水 in China and risks of melamine accumulation in 动物界 tissues and products. Environmental International, 2010, 36(5):446-452

Gao C Q, Wu S G, Yue H Y, Ji F, Zhang H J, Liu Q S, Fan Z Y, Liu F Z, Qi G H. 2010. Toxicity of dietary Melamine to laying ducks: biochemical and histopathological changes and residue in eggs. J. Agri. Food Chem. 58(8):5199-5205

Yue H Y, Zhang L, Wu S G, Xu L, Zhang H J, Qi G H. 2010. Effects of transport stress on blood 新陈代谢, glycolytic potential, and meat quality in meat-type 黄色feathered chickens. Poult. Sci. 89(3):413–419

Zhang L, Yue H Y, Wu S G, Xu L, Zhang H J, Yan H J, Cao Y L, Gong Y S, Qi G H. 2010. Transport stress in broilers. II. Superoxide production, adenosine 磷酸盐 concentrations, and mRNA levels of avian uncoupling protein, avian adenine 核苷酸 translocator, and avian peroxisome proliferator-activated 捕手γ coactivator-1α in skeletal muscles. Poult. Sci. 89(3):393–400

Gao J, Zhang H J, Wu S G, Yu S H, Yoon I, Moore D, Gao Y P, Yan H Y, Qi G H. 2009. Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 发酵 product on immune functions of broilers challenged with Eimeria tenella. Poult. Sci. 88(10):2141-2151

Zhang L, Yue HY, Zhang H J, Xu L, Wu S G, Yan H J, Gong Y S, Qi G H. 2009. Transport Stress in Broilers: I. Blood 新陈代谢, Glycolytic Potential and Meat Quality. Poult. Sci. 88(10):2033-2041

Gao J, Zhang H J, Yu S H, Wu S G, Yoon I, Quigley J, Gao Y P, Qi G H. 2008. Effects of yeast culture in broiler diets on 表演 and immunomodulatory functions. Poult. Sci. 87(7):1377–1384

Qi G H, Sim J S. 1998. Natural tocopherol enrichment and its effect on n-3 fatty acid modified chicken eggs. J. Agri. Food Chem. 46:1920-1926.

Lee K H, Qi G H,Sim J S. 1995. Metabolizable 能量 and amino acid availability of full-fat seeds, meals and oils of flax and canola. Poult. Sci. 74:1341-1348.

Qi G H, Diao Q Y, Tu Y, Wu S G, Zhang S H, 2004. Nutritional evaluation and utilization of quality protein maize in 动物界 feed. Pages 185-198 In: ProTEIN Sources for the Animal Feed Industry, Expert Consultation and Workshop, Bangkok, 29 April – 3 May 2002. FAO, Rome, Italy.

Diao QY, Qi G H. 1999. Tannins in livestock feed in China. Pages 66-70 In: Tannins in Livestock and Human Nutrition, ACIAR Proceedings No.92 (ISBN 1-86320-276-5).

Qi G H, Huo Q G, Sim J S. 1996. Designing poultry products for the health conscious consumers. Proc. XX World Poultry Congress Vol.3:187-197.

Sim, J S, Qi G H. 1995. Designing poultry products using flaxseed. Pages 315-332 In: Flaxseed in human Nutrition, S. C. Cunnane and L. U. Thompson, Eds, AOCS Press, Champaign, IL., USA.




06-13 中国农业科学院巡察组进驻饲料所开展政治巡察.中国农业科学院饲料研究所.2024-03-15

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