冯前进 :山西中医学院教授

更新时间:2024-09-20 11:23










• 学术论文

• Meiyan Huang, Wei Yang, Yao Wu, Jun Jiang, Wufan Chen, Qianjin Feng*,"Brain Tumor Segmentation Based on Local Independent Projection-based Classification ", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 05/2014, (SCI, IF 2.35)

• M. Huang, W. Yang, J. Jiang, Y. Wu, Y. Zhang, W. Chen, Q. Feng*, “Brain Extraction based on Locally Linear Representation-based Classification,” NeuroImage, 02/2014. Published online. .(SCI, IF: 6.25)

• Y. Wu, G. Liu, M. Huang, J. Jiang, W. Yang, W. Chen*, Q. Feng*, “Prostate Segmentation based on Variant Scale Patch and Local Independent Projection,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 02/2014. Published online.(SCI, IF: 4.03)

• Z. Bian, J. Huang, J. Ma*, L. Lu, S. Niu, D. Zeng, Q. Feng, W. Chen*, “Dynamic Positron Emission Tomography Image Restoration via a Kinetics-Induced Bilateral Filter,” PubMed,2014, 9(2). (SCI, IF: 3.73)

• J. Jiang, Y. Wu, M. Huang, W. Yang, W. Chen, Q. Feng*, “3D Brain Tumor Segmentation in Multimodal MR Images based on Learning Population- and Patient-Specific Feature Sets,” Computerize Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2013. (SCI, IF: 1.664)

• Y. Wu, W. Yang, J. Jiang, S. Li, Q. Feng*, W. Chen, “Semi-automatic Segmentation of Brain Tumors Using Population and Individual Information,” Journal of Digital Imaging,2013, (26): 786-796. (SCI, IF: 1.255)

• H. Zhang, J. Huang, J. Ma*, Z. Bian, Q. Feng, H. Lu, Z. Liang, W. Chen*, “Iterative Reconstruction for X-Ray Computed Tomography using Prior-Image Induced Nonlocal Regularization,” IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering, 2013, 10. (SCI, IF: 2.15)

• Z. Bian, J. Ma*, J. Huang, H. Zhang, S. Niu, Q. Feng, Z. Liang, W. Chen, “SR-NLM: A sinogram restoration induced non-local means image filtering for low-dose computed tomography,” Computerized medical imaging and graphics: the official journal of the Computerized Medical Imaging Society,2013. (SCI, IF: 1.04)

• Q. Zheng, Z. Lu*, W. Yang, M. Zhang, Q. Feng*, W. Chen, “A robust medical image segmentation method using KL distance and local Neighborhood information,” Computers in biology and medicine, 2013, 43(5): 459-70. (SCI, IF: 1.27)

• Y. Zhang, P-T. Yap, G. Wu, Q. Feng, J. Lian, W. Chen*, D. Shen, “Resolution enhancement of lung 4D-CT data using multiscale interphase iterative nonlocal means ,” Medical Physics,2013, 40(5). (SCI, IF: 2.83)

• L. Gao, W. Yang, Z. Liao, X. Liu, Q. Feng*, W. Chen*, “Segmentation of ultrasonic breast tumors based on homogeneous patch,” Medical Physics, 2012, 39(6): 3299-318. (SCI, IF: 2.83)

• W. Yang, Q. Feng*, Z. Lu, M. Yu, Y. Xu, W. Chen, “Content-based retrieval of brain tumor in contrast-enhanced MRI images using tumor margin information and learned distance metric,” Medical Physics,2012, 39(11): 6929-6942. (SCI, IF: 2.83)

• W. Yang, Z. Lu, M. Yu, M. Huang, Q. Feng*, W. Chen, “Content-based retrieval of focal liver lesions using bag-of-visual-words representations of single and multiphase contrast-enhanced CT images,” Journal of Digital Imaging, 2012. (SCI, IF: 1.25)

• Y. Zhang, G. Wu, P.-T. Yap, Q. Feng, J. Lian, W. Chen*, D. Shen*, “Hierarchical patch-based sparse representation - A new approach for resolution enhancement of 4D-CT lung data,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2012, 31: 1993-2005, (SCI, IF: 3.61)

• W. Li, S. Liao, Q. Feng, W. Chen, D. Shen*, “Learning image context for segmentation of prostate in CT-guided radiotherapy,” Phys. Med. Biol, 2012, (57): 1283-1308. (SCI, IF: 2.81)

• M. Yu, Q. Feng*, W. Yang, Y. Gao, W. Chen, “Extraction of lesion-partitioned features and retrieval of contrast-enhanced liver images,” Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2012. (SCI, IF: 0.68)

• M. Huang, W. Yang, M. Yu, Z. Lu, Q. Feng*, W. Chen, “Retrieval of brain tumors with region-specific bag-of-visual-words representations in contrast-enhanced MRI images,” Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2012. (SCI, IF: 0.68)

• Q. Zheng, Z. Lu*, Q. Feng, J. Ma, W. Yang, C. Chen , W. Chen*, “Adaptive segmentation of vertebral bodies from sagittal MR images based on local spatial information and Gaussian weighted Chi-Square distance,” Journal of Digital Imaging, 2012. (SCI, IF: 1.25)

• Y. Feng, Y. Song, C. Wang, X. Xin, Q. Feng, W. Chen*, “Fast direct Fourier reconstruction of radial and PROPELLER MRI data using the Chirp transform algorithm on graphics hardware,” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2012. (SCI, IF: 2.96)

• X. Xin, J. Han, D. Wang, Q. Feng, W. Chen*, “Development of a calibration phantom set for MRI 温度 imaging,” Academic Radiology, 2012. (SCI, IF: 2.09)

• X. Xin, J. Han, D. Wang, Y. Feng, Q. Feng, W. Chen*, “Development of a calibration phantom set for MRI temperature imaging system quality assurance,” Academic radiology, 2012, 19(6): 740-5. (SCI, IF: 2.09)

• J. Ma, J. Huang, Q. Feng, H. Zhang, H. Lu, Z. Liang, and W. Chen*, “Low-dose computed tomography image restoration using previous normal-dose scan,” Medical Physics, 2011, 38(10): 5713-5731. (SCI, IF: 2.83)

• J. Huang, J. Ma*, N. Liu, H. Zhang, Z. Bian, Y. Feng, Q. Feng, W. Chen*, “Sparse angular CT reconstruction using non-local means based iterative-correction POCS,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2011, 41: 195-205. (SCI, IF: 1.27)

• X. Xin, D. Wang, J. Han, Y. Feng, Q. Feng, W. Chen*, “Numerical optimization of intra-operative radio 频率 coil for open vertical-field magnetic resonance guided-focused ultrasound surgery using hybrid method of moment/ finite difference 时间 domain method,” NMR in Bio-medicine, 2011: 750-753. (SCI, IF: 3.21)

• J. Ma, Q. Feng, Y. Feng, J. Huang, W. Chen*, “Generalized Gibbs priors based positron emission tomo-graphy reconstruction,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2010, (40): 565-571. (SCI, IF: 1.27)

• Q. Feng,M. Foskey, S. Tang, W. Chen*, D. Shen, “Segmenting CT prostate images using population and patient-specific 统计学 for radiotherapy,” Medical Physics, 2010, 37(8): 4121-4132. (SCI, IF: 2.83)

• Z. Lu, Q. Feng, W. Chen*, “Medical Image Elastic Registration Based on Discontinuity Adaptive Markov Random Field Model,” The Imaging Science Journal, 2010, 58: 193-201. (SCI, IF: 0.26)




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