刘威 :武汉大学物理科学与技术学院教授

更新时间:2024-09-20 17:24



武汉大学物理科学与技术学院,光电子与仪器开发实验室,从事10多年的微流芯片与光电子仪器研究工作。在微流芯片设计,光电系统等方面有多年的技术积累。相关研究工作成果在国际期刊上连续发表。其中有关传感器材料以及微芯片的研究工作在《Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical》以及《Applied Physics Letters》上多次报道。在国际与国内核心期刊以上发表论文二十余篇,其中被SCI收录24篇,被EI收录3篇。







1: 物联网与智慧城市

2: 微流控芯片与精密仪器


成果简介:在Advanced Materials、ACS Nano、Advanced Healthcare Materials、Advanced Functional Materials等著名学术期刊上发表SCI论文80余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表AM. 2篇,ACS Nano 1篇,AHM3篇,AFM1篇,Small1篇,Nanoscale1篇,以及APL、Nanotechnology,JPCC等其他期刊20余篇。论文他引1000余次(H-index = 19);为Advanced Materials、Advanced Healthcare Materials、Advanced Functional Materials等20余学术期刊承担审稿服务。



《胎儿有核红细胞快速识别分析相关技术研发》 国家“十三五”重点研发计划(子课题) 2016

《有核红细胞产前诊断分析仪》 (第二负责人)国家重大仪器专项 2016

《面向低浓度甲醛传感器的增强氧化纳米晶体》 国家自然科学基金面上项目 2015

《基于纳米材料俘获及检测循环肿瘤细胞研究》 国家自然科学基金面上项目 2013

《基于多铁/庞磁阻纳米管的传感器研究》 国家自然科学基金青年项目 2009

《基于微流控芯片的病毒检测仪器开发》 国家“十一五”重点研发计划(子课题) 2010

《基于微流控芯片的有核红细胞分析》 中央高等院校专项 2010

《钴氧纳米管在传感器中的应用》 中央高等院校专项 2008

《微流芯片荧光分析仪开发》 企业合作 2007

《微流芯片荧光分析仪二期开发》 企业合作 2009

《全自动核酸提取仪开发》 企业合作 2010












3. Microfluidic Electroporation-Facilitated Synthesis of Erythrocyte Membrane-Capped Magnetic Nanoparticles for Enhanced Imaging-Guided Cancer Therapy

By: Rao, Lang; Cai, Bo; Bu, Lin-Lin; Liao, Qing-Quan; Guo, Shi-Shang; Zhao, Xing-Zhong; 越南盾, Wenfei*(苏州医工所,董文飞教授); Liu, Wei*;et al.

ACS Nano, 2017 (Online)

2.Antitumor Platelet-Mimicking Magnetic Nanoparticles

By:Lang Rao,Lin-Lin Bu,Qian-Fang Meng,Bo Cai,Wei-Wei Deng,Andrew Li,Kaiyang Li,Shi-Shang Guo,Wen-Feng Zhang,Wei Liu,Zhi-Jun Sun*(武大医学院,孙志军教授), LiuWei*;et al.

Advanced Functional Materials,2017, 10 (1), pp 104774

1.Erythrocyte Membrane-Coated Upconversion Nanoparticles with Minimal Protein Adsorption for Enhanced Tumor Imaging

By:Lang Rao, Qian-Fang Meng, Lin-Lin Bu, Bo Cai, Qinqin Huang, Zhi-Jun Sun, Wen-Feng Zhang, Jeff Wang(JHU 生物医学工程,王泽辉教授), Shi-Shang Guo, LiuWei*;et al.

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (3), pp 2159–2168


16. Cancer Cell Membrane-Coated Upconversion Nanoprobes for Highly Specific Tumor Imaging

By: Rao, Lang; Bu, Lin-Lin; Cai, Bo;Wang Hao(国家纳米中心,王浩教授), Liu Wei*; et al.

ADVANCED MATERIALS Volume: 28 Issue: 18 Pages: 3460-+ Published: MAY 11 2016

15. Hydrogen gas sensor based on metal oxide nanoparticles decorated graphene transistor

By: Zhang, Zhangyuan; Zou, Xuming; Xu, Lei; Liu Wei; Liao Lei*(武汉大学,廖蕾 教授);et al.

NANOSCALE Volume: 7 Issue: 22 Pages: 10078-10084 Published: 2015

14. Photocatalytic Degradation of Cell Membrane Coatings for Controlled Drug Release

By: Rao, Lang; Meng, Qian-Fang; Huang, Qinqin; Liu Wei*; et al.

ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS Volume: 5 Issue: 12 Pages: 1420-1427 Published: JUN 22 2016

13 Efficient Purification and Release of Circulating Tumor Cells by Synergistic Effect of Biomarker and SiO2@Gel-Microbead-Based Size Difference Amplification

By: Huang, Qinqin; Cai, Bo; Chen, Bolei; Liu Wei*; Guo SS*; Zhao XingZhong*;et al.

ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS Volume: 5 Issue: 13 Pages: 1554-1559 Published: JUL 6 2016

12. Synthetic nanoparticles camouflaged with biomimetic erythrocyte membranes for reduced reticuloendothelial system uptake

By: Rao, Lang; Xu, Jun-Hua; Cai, Bo; Liu Wei*;et al.

NANOTECHNOLOGYVolume: 27 Issue: 8 Article Number: 085106 Published: FEB 26 2016

11. composite nanostructured electron-transport layer for stable hole-conductor free perovskite solar cells: 设计 and characterization

By: Yu, Zhenhua; Qi, Fei; Liu, Pei; Liu Wei*; Guo SS*; Zhao XingZhong*;et al.

NANOSCALEVolume: 8 Issue: 11 Pages: 5847-5851 Published: 2016

10. Effective cancer targeting and imaging using macrophage membranecamouflaged upconversion nanoparticles

By:Lang Rao, Qian-Fang Meng, Lin-Lin Bu, Bo Cai, Qinqin Huang, Zhi-Jun Sun, Wen-Feng Zhang(武大医学院,张文峰教授), Andrew Li, Shi-Shang Guo, LiuWei*;et al.

JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH PART A Volume: 105 Issue: 2 Pages: 551-555 Published: NOV 2016

9. Ultra-thin anatase TiO2 nanosheets with admirable structural stability for advanced reversible lithium storage and cycling 表演

By: Yu, Wenjing; Liu, Yumin; Cheng, Nian; Liu Wei*; Guo SS*; Zhao XingZhong*;et al.

ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA Volume: 220 Pages: 398-404 Published: DEC 1 2016

8. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes act as charge transport channel to boost the efficiency of hole transport material free perovskite solar cells

By: Cheng, Nian; Liu, Pei; Qi, Fei; Liu Wei*; Guo SS*; Zhao XingZhong*;et al.

JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES Volume: 332 Pages: 24-29 Published: NOV 15 2016

7. One-pot stirring-free synthesis of silver nanowires with tunable lengths and diameters via a Fe3+ \u0026 Cl- co-mediated polyol method and their application as transparent conductive films

By: Zhan, Kan; Su, Rui; Bai, Sihang; Liu Wei*; Guo SS*; Zhao XingZhong*;et al.

NANOSCALE Volume: 8 Issue: 42 Pages: 18121-18133 Published: NOV 14 2016

6. Autofluorescent gelatin nanoparticles as imaging probes to monitor matrix metalloproteinase 新陈代谢 of cancer cells

By: Cai, Bo; Rao, Lang; Ji, Xinghu; Liu Wei; Zhao XingZhong*;et al.

JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH PART A Volume: 104 Issue: 11 Pages: 2854-2860 Published: NOV 2016

5. Application of mesoporous SiO2 layer as an insulating layer in high performance hole transport material free CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite solar cells

By: Cheng, Nian; Liu, Pei; Bai, Sihang; Liu Wei*; Guo SS*; Zhao XingZhong*;et al.

JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES Volume: 321 Pages: 71-75 Published: JUL 30 2016

4. Enhanced 表演 in hole transport material free perovskite solar cells via morphology control of PbI2 film by solvent treatment

By: Cheng, Nian; Liu, Pei; Bai, Sihang; Liu Wei*; Guo SS*; Zhao XingZhong*;et al.

JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES Volume: 319 Pages: 111-115 Published: JUL 1 2016

3. Three-dimensional 维尔福集团based controllable PDMS nozzle for dynamic modulation of droplet generation

By: Cai, Bo; He, Rongxiang; Yu, Xiaolei; Liu Wei; Zhao XingZhong*;et al.

MICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS Volume: 20 Issue: 4 Article Number: 56 Published: APR 2016

2. Ultraviolet-assisted microfluidic generation of ferroelectric composite particles

By: Zhang, Cancan; Yu, Xiaolei; You, Sujian; Liu Wei; Guo SS*; et al.

BIOMICROFLUIDICS Volume: 10 Issue: Article Number: 024106 Published: MAR 2016

1. Microfluidic synthesis of multiferroic Janus particles with disk-like compartments

By: Yu, Xiaolei; Zhang, Cancan; You, Sujian; Liu Wei; Guo SS*;et al.

APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 108 Issue: 7 Article Number: 073504 Published: FEB 15 2016


9. 红色 Blood Cell Membrane as a Biomimetic Nanocoating for Prolonged Circulation 时间 and Reduced Accelerated Blood Clearance

By: Rao, Lang; Bu, Lin-Lin; Xu, Jun-Hua; Sun Zhijun*(武大医学院,孙志军教授); Liu Wei*; et al.

SMALL Volume: 11 Issue: 46 Pages: 6225-6236 Published: DEC 9 2015

8. A microfluidic electrostatic separator based on pre-charged Droplets

By: Rao, Lang; Cai, Bo; Wang, Jieli; Liu Wei*; et al.

SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL Volume: 210 Pages: 328-335 Published: APR 2015

7. Capture and Release of Cancer Cells by Combining On-Chip Purification and Off-Chip Enzymatic Treatment

By: Yu, Xiaolei; Wang, Fubing(武大医学院,汪付兵教授); Zhang, Nangang; Liu Wei; Guo SS*; et al.

ACS Applied Materials \u0026 Interfaces Volume: 7 Issue: 43 Pages: 24001-24007 Published: NOV 4 2015

6. Constructed Single-Crystal Rutile TiO2 Cluster and PLASMON Synergistic Effect for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

By: Yu, Wenjing; Sun, Weiwei; Liu, Yumin; Liu Wei*; Guo SS*; Zhao XingZhong*;et al.

ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA Volume: 180 Pages: 705-711 Published: OCT 20 2015

5. Self-amplified piezoelectric nanogenerator with enhanced output 表演: The synergistic effect of micropatterned polymer film and interweaved silver nanowires

By: Liu, Chang; Hua, Bo; You, Sujian; Liu Wei; Guo SS*; et al.

APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 106 Issue: 16 Article Number: 163901 Published: APR 20 2015

4. A novel glowing electrolyte based on perylene accompany with spectrum compensation 函数 for efficient dye sensitized solar cells

By: Bai, Sihang; Liang, Liangliang; Wang, Changlei; Liu Wei*; Guo SS*; Zhao XingZhong*;et al.

JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES Volume: 280 Pages: 430-434 Published: APR 15 2015

3. Capture and release of cancer cells using electrospun etchable MnO2 nanofibers integrated in microchannels

By: Liu, Hui-qin; Yu, Xiao-lei; Cai, Bo; Liu Wei; Guo SS*;et al.

APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 106 Issue: 9 Article Number: 093703 Published: MAR 2015

2. A general strategy to construct uniform carbon-coated spinel LiMn2O4 nanowires for ultrafast rechargeable lithium-ion batteries with a long cycle life

By: Sun, Weiwei; Liu, Huiqin; Liu, Yumin; Liu Wei; Zhao XingZhong*;et al.

NANOSCALE Volume: 7 Issue: 31 Pages: 13173-13180 Published: 2015

1.Highly sensitive microfluidic flow sensor based on aligned piezoelectric poly(vinylidene 氟化物trifluoroethylene) nanofibers

By: Zhang, Lingling; Yu, Xiaolei; You, Sujian; Liu Wei; Guo SS*; et al.

APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 107 Issue: 24 Article Number: 242901 Published: DEC 14 2015


9. Disk-like hydrogel bead-based immunofluorescence staining toward identification and observation of circulating tumor cells

By: Cai, Bo; Guo, Feng; Zhao, Libo; Liu Wei*;et al.

MICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS Volume: 16 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 29-37 Published: JAN 2014

8. Capture and Release of Cancer Cells Based on Sacrificeable Transparent MnO2 Nanospheres Thin Film

By: Huang, Qinqin; Chen, Bolei; He, Rongxiang; Liu Wei*; Yuan Jikang*(香港理工,袁嵇康副教授); Zhao XingZhong*;et al.

ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS Volume: 3 Issue: 9 Pages: 1420-1425 Published: SEP 2014

7. Magneto-Controllable Capture and Release of Cancer Cells by Using a Micropillar Device Decorated with Graphite Oxide-Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles

By: Yu, Xiaolei; He, Rongxiang; Li, Shasha; Liu Wei; Guo SS*;et al.

SMALL Volume: 9 Issue: 22 Pages: 3895-3901 Published: NOV 25 2013

6. Introducing an Intermediate Band into Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells by W6+ Doping into TiO2 Nanocrystalline Photoanodes

By: Tong, Zhengfu; Peng, Tao; Sun, Weiwei; Liu Wei*; Guo SS*; Zhao XingZhong*;et al.

JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C Volume: 118 Issue: 30 Special Issue: SI Pages: 16892-16895 Published: JUL 31 2014

5. Upconversion induced enhancement of dye sensitized solar cells based on core-shell structured beta-NaYF4:Er3+, Yb3+@SiO2 nanoparticles

By: Zhou, Ziyao; Wang, Jiahong; Nan, Fan; Liu Wei; Zhao XingZhong*;et al.

NANOSCALE Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Pages: 2052-2055 Published: 2014

4. The preparation and characterization of 1D multiferroic BFO/P(VDF-TrFE) composite nanofibers using electrospinning

By: You, Sujian; Liu, Chang; Liu, Huiqing; Liu Wei; Guo SS*;et al.

MATERIALS LETTERS Volume: 130 Pages: 157-159 Published: SEP 1 2014

3. Generation of BiFeO3-四氧化三铁 Janus particles based on droplet microfluidic method

By: Li, Shasha; Yu, Xiaolei; You, Sujian; Liu Wei; Guo SS*;et al.

APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 105 Issue: 4 Article Number: 042903 Published: JUL 28 2014

2. Enhance the 表演 of dye-sensitized solar cells by balancing the light harvesting and electron collecting efficiencies of scattering layer based photoanodes

By: Liu, Haimin; Liang, Liangliang; Peng, Tao; Liu Wei; Zhao XingZhong*;et al.

ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA Volume: 132 Pages: 25-30 Published: JUN 20 2014

1. Efficient dye-sensitized solar cells employing highly environmentally-friendly ubiquinone 10 based I-2-free electrolyte inspired by photosynthesis

By: Yu, Zhenhua; You, Sujian; Wang, Changlei; Liu Wei; Zhao XingZhong*;et al.

JOURNAL OF MATERIALS 化学 A Volume: Issue: 24 Pages: 9007-9010 Published: 2014


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