叶茂 :电子科技大学教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 05:40























Lishen Pei, Mao Ye*, Pei Xu, Tao Li, Fast Multi-Class Action Recognition by Querying Inverted Index Tables, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Volume 74, Issue 23 (2015), Page 10801-10822

Xudong Li, Mao Ye*, Min Fu, Pei Xu and Tao Li, Domain Adaption of Vehicle Detector Based on Convolutional Neural Networks, Volume 13, Number 4, August 2015

Renjie Huang, Mao Ye*, Pei Xu, Tao Li, Yumin Dou, Learning to Pool High-level Features for Face Representation, The Visual Computer, Vol 31, No 12, Page 1683-1695, 2015

Pei Xu, Mao Ye*, etc, Dynamic Background Learning through Deep Auto-encoder Networks, ACM MM2014

Pei Xu, Mao Ye*, etc, Motion detection via a couple of autoencoder networks. ICME2014

Renjie Huang, Tao Li, Mao Ye* and Pei Xu, Unconstrained Face Verification by Optimally Organizing Multiple Classifiers, International Journal of Control, 自动化技术 and Systems, IJCAS Vol 12, No 4, August 2014

Lishen Pei, Mao Ye*, Xuezhuan Zhao, Tao Xiang and Tao Li, Learning Spatio-Temporal Features for Action Recognition from the Side of the Video, Signal, Image and Video Processing, 10(1), 199-206, 2014

Chenxue Yang, Tao Li, Mao Ye*, Zijian Liu and Bao Jiao, A Constrained Algorithm based NMF_\alpha for Image Representation, Discrete 动力学 in Nature and Society, Volume 2014, Article ID 179129,2014

Chenxue Yang, Mao Ye*, Xudong Li, Zijian Liu, Tao Li, Robust Low Rank Image Representations by Deep Matrix Decompositions, 电子学 Letters, 50(24):1843-1845, 2014

Lishen Pei, Mao Ye*, Pei Xu, Xuezhuan Zhao, Guanjun Ge, One Example Based Action Detection In Hough Space. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 72(2): 1751-1772 (2014)

Tao Li, Mao Ye* and Jian Ding, Discriminative Hough context model for object detection, The Visual Computer. Vol 30, Issue 1 (2014), Page 59-69

Chenxue Yang, Mao Ye and Zijian Liu, An impulsive periodic single-物种 Logistic system with diffusion, Journal of Applied 数学 Vol.2013,101238,2013

Pei Xu, Mao Ye*, Xue Li, Lishen Pei and Pengwei Jiao, Object Detection Using Voting Spaces Trained by Few Samples, Optical Engineering, 52 (9), 093105 (September 16, 2013)

Lishen Pei, Mao Ye*, Pei Xu, Xuezhuan Zhao, Tao Li, Multi-Class Action Recognition based on Inverted Index of Action States. ICIP 2013.

Haiyang Wang, Mao Ye * and Shangming Yang, Shadow Compensation and Illumination Normalization of Face Image, Machine Vision and Applications, Volume 24, Issue 6 (2013), Page 1121-1131

Tao Li, Mao Ye *, Feng Pang, Haiyang Wang and Jian Ding, An Efficient Fire Detection Method Based on Orientation Feature. International Journal of Control, 自动化技术, and Systems, vol. 11, no. 5, pp.1038-1045, 2013

Songan Mao, Mao Ye*, Xue Li, Feng Pang, Jinglei Zhou, Rapid Vehicle Logo Region Detection Based on Information Theory, Computers and Electronic Engineering,Vol, Issue 3, April 2013, Pages 863–872

Jinglei Zhou, Mao Ye*, etc,Clothing-to-Words Mapping Using Word Separation Method, Computers and Electronic Engineering,Vol 39, No 2, Feb 2013, pp: 361–372

Jianbin Gao,Jianping Li, Qi Xia, and Mao Ye*, Improved SOFI Algorithm for Blind Extraction of Smooth Signals, COMPEL, Vol 32, No 2, 597–605,2013

Jinglei Zhou, Mao Ye*, etc, Rapid and Robust Traffic Accident Detection Based on Orientation Map, Optical Engineering, Vol. 51, No. 11, pp. 117201, 2012

Bo Wang, Mao Ye*, Xue Li, Fengjuan Zhao, Jian Ding, Abnormal crowd Behavior Detection using High 频率 and Spatio Temporal Features, Machine Vision and Applications. Vol 9, No 5, 905-912,2012

Ren Dongxiao,Ye Mao*,Extracting Post-Nonlinear Signal with Specific Kurtosis Range,Applied 数学 and Computation,Vol.218, No 9, 5726–5738,2012

Bo Wang, Mao Ye*, Xue Li and Fengjuan Zhao, Abnormal Crowd Behavior Detection using Size-Adapted Spatio-Temporal Features. International Journal of Control, 自动化技术, and Systems, 9(5):905-912,2011

Liqiang Wang*, Mao Ye*, Jian Ding, Yuanxiang Zhu, Hybrid Fire Detection Using Hidden Markov Model and Luminance Map, Computers and Electronic Engineering. Vol.37,No 6,905-915. 2011

Ren Dongxiao*, Ye Mao*,Extracting Post-Nonlinear Signal with reference, Computers and Electronic Engineering. Vol 37,No 6,1171-1181,2011

Jianbin Gao, Mao Ye*,etc,A Globally Convergent MCA Algorithm by Generalized Eigen-Decomposition,International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems (IJCIS), Vol. 4, No 5, 991-1001,2011

Mao Ye*, Xue Li, Maria E. Orlowska, Projected Outlier Detection in High Dimensional Data Set with Mixed Attributes, Expert system with Applications. 36 , pp 7104-7113. 2009

Gao Zengan*, Mao Ye*, A framework for Data Mining-Based Anti-Money Laundering Research, Journal of Money Laundering Control, Vol. 10, 二氧化氮, 2007.

Mao Ye*, Xue Li, An Efficient Measure of Signal Temporal Predictability for Blind Signal Separation, Neural Processing Letters. Vol.26, No.1, pp. 57-68. 2007

Mao Ye*, Xu-Qian Fan, Xue Li, A class of self-stabilizing MCA Learning Algorithms, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, Vol 17. No.6,,pp. 1634-1638. 2006

Mao Ye*, Global convergence analysis of a‘Non-negative ICA’algorithm, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks. Vol. 17, No. 1, pp.523-526. JANUARY. 2006

Mao Ye*, Global convergence analysis of a self-stabilized MCA learning algorithm, Neurocomputing. Vol. 67C pp 321-327. 2005

Mao Ye*, Zhang Yi, Complete Convergence of Competitive Neural Networks with Different 时间 Scales , Neural processing letters. Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 53 - 60. 2005

Mao Ye*, Zhang Yi, Jianchen Lv, A globally convergent pca learning algorithm, Neural Computing and Applications. Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 18-24. 2005

Mao Ye*, Existence and AGB星 stability of relaxation discrete shock profiles, 数学 of Computation, Vol.73, pp.1261-1296. 2004

Mao Ye*, Numerical boundary layers of conservation laws with relaxation extension, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 51(2-3), pp 385-405. 2004.






国际神经网络研讨会(ISNN2005重庆市,ISNN2007南京市)程序委员会成员(PC Member)。

2006年通讯,电路与系统国际会议(ICCCAS’06桂林)程序委员会成员(PC Member)。

第2届高级数据挖掘与应用国际会议(西安ADMA’06)程序委员会成员(PC Member)。


(b)以下期刊常期审稿人: IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, IEEE Trans. Sys. Man. Cybernetics, Part B,Neural Computing \u0026 Applications, IEEE Signal Processing Letters。

计算机学会计算机视觉专委会,多媒体计算专委会委员。中科院专业领域2区期刊Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence编委(AE)


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