周培 :

更新时间:2024-09-20 13:09



周培教授承担了“十三五”国家重点研发计划课题、国家公益性行业(农业)专项、国家863计划课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目及上海市重大重点科技攻关计划等国家及省部级重点重大项目30余项。他在Science in China Series C-Life Sciences、Journal of Agriculture and Food 化学、Chemosphere等SCI源期刊和国内期刊上发表论文100多篇,专著2部,获得国家发明专利30余项。周培教授的研究成果获得了上海市科技进步一等奖1项、上海市科技兴农成果一等奖1项、上海市科技进步二等奖1项以及上海市科技进步三等奖等多个奖项。他已培养硕士和博士研究生10名。












[1] Pei ZHOU, Yitong LU*, Jiang ZHU, Jingbo HONG, Bin LI, Jun ZHOU, Dan GONG, AngelL MONTOYA. Nanocolloidal Gold-Based Immunoassay for the Detection of the N-Methylcarbamate Pesticide Carbofuran, J. Agric. Food Chem. 2004, 52, 4355-4359.

[2] Zhou Pei, Lu Yitong*, Liu Baofeng, 周杰伦 J. Gan. 动力学 of 氟虫腈 residue in vegetable-field Ecosystem, Chemosphere 57 (2004) 1691-1696.

[3] ZHOU Pei, LIU Baofeng, LU Yitong*. 脱氧核糖核酸 damaging effects of carbofuran and its main metabolites on mice by micronucleus test and single cell gel electrophoresis, Science in China Ser. C Life Sciences 2005(48) Supp. I: 40-47.

[4] Lu-Rong Xu, Pei Zhou*, Yue-E Zhi, Jun Wu, Si Zhang. Three new flavonol triglycosides from Derris trifoliate, Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2009, 11(1): 79-84.

[5] Yang Gao, Bo Zhu*, Pei Zhou*, Jia-Liang Tang, Tao Wang, Chi-Yuan 苗族 Effects of vegetation cover on phosphorus loss from a hillslope cropland of 紫色 soil under simulated rainfall: a case study in China, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2009, 85: 263-273.

[6] Yang Gao, Pei Zhou*, Liang Mao, Yueer Zhi, Chunhua Zhang, Wanjun Shi. Effects of 植物界 物种 coexistence on soil enzyme activities and soil microbial community structure under Cd and Pb combined pollution, Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2010, 22(7): 1040-1048.

[7] Yang Gao, Pei Zhou*, Liang Mao, Wanjun Shi, Yue-e Zhi. Phytoextraction of Cadmium and Physiological Changes in 茄属 nigrum as a Novel Cadmium Hyperaccumulator, Russian Journal of 植物界 Physiology, 2010, 57(4): 501-508.

[8] Peng Xie, Xi Tao, Wu Xu, Liu-Yin Fan, Wei Zhang, Yue-E Zhi, Pei Zhou*, Cheng-Xi Cao*. Mercuric mercaptide of penicillenic acid, a novel hapten for relevant immunoassay, synthesized from 青霉素家族, Journal of Immunological Methods, 2010(353): 1-7.

[9] Liuyin Fan, Chenjia Li, Wei Zhang, Chengxi Cao*, Pei Zhou*, Zixin Deng. Quantitative investigations on moving chelation boundary within a continuous 乙二胺四乙酸二钠based sample sweeping system in capillary electrophoresis, Electrophoresis, 2008(29): 3989-3998.

[10] Shi Wan-Jun, Shi Wei-Wei, Gao Sai-Yan, Lu Yi-Tong, Cao Yong-Song, Zhou Pei. Effects of nanopesticide 溴虫腈 on mice. Toxicological \u0026 Environmental 化学, 2010, 92(10): 1901-1907.

[11] Yuangen Wu, Shenshan Zhan, Lurong Xu, Weiwei Shi, Tao Xi, Xuejia Zhan and Pei Zhou*. A simple and label-free sensor for mercury(II) detection in aqueous solution by 孔雀石 green based on a resonance scattering spectral assay. Chemical Communications, 2011, 47: 6027-6029.

[12] Xin-Kui Fang, Dan-Feng Huang, Zhao-Xia Wang, Chun-Ling Wan, Tao Sun, Wang-Jie Xu, Chun-Yan Liu, Pei Zhou, Zhong-越南盾 Qiao*. Identification of the proteins related to cytochrome P450 induced by fenvalerate in a Trichoplusia ni cell line. Cell Biol Toxicol, 2007, 23: 445-457.

[13] Yang Gao*, Pei Zhou, Liang Mao, Yue-er Zhi, Wan-jun Shi. Assessment of effects of heavy metals combined pollution on soil enzyme activities and microbial community structure: modified ecological dose–response model and PCR-RAPD, Environmental 地球 Sciences, 2010, 60: 603-612.

[14] Yang Gao*, Chiyuan Miao, Liang Mao, Pei Zhou, Zhiguo Jin, Wanjun Shi. Improvement of phytoextraction and antioxidative defense in 茄属 nigrum L. under cadmium stress by application of cadmium-resistant strain and citric acid. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 181: 771-777.

[15] Yang Gao*, Liang Mao, Chi-yuan Miao, Pei Zhou, Jie-jun Cao, Yue-er Zhi, Wan-jun Shi. Spatial characteristics of soil enzyme activities and microbial community structure under different land uses in Chongming Island, China: Geostatistical modelling and PCR-RAPD method, Science of the Total Environment, 2010, 408: 3251-3260.

[16] Yang Gao, Bo Zhu*, Tao Wang, Jia-liang Tang, Pei Zhou, Chi-yuan 苗族 Bioavailable phosphorus transport from a hillslope cropland of 紫色 soil under natural and simulated rainfall, Environ Monit Assess, 2010(171): 539-550.


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