Fukai Bao :Fukai Bao

更新时间:2024-09-20 17:05

Fukai Bao,男,博士生导师,云南腾冲人,祖籍浙江杭州,生于1963年,医学微生物学家和热带虫媒传染病专家。


Fukai Bao

Profile Title:

Frank(Fukai) Bao,MD/PhD, The Professor, department chairman


1980~1985 MD, Kunming Medical College,Kunming, Yunnan, China

1985~1987 MS, Kunming Medical College,Kunming, Yunnan, China

2002~2005 Postdoc, 耶鲁大学 University, New Haven, CT, USA

Research highlight

节肢动物门borne infectious diseases remain an international public health threat. To prevent or treat these illnesses, we are developing new strategies based on an understanding of the intimate relationship between the vector, pathogen, and mammalian host. My laboratory focuses on three kinds of arthropod-transmitted diseases to explore these interactions. Lyme disease, caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi, is the most common 真蜱目borne illness in the United States. Anaplasma, mainly Anaplasma phagocytophilum, an obligate intracellular bacterium that persists within neutrophils, causes human granulocytic anaplasmosis and is primarily transmitted by Ixodes ticks. Finally, richettsiaes, which are expanding their territory throughout the world. In my lab, Lyme disease was used as a model to show that immunization with B. burgdorferi outer surface protein (Osp) A is protective against infection. This led to an 美国食品药品监督管理局approved human Lyme disease vaccine. Surprisingly, antibodies elicited by the vaccine enter the tick when the arthropod feeds, and then destroy OspA-producing B. burgdorferi in the vector. As OspA is normally down-regulated by spirochetes during transmission from ticks to humans, this demonstrates an unusual mechanism of vaccine action—the targeting of an antigen expressed by a microbe within the vector to protect humans from infection.

My laboratory is interested in how pathogens may use 节肢动物门 products to facilitate infection of the mammalian host. As B. burgdorferi migrate from ticks to humans, the spirochetes influence the expression of tick salivary gland genes. B. burgdorferi then bind to some of the induced salivary proteins, such as Salp15, and use the tick proteins to evade mammalian immune responses. These discoveries led to the paradigm that microbes may use specific 节肢动物门 molecules to enable successful infection of the host—a triangular interaction at the ephemeral pathogen-vector-host interface that occurs while an arthropod is feeding on a 脊椎动物 I am also determining whether, to be successfully acquired by the vector, pathogens within mammals use 节肢动物门 proteins that are secreted into the host. For example, ticks engorging on vertebrates induce recruitment of inflammatory cells to the bite site. For efficient migration to the vector, pathogens must traffic through this complex environment while avoiding the deleterious effects of immune cells. We are studying whether these paradigms—initially established with B. burgdorferi- are applicable to other 节肢动物门borne infectious agents, including A. phagocy- tophilum and West Nile 病毒

My lab is also developing techniques to identify the entire panel of vector genes that are induced or repressed by pathogens, and assays to delineate the complete profile of 节肢动物门 proteins that microbes adhere to, or otherwise interact with. We are also assessing whether colonization of arthropods by specific infectious agents is a mutualistic, rather than parasitic, relationship. Understanding these interactions may lead to new ways to interrupt the life cycle of 节肢动物门borne pathogens and new vaccine strategies against these diseases. Molecular evaluation of vector-borne pathogen infections: Our research is focused on characterizing vector-borne pathogens, particularly tick-transmitted rickettsial disease agents, Ehrlichia chaffeensis and Ehrlichia canis. We use the tools of molecular biology, immunology, 动物界 models and cell culture systems. E. chaffeensis is the agent causing human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME). It also infects dogs, white-tailed deer, goats and coyotes. E. canis is primarily responsible for the canine monocytic ehrlichiosis. It is endemic throughout the world, except Australia. These closely related pathogens remain in both 节肢动物门 and 脊椎动物 hosts for long periods of 时间 This strategy may aid them in their parasitic lifestyle. Determining the molecular basis for persistence by these bacteria of the genus Ehrlichia will be important in order to accomplish our long range goals of developing effective methods of control against these tick-borne pathogens. Our research is focused on understanding the pathogen evasion mechanisms. Specifically, we study to define the protective host-immune response needed to eliminate the infection. We also study to define how these rickettsiales evade host responses in both 脊椎动物 and tick hosts in order to support their life cycle.

Recent main publications

1) Pal U, Wang P, Bao F(宝福凯,并列第一作者), Yang X, Samanta S, Robert Schoen , Wormser GP, Schwartz I, and Erol Fikrig. Borrelia burgdorferi basic membrane proteins A and B participate in the genesis of Lyme arthritis. J Exp Med. 2008;205: 133-141.(影响因子: 2007年15.6)

2) Utpal Pal, Xin Li, Tian Wang, Ruth R. Montgomery, Nandhini Ramamoorthi, Aravinda M. deSilva, Fukai Bao(宝福凯), Xiaofeng Yang, Marc Pypaert, Deepti Pradhan, Fred S. Kantor, Sam Telford, John F. Anderson, and Erol Fikrig. TROSPA, an Ixodes scapularis receptor for Borrelia burgdorferi. Cell. 2004;119:457-468.(影响因子:32.4)

3) Nandhini Ramamoorthi, Sukanya Narasimhan , Utpal Pal, Fukai Bao(宝福凯), Xiaofeng F. Yang ,Juan Anguita, Michael V. Norgard, Fred S. Kantor, John F. Anderson, Raymond A. Koski and Erol Fikrig. The Lyme disease agent exploits a tick protein to infect the mammalian host. Nature. 2005;436:573-577.(影响因子:32.7)

4)Yongli Zhang, Fukai Bao, Jianjian Hu, et al. Antimicrobial lignans and triterpenoids from Rostellularia prcumbens. 植物界 Medica. 2007; 73:1596-1599. (SCI收录)

5)Hengxing Liang, Fukai Bao, Xiaoping Dong , Rui Tan , Caijun Zhang , Qing Lu and Yongxian Cheng. Antibacterial thymol Derivatives Isolated from Centipeda minima. Molecules. 2007; 12:小行星16061613.(SCI收录)

6)Heng-Xing Liang, Fu-Kai Bao, Xiao-Ping Dong, Hua-Jie Zhu, Xiao-Jie Lua, Ming Shi, Qing Lu, and Yong-Xian Cheng. Two New Antibacterial Sesquiterpenoids from 石胡荽属 minima. 化学 \u0026 Biodiversity. 2007; 4:2810-2816. (SCI收录)

7)Ren-Qiang Mei , Qing Lu, Yan-Fen Hu, Hai-Yang Liu, Fu-Kai Bao, Yu Zhang, Yong-Xian Cheng. Three New Polyyne (=聚乙炔) Glucosides from the Edible Roots of 党参属 cordifolioidea. Helvetica Chimica Acta. 2008; 91:90 – 96. (SCI收录) 8

)Fengwei Bai, Tian Wang, Utpal Pal, Fukai Bao, L. Hannah Gould and Erol Fikrig. Prevention of lethal murine West Nile 病毒 infection using 核糖核酸 interference. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 191:1148-1154, 2005. (SCI收录)

9) 宝福凯, Erol Fikrig。伯氏疏螺旋体与嗜吞噬细胞无浆体混合感染的实验研究。热带医学杂志2007;7:195-200.

10) 宝福凯, Erol Fikrig。伯氏疏螺旋体与嗜吞噬细胞无浆体感染抑制Th1 型细胞因子产生。中国热带医学。2007;7:1061-1063.

11) 宝福凯。蜱传病原体的混合感染研究进展。中国热带医学。2007,7(1):112~114



14)宝福凯, 柳爱华, 张愉。天克菌胶囊体内抗结核作用实验研究。热带医学杂志。2006,6(3):975-977

15)柳爱华,宝福凯(通讯作者),张 杰, 舒洁。地锦草提取物抗口腔病原菌作用的体外研究。中国热带医学。2007 ,7 (12 ):2194,2217

16) 柳爱华,李毕贤,施明,宝福凯(通讯作者)。类物质YK—1和YK—2体外抗菌作用的研究。中国病原生物学杂志。2008, 3(3):176-177

17)梁恒兴, 宝福凯, 董晓萍, 吕 青, 程永现。鹅不食草中具有抗菌活性的三萜类成分。云南植物研究。 2007 , 29 (4) : 479~482

18) 宝福凯, Erol Fikrig. The pathogen-vector interactions during Borrelia burgdorferi transmission(英文).中国媒介生物学与控制杂志。2008, 19(3):264-268

19)宝福凯, Erol Fikrig。The Joint-specific Expression Profile of Borrelia burgdorfri in the Murine Hosts(英文). 科技通报。2008,24(6):832-838


21) 宝福凯,柳爱华,马海滨,吴娜,施 明. 莱姆关节炎发病机理研究进展. 中国病原生物学杂志。2009,在版

22) 柳爱华,程 玲,张才军,陈 芳,施 明,陈 亮,沈培清,刘汝文,角建林,李玛琳,宝福凯(通讯作者)。野生中缅树伯氏疏螺旋体感染的Touchdown PCR检测。中国热带医学。2009 ,9(3):在版

23) 宝福凯,柳爱华。小鼠模型中伯氏疏螺旋体组织载量的定量研究。中国媒介生物学与控制杂志。2009, 20(3):在版


25)李 莉,宝福凯(通讯作者)。白介素-32及其与炎症性疾病的关系研究进展。现代 免疫学杂志。2009,修回 26)宝福凯,柳爱华,施 明,马海滨。人类无浆体病的临床表现、诊断和治疗研究进展。热带医学杂志。200;9:在版

27)陈 亮,宝福凯(通讯作者)。结核分枝杆菌异烟耐药基因与耐药机制研究进展。中国人兽共患病学报。2009;25:在版


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