张腾飞 :大连理工大学教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 11:57








《Building and Environment》(SCI,EI),《能量 and Buildings》(SCI,EI)特邀客座编辑(Guest editor)

《Indoor Air》 (SCI), 《Building and Environment》(SCI,EI),《Atmospheric Environment》(SCI,EI), 《Energy and Buildings》(SCI,EI), 《HVAC\u0026R Research》(SCI,EI),《Building Simulation》(SCI)等十余本SCI国际期刊及若干国际会议论文的评审人;










第十一届国际工业通风会议(Ventilation 2015)学术委员会委员,上海市,2015年10月;

第九届暖通空调国际论坛及第三届建筑能源与环境国际会议(ISHVAC-COBEE 2015)副主席,中国天津,2015年7月;

第十三届国际室内空气品质及气候会议(Indoor Air 2014)学术委员会委员,中国香港,2014年7月;

第十三届建筑性能模拟国际会议(Building Simulation 2013)学术委员会委员,法国Chambery,2013年8月;

第二届建筑能源与环境国际会议(COBEE 2012)学术委员会委员,美国科罗拉多州,2012年8月;

第十二届建筑性能模拟国际会议(Building Simulation 2011)学术委员会委员,悉尼,2011年11月;

第十一届建筑性能模拟国际会议(Building Simulation 2009)学术委员会委员,英国苏格兰格拉斯哥,2009年7月;



先后主持国家重点研发计划课题1项,国家自然科学基金5项,省部级、市级、以及由波音公司资助的大型国际合作项目等10余项。发表英文专著1部、SCI检索论文40余篇,其中在行业最顶级国际期刊Indoor Air杂志发表论文4篇,论文被引用一千余次(谷歌),H-Index: 15 (Google),I10-index: 21 (Google),其中SCI他引300余次,H-Index: 11 (SCI),授权国家发明专利5项,获瑞士优秀博士论文奖等2个国际奖项。入选爱思唯尔出版集团中国高被引学者(连续四年)、辽宁省杰出青年学者、及大连理工大学星海学者(优秀青年层次)。2016年获国家优秀青年科学基金。




1. 热流体力学floefd与实验)

2. 颗粒动力学

3. 环境微生物学

4. 多学科交叉(热流体、电磁、生化等)


1. 建筑通风与环境调节

2. 建筑传热与能耗模拟

3. 飞机驾驶舱、客舱环境控制

4. 空气净化(力学、电磁、化学等手段)

5. 材料吸湿探测与干燥


Zhang, T.(张腾飞), Tian, L., Lin, C.H., Wang, S. 2012. "Insulation of commercial aircraft with an air stream barrier along fuselage ". Building and Environment, 57:97-109.

Zhang, T.(张腾飞), Li, H., Wang, S. 2012. "Inversely tracking indoor airborne particles to locate their release sources". Atmospheric Environment, 55:328-338.

Zhang, T. (张腾飞), Li, P., Wang, S. 2012. "A personal air distribution system with air terminals embedded in chair armrests on commercial airplanes". Building and Environment. 47(1):89-99.

Zhang, T. (张腾飞), Yin, S., Wang, S. 2011. "Quantify impacted scope of human expired air under different head postures and varying exhalation rates". Building and Environment. 46(10):1928-1936.

Zhang, T. (张腾飞), Wang, S., Sun, G., Xu, L., Takaoka, D. 2010. "Flow impact of an air conditioner to portable air cleaning". Building and Environment, 45(9):2047-2056.

Zhang, T. (张腾飞), Lee, K., Chen, Q. 2009. "A simplified approach to describe complex diffusers in displacement ventilation for CFD simulations". Indoor Air, 19(3):255-267.

Zhang, Z., Chen, X., Mazumdar, S., Zhang, T. (张腾飞), Chen, Q. 2009. "Experimental and numerical investigation of airflow and contaminant transport in an airliner cabin mockUP电子竞技俱乐部" Building and Environment, 44(1): 85-94.

Zhang, T. (张腾飞)and Chen, Q. 2007. "Identification of contaminant sources in enclosed spaces by a single sensor." Indoor Air, 17(6): 439-449.

Zhang, T. (张腾飞), Chen, Q., Lin, C. 2007. "Optimal sensor placement for airborne contaminant detection in an aircraft cabin." HVAC\u0026R Research. 13(5): 683-696.

Zhang, T. (张腾飞)and Chen, Q. 2007. "Identification of contaminant sources in enclosed environments by inverse CFD modeling." Indoor Air. 17(3): 167-177.

Zhang, T. (张腾飞)and Chen, Q. 2007. "Novel air distribution systems for commercial aircraft cabins." Building and Environment. 42(4): 1675-1684.

Zhang, T. (张腾飞), Yin, S., Wang, S. 2010. "An under-aisle air distribution system facilitating humidification of commercial aircraft cabins". Building and Environment. 45(4):907-915.

Zhang, T. (张腾飞), Li, P., Zhao, Y., Wang, S. 2013. "Various Air Distribution Modes on Commercial Airplanes, Part 1: Experimental Measurement". HVAC\u0026R Research, 19(3):268-282.

Zhang, T.(张腾飞), Li, P., Zhao, Y., Wang, S. 2013. "Various Air Distribution Modes on Commercial Airplanes, Part 2: CFD Modeling and Validation". HVAC\u0026R Research, 19(5):457-470.

Zhang, T. (张腾飞), Yin, S., Wang, S. 2013. "An inverse method based on CFD to quantify the temporal release rate of a continuously released pollutant source". Atmospheric Environment, 77:62-77

Zhang, T. (张腾飞), Zhou, H., Wang, S. 2013. "An adjustment to the standard 温度 wall 函数 for CFD modeling of indoor convective heat transfer". Building and Environment, 68:159-169.

Zhang, T. (张腾飞), Zhao, Y., Wang, S. 2014. "Prediction of airflow rate through a ventilated wall module". Energy and Buildings, 82:651-659.

Zhang, T. (张腾飞), Zhou, H., Wang, S. 2015. "Inverse identification of the release location, temporal rates and sensor alarming 时间 of an airborne pollutant source". Indoor Air, DOI: 10.1111/ina.12153 (in press)

Zhang, T. (张腾飞), Shen, R., Lin, C.H., Yin, J., Wang, S. 2015. "Measuring moisture content in a porous insulation material using a hot wire". Building and Environment, 84:22-31.

Lei, L., Wang, S., Zhang, T. (张腾飞, 通讯作者). 2015. "Optimal specification of target 温度 points for inverse 设计 of an indoor thermal environment". Building and Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2015.05.025. (in press)

李西安Prediction of aerosolized Fungal spores by determining respiratory intensity of the growing colony[J],Aerosol and Air Quality Research,2021,20(4):776-786

曹清.A ventilator that responds to outdoor conditions for ventilation and air filtration[J],能量 AND BUILDINGS,2021,229


Wang, Jihong,Huo, Qiannan,Zhang, Tengfei,Wang, Shugang,Battaglia, Francine.Numerical investigation of gaseous pollutant cross-transmission for single-sided natural ventilation driven by buoyancy and wind[J],BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT,2020,172:106705

Li, Xian,Zhang, Tengfei,Wang, Jihong,Wang, Shugang.Aerosolization of Aspergillus niger spores from growing colonies on a bare tube[J],Atmospheric Environment,2019,218

Li, Xian,Zhang, Tengfei,Wang, Shugang.Aerosolization of Aspergillus Niger spores from colonies on different positions of a circular tube[A],2019,111


Inverse 设计 methods for the built environment



张腾飞, 罗云, 林钊信, 杨火军, 王树刚. 2015. 一种基于物性匹配快速测定材料中异质含量的方法. 国家知识产权局 申请号:201510109004.8.

梁世文, 贺籍民, 张腾飞. 2014. 一种半自动步枪收展汽车车衣. 国家知识产权局. 申请号:2014101437928.

张腾飞, 沈润霖, 林钊信, 尹久盛, 王树刚. 2013. 一种基于容积热质测定材料中异质含量的方法. 国家知识产权局. 申请号:201310522868.3.

张腾飞, 沈润霖, 林钊信, 尹久盛, 王树刚. 2013. 一种用于飞机的双风道墙体. 国家知识产权局 申请号:201310098171.8.

张腾飞, 赵越, 王树刚. 2012. 一种嵌入座椅扶手的个性化送风装置. 国家知识产权局. 申请号:201210054080.X.

张腾飞, 沈润霖, 王树刚. 2012. 一种对掺混使用前冷水预热的热回收装置. 国家知识产权局. 申请号:201210038527.4.

张腾飞, 赵越, 王树刚, Peter Jurcicek. 2010. 一种节能环保型多功能呼吸墙. 国家知识产权局 专利号:ZL 2010 1 0509699.6.

张腾飞, 房天宇, 王树刚. 2009. 空气污染源、火源位置快捷辨识仪. 国家知识产权局. 专利号:ZL 2009 1 0304107.4.





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