徐茂智 :中国密码学会常务理事

更新时间:2024-09-21 03:58















1. M.Z.Xu,C.L.Zhao,M.Feng,Ren,J.Q.Ye Cryptography on Elliptic Curves over p-adic number Fields, Sciences in China, ser. F, 51(2008),no. 3,258-272

2.Maozhi Xu, On p-Series and the Mullineux\' Conjecture, Communications in Algebra, 27(1999), 5255-5266.

4.Maozhi Xu,Efang Wang,A break of public key cryptosystem PKCY,Science in China(Series E),Vol.40(4)( 1997), 396-404.

5. C.Bessenrodt, J.Olsson, Maozhi Xu, On properties of the Mullineux map with an application to Schur modules, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 126( 1999), 443-459.

6. S.H.Wang, J.wang, M.Z.Xu, Weaknesses of a Password-Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol between Clients with Different Passwords, the 2nd Internet Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security(ACNS2004),LNCS 3089, Springer Verlag,414-425.

7. Lin You, Maozhi Xu, Junzhong Zhao, Zhiming Zheng, Speeding up 标量 Multiplications on Hyperelliptic Curves by Making Use of Frobenius Endmorphism, Chinese Journal of 电子学, 15(2006),123-128.

8. Yue Zhihong,Xumaozhi,Hierarchical Management Scheme by Local Fields, Acta Mathematica Sinica (English Series), 26(2010), Vol. 6,1-15.

9. Junzhong Zhao, Maozhi Xu, Shanli Sun, LinYou, A Model of Evolving Intrusion Detection System Based on 数据 Mining and Immune Principle, Analog and Digital Techniques in Electrical Engineering by IEEE TENCON 2004, 199-202.

10. Lin You, Maozhi Xu, Qibin Hou, Signature Systems on Smart Card with Keys Generated by Fingerprint, ICACT2006, 2006.8,675-679.

11. Junzhong Zhao, LinYou, Maozhi Xu, Shanli Sun, Rate Distortion Theory and Its Application in Intrusion Detection, Proceedings of 2005 International Conference on Neural Network and Brain(ICNN\u0026B’05), 2005, 759-762.

12. L.Wang,M.Z.Xu, T.Z. Huang, Some lower bounds for the spectral radius of matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 432(2010), 1007-1016

13. Zhang Zhigang, Zao Jing, Xu Maozhi, A model of hierarchical key assignment scheme, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 11(2006), No.6, 1597-1600

14. Zhao, J; Zhang, ZG; Xu, MZ,A model of hierarchical key assignment Scheme with CRT,PROCEEDINGS of International Conference on Computational Intelligence and 证券, 2007, 815-818.

15.You Lin, Xu Maozhi, Zheng Zhiming,Digital signature systems based on smart card and fingerprint feature,Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, Volume 18, Issue 4, December 2007, Pages 825-834.

16.Yue Zhihong, Xu Maozhi, Zhou Zhenghua, Song Chenggen, Approximation calculations on the elliptic curves over un-ramified extensions of 2-adic number fields,Journal of Wuhan University, 54(2008),No.5, 535-539.

17. Li Shuang; Xu Mao Zhi, 0-1 sequence generator based on SVM, 计算机 Engineering and Applications, 43(2007), No.31, 100-114,2007.

18. Wang Lin, Xu Maozhi, Hu Zhi, Yue Zhihong,Cycling Attacks Against Homomorphic Cryptosystems,Proceedings Chinacrypt2008,Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 13(2008),No.6, 727-732

19. X.X.Shen, M.Z.Xu,Y.H.Zhao, Z.Hu, Separable Designated Verifier Signature Scheme, Advances in Cryptology(ChinaCrypto’2009), Science Press USA Inc, Nov.2009, 196-205.

20. C.M.Tang, M.Z.Xu, Y.F.Qi, J.Wang, Paring construction Based on Function Orthogonality Relations, Advances in Cryptology(ChinaCrypto’2009), Science Press USA Inc, Nov.2009, 106-116 .

21. You lin, Wen Qiaoyan, Maozhi Xu, Two Fast Algorithms for Computing 小数点 标量 Multiplications on Elliptic Curves, Journal of 电子学(China), 21 (2004), No.5 366-375.

22. Wang Shuhong, Xu Maozhi, Bao Feng, Break and Repair the Proxy Blind Signature Scheme Based on DLP, Proc of CCICS’ 05,2005, 96-104.

23. Lin You, Zhao Junzhong, Maozhi Xu, Speed up rational 小数点 标量 multiplications on elliptic curves by Frobenius equations, Journal of Electronics(China),23(2006),58-63.

24. Maozhi Xu, Some Applications of Group to Cryptology,International Conference on Group and Combinatorics, Invited Report, Pohang,Korea, 2007.6.

25. Maozhi Xu, Discrete 对数 Problem in Finite Groups, Proceedings for Workshop on Group Theory and Combinatorics, Korea, 2006.6.

26. 赵俊忠,游林,徐茂智,孙善利,黄厚宽,入侵检测系统中检测技术的研究,计算机工程与应用,41(2)(2005),11-13.

27. 徐茂智,赵春来,俸,任召荣,叶季青,用p-adic数域上椭圆曲线构造密码的可能性,中国科学, E辑, 38(2008),236- 251.

28. 苏盛辉,徐茂智,背包类公钥体制的破译与反破译,通信学报,27(2005), No.12A,118-122.

28. 徐茂智,群代数及其在bent函数中的应用,第六届中国密码学学术会议论文集, 科学出版社, 2000:175-180.

29. 赵春来、徐茂智,无限域上椭圆曲线密码研究,国家自然科学基金“网络与信息安全”重大研究计划学术交流会,2003.1,419-426.

30. 徐茂智、赵春来、俸旻,椭圆曲线上的近似计算,国家自然科学基金“网络与信息安全”重大研究计划学术交流会,2004.2,231-140.

31. 李忠杰、徐茂智、杨义先,两个串联的LFSR的输出序列的分析,2002通信技术新进展,电子工业出版社,2002.10,592-595.

32. 宋丽敏、崔国华、徐茂智,对等实体中通信安全的研究,2002通信技术新进展,电子工业出版社,2002.10,262-266.

33. 袁征、徐茂智,关于几乎完全非线性置换的两个定理,2002通信技术新进展,电子工业出版社,2002.10,627-631.

34. 李双,徐茂智,一种可代理的访问控制模型,北京工商大学学报,Vol. 25(2007), No.4, 75-79.

35. 徐茂智,刘欣, 内外网安全保护方案的新视角—高性能网络加密平台,信息安全与保密通信, 2004, No.8, 30-31.

36. 徐茂智,李双, 高性能网络加密平台—安全支撑性基础设施,信息安全与保密通信, 2004, No.9, 21-23.

37. 俸旻,赵扬,徐茂智,基于netfilter技术的VPN实现方案,信息安全与保密通信, 2004, No.10, 87-88.

38. 徐茂智, 王克, 电子商务安全模型, 微电脑世界周刊,34(1999); 83-85.

39. 徐茂智,关于绝对不可分模的一个充要条件,西南师范大学学报,1989,第14卷(2):36-39.

40. Maozhi Xu, On a Case of James' Problem, Advances in 数学(数学进展), Vol.23(3), 1994. 280-281

41. 徐茂智,DES变换表研究之二──置换群方法引论, 第二届中国密码学学术会议论文集, 科学出版社, 1992: 181-185.

42. 徐茂智,王萼芳, 公钥密码体制PKCY的破译, 中国科学(E辑), 1997,第27卷(2):171-178.

43. 徐茂智,置换在乘法变换下非线性度的不等特征,电子技术学院学报,1991,3(3),62-64.

44. Maozhi Xu, Wang Efang, p-Series and p-Row Regular Diagrams, Proc. of ’96 Beijing International Symp. on Group Theory, Springer-Verlag .

45. 徐茂智,邹维,《信息安全概论》,人民邮电出版社,2007.8.

46. 徐茂智,游林,《信息安全与密码学》,清华大学出版社,2007.1

47. 徐茂智,《信息安全基础》,高教社,2006.12.

48. 李晓波,徐茂智等,《科学数据共享关键技术》,地质出版社,2007.11.













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