施祖进 :施祖进

更新时间:2024-09-20 18:29

施祖进,教授,1964年生。1991年获北京师范大学理学硕士,1996 年获北京大学理学博士学位,1996~1998年为北京大学化学学院博士后。 2001~ 2002年,名古屋市大学化学系,日本学术振兴会访问学者。 2004年,日本筑波大学访问学者。2006年,英国Ulster大学访问学者。








(1) Guan LH, Suenaga K, Okazaki T, Shi ZJ, Gu ZN, Iijima S, Coalescence ofC60 Molecules Assisted by Doped inside Nanotubes, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 129: 8954-8955, 2007

(2) Guan LH, Suenaga K, Shi ZJ, Gu ZN, Iijima S, Atomic chains of iodine and their phase transition in confined nanospace, Nano Lett., 7 (6): 1532-1535, 2007

(3) Qiu HX, Shi ZJ, Gu ZN, Qiu JS, Controllable preparation of Triple-Walled Nanotubes and their growth mechanism, Chem. Commum., (10): 1092-1094, 2007

(4) Xu JX, Li MX, Shi ZJ, Gu ZN, Electrochemical Survey: The Effect of the Cage Size and Structure on the Electronic Structures of a Series of Ytterbium Metallofullerenes, Chem. Euro. J., 12: 562-567, 2006

(5) Guan LH, Suenaga K, Shi ZJ, Gu ZN, Iijima S, Direct imaging of alkali metal site in K-doped fullerene-peapod, Phys. Rev. Lett., 94 (4): Art. No. 045502, 2005

(6) Guan LH, Shi ZJ, Li HJ, You LP, Gu ZN, Super-long continuous Ni nanowires encapsulated in nanotubes, Chem. Commun., (17): 1988-1989, 2004

(7) Xu JX, Lu X, Zhou XH, He XR, Shi ZJ, Gu ZN, Synthesis, isolation, and spectroscopic characterization of containing metallofullerenes, Chem. Mater., 16 (15): 2959-2964, 2004

(8) Lian YF, Shi ZJ, Zhou XH, Gu ZN, Different extraction Behaviors between divalent and trivalent endohedral metallofullerenes, Chem. Mater., 16 (9): 1704-1714, 2004

(9) Li HJ, Guan LH, Shi ZJ, Gu ZN, Direct synthesis of high purity single-walled nanotube fibers by arc discharge, J. Phys. Chem. B, 108 (15): 4573-4575, 2004

(10)Lu X, Xu JX, He XR, Shi ZJ, Gu ZN, Addition of 苯炔 toGd@C-82, Chem. Mater., 16 (6): 953-955, 2004


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