易静 :上海交通大学医学院基础医学院教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 08:00






31471263 基于单个活细胞实时影像技术对B23蛋白感应核仁应激发生定位和功能改变机制的研究 国家自然科学基金,面上项目 2015-01~2018-12 80万元 课题负责人。

2013CB910902 赖氨酸翻译后修饰及对蛋白质功能的调控作用 课题二:肿瘤发生发展过程中细胞核蛋白的赖氨酸修饰信号调控网络科技部重大科学研究计划项目子课题 2013-01~2017-12 246万元 子课题负责人。

31230037 SENP3应答细胞氧化应激调控转录因子修饰的机制及其在胃炎相关胃癌中的作用 国家自然科学基金重点项目 2013-01~2017-12 285万元 课题负责人。

11JC1406900 SENP3在氧化应激诱导上皮间质转化中的作用及其对胃炎相关胃癌的影响 市科委基础研究重点项目(连续支持) 2011-12~-2014-12 30万元 课题负责人。

91013012 以紫草素衍生物/低氧诱导因子-1为模型,探讨抗癌醌类化合物结构与靶向作用特异性和活性氧效应普遍性的关系国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目 2011-01~-2013-12 50万元 课题负责人。

0810410704000 利用以脂质体模拟线粒体的无细胞系统进行靶向Bcl-2蛋白的抗癌化合物筛选和机制研究 市科委国际合作项目 2010-04~2012-03 15万元 课题负责人。

C0701 核仁蛋白质SENP3应答细胞氧化应激信号的机制 国家自然基金,面上项目 2010-01~2012-12 35万元 课题负责人。

08JC1413800 植物小分子化合物靶向抑制HIF-1治疗非雄激素依赖的前列腺癌的机制和应用研究 市科委基础研究重点项目 2008-10~2010-09 30万元 课题负责人。

30570965 活性氧通过低氧诱导因子-1的化学修饰影响肿瘤细胞耐药性的机制 国家自然基金委,面上项目 2006-01~2008-12 28万元 课题负责人。

08JC1413800 植物小分子化合物靶向抑制HIF-1治疗非雄激素依赖的前列腺癌的机制和应用研究 上海市科委,基础重点项目 ~2010-09 30万元。


易静教授在国内外学术期刊上发表了多篇论文,涉及蛋白质修饰、信号转导途径、疾病机制等多个研究方向。她的研究成果在《Protein Cell》《Nat Commun》《ONCOGENE》《Cell Metab》等国际知名期刊上发表,为相关领域的研究提供了重要参考。

Wang M, Sang J, Ren Y1 Liu K, Liu X, Zhang J, Wang H, Wang J, Orian A4, Yang J, Yi J SENP3 regulates the global protein turnover and the Sp1 level via antagonizing SUMO2/3-targeted ubiquitination and degradation. Protein Cell. 2016 7(1):63–77。

Yang K, Wang M, Zhao Y, Sun X, Yang Y, Li X, Zhou A, Chu H, Zhou H, Xu J, Wu M, Yang J, Yi J. (通讯作者) A redox mechanism underlying nucleolar stress sensing by nucleophosmin. Nat Commun. 2016 Nov 25;7:13599. doi: 10.1038/ncomms13599.。

Zhou Z, Wang M, Li J, Xiao M, Chin YE, Cheng J, Yeh ET, Yang J, Yi J (通讯作者) SUMOylation and SENP3 regulate STAT3 activation in head and neck cancer. Oncogene. 2016 35(45):小行星58265838。

Zhao Y, Hu Q, Cheng F, Su N, Wang A, Zou Y, Hu H, Chen X, Zhou HM5, Huang X, Yang K, Zhu Q, Wang X, Yi J, Zhu L, Qian X, Chen L, Tang Y, Loscalzo J, Yang Y. SoNar, a highly responsive NAD(+)/NADH sensor, allows high-throughput metabolic screening of anti-tumor agents. Cell Metab. 2015 21(5):777-789。

Ren YH, Liu KJ, Wang M, Yu YN, Yang K, Chen Q, Yu B, Wang W, Li QW, Wang J, Hou ZY, Fang JY, Yeh ET, Yang J, Yi J. (通讯作者) De-SUMOylation of FOXC2 by SENP3 promotes the epithelial-mesenchymal transition in gastric cancer cells. Oncotarget 2014 5(16):7093-7104。

Wang Y, Yang J, Yi J. (通讯作者) Redox sensing by proteins: oxidative modifications on cysteines and the consequent events. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2012 16 (7):649-657。

Wang Y, Yang J, Yang K, Cang H, Huang XZ, Li H, Yi J The biphasic redox sensing of SENP3 accounts for the HIF-1 tranional activity shift by oxidative stress. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2012 33(7):953-963。

Sang J, Yang K, Sun Y, Han Y, Cang H, Chen Y, Shi G, Wang K, Zhou J, Wang X, Yi J. (通讯作者) SUMO2 and SUMO3 tranion is differentially regulated by oxidative stress in an Sp1-dependent manner. Biochem J. 2011 435(2):489-498.。

Han Y, Huang C, Xiang B, Sun Y, Yeh ET, Chen Y, Hu Q, Wang J, Gao F, Yi J. (通讯作者) SENP3-mediated de-conjugation of SUMO2/3 from PML is correlated with accelerated cell proliferation under mild oxidative stress. J Biol Chem 2010 285(17):12906-15。

Yan S, Sun X, Xiang B, Cang C, Kang X, Chen Y, Li H, Shi G, Yeh ETH, Wang B, Wang X Yi J, (通讯作者) Redox regulation of the stability of the SUMO protease SENP3 via interactions with CHIP and Hsp90. The EMBO Journal. 2010 29(22):3773-3786.

Wang R, Zou Y, Yuan Z, Wang Y, Chen Y, Mao Y, Zhu Z, Li H, Tang X, Lu J, Yi J (通讯作者), Autografts and xenografts of the skin fibroblasts delivering BMP-2 effectively promote orthotopic and ectopic osteogenesis. The Anatomical Record, 2009 292 (6):778-786。

Zuo Y, Xiang B, Yang J, Sun X, Wang Y, Cang H, Yi J. (通讯作者) Oxidative modification of caspase-9 facilitates its activation via disulfide-mediated interaction with Apaf-1 Cell Research 2009 19(4):449-457。

Huang C, Han Y, Wang Y, Yan S, Sun XX, Yeh ET, Chen Y, Cang H, Li H, Cheng J, Tang XM, Yi J. (通讯作者) SUMO-specific protease 3 is responsible for HIF-1 transactivation under mild oxidative stress via P300 de-SUMOylation. EMBO J 2009 28(18):2748-2762。

Wang J., Yi J. (通讯作者) Cancer cell killing via ROS: To increase or decrease, that is a question Cancer Biol Ther. 2008 7(12):1875-1884。

Cai J, Niu X, Chen Y, Hu Q, Shi G, Wu H, Wang J, Yi J. (通讯作者) Emodin-induced generation of reactive oxygen 物种 inhibits RhoA activation to sensitize gastric carcinoma cells to anoikis Neoplasia 2008 10(1):41-51。

Huang XZ, Wang J, Huang C, Chen Y, Shi G, Hu Q Yi J. Emodin enhances cytotoxicity of chemotherapeutic drugs in prostate cancer cells: the mechanisms involve ROS-mediated suppression of multidrug resistance and hypoxia inducible factor-1. Cancer Biol Ther. 2008 7(3):468-475.。

Wang J, Li L, Cang H, Shi G, Yi J. (通讯作者) NADPH oxidase-derived reactive oxygen 物种 are responsible for the high susceptibility to arsenic cytotoxicity in acute promyelocytic leukemia cells. Leuk Res. 2008 32(3): 429-436。

Li L., Wang J., Ye RD, Shi G. Jin H., Tang X.,Yi J. PML/RARa fusion protein mediates the unique sensitivity to arsenic cytotoxicity in acute promyelocytic 白血病 cells: Journal of Cellular Physiology. 2008 217(2):486-493.。

Wang YM. Huang XZ. Cang H. Gao F. Ozaki T. Yamamoto T. Yi J The endogenous reactive oxygen 物种 promote NF-κB activation by targeting on activation of NF-κB-inducing kinase in oral squamous carcinoma cells. Free Radic Res. 2007 41(9):963-71。

Jing Y, Yang J, Wang Y, Li H, Chen Y, Hu Q, Shi G, Tang X, Yi J (通讯作者) Alteration of subcellular redox equilibrium and the consequent oxidative modification of nuclear factor kappaB are critical for anticancer cytotoxicity by 大黄素 Free Radic Biol Med. 2006 40(12):2183-97。

Yi (通讯作者), J.; Yang, J.; He, R.; Gao, F.; Sang, H.R.; Tang, X.M.; Ye, R.D Emodin enhances arsenic trioxide-induced apoptosis via generation of reactive oxygen 物种 and inhibition of survival signaling Cancer Research 2004 64(1):108-116。

Yang J, Li H, Chen YY, Wang XJ, Shi GY, Hu QS, Kang XL, Lu Y, Tang XM, Guo QS, Yi J. (通讯作者) Anthraquinones sensitize tumor cells to arsenic cytotoxicity in vitro and in vivo via reactive oxygen 物种mediated dual regulation of apoptosis Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2004 37(12):2027-2041.。

Yi J. Gao F. Shi G. Li H. Wang Z. Shi X. Tang X. (共同第一作者) The inherent cellular level of reactive oxygen 物种: One of the mechanisms determing apoptotic susceptibility of leukemic cells to arsenic trioxide Apoptosis 2002 7(3): 209-215。

Yi J (共同第一作者), Wang ZW, Cang H, Chen YY, Zhao R, Yu BM, Tang XM p16 gene methylation in colorectal cancers is associated with Dukes’staging World Journal of Gastrienterology 2001 7(5):722-725.。

YI J, Yu DR, Chen Y, Xiong W, Li X, Shen J, Tang XM p16 overexpression in pituitary adenoma studied by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization Chin Med J 2000 113 (2):162-166。

Yi J and Tang XM The convergent point of the endocytotic and autophgic pathways Cell Research 1999 9(4):243-253。

Chevalier J, Yi J, Michel O, Tang XM Biotin and digoxigenin as labels for light and electron microscopy in situ hybridization probes: Where do we stand.Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 1997 45 (4):481-491。

Yi J, Michel O, Sassy-Prigent C, Chevalier J Electron Microscopic Location of mRNA in the rat kidney: improved post-embedding in situ hybridization Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 1995 43(8):801-809。

Yi J, Tang XM Functional Implication of Autophagy in Steroid-Secreting Cells of the Rat The Anatomical Record 1995 242(1):137-146。



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