曲道峰 :浙江工商大学教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 12:11



1. 食物链中耐药菌的溯源及其耐药基因的传递

2. 动物源性食品卫生安全及控制

3. 功能性食品体外模拟消化产物的细胞生物学效应研究

4. 食品中病原微生物及毒素的检测

5. 益生菌抑制胃肠道病原菌的作用机制及应用

6. 食源性寄生虫病的免疫防治





1. Qu D, Zhou X, Yang F, Tian S, Zhang X, Ma L, Han J. Development of class model based on blood biochemical parameters as a diagnostic tool of PSE meat.

2. Qu D, Han J. Investigation of the antioxidant activity of chitooligosaccharides on mice with high-fat diet.

3. Qu D, Han J, JiK a, Ye L, Wang X. Compare Two Contrasting Breeds of Pigs Postmortem for Differential Protein Expression in Relation to Meat Quality.

4. Qu D, Zhou H, Han J, Tao S, Zheng B, Chi N, Su C, Du A. Development of reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) as a diagnostic tool of Toxoplasma gondii in pork.

5. Qu D, Ma W, Ye Y, Han J. Effect of dinitolmide intercalated into 蒙脱石 on E. tenella infection in chickens.

6. Qu D, Han J, Du A. Enhancement of protective immune response to recombinant Toxoplasma gondii ROP18 antigen by ginsenoside Re.

7. Qu D, Han J, Du A. Evaluation of protective effect of multiantigenic 脱氧核糖核酸 vaccine encoding MIC3 and ROP18 antigen segments of Toxoplasma gondii in mICE

8. Qu D, Wang S, Cai W, Du A. Protective effect of a DNA vaccine delivered in attenuated 沙门氏菌属 typhimurium against Toxoplasma gondii infection in mice.

9. Qu D, Yu H, Wang S, Cai W, Du A. Induction of protective immunity by multiantigenic 脱氧核糖核酸 vaccine delivered in attenuated Salmonella typhimurium against Toxoplasma gondii infection in mice.

10. Qu DF, Yu HJ, Liu Z, Zhang DF, Zhou QJ, Zhang HL, Du AF. Ginsenoside Rg1 enhances immune response induced by recombinant Toxoplasma gondii SAG1 antiGen.G

11. Dubey JP, Rajendran C, Costa DG, Ferreira LR, Kwok OC, Qu D, Su C, Marvulo MF, Alves LC, Mota RA, Silva JC. New Toxoplasma gondii genotypes isolated from free-range chickens from the Fernando de Noronha, Brazil: unexpected findings.

12. Ferreira IM, Vidal JE, de Mattos Cde C, de Mattos LC, Qu D, Su C, Pereira-Chioccola VL. Toxoplasma gondii isolates: Multilocus RFLP-PCR genotyping from human patients in Sao Paulo State, Brazil identified distinct genotypes.



目录 22
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