朱向阳 :上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 10:08






















4. 国家自然科学基金重点国际合作项目“类生物体灵巧假肢及双向生机接口”,负责人,2017~2021。






1.Liu S., 越南盾 W., Sheng X., Zhu X., “Adaptive aerial grasping and perching with dual elasticity combined suction cup”, IEEE Robotics and 自动化技术 Letters, 2020, vo.5, no.3, pp.4766-4773.

2.Chen C., Ma S., Sheng X., Farina D., Zhu X., “Adaptive real-时间 identification of 摩托车 unit discharges from non-stationary high-密度 surface electromyographic signals”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering., 2020, vol.67, no.12, pp.3501-3509.

3.He J., Sheng X., Zhu X., Jiang N., “Position identification for robust myoelectric 监察 against 电极 shift”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems \u0026 Rehabilitation Engineering, 2020, vol.28, no.12, pp.3121-3128.

4.Ma S., Lv B., Lin C., Sheng X., Zhu X., “EMG signal filtering based on variational 调式 矩阵分解 and sub-band thresholding”, IEEE Journal of Biomedical \u0026 Health Informatics, 2021, vol.25, no.1, pp.47-58.

5.Dong W., Liu S., Ding Y., Sheng X., Zhu X., “An artificially weighted spanning tree coverage algorithm for decentralized flying robots”, IEEE Transactions on 自动化技术 Science \u0026 Engineering, 2020, vol.17, no.4, pp.1689-1698.

6.Xia H.,Chen D.K., Zhu X., Shull P.B. “‘Controlled slip’ 能量 harvesting while walking”, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems \u0026 Rehabilitation Engineering, 2020, vol.28, 二氧化氮, pp.437-443.

7.Tang L., Zhu L., Zhu X., Gu G., “Confined spaces path following for cable-driven snake robots with prediction lookup and interpolation algorithms”, Science China Technological Sciences, 2020, vol.63, 二氧化氮, pp.255-264.

8.Su S., Chai G., Sheng X., Meng J., Zhu X., “Contra-lateral desynchronized alpha oscillations linearly correlate with discrimination 表演 of tactile acuity”, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2020, vol.17, no.4, 046041.

9.Su S., Chai G., Shu X., Sheng X., Zhu X., “Electrical stimulation-induced SSSEP as an objective index to evaluate the difference of tactile acuity between the left and right hand”, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2020, vol.17, no.1, 016053.

10.Chen F., Liu K., Wang Y., Zou J., Gu G.-Y., Zhu X., “Automatic 设计 of soft dielectric 弹性体 actuators with optimal spatial electric fields”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2019, vol.35, no.5, pp.1150-1165.

11.Shull P., Tan T., Culbertson H., Zhu X., Okamura A., “Resonant 频率 skin stretch for wearable haptics”, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2019, vol.12, no.3, pp. 247-256.

12.Dong W., Ding Y., Yang L., Sheng X., Zhu X., “An efficient approach for stability analysis and parameter tuning in delayed feedback 监察 of a flying robot carrying a suspended load”, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement \u0026 Control, 2019, vol.141, no.8, 081015.

13.Shu X., Chen S., Meng J., Sheng X., Jia J., Farina D., Zhu X., “Tactile stimulation improves sensorimotor rhythm-based BCI 表演 in stroke patients”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2019, vol.66, no.7, pp.1987-1995.

14.Tang L., Gu G.-Y., Zhu L., Zhu X., “Path tracking of a cable-driven snake robot with a two-level motion planning method”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2019, vol.24, no.3, pp.935-946.

15.P.B. Shull, S. Jiang, Y. Zhu, X. Zhu, “Hand gesture recognition and finger angle estimation via wrist-worn modified barometric 压强 sensing”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems \u0026 Rehabilitation Engineering, 2019, vol.27, no.4, pp.724-732.

16.Chen C., Chai G., Guo W., Sheng X., Farina D., Zhu X., “Prediction of finger kinematics from discharge timings of 摩托车 units: implications for intuitive 监察 of myoelectric prostheses”, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2019, vol.16, 二氧化氮, 026005.

17.Yao L., Sheng X., Natalie M.-K., Zhu X., Farina D., Jiang N., “Sensory stimulation training for BCI system based on somatosensory attentional orientation”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2019, vol.66, no.3, pp.640-646.

18.He J., Sheng X., Zhu X., Jiang N., “电极 密度 affects the robustness of myoelectric pattern recognition system with and without electrode shift”, IEEE J. Biomedical \u0026 Health Informatics, 2019, vol.23, no.1, pp.156-163.

19.Gu G.-Y., Zou J., Zhao R., Zhao X. Zhu X., “Soft wall-climbing robots”, Science Robotics, 2018, vol.3, issue 25, eaat2874.

20.Yao L., Natalie M.-K., Sheng X., Zhu X., Farina D., Jiang N., “A multi-class BCI based on somatosensory 意象”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems \u0026 Rehabilitation Engineering, 2018, vol.26, no.8, pp.1508-1515.

21.Yao L., Sheng X., Natalie M.-K., Zhu X., Farina D., Jiang N., “Decoding covert somatosensory attention by a BCI system calibrated with tactile sensation”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2018, vol.65, no.8, pp.1689-1695.

22.Xu K., Liu H., Zhang Z., Zhu X., “Wrist-powered partial hand prosthesis using a 连续统 whiffle tree mechanism: A case study”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems \u0026 Rehabilitation Engineering, 2018, vol.26, no.3, pp.609-618.

23.Yao L., Sheng X., Natalie M.-K., Zhu X., Farina D., Jiang N., “表演 of brain-计算机 interfacing based on tactile selective sensation and motor 意象”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems \u0026 Rehabilitation Engineering, 2018, vol.26, no.1, pp.60-68.

24. Yao L., Chen M., Sheng X., Natalie M.-K., Zhu X., Farina D., Jiang N., “A multi-class tactile brain-计算机 interface based on stimulus-induced oscillatory 动力学”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems \u0026 Rehabilitation Engineering, 2018, vol.26, no.1, pp.3-10.

25. Shull P.B., Zhu X., Cutkosky M., “Continuous movement tracking 表演 for predictable and unpredictable tasks with vibrotactile feedback”, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2017, vol.10, no.4, pp.466-475.

26. Gu G.-Y., Gupta U., Zhu J., Zhu L.-M., Zhu X., “Modeling of viscoelastic electromechanical behavior in a soft dielectric 弹性体 actuator”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2017, vol.33, no.5, pp.1263-1271.

27. Yao L., Sheng X., Zhang D., Jiang N., Natalie M.-K., Zhu X., Farina D., “A stimulus-independent hybrid BCI based on 摩托车 意象 and somatosensory attentional orientation”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems \u0026 Rehabilitation Engineering, 2017, vol.25, no.9, pp.1674-1682.

28. He J., Zhu X., “Combining improved gray-level co-occurrence matrix with high 密度 grid for myoelectric 监察 robustness to 电极 shift”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems \u0026 Rehabilitation Engineering, 2017, vol.25, no.9, pp.1539-1548.

29. pan L., Zhang D., Jiang N., Sheng X., Zhu X., “Transcranial direct current stimulation versus user training on improving online myoelectric control for amputees”, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2017, vol.14, no.4, 046019.

30. Guo W., Sheng X., Liu H., Zhu X., “Toward an enhanced human-machine interface for upper-limb prosthesis 监察 with combined EMG and NIRS signals”, IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 2017, vol.47, no.4, pp.564-575.

31. Cai G., Zhang D., Zhu X., “Developing non-somatotopic phantom finger sensation to comparable levels of somatotopic sensation through user training with electrotactile stimulation”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems \u0026 Rehabilitation Engineering, 2017, vol.25, no.5, pp.469-480.

32. Dong W., Ding Y., Huang J., Zhu X., Ding H., “An efficient approach of 时间 optimal trajectory generation for the fully autonomous navigation of the quadrotor”, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement \u0026 监察, 2017, vol.139, no.6, 061012.

33. Dong W., Ding Y., Zhu X., Ding H., “Differential quadrature method for stability and sensitivity analysis of neutral delay differential systems”, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement \u0026 监察, 2017, vol.139, no.4, 044504.

34. Zhu X., Liu J., Zhang D., Sheng X., Jiang N., “Cascaded 适应 framework for fast calibration of myoelectric control”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems \u0026 Rehabilitation Engineering, 2017, vol.25, no.3, pp.254-264.

35. Yao L., Sheng X., Zhang D., Jiang N., Farina D., Zhu X., “A BCI system based on somatosensory attentional orientation”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems \u0026 Rehabilitation Engineering, 2017, vol.25, no.1, pp.78-87.

36. Huang Y., Jirattigalachote W., Cutkosky M., Zhu X., Shull P., “Novel foot progression angle algorithm estimation via foot-worn, magneto-inertial sensing”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2016, vol.63, no.11, pp.2278-2285.

37. Xu H., Zhang D., Huegel J., Xu W., Zhu X., “Effects of different tactile feedback on myoelectric closed-loop 监察 for grasping based on electrotactile stimulation”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems \u0026 Rehabilitation Engineering, 2016, vol.24, no.8, pp.827-836.

38. Liu J., Sheng X., Zhang D., Jiang N., Zhu X., “Towards zero retraining for myoelectric 监察 based on common model component analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems \u0026 Rehabilitation Engineering, 2016, vol.24, no.4, pp.444-454.

39. Dong W., Ding Y., Zhu X., Ding H., “Optimal 正比例积分derivative 监察 of 时间delay systems using the differential quadrature method”, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement \u0026 Control, 2015, vol.137, no.10, 101005.

40. He J., Zhang D., Jiang N., Farina D., Zhu X., “User 适应 in long-term, open-loop myoelectric training: Implications for EMG pattern recognition in prosthesis 监察”, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2015, vol.12, no.4, 046005.

41. Yao L., Meng J., Sheng X., Zhang D., Zhu X., “A novel calibration and task guidance framework for 摩托车 意象 BCI via a tendon vibration induced sensation with kinesthesia illusion”, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2015, vol.12, no.1, 016005.

42. Gu G.-Y., Gupta U., Zhu J., Zhu L.-M., Zhu X.-Y., “Feedforward deformation 监察 of a dielectric 弹性体 actuator based on a nonlinear dynamic model”, Applied Physics Letters, 2015, vol.107, no.4, p.836.

43. pan L., Zhang D., Sheng X., Zhu X., “Improving myoelectric control for amputees through transcranial direct current stimulation”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2015, vol.62, no.8, pp.1927-1936.

44. Meng J., Yao L., Sheng X., Zhang D., Zhu X., “Simultaneously optimizing spatial spectral features based on mutual information for EEG classification”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2015, vol.62, no.1, pp.227-240.

45. Yao L., Meng J., Zhang D.,Sheng X., Zhu X., “Combining 摩托车 意象 with selective sensation toward a hybrid-modality BCI”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2014, vol.61, no.8, pp.2304-2312.

46. Liu J., Wu J., Xiong Z., Zhu X., “Servo system identification using relay feedback: A 时间domain approach”, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Manufacturing Science \u0026 Engineering, 2012, vol.134, no.6, 61012.

47. Zhu X., Ding H., “Optimality criteria for 夹具 layout 设计: a comparative study”, IEEE Transactions on 自动化技术 Science \u0026 Engineering, 2009, vol.6, no.4, pp.658-669.

48. Zhu L., Ding H., Zhu X., “Extraction of periodic signal without external reference by 时间 domain average scanning”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial 电子器件, 2008, vol.55, 二氧化氮, pp.918-927.

49. Zhu X., Ding H., “An efficient algorithm for grasp synthesis and 夹具 layout 设计 in discrete domain”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2007, vol.23, no.1, pp.157-163.

50. Zhu L., Ding H., Zhu X., “Synchronous averaging of 时间频率 distribution with application to machine condition monitoring”, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Vibration \u0026 声学, 2007, vol.129, pp.441-447.

51. Zhu X., Ding H., “Computation of force-closure grasps: An iterative algorithm”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2006, vol.22, no.1, pp.172-179.

52. Zhu X., Ding H., Tso S.-K., “A pseudo distance 函数 and its applications”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics \u0026 自动化技术, 2004, vol.20, 二氧化氮, pp.344-352.

53. Zhu X., Ding H., Wang M.Y., “A numerical test for the closure properties of 3-D grasps”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics \u0026 Automation, 2004, vol.20, no.3, pp.543-549.

54. Zhu X., Ding H., Wang M.Y., “Form error evaluation: An iterative reweighted least squares algorithm”, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Manufacturing Science \u0026 Engineering, 2004, vol.126, no.3, pp.535-542.

55. Zhu X., Ding H., Wang J., “Grasp analysis and synthesis based on a new quantitative measure”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics \u0026 自动化技术, 2003, vol.19, no.6, pp.942-953.

56. Zhu X., Wang J., “Synthesis of force-closure grasps on 3-D objects based on the Q distance”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics \u0026 Automation, 2003, vol.19, no.4, pp.669-679.

57. Zhu X., Ding H., “Flatness tolerance evaluation: An approximate minimum zone solution”, 计算机Aided 设计, 2002, vol.34, no.9, pp.655-664.

















13. 基于连续体传动机构的欠驱动假肢手,201310687094.X,徐凯,朱向阳,刘欢,杜宇恒,赵江然,刘国庆。










7. 生机电虚拟环境测试软件BioVIE V1.0,2015SR223766,朱向阳,吕威,盛鑫军。

















14.Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.

15.Editorial Board Member, Bio-Design and Manufacturing.






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