朱平 :中国科学技术大学教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 08:51









2001年获美国University of Texas at Austin物理学Ph.D学位。

先后在美国University of Iowa, University of New Hampshire, University of Wisconsin-Madison 等高教科研机构从事磁约束聚变和空间磁层等离子体物理的理论计算工作,




主要研究方向为理论与计算等离子体物理,及其在聚变和空间等离子体物理中的应用。通过解析理论和大规模数值模拟计算,系统考察磁约束聚变装置和地球磁层等离子体中的宏观及介观不稳定性,探索聚变和空间等离子体物理中非线性和复杂性等诸多近代物理的基本普适问题,为建立磁约束聚变运行控制模型和空间天气预测模型提供理论基础,积极为国家的聚变能发展和空间开发计划提供基础科学服务。2002年起开始担《Physics of Plasmas》和《Journal of Geophysical Research》特邀审稿人,以及美国国家科学基金和美国能源部特邀项目评审人。



S.-K. Cheng, P. Zhu, and D. Banerjee,Enhanced toroidal flow stabilization of edge localized modes with increased plasma density, submitted toPhys. Rev. Lett.(2017).


D. Banerjee, P. Zhu, and R. Maingi,Stabilizing effects of resistivity towards ELM-free H-mode discharge in Lithium-conditioned NSTX,Nucl. Fusion57, 076005 (2017).

D. Banerjee, P. Zhu, and R. Maingi,Stabilizing effects of resistivity on low-n edge localized modes in NSTX,Phys. Plasmas24, 054501 (2017).

P. Zhu, A. Bhattacharjee, A. Sangari, Z.-C. Wang, and P. Bonofiglo,Three-dimensional geometry of magnetic reconnection induced by ballooning instability in a generalized Harris sheet,Phys. Plasmas24, 024503 (2017).

A. Hussain, Z.-L. Zhao, J.-L. Xie, P. Zhu, W.-D. Liu, A. Tiand EAST Team,Observations of compound sawteeth in ion cyclotron resonant heating plasma using ECE imaging on experimental advanced superconducting tokamak,Phys. Plasmas23, 042504(2016).

W.-L. Huang and P. Zhu,The locking and unlocking thresholds for tearing modes in a cylindrical tokamak,Phys. Plasmas23, 032505 (2016).

W.-L. Huang and P. Zhu,Mode locking and island suppression by resonant magnetic perturbations in Rutherford regime,Phys. Plasmas22, 032502 (2015).

P. Zhu, C.R. Sovinec, and C.C. Hegna,The formation of blobs from a pure interchange process,Phys. Plasmas22, 022311 (2015).

P. Zhu and J. Raeder,Ballooning instability-induced plasmoid formation in near-Earthplasma sheet,J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics119, 131-141 (2014).

P. Zhu and J. Raeder, Ballooning instability-induced plasmoid formation in near-地球 plasma sheet - J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics - 2014 - 119, 131-141

P. Zhu and J. Raeder, Plasmoid formation in current sheet with finite normal magnetic component - Phys. Rev. Lett. - 2013 - 110, 235005

P. Zhu, J. Raeder, C. C. Hegna, and C. R. Sovinec, Nature of axial tail instability and bubble-blob formation in near-地球 plasma sheet - J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics - 2013 - 118, 653-663

P. Zhu, C. C. Hegna, and C. R. Sovinec, Stabilizing effects of edge current density on pedestal instabilities - Phys. Plasmas - 2012 - 19, 032503

P. Zhu, C.C. Hegna, C.R. Sovinec, A. Bhattacharjee, and K. Germaschewski, Intermediate nonlinear regimes of line-tied g mode and ballooning instability - Nucl. Fusion - 2009 - 49, 095009

8)P. Zhu, C. C. Hegna, and C. R. Sovinec, Exponential growth of nonlinear ballooning instability - Phys. Rev. Lett. - 2009 - 102, 235003

P. Zhu, J. Raeder, K. Germaschewski, and C. C. Hegna, Initiation of ballooning instability in the near-地球 plasma sheet prior to the 23 March 2007 THEMIS substorm expansion onset - Ann. Geophys. - 2009 - 27, 1129-1138

P. Zhu and C. C. Hegna, Ballooning filament growth in the intermediate nonlinear regime - Phys. Plasmas - 2008 - 15, 092306

P. Zhu, D. D. Schnack, F. Ebrahimi, E. G. Zweibel, M. Suzuki, C. C. Hegna, and C. R. Sovinec, Absence of complete finite-Larmor-radius stabilization in extended MHD - Phys. Rev. Lett. - 2008 - 101, 085005

P. Zhu, C.R. Sovinec, C.C. Hegna, A. Bhattacharjee, and K. Germaschewski, Nonlinear ballooning instability in the near-地球 magnetotail: Growth, structure, and possible role in substorms - J. Geophys. Res. - 2007 - 112, A06222

P. Zhu,Intermediate nonlinear regime of a line-tied g mode - Phys. Plasmas - 2007 - 14, 055903

P. Zhu, C.C. Hegna, and C.R. Sovinec, Nonlinear growth of a line-tied g mode near marginal stability - Phys. Plasmas - 2006 - 13, 102307

P. Zhu, A. Bhattacharjee, and K. Germaschewski, Intermediate nonlinear evolution of the Parker instability: Formation of convection-induced discontinuities and absence of finite-时间 singularities - Phys. Rev. Lett. - 2006 - 96, 065001

P. Zhu, A. Bhattacharjee, and Z.W. Ma, Finite-ky ballooning instability in the near-地球 magnetotail - J. Geophys. Res. - 2004 - 109, A11211

P. Zhu, A. Bhattacharjee, and Z.W. Ma, Hall MHD ballooning instability in the magnetotail - Phys. Plasmas - 2003 - 10, 249

P. Zhu, G. Bateman, A.H. Kritz, and W. Horton, Predictive transport simulations of internal transport barriers using the Multi-Mode model - Phys. Plasmas - 2000 - 7, 2898

P. Zhu, W. Horton, and H. Sugama, The radial electric field in a tokamak with reversed magnetic shear - Phys. Plasmas - 1999 - 6, 2503

20)P. Zhu and S.T. Tsai, Effect of sheared flow on drift and 开尔文Helmholtz instabilities in a tandem mirror - Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion - 1996 - 38, 405

21)D. Banerjee, P. Zhu, and R. Maingi, Stabilizing effects of resistivity on low-n edge localized modes in NSTX - Phys. Plasmas - 2017 - 24, 054501

22)A. Hussain, Z.-L. Zhao, J.-L. Xie, P. Zhu, W.-D. Liu, A. Ti and EAST Team, Observations of compound sawteeth in ion cyclotron resonant heating plasma using ECE imaging on experimental advanced superconducting tokamak - Phys. Plasmas - 2016 - 23, 042504

23)W.-L. Huang and P. Zhu, Mode locking and island suppression by resonant magnetic perturbations in Rutherford regime - Phys. Plasmas - 2015 - 22, 032502

24)W.-L. Huang and P. Zhu, The locking and unlocking thresholds for tearing modes in a cylindrical tokamak - Phys. Plasmas - 2016 - 23, 032505

25)J. Raeder, P. Zhu, Y. Ge, and G. Siscoe, Auroral signatures of ballooning mode near substorm onset: Open Geospace General Circulation Model simulations - Geophys. Monogr. Ser. - 2012 - 197, 389-395

26)J. Raeder, P. Zhu, Y. Ge, and G. Siscoe, OpenGGCM simulation of a substorm: Axial tail instability and ballooning mode preceding substorm onset - J. Geophys. Res. - 2010 - 115, A00I16

27)B. J. Burke, S. E. Kruger, C. C. Hegna, P. Zhu, P. B. Snyder, C. R. Sovinec, and E. C. Howell, Edge localized linear ideal magnetohydrodynamic instability studies in an extended-magnetohydrodynamic code - Phys. Plasmas - 2010 - 17, 32103

28)K. Avinash, P. Zhu, V. Nosenko, and J. Goree, Nonlinear compressional waves in a two-dimensional Yukawa lattice - Phys. REV E - 2003 - 68, 046402

29)W. Horton, B. Hu, J. Q. 越南盾, and P. Zhu, Turbulent electron thermal transport in tokamaks - New J. Phys. - 2003 - 5, Art. No. 14

30)B. Hu, W. Horton, P. Zhu, and F. Porcelli, Density profile control with current ramping in a transport simulation of Ignitor - Phys. Plasmas - 2003 - 10, 1015

31)W. Horton, F. Porcelli, P. Zhu, A. Aydemir, Y. Kishimoto, and T. Tajima, Ignitor physics assessment and confinement projections - Nucl. Fusion - 2002 - 42, 169

32)G. T. Hoang, C. Bourdelle, X. Garbet, G. Giruzzi, T. Aniel, M. Ottaviani, W. Horton, P. Zhu, and R. V. Budny, Experimental determination of critical threshold in electron transport on Tore Supra - Phys. Rev. Lett. - 2001 - 87, 125001

33)G. M. Staebler, R. E. Waltz, J. E. Kinsey, G. Bateman, A. H. Kritz, T. Onjun, A. Pankin, P. Zhu, and W. Horton, Drift wave based modeling of poloidal spin-up precursor and stepwise expansion of transport barriers - Nucl. Fusion - 2001 - 41, 891

34)W. Horton and P. Zhu, Transport barrier dynamics - Phys. Plasmas - 2000 - 7, 4534

35)W. Horton, P. Zhu, G. T. Hoang, T. Aniel, M. Ottaviani, and X. Garbet, Electron transport in Tore 丰田Supra with fast wave electron heating - Phys. Plasmas - 2000 - 7, 1494

36)J. M. Kwon, W. Horton, P. Zhu, P. J. Morrison, H. B. Park, and D. I. Choi, Global drift wave map test particle simulations - Phys. Plasmas - 2000 - 7, 1169

M. Sun, P. Zhu, and S. Z. Yang, A model of plasma source ion implantation for inner surface modification - J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. - 1996 - 29, 274等。




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