朱建阳 :教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 17:14

朱建阳(1955年12月—— ),男,临川区人,国务院特殊津贴享受者。1981年毕业于江西师范大学抚州分院,现任北京师范大学物理系教授、博士生导师。曾在抚州师专、江西师范大学任教。2000年获博士学位,导师为杨展如教授。朱建阳的研究领域包括引力与相对论(如量子引力、黑洞的特征扰动、黑洞的量子热效应、黑洞、CASIMIR效应等)和统计物理。


姓名 朱建阳

任教专业 理学-物理学类

在职情况 在

性别 男

所在院系 物理系





Li-Fang Li, Kui Xiao and Jian-Yang Zhu, Loop Quantum Cosmology: Effective theory and related applications, accepted for publication as a chapter in the book "Cosmology / Book 2"

Yu Li and Jian-Yang Zhu, Convergence of Perturbations for a Big Bounce in Loop Quantum Cosmology, to be published.

Li-Fang Li and Jian-Yang Zhu, Dynamical 地平线 Entropy Bound Conjecture in Loop Quantum Cosmology, to be published.

Li-Fang Li and Jian-Yang Zhu, 光度学红移 relation in effective loop quantum cosmology, to be published.

Li-Fang Li and Jian-Yang Zhu, Gravitational wave detection: stochastic 共振 method with matched filtering, to be published.

Meng Qing Kuan and Zhu Jian Yang, Approaches to create weighted scale-free networks: the weight redistribution, accepted for publication in International Journal of Modern 物理学 B.

Kui Xiao and Jian-Yang Zhu, A phenomenology analysis of the tachyon warm inflation in loop quantum cosmology, Physics Letters B 699 (2011) 217–223.

Kui Xiao and Jian-Yang Zhu, Stability analysis of an autonomous system in loop quantum cosmology,Physical Review D 83, 083501 (2011)

Kui Xiao and Jian-Yang Zhu, 热力学 properties of the dark 能量 in loop quantum cosmology, Inter. J. MOD Phys. D, Vol. 20,

Hua-Hui Xiong, Jian-Yang Zhu, Effect of the Inverse 容积单位 MOD in Loop Quantum Cosmology, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 28

Yu Li and Jian-Yang Zhu, Application of higher order holonomy corrections to the perturbation theory of cosmology, Class. Quantum Grav., Vol.28, No.4, 045007 (2011).

Xiao Kui, Zhu Jian-Yang, Dynamical behavior of interacting dark 能量 in loop quantum cosmology, Inter. J. MOD Phys. A, Vol. 25, No 26, 4993-5007 (2010).

Liu 成姓Zhou,Zhu Jian-Yang, AGB星 quasinormal modes of 标量 field in a gravity's rainbow, CHIN. PHYS. B, Vol.18, No.10, 4161-4168 (2009).

Meng Qing Kuan and Zhu Jian Yang, Self-organization of weighted networks in connection with the Misanthrope process, CHIN. PHYS. LETT., Vol.26,

Meng Qing Kuan and Zhu Jian Yang, Traffic of indistinguishable particles in 情结 networks, CHIN. PHYS. B, Vol.18,

Li-Fang Li and Jian-Yang Zhu, Averaged null 能量 condition in Loop Quantum Cosmology, Physical Review D

Li-Fang Li and Jian-Yang Zhu, Tachyon 领域 in loop quantum cosmology: an Example of fourth order quantum correction, Physical

Li-Fang Li and Jian-Yang Zhu, 热力学 in Loop Quantum Cosmology, Advances in High Energy 物理学

Wei Liu and Jian-Yang Zhu, Interacting bosonic atoms with random potential in optical lattices, Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 23

Jian-Zhen Chen and Jian-Yang Zhu, Self-organized critical behavior: the evolution of frozen spin networks model in quantum gravity, Inter. J. Mod. Phys.

Heng-Zhong Fang, and Jian-Yang Zhu, Casimir 能量 in Hartle-Hawking State, 汉语词类 Phys. Lett. 25, 2791-2794 (2008).

成姓Zhou Liu and Jian-Yang Zhu, Hawking radiation and 黑色 hole entropy in a gravity’s rainbow, Gen. Rel. Grav.,

Hua-Hui Xiong and Jian-Yang Zhu, Tachyon 领域 in loop quantum cosmology: Inflation and evolution picture, Physical Review D

Jian-Zhen Chen and Jian-Yang Zhu, Navigation on 功率law small world network with incomplete information, 汉语词类 Phys. Lett.,

Hua-Hui Xiong, Jian-Yang Zhu, Violation of strong 能量 condition in effective loop quantum cosmology, Inter. J. MOD Phys.

Xin-Qin Gao, Jian-Yang Zhu, Casimir effect for the massless Dirac field in two-dimensional Reissner-Nordstron Space乐队时间,Inter. J. Mod. Phys

Jian-Zhen Chen, Wei Liu, and Jian-Yang Zhu, Two-dimensional small-world networks: Navigation with local information,Physical Review

Wei Liu, Wen-Yuan Xiong, and Jian-Yang Zhu, One-dimensional Ising model built on small-world networks: Competing 动力学,Physical Review

Jian-Yang Zhu, A dynamical evolution model on the quantum 黑色 Hole, Class. 船桨 Grav.,22, 2671-2678 (2005).


XQ Gao, L.-E. Qiang, Jian-Yang Zhu, and Z. Zhao, Discussing again on the Thermal Property of Kinnersley 黑色 Hole Using a New Tortoise Coordinate Transformation, Gen.G Rel. Grav.

Wei Zhou and Jian-Yang Zhu, Decay of spin-1/2 field around Reissner-Nordstrom black hole, Inter. J. MOD Phys.

Jian-Yang Zhu, W. Liu, H. Zhu, Small-world network effect in competing Glauber-type and 川崎重工业株式会社type 动力学, Eur. Phys. J.

Han Zhu, Xin-Ran Wang and Jian-Yang Zhu, Effect of aging on network structure, Physical Review E,

Jian-Yang Zhu and Han Zhu, Introducing Small-World Network Effect to Critical Dynamics, Physical Review

Jian-Yang Zhu and Han Zhu, Critical slowing down of the Gaussian spin system on diamond-type hierarchical lattices, 汉语词类 物理学,

Jian-Yang Zhu and Han Zhu, A generalized 川崎重工业株式会社type 动力学 with spin-pair redistribution mechanism, Chinese Phys. Lett.,

Han Zhu, Jian-yang Zhu, and Yang Zhou, Generalized competing Glauber-type dynamics and Kawasaki-type dynamics, Physical Review

Han Zhu and Jian-Yang Zhu, 川崎重工业株式会社type 动力学: Diffusion in the kinetic Gaussian model, Physical

Bambi Hu and Jian-Yang Zhu, Driven Dynamics: A Photo-Driven Frenkel -Kontorova Model, Physical Review E, Vol.65, No.1, 016202 (2002).

Zhu Jian-Yang and Z. R. Yang, High-温度 cutoff Approximation of the 3D Kinetic Ising Model,Commun. Theor. Phys.


Kong XM, Lin ZQ, Zhu Jian-Yang,Critical behavior of the Gaussian model on fractal lattices in external magnetic field,SCIENCE IN CHINA (Series A),

Zhu Jian-Yang and Z. R. Yang, Dynamical Decimation Renormalization-基团 Technique: Kinetic Gaussian Model on Non-Branching, Braching and Multi-branching Koch Curve, Physical Review E

Zhu Jian-Yang and Z. R.Yang, Solvable Kinetic Gaussian Model in External Field,Physical Review E,

Zhu Jian-Yang and Z. R.Yang, d-dimensional Kinetic S^4 Model,Commun. Theor. Phys.,Vol.34,




罗志坚,朱建阳,Schwarzschild 黑洞背景下Dirac场的熵,物理学报

Zhu Jian-Yang and Z. R.Yang, Glauber Critical Dynamics: Exact Solution of the Kinetic Gaussian Model,Physical Review E

Zhu Jian-Yang and Luo Zhijian, Dirac Quantum 领域 Theory in Rindler Space乐队时间,International Journal of Theoretical 物理学

Wan Langfei and Zhu Jian-Yang,Entropy in DimianSKINewman 黑色 Hole,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA (Overseas Edition),Vol.8

Zhao Zheng, Zhu Jian-yang and Liu Wen-biao, Entropy of Kerr-Newman Black Hole Continuously Goes Zero when the Hole Changes from Nonetreme Case to Extreme Case,汉语词类 PHYS.LETT

Zhao Zheng, Zhu Jian-yang and Liu Wen-biao, Entropy of Kerr-Newman 黑色 Hole Continuously Goes Zero when the Hole Changes from Nonetreme Case to Extreme Case,CHINESE PHYS.LETT


Zhao Zheng, Zhu Jian-Yang, and B.Misra, Hawking-Unruh effect on thermal Equilibrium state,International Journal of Theoretical 物理学,V.35

Xiao Xingguo, Zhu Jian-Yang, Wormhole solution in vacuum Brans-Dirac theory with cosmological constant,汉语词类 PHYS.LETT.,V.13


Zhu Jian-Yang, Zhang Jianhua and Zhao Zheng, Hawking radiation of charged Dirac particles in Vaidya-Bonner Space乐队时间,SCIENCE IN CHINA (Series A),V.38,

Zhu Jian-Yang, Bao Aidong and Zhao Zheng, Rindler effect for a nonuniformly accelerating observer,International Journal of Theoretical 物理学,V.34,

Zhao Zheng, Zhang Jianhua and Zhu Jian-Yang, Quantum thermal effect of arbitrarily accelerating Kinnersley 黑色 hole,International Journal of Theoretical Physics,V.34

Zhu Jian-Yang, Zhang Jianhua and Zhao Zheng, Quantum thermal effect of arbitrarily accelerating black hole with electrical magnetic charges,Chin. Astron. Astrophys.,V.19

Yang Shuzheng, Zhu Jian-Yang and Zhao zheng, The dependence of Hawking thermal spectrum on angular variables,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA (Overseas Edition)

Zhu Jian-Yang, Study of Hawking effect in Vaidya-Bonner 黑色 hole by means of second quantumzation,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA (Overseas Edition)


Zhu Jian-Yang, Zhang Jianhua and Zhao Zheng, Hawking effect in Vaidya-Bonner Space乐队时间,International Journal of Theoretical 物理学

Zhao Zheng and Zhu Jian-Yang, Damour-Ruffini and Unruh theories of the Hawking effect,International Journal of Theoretical Physics

朱建阳,张建华,赵峥,Vaidya-Bonner时空中荷电Dirac粒子的Hawking辐射,中国科学,A辑, V.24,


Zhu Jian-Yang, Zhao Zheng, An Improvement on Damour-Ruffini Approach Dealing with Hawking Effect,

包爱东,朱建阳,赵峥,动态Rindler时空中Dirac 旋量粒子的四分量波函数及Hawking-Unruh热效应,物理学报







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