杨奕 :武汉大学物理科学与技术学院教授博导

更新时间:2024-09-20 19:36



杨 奕:武汉大学物理科学与技术学院,教授,博士生导师,中组部青年入选者。

受教育经历:  1999/09 – 2003/06,武汉大学,物理科学与技术学院,学士  2003/09 – 2008/06,武汉大学,物理科学与技术学院,博士  研究工作经历:  2008 – 2013,南洋理工大学,微电子工程系,博士后研究员  2013 – 至今,武汉大学,物理科学与技术学院,教授  杨奕教授的主要研究领域为光流控基础理论研究,光流控芯片的设计与实现,以及光流控在生化传感和环境检测上的应用;微纳米光学功能材料的设计﹑制备和器件研究。在《Nature communications》、《Lab on a chip》等国际著名学术期刊和重要会议上发表学术论文20余篇。在国际光流控大会,国际先进材料技术大会,IEEE MEMS ,Micro TAS 等国际高端会议上做口头陈诉11次,并担任过国际光流控大会分会主席(Section chair)。是AIP,APS , OSA 与 ACS 成员 (Member), 担任过 《Lab on a chip》, 《Appl. Phys. Lett. 》, 《Opt. Lett. 》, 《Opt. Express》, 《Biomicrofluidics》 等多个著名杂志的审稿人。获得“全国百篇优秀博士论文提名奖湖北省优秀博士论文”和入选中组部“青年”。回国后即开展武汉大学光流控实验室的建设及光流控芯片的开发。光流控是一门新兴的学科与技术,有巨大的潜在经济价值。



Y. Yang, A. Q. Liu, L. K. Chin, X. M. Zhang, D. P. Tsai, C. L. Lin, C. Lu, G. P. Wang, and N. I. Zheludev, “Optofluidic waveguide as a transformation optics device for lightwave bending and manipulation,” Nat. Commun., Vol 3, pp651, 2012.

Y. Yang, L. K. Chin, J. M. Tsai, D. P. Tsai, N. Zheludev, and A. Q. Liu, “Transformation optofluidics for large-angle light bending and tuning,” Lab Chip, Vol 12, pp.3785-3790, 2012.

A. Q. Liu, L. K. Chin, Y. Yang, D. P. Tsai, and N. I. Zheludev, “Optofluidic transformation optics for innovative devices,” SPIE Newsroom, DOI:10.1117/2.1201210.004509, 2012.

Y. Yang, A. Q. Liu, L. Lei, L. K. Chin, C. D. Ohl, Q. J. Wang, and H. S. Yoon, “A tunable 3D optofluidic waveguide dye laser via two centrifugal Dean flow streams,” Lab Chip, Vol 11, pp.3182-3187, 2011.

S. Xiong, A. Q. Liu, L. K. Chin, and Y. Yang, “An optofluidic prism tuned by two laminar flows,” Lab Chip, Vol 11, pp.1864-1869, 2011. (Nature Photonics 研究亮点报道,Vol 5, pp.326, 2011 ).

Z. G. Li, Y. Yang, X. M. Zhang, A. Q. Liu, J. B. Zhang, L. Cheng, and Z. H. Li, “Tunable visual color filter using microfluidic grating,” Biomicrofluidics, Vol. 4, pp.043013, 2010.

J. Q. Yu, Y. Yang, A. Q. Liu, L. K. Chin and X. M. Zhang, “Microfluidic droplet grating for reconfigurable optical diffraction,” Opt. Lett., Vol. 35, pp 1890-1892, 2010.

Y. Yang, Q. Li and G. P. Wang, “Fabrication of periodic complex photonic crystals constructured with a portion of photonic quasicrystals by interference lithography,” Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol 93, pp. 061112, 2008.

Y. Yang, Q. Li, and G. P. Wang, “Diverse structures of optical metamaterials by interference lithography,” Opt. Express, Vol 16, pp. 11275-11280, 2008.

Y. Yang and G. P. Wang, “Two-dimensional photonic crystals constructed with a portion of photonic quasicrystals,” Opt. Express, Vol 15, pp.5991-5996 ,2007.

Y. Yang, S. H. Zhang and G. P. Wang, “Single-beam holography for Ag nanoparticle-embedded two-dimensional binary metallodielectric photonic crystals,” APPL Opt., Vol 46, pp 84-86, 2007.

Y. Yang and G. P. Wang, “Realization of periodic and quasiperiodic microstructures with sub-diffraction-limit feature sizes by far-field holographic lithography,” Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol 89, pp.111104, 2006. (封面故事)

Y. Yang, S. H. Zhang, and G. P. Wang, “Fabrication of two-dimensional metallodielectric quasicrystals by single-beam holography,” Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol 88, pp.251104 , 2006.

Y Yang, G. P. Wang, J. Xie, and S. Zhang, “Metal nanoparticles-embedded three-dimensional microstructures created by single-beam holography,” Appl. Phys. Lett.,Vol 86, pp.173108,2005


Y. Yang and A. Q. Liu, “Transformation Optofluidics for cell manipulation in Flowing Streams” The 3st International Conference on Optofluidics, 2013, Hong Kong (邀请报告).

Y. Yang and A. Q. Liu, “Optofluidics transforamtion optics and devices,” The 2st International Conference on Optofluidics, 2012, Suzhou China (特邀报告和分会主席).

Y. Yang, J. M. Tsai, D. L. Kwong, and A. Q. Liu, “Nano-optofluidics for single molecule detection and sorting,” MEMS 2012 (25th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems), Paris, France, 2012 (大会报告).

Y. Yang and A. Q. Liu, “A tunable 3D optofluidic waveguide dye laser using two centrifugal Dean flow streams,” ICMAT 2011 (International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies), Singapore, 2011 (大会报告和分会主席).

Y. Yang, C. D. Ohl, H. S. Yoon, and A. Q. Liu, “3D liquid-liquid waveguide using two flow streams by centrifugal force,”μTAS 2010 (14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for 化学 and Life Sciences), Groningen, Netherlands, 2010 (大会报告).

Y. Yang, J. M. Tsai, D. L. Kwong and A. Q. Liu, “Nano-optofluidics for single molecule detection,” μTAS2012(16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for 化学 and Life Sciences),Okinawa, Japan

Y. Yang, A. Q. Liu and D. P. Tsai, “Nano-liquid/liquid waveguide coupling by evanescent tunning effect for biomolecule imaging applications,” μTAS2011(15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for 化学 and Life Sciences),西雅图, USA.

Y. Yang, G. P. Wang and A. Q. Liu, “Light transmission and interferometery in liquid-liquid waveguide for photocatalytic,” μTAS2011(15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for 化学 and Life Sciences),Seattle, USA

Y. Yang, C. D.Ohl, H. S. Yoon and A. Q. Liu, "A highly efficient three-dimensional (3D) liquid-liquid waveguide laser by two flow streams", 24th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2011), Cancun.

Y. Yang, Z. Shen, D. P. Tsai and A. Q. Liu, “An optofluidic beam splitter with large tuning angle via control of flow rate,” μTAS2009(13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for 化学 and Life Sciences),Jeju Island, South Korea.  奖励:杨奕,中组部,青年,2013.   杨奕,全国百篇优秀博士论文提名奖湖北省优秀博士论文,2010.


A. Q. Liu, Y. Yang, “Nano-optofluidic system for single molecule detection and sorting,” No. 61/665, 511, 2012-06-28, USA.

汪国平,杨奕,一种用于制备光子晶体微结构功能材料的折射光学元件 ZL200510018703.8 , 2007-03-14, 中国。


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