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Xu DQ, Wang Z, Wang CY, Zhang DY, Wan HD, Zhao ZL, Gu J, Zhang YX, Li ZG, Man KY, Pan Y, Wang ZF, Ke ZJ, Liu ZX, Liao LJ, Chen Y. PAQR3 controls autophagy by integrating AMPK signaling to enhance ATG14L-associated pi3k activity. The EMBO Journal(2016) 35: 496–514.

Klionsky DJ,… , Ke ZJ,…, Zughaier SM. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition). Autophagy. 2016 Jan 2;12(1):1-222.

Xu M, Wang S, Ren Z, Frank JA, Yang XH, Zhang Z, Ke ZJ, Shi X, Luo J.Chronic 乙醇 exposure enhances the aggressiveness of breast cancer: the role of p38γ. Oncotarget. 2015 Dec 7. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.6508. [Epub ahead of print]

Wang H, Wang X, Ke ZJ, Comer AL, Xu M, Frank JA, Zhang Z, Shi X, Luo J. Tunicamycin-induced unfolded protein response in the developing mouse brain. ToxicolApplPharmac3-甲基-3-戊醇 2015 Mar 15;283(3):157-67.

Yong Y, Meng Y, Ding H, Fan Z, Tang Y, Zhou C, Luo J, Ke ZJ*. PACT/RAX Regulates the Migration of Cerebellar Granule Neurons in the Developing Cerebellum. Sci Rep. 2015 Jan 22;5:7961.

Ke ZJ*, Luo J. Response to Comment on "Thiamine Deficiency Promotes T Cell Infiltration in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis: The Involvement of CCL2". J Immun3-甲基-3-戊醇2014 Nov 15;193(10):4755-6.

Ji Z, Fan Z, Zhang Y, Yu R, Yang H, Zhou C, Luo J, Ke ZJ*. Thiamine Deficiency Promotes T Cell Infiltration in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis: The Involvement of CCL2. J Immunol. 2014 Sep 1;193(5):2157-67.

Liu M, Alimov AP, Wang H, Frank JA, Katz W, Xu M, Ke ZJ, Luo J. Thiamine deficiency induces anorexia by inhibiting hypothalamic AMPK. 神经科学2014 Mar 5;267:102-113

Wang F, Chen H, Sun XJ, Ke ZJ*. Improvement of cognitive deficits in SAMP8 mice by 3-n-butylphthalide. Neurol Res. 2014 Mar;36(3):224-33.

Wang H, Ke ZJ, Alimov A, Xu M, Frank JA, Fang S, Luo J. Spatiotemporal Expression of MANF in the Developing Rat Brain. PLoS One. 2014 Feb 28;9(2):e90433.

Meng Y, Yong Y, Yang G, Ding H, Fan Z, Tang Y, Luo J, Ke ZJ*.Autophagy alleviates neurodegeneration caused by mild impairment of oxidative metabolism. J Neurochem. 2013 Sep;126(6):805-18.

Li W, Tang Y, Fan Z, Meng Y, Yang G, Luo J, Ke ZJ*. Autophagy is involved in oligodendroglial precursor-mediated clearance of amyloid peptide. MolNeurodegener. 2013 奥地利AUG5.56毫米轻机枪 10;8:27.

Zhang G, Ding H, Chen H, Ye X, Li H, Lin X, Ke ZJ*. Thiamine Nutritional Status and Depressive Symptoms Are Inversely Associated among Older Chinese Adults. J Nutr.2013 Jan;143(1):53-8.

Chen G, Ke ZJ, Xu M, Liao M, Wang X, Qi Y, Zhang T, Frank JA, Bower KA, Shi X, Luo J. Autophagy is a protective response to 乙醇 neurotoxicity. Autophagy. 2012 Nov;8(11):1577-89

Wang X, Ke ZJ, Chen G, Xu M, Bower KA, Frank JA, Zhang Z, Shi X, Luo J. Cdc42-dependent activation of NADPH oxidase is involved in ethanol-induced neuronal oxidative stress. PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e38075.

Wang X, Mandal AK, Saito H, Pulliam JF, Lee EY, Ke ZJ, Lu J, Ding S, Li L, Shelton BJ, Tucker T, Evers BM, Zhang Z, Shi X. Arsenic and chromium in drinking 液态水 promote tumorigenesis in a mouse 结肠炎associated colorectal cancer model and the potential mechanism is ROS-mediated Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. ToxicolApplPharmacol.2012 Jul 1;262(1):11-21

Wang S, Xu M, Li F, Wang X, Bower KA, Frank JA, Lu Y, Chen G, Zhang Z, Ke Z, Shi X, Luo J. 乙醇 promotes mammary tumor growth and angiogenesis: the involvement of chemoattractant factor MCP-1. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2012 Jun;133(3):1037-48

Ji Z, Ke ZJ, Gen.G JG. SAP suppresses the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in C57BL/6 mice. Immunol Cell Biol. 2012 Apr;90(4):388-95.

Sun X, Xiong Z, Zhang Y, Meng Y, Xu G, Xia Z, Li J, Zhang R, Ke Z, Xia Z, Hu Y. Harpagoside attenuates MPTP/MPP(+) induced dopaminergic neurodegeneration and movement disorder via elevating glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor. J Neurochem.2012 Mar;120(6):1072-83

Wang X, Son YO, Chang Q, Sun L, Hitron JA, Budhraja A, Zhang Z, Ke Z, Chen F, Luo J, Shi X. NADPH oxidase activation is required in reactive oxygen species generation and cell transformation induced by hexavalent chromium. Toxicol Sci.2011 Oct;123(2):399-410.

Ke ZJ, Wang X, Liu Y, Fan Z, Chen G, Xu M, Bower KA, Fank JA, Li M, Fang S, Shi X, Luo J. 乙醇 Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in the Developing Brain. Alcohol ClinExp Res. 2011;35(9): 1574–1583.

Ke ZJ, Liu Y, Wang X, Fan Z, Chen G, Xu M, Bower KA, Frank JA, Ou X, Shi X, Luo J. Cyanidin-3-glucoside ameliorates 乙醇 neurotoxicity in the developing brain. J Neurosci Res.2011 Oct;89(10):1676-84.

Zhang Z, Li W, Cheng S, Yao H, Zhang F, Chang Q, Ke ZJ, Wang X, Son YO, Luo J, Shi X. Nickel-induced Down-regulation of ΔNp63 and its Role in The Proliferation of Keratinocytes. ToxicolApplPharmacol.2011 Jun 15;253(3):235-43.

Yang G, Meng Y, Li W, Yong Y, Fan Z, Ding HQ, Wei YZ, Luo J, Ke ZJ*. Neuronal MCP-1 Mediates Microglia Recruitment and Neurodegeneration Induced by the Mild Impairment of Oxidative 新陈代谢Brain Pathol. 2011;21(3):279-297.

Yong Y, Ding H, Fan Z, Luo J, Ke ZJ*. Lithium Fails to Protect Dopaminergic Neurons in the 6-OHDA Model of Parkinson's disease.Neurochem Res. 2011, 36(3):367-74.

Lee SC, Yang G, Liu Y, Zhao L, Xu J, Zhang X, Wan Y, Feng C, Fan ZQ, Liu Y, Luo J, Ke ZJ*. ADAR2-dependent 核糖核酸 editing of GluR2 is involved in thiamine deficiency-induced alteration of calcium 动力学摩尔 Neurodeger. 2010, 5:54. (27 November 2010)

Xu M, Bower KA, Wang S, Frank JA, Chen G, Ding M, Wang S, Shi X, Ke ZJ, Luo J. Cyanidin-3-Glucoside Inhibits Ethanol-induced Invasion of Breast Cancer Cells Overexpressing ErbB2.摩尔. Cancer2010 Oct 29;9:285.

Zhang QP, Yang G, Li WX, Fan Z, Sun AY, Luo J, Ke ZJ*. Thiamine deficiency increases b-secretase activity and accumulation of β-amyloid peptides.Neurobiol. Aging. 2011;32(1):42-53.

Wang X, Meng D, Chang Q, Pan J, Zhang Z, Chen G, Ke ZJ, Luo J, Shi X. Arsenic Inhibits Neurite Outgrowth by Inhibiting LKB1-AMPK Signaling Pathway.Environ Health Perspect. 2010;118(5):627-34.

Xu M, Bower KA, Chen G, Shi X, 越南盾 Z, Ke ZJ, Luo J. 乙醇 Enhances the Interaction of Breast Cancer Cells Over-Expressing ErbB2 with Fibronectin.Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2010;34(5):751-60.

Xu G, Xiong Z, Yong Y, Wang Z, Ke ZJ, Xia Z, Hu Y. Catalpol attenuates MPTP induced neuronal degeneration of nigral-striatal dopaminergic pathway in mice through elevating glial cell derived neurotrophic factor in striatum.Neuroscience. 2010;167(1):174-84.

You J, Yu Y, Jiang L, Li W, Yu X, Gonzalez L, Yang G, Ke ZJ, Li W, Li C, Liu Y. Signaling through Tyr985 of Leptin Receptor as an Age/diet-dependent Switch in the Regulation of 能量 Balance.Mol Cell Biol. 2010;30(7):1650-9.

Ke ZJ, Wang X, Fan Z, Luo J. 乙醇 promotes thiamine deficiency-induced neuronal 死亡: involvement of double-stranded 核糖核酸activated protein kinase.Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2009;3 3(6):1097-103.

Chen, G., Bower, KA., Xu, M., Ding, M., Wang SY., Shi, X., Ke, ZJ., Luo, J. Cyaniding-3-glucoside reverses ethanol-induced inhibition of neurite outgrowth: role of 糖原 synthase 3 beta.Neurotox. Res. 2009, 15:321-331.

Liu Y., Chen, G., Ma, C., Bower, KA., Xu, M., Fan, Z., Shi, X., Ke, ZJand Luo, J. Over-expression of 葛兰素史克3beta sensitizes neuronal cells to ethanol toxicity.J. Neurosci Res. 2009; 87: 2793-2802.

Zhang, Q., Ding, H., Li, W., Fan, Z., Sun, A., Luo, J., Ke, ZJ*. Senscence accelerated mouse strain is sensitive to neurodegeneration induced by mild impairment of oxidative metabolism.Brain Res. 2009; 1264: 111-118.

Chen YY, Chen G, Fan Z, Luo J, Ke ZJ. 葛兰素史克3beta and endoplasmic reticulum stress mediate 鱼藤酮induced 死亡 of SK-N-MC neuroblastoma cells.Biochem Pharmacol. 2008; 76(1):128-138.

Ma C, Bower KA, Chen G, Shi X, Ke ZJ, Luo J. Interaction between ERK and 葛兰素史克3beta mediates basic fibroblast growth factor-induced apoptosis in SK-N-MC neuroblastoma cells.J Biol Chem. 2008; 283(14):9248-56.

Chen G, Ma C, Bower KA, Shi X, Ke ZJ, Luo J. 乙醇 promotes endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced neuronal 死亡: Involvement of oxidative stress.J Neurosci Res. 2008; 86(4):937-46.

Wang X, Fan ZQ, Wang B, Luo J, Ke ZJ. Activation of PKR by mild impairment of oxidative metabolism in neurons.J Neurochem. 2007, 103(6):2380-2390.

Ma C, Wang J, Gao Y, Gao TW, Chen G, Bower KA, Odetallah M, Ding M, Ke ZJ, Luo J. The Role of 糖原 Synthase Kinase 3 beta in the Transformation of Epidermal Cells.Cancer Res. 2007, 67(16):7756-64.

Cai G, Wang J, Xin X, Ke ZJ, Luo J. Phosphorylation of Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 beta at Serine 9 Confers Cisplatin Resistance in Ovarian Cancer Cells.Int J Oncol. 2007, 31(3):657-62.

Chen G, Fan ZQ, Wang X, Ma C, Bower KA, Shi X, Ke ZJ, Luo J. Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor Suppresses Tunicamycin-induced Upregulation of CHOP in Neurons.J Neurosci Res. 2007, 85(8):1674-1684.

Wang X, Wang BW, Fan ZQ, Shi XL, Ke ZJ, and Luo J. Thiamine Deficiency Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Neurons.Neurosciences. 2007, 144(3):1045-56.


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