潘晖 :南京林业大学教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 15:24



主要研究领域集中于以木质纤维素可再生生物质(lignocellulosic biomass)为原料的产品的开发和利用。在过去几年中所进行的研究项目包括,1)以木材液化技术为基础的生物炼制方法的研究。该方法以木材液化为核心技术,分离木质纤维生物质中的三大组份(木质素半纤维素和纤维素),并且以分离的各组份为原料生产可降解生物基隔热材料及其它功能材料;2)通过去甲基化来提高木质素的活性,并以去甲基化的木质素替代部分苯酚用以生产酚醛树脂;3)以木材液化为核心技术回收处理CCA防腐木材,并利用除去重金属后的液化木材来生产可降解生物基隔热材料;4)对非食用植物油脂的改性研究,并以改性后的油脂为原料生产聚氨材料。




(1)美国农业部Hitch Fund:Detoxification of Spent CCA-Treated Wood by Liquefaction and Reuse of Recovered Heavy Metals as Industrial Raw Materials [基于木材液化的CCA防腐材废料的无害化处理和回收重金属用于工业原料],2008-2013,项目负责人;

(2)美国国家自然科学基金及路易斯安那州Board of Regents,Pfund: Characterization of CCA metals in liquefied spent CCA-treated wood sludge by sequential extraction [利用连续抽提法对防腐木材废料液化残渣中铜铬重金属表征的研究], 2008-2009,项目负责人;

(3)美国国家自然科学基金及路易斯安那Board of Regents,Pfund: Preliminary investigation of use of wood liquefaction as a novel pretreatment for cellulosic ethanol and a key component in a lignocellulosic biomass refinery [木材液化用于生产纤维素乙醇的预处理及作为木质纤维素生物精炼关键技术的初步研究], 2010-2011,项目负责人


(1)Hu, L.H, pan, H., Zhou, Y.H., Liu, C.G. 2013. Chemical groups and structural characterization of lignin via 硫醇mediated demethylation.Journal of Wood 化学 and Technology. In print.

(2)Eberhardt, Team Liquid, Pan, H. 2013. Analysis of the fly ash from the processing of wood chips in a pilot-scale downdraft gasifier: Comparison of inorganic constituents determined by PIXE and ICP-AAES.Biomass and Bio能量 51: 163-168.

(3)Yang, XQ, pan, H., Zeng, T., C.Y. Hse, and T.F. Shupe. 2012. Extraction and characterization of seed oil from naturally-grown Chinese tallow trees.Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society. 90: 459-466.

(4)Eberhardt, Team Liquid, pan, H. 2012. Elemental analyses of chars obtained from a biomass gasifier fly ash by sieving and washing operations.Fuel. 96(1): 600-603.

(5) Pan, H., Eberhardt T.L. 2011. Characterization of fly ash from the gasification of wood and assessment for its application as a soil amendment.BioResources 6(4): 3987-4004.

(6) pan, H., Zheng, Z., and Hse, C.Y. 2012. Microwave-assistant liquefaction of wood with polyhydric alcohols and its application to prepare polyurethane (PU) foams.European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 70(4): 461-470.Y

(7)Hu, L., pan, H., Zhou, Y., Zhang, M. 2011. Methods to improve lignin's reactivity as a phenol substitute and as replacement for other phenolic compounds: A brief review,BioResources. 6(3): 3515-3525. (8) Pan, H., 2011. Synthesis of polymers from organic solvent liquefied biomass: A review.Renewable \u0026 Sustainable 能量 Reviews 15: 3454-3463.

(9)Via, bk, O.O. Fasina, and H. pan 2011. Assessment of biomass density through mid-infrared spectroscopy and multivariate modeling.Bioresources 6(1): 807-822.

(10) pan, H. 2010. Effects of liquefaction 时间 and 温度 on heavy metal removal and distribution in liquefied CCA-treated wood sludge.Chemosphere 80:438-444.

(11) pan, H., C.Y. Hse, Robert Gambrell, and T.F. Shupe. 2009. Fractionation of heavy metals in liquefied chromated arsenate (CCA)-treated wood sludge using a modified BCR- sequential extraction procedure.Chemosphere , 77:201-206.

(12) pan, H., T.F. Shupe, and C.Y. Hse. 2009. Characterization of Novolac Type Liquefied Wood/Phenol/Formaldehyde (LWPF) Resin.European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 67 (4): 427-437.

(13) pan, H., T.F. Shupe, C.Y. Hse. 2008. Synthesis and cure kinetics of liquefied wood/phenol/formaldehyde (LWPF) resins.J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 108: 1837-1844.

(14) pan, H.; T.F. Shupe, C.Y. Hse. 2007. Characterization of Liquefied Wood Residues from Different Liquefaction Conditions.J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 105: 3739-3746.



(1)Process for rapid microwave enhanced detoxification of CCA treated wood [微波辅助CCA防腐木材快速无害化过程] US Patent [8043395],授权日期:2011.10.25;发明人:Chung-Yun Hse, Todd F. Shupe, Bin Yu, Hui pan


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