王利民 :燕山大学材料科学工程学院院长

更新时间:2024-09-21 12:46



1991年——1995年 燕山大学材料系,无机化合物非金属专业,获工学学士

1995年——1998年 燕山大学材料系,无机非金属专业,获工学硕士学位;

1998年——2001年 中国科学院物理研究所,凝聚态物理专业,获理学博士学位;

2001年——2006年 美国亚利桑那州立大学化学系博士后;

2002年6月——2002年9月 美国国家标准技术研究所中子研究中心(马里兰州);

2006年——2007年 美国亚利桑那州立大学化学系研究科学家;

2007年——至今 在燕山大学材料学院和亚稳材料制备技术与科学国家重点实验室从事科研工作,现为燕山大学材料科学与工程学院院长。





另一个研究是液体在过冷(Tg \u003c T\u003c Tm)与正常(T 3 Tm)温区内的介电弛豫谱。分析整个弛豫动力学频率范围内(直到声子频率)的介电谱。强调氢键液体在玻璃转变区(过冷液体)的介电弛豫特征。



(1) 国家自然科学基金项目:过冷液态醇的德拜型介电弛豫及其热力学关联,2009.01~2011.12

(2) 国家自然科学基金项目:具有玻璃形成能力的金属与小分子共晶体系的热力学特征,2011.01~2013.12


(1) 国家自然基金委创新研究群体基金:新型亚稳材料的设计原理、实验合成与结构调控。2009.01-2011.12

(2) 973项目:高比强度锆基新材料体系成份设计及其强韧化机制2010.01-2015.12


1. Li-Min Wang, and R. Richert, Measuring the configurational heat capacity of liquids, Physical Review Letters 99, 185701 (2007).

2. Li-Min Wang and R. Richert, Primary and Secondary Relaxation 时间 Dispersions in Fragile Supercooled Liquids, Physical Review B 76, 064201/1-064201/8 (2007).

3. Li-Min Wang, Steve Borick, and C. Austen Angell, An electrospray technique for hyperquenched glass calorimetry studies: propylene glycol and di-n-butyl phthalate, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 353, 3829 (2007).

4. Nolene Byrne, Li-Min Wang, Jean-Philippe Belieres, and C. Austen Angell, Reversible folding-unfolding, aggregation protection, and multi-year stabilization, in high concentration protein solutions, Chemical Communications (26) 2714 (2007).

5. Li-Min Wang and R. Richert, Glass transition 动力学 and boiling temperatures of molecular liquids and their isomers, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111, 3201-3207 (2007).

6. Heiko Huth, Li-Min Wang, Christoph Schick, and Ranko Richert, Comparing calorimetric and dielectric polarization modes in viscous 2-ethyl-1-hexanol, Journal of 化学 Physics 106, 104503.1-104503.4 (2007).

7. Li-Min Wang, C. A. Angell and R. Richert, Fragility and thermodynamics in non-polymeric glass-forming liquids, Journal of Chemical Physics 125, 074505.1-074505.8 (2006).

8. Li-Min Wang, Shervin Shahriari, and Ranko Richert, Diluent effects on the Debye-typed dielectric relaxation in viscous monohydroxy alcohols, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109, 23255-23262 (2005).

9. Li-Min Wang and Ranko Richert, Identification of dielectric and structural relaxation in glass-forming secondary amides, Journal of Chemical Physics 123, 054516.1 - 054516.9 (2005).

10. Li-Min Wang and Ranko Richert, Debye type dielectric relaxation and glass transition of alcohols, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109, 11091-11094 (2005).

11. Fang He, Li-Min Wang and Ranko Richert, 动力学 of supercooled liquids in the vicinity of soft and hard interfaces, Physical Review B 71, 144205.1 - 144205.10 (2005).

12. Li-Min Wang and Ranko Richert, Ideal mixing behavior of Debye process in supercooled monohydroxy alcohols, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109, 8767-8773 (2005).

13. Li-Min Wang and Ranko Richert, 动力学 of glass-forming liquids, IX Structural vs. dielectric relaxation in mono-hydroxy alcohols, Journal of Chemical Physics 121 (21), 11170-11176 (2004).

14. Shervin Shahriari, Andrea Mandanici, Li-Min Wang, and Ranko Richert, 动力学 of glass-forming liquids, VIII. Dielectric signatures of probe rotation and bulk dynamics in branched alkanes, Journal Chemical Physics, 121 8960-8967 (2004).

15. Li-Min Wang, Fang He, and Ranko Richert, Intramicellar glass transition and liquid 动力学 in soft confinement, Physical Review Letters 92, 095701 (2004).

16. Li-Min Wang and Ranko Richert, Exponential probe rotation in glass-forming liquids, Journal Chemical Physics 120 (23), 11082-11089 (2004).

17. Wu Xu, Li-Min Wang, Ronald Nieman and C. A. Angell, Ionic Liquids of Chelated Orthoborates as model ionic glassformers, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107, 11749-11756 (2003).

18. C. Austen Angell and Li-Min Wang, Hyperquenching and cold equilibration strategies for the study of liquid- liquid and protein folding transitions, Biophysical 化学 105, 621-637 (2003).

19. Li-Min Wang and C. A. Angell, Reply to Comment to "Direct determination of the fragility indices of glassforming liquids by differential scanning calorimetry: Kinetic versus thermodynamic fragilities, J. Chem. Phys. 117, (2002) 10184 by Ngai et al", Journal of Chemical Physics 118, 10353-10354 (2003).

20. C. Austen Angell, Yuanzheng Yue, Li-Min Wang, John R. D. Copley, Steve Borick and Stefano Mossa, Potential 能量, relaxation, and vibrational dynamics of hyperquenched glasses, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15, S1051-1068 (2003).

21. Liling Sun; Wenkui Wang, Limin Wang; Takumi Kikegawa, Qi Wu, Jun Zhang, Changzeng Fan, Jurgen Eckert and Ludwig Schultz, Structural evaluation of Fe60Co10Zr8Mo5Nb2B15 metallic glass under high 压强 Physical Review B 68(5), 052302.1 - 052302.4 (2003).

22. Li-Min Wang, R. J. Wang, L. L. Sun, W. H. Wang and W. K. Wang, Pressure dependence of elastic constants and vibrational anharmonicity and of Pd39Ni10Cu30P21 bulk metallic glass, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15, 101-107, (2003)

23. Li-Min Wang, V. Velikov and C. A. Angell, Direct determination of the fragility indices of glassforming liquids by differential scanning calorimetry: Kinetic versus thermodynamic fragilities, Journal of Chemical Physics 117, 10184-10192, (2002)

24. Li Min Wang, W. H. Wang, L. L. Sun, J. Zhang, and W. K. Wang, 压强 effects on irreversible and reversible contributions to glass transition of Pd39Ni10Cu30P21 bulk metallic glass, Physical Review B 63, 052201/1-4, (2001)

25. L. M. Wang, Z. J. Zhan, J. Liu, L. L. Sun, G. Li, W. K. Wang, Compression behavior of Pd39Ni10Cu30P21 bulk metallic glass up to 23.5GPa, J. Physics: Condensed Matter 13, 5743-5748 (2001).

26. Wei-Hua Wang, Ping Wen, Li-Min Wang, Yong Zhang, Ming-Xiang pan, De-Qian Zhao, and Ru-Ju Wang, Equation of state of bulk metallic glasses studied by an ultrasonic method, Applied Physics Letters 79, 3947-3949, (2001).

27. Li-Min Wang, G. Li, Z. J. Zhan, L. L. Sun, and W. K. Wang, Comparison of structural relaxation of Pd39Ni10Cu30P21 bulk metallic glass under ambient 压强 and high pressure, Philosophical Magazine Letters 81, 419-423, (2001)

28. Li Min Wang, L. L. Sun, W. H. Wang, R. J. Wang, Z. J. Zhan, D. Y. Dai, and W. K. Wang, Elastic constants of Pd39Ni10Cu30P21 bulk metallic glass under high 压强, Applied Physics Letters 77, 3734-3736, (2000)

29. Li Min Wang, W. H. Wang, R. J. Wang, Z. J. Zhan, D. Y. Dai, L. L. Sun, and W. K. Wang, Ultrasonic investigation of Pd39Ni10Cu30P21 bulk metallic glass upon crystallization, Applied Physics Letters 77, 1147-1149 (2000)


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