王嫣 :华盛顿大学医学院外科教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 17:11

王嫣 现为华盛顿大学医学院外科教授,国际知名肿瘤病理学专家。王嫣教授于北京大学医学部获得医学学士学位,并在俄亥俄州洲大学医学院获病理学博士学位。曾任俄亥俄州立大学医学院助理教授、教授和华盛顿大学医学院赛特癌症中心研究成员、外科助理教授。研究方向为癌症化学预防的动物模型研究和癌症发生的易感基因,并取得了一系列重要的研究成果。王嫣教授建立了与人肺癌发生机理相似的A/J 基因突变小鼠模型和肺鳞癌动物模型用于肺癌研究,主要研究中草药在肺癌早期治疗及其预防中作用及机理,并发现多种中药方剂对大鼠肺癌肿瘤模型有对抗作用,为肺癌预防和转化医学的研究做出了积极贡献。在Nature Genetics、 PNAS等世界顶尖杂志发表SCI论文114篇,承担美国NIH等各类科研课题11项。此外,王嫣教授还是美国癌症研究协会的专业会员。



● 癌症化学预防的动物模型研究;

● 癌症发生的易感基因研究


You MS,Rouggly LC, You M, Wang Y*. Mousemodels of lung squamous cell carcinomas. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 2013Jun;32(1-2):77-82.

Wang Y, Yao R, Gao S, Wen W, Du Y,Szabo E, Hu M, Lubet RA, You M. Chemopreventive effect of a mixture of ChineseHerbs (antitumor B) on chemically induced oral carcinogenesis. 摩尔 CarcinOrigen2013 Jan;52(1):49-56.

[3]pan J,Zhang Q, Li K, Liu Q, Wang Y, You M.Chemoprevention of lung squamous cell carcinoma by ginseng. Cancer Prev Res(Phila). 2013 Jun;6(6):530-9.

Zhang Q,Pan J, Wang Y, Lubet R, You M.Beetroot 红色 (betanin) inhibits vinyl 氨基甲酸酯 and benzo(a)pyrene-inducedlung tumorigenesis through apoptosis. 摩尔 CarcinOrigen 2013 Sep;52(9):686-91.

Dragnev K,You M, Wang Y, Lubet R. Lung cancerchemoprevention: difficulties, promise and potential agents?Expert OpinInvestig Drugs. 2013 Jan;22(1):35-47.

Xiong D, LiG, Li K, Xu Q, pan Z, Ding F, Vedell P, Liu P, Cui P, Hua X, Jiang H, Yin Y,Zhu Z, Li X, Zhang B, Ma D, Wang Y,You M. Exome sequencing identifies MXRA5 as a novel cancer gene frequentlymutated in non-small cell lung carcinoma from Chinese patients. Carcinogenesis.2012 Sep;33(9):1797-805.

Zhang Q,pan J, North PE, Yang S, Lubet RA, WangY, You M. Aerosolized 3-bromopyruvate inhibits lung tumorigenesis withoutcausing liver toxicity. Cancer Prev Res(Phila). 2012 May;5(5):717-25.

PengyuanLiu, Hongbo Liu, Yan Lu, Weidong Wen, Dongmei Jia, Yian Wang, and Ming You. Genome-wide association and fine mappingof genetic loci predisposing to colon carcinogenesis in mice. 摩尔 Cancer Res2012;10:66-74.

James MA,Wen W, Wang Y, Byers LA, Heymach JV,Coombes KR, Girard L, Minna J, You M. Functional Characterization of CLPTM1L asa Lung Cancer Risk 假丝酵母属te Gene in the 5p15.33 Locus. PLoS One 2012;7:e36116.

Lu Y,Govindan R, Wang L, Liu PY, Goodgame B, Wen W, Sezhiyan A, Pfeifer J, Li YF,Hua X, Wang Y, Yang P, You M.MicroRNA profiling and prediction of recurrence/relapse-free survival in stageI lung cancer. Carcinogenesis. 2012 May;33(5):1046-54.


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