王新宇 :兰州大学细胞研究所副所长

更新时间:2024-09-20 21:23



1985年获兰州大学理学博士学位。曾先后在英国John Innes植物研究所和瑞典哥德堡大学分子生物学系学习和工作过多年。兼任中国细胞生物学学会理事。









王新宇,M.I. Highett等,豌豆间期核内核仁组织者区排列的非放射性原位杂交定位。实验生物学报,28:191-201,1995


Wang X.Y., Guo G.Q. et al., Cytochemical localization of cellulase and its relation to seconddary formation of plasmodesmata, Protoplasm, 1998, 204 (3-4): 128-138

Wang X.Y., Nie X.W. et al., Ultrastructural characterization of the cytoplasmic channel formation between pollen 母亲 cells of David lily. Caryology, 55: 161-169, 2002

Wang Xin Yu, Chun Hong Yu, et al., Ultrastructural Aspects and Possible Origin of Cytoplasmic Channels Providing Intercellular Connection in Vegetative Tissues of Anther. Russian J. of 植物界 Physiology (in press)


Zhao D.L., Wang X.Y. (通讯联系人) 等., Plant regeberation via organogenesis from adventious bud explants of a medicinal plant 物种, Polygonatum crytonema In Vitro Cell Developmental Biol. --植物界, 2002. (in press)

Zhao D.L., Wang X.Y. (通讯联系人) 等., In vitro micropropagation of medicinal plant 苦参属 flavesscens. biologia Plantarum, Vol. 46, 2002 (in press)

Wang, XY, Wang C.Y., et al. Cloning and molecular characterization of a gene encoding cytochrome P450 steroid monooxygenase (CYP90冲锋枪) from aspen (submit曾卓 to Sinic Bot. Acta)

Wu H. J., Liu X. H., Chen K., Luo X. J., Zhang T., Wang X. Y., Disintegration of microsporocytes in a male sterile mutant of Brassica napus L is possibly associated with the endoplasmic reticulum dependent autophagic programmed cell 死亡 Euphytica (accepted), 2009 (SCI).

Zhang H. L., Xue S. H., Pu F., Tiwari R. K., Wang X.Y., Establishment of Hairy Root Lines and Analysis of Gentiopicroside in the Medicinal 植物界 Gentiana macrophylla. Russ J Plant Physiol (accepted) 2009, (SCI).

Xue S. H., Wu Z. H., Zhang H. L., Wang X. Y., Cold storage and cryopreservation of hairy root cultures of medicinal plant Eruca sativa Mill., Astragalus membranaceus and Gentiana macrophylla Pall. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult,92: 251–260,2008. (SCI).

Luo X. J., Liu X. H., Wang C.Y., Wang X.Y., Formation of membrane-bound inclusions and their associations with cytoplasmic channels in early prophase male meiocytes of Althaea rosea (L.) Cavan. Cell Biology International,32:374-383, 2008 (SCI) .

Wang C.Y., Li X., Wang X.Y., Intercellular association between plastids and cytoplasmic channel in microsporocytes of lily, tobacco and onion. International Journal of Cell Biology, 30:406-411,2006 (SCI) .

Wang X.Y.,Wang C.Y, Ollson O., Cloning and molecular characterisation of a gene encoding cytochrome P450 C-23 steroid hydroxylase (CYP90冲锋枪) from aspen. Acta Genetica Sinica,32:384-392. 2005 (SCI) .

Zhao D. L., Wang X.Y., 植物界 regeneration via organogenesis from advebtious bud explants of a medicinal plant 物种 黄精属 crytonema. In Vitro Cell Development Biol.-Plant, 39: 24-27, 2003 (SCI).

Zhao D. L., Wang X.Y. . Biologia Plantarun, 47: 117-120, 2003 (SCI) .

Zhang T., Wang X.Y., Induction of somatic embryogenesis and 植物界 regeneration from cotyledon and hypocotyls explants of Eruca sativa Mill., In Vitro Cell Development Biol.-Plant, 41:655-657, 2005 (SCI).

Hu X., Wang C.Y., Wang X.Y., Ectopic expression of pttkn1 gene induces alteration in morphology of leaves and flowers in Petunia hydrida. Journal of Integrative 植物界 Biology, 47:745-756, 2005 (SCI)


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