王育才 :中国科学技术大学教授

更新时间:2024-09-20 20:07





2011年1月起先后于圣路易斯华盛顿大学生物医学工程系、佐治亚理工学院生物医学工程系及芝加哥大学James Franck研究所从事博士后研究。


多年来一直从事纳米材料在癌症治疗及成像领域的研究,在Nat Mater、Nat Commun、PNAS、NanoLetters、ACS Nano国际学术期刊发表研究论文70余篇,引用次数超过5000次,H-index 为39。







在国际学术期刊发表研究论文50余篇,引用次数超过2600次,还为Advanced Functional Materials及Macromolecular Bioscience撰写邀请综述,并为Nature Materials撰写论文评论。

H. X. Wang, Z. Q. 左姓, J. Z. Du, Y. C. Wang*, R. Sun, Z. T. Cao, X. D. Ye, J. L. Wang, K. W. Leong*, J. Wang*. Surface Charge critically affects tumor penetration and therapeutic efficacy of cancer nanomedicines. Nano Today, 2016, accepted

Z. T. Cao, Z. Y. Chen, C. Y. Sun, H. J. Li, H. X. Wang, Q. Q. 成姓, Z. Q. 左姓, J. L. Wang, Y. Z. Liu, Y. C. Wang*, J. Wang*. Overcoming tumor resistance to cisplatin by cationic lipid-assisted prodrug nanoparticles. Biomaterials, 2016, accepted, 2016, DOI:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2016.04.001

Z. Q. 左姓, K. G. Chen, X. Y. Yu, G. Zhao, S. Shen, Z. T. Cao, Y. L. Luo, Y. C. Wang, J. Wang*. Promoting Tumor Penetration of Nanoparticles for Cancer Stem Cell Therapy by TGF-β Signaling Pathway Inhibition. Biomaterials, 2016, 82, 48-59

Y. C. Ma, J. X. Wang, W. Tao*, C. Y. Sun, Y. C. Wang*, D. D. Li, F. Fan, H. S. Qian, X. Z. Yang*. Redox-Responsive Polyphosphoester-Based Micellar Nanomedicines for Overriding Chemoresistance in Breast Cancer Cells. ACS Applied Materials \u0026 Interfaces,2015, 7, 26315-26325

Z. Luo#, Y. Jiang#, B. Myers, D. Isheim, J. Wu, J. Zimmerman, Z. Wang, Q. Li, Y. C. Wang, X. Chen, V. P. Dravid, D. N. Seidman, B. Tian*. Atomic Gold–Enabled Three-Dimensional Lithography for Mesostructures. , 2015, 348, 1451-1455.

J. Zimmerman, M. Murray, Y. C. Wang, J. Jumper, J. Austin, B. Tian*, Free-Standing Kinked Silicon Nanowires for Probing Inter-and Intracellular Force 动力学 Nano Letters, 2015, 15, 5492-5498.

Y. C. Wang#, M. S. Shim#, N. S. Levinson, H-W. Sung, Y. Xia*.Stimuli-Responsive Materials for Controlled Release of Theranostic Agents. Advanced Functional Materials, 2014, 24, 4206-4220

K. C. L. 黑色#, Y. C. Wang#, H. P. Luehmann, X. Cai, W. X. Xing, B. Pang, Y. F. Zhao, C. S. Cutler, L. V. Wang, Y. Liu*,Y. Xia*. Radioactive 198Au-Doped Nanostructures with Different Shapes forin vivoAnalyses of Their Biodistribution, Tumor Uptake, and Intratumoral Distribution. ACS Nano, 2014, 8, 4385-4394

T. M. Sun#, Y. C. Wang#, F. Wang, J. Z. Du, C. Q. Mao, C. Y. Sun, R. Z. Tang, Y. Liu, J. Zhu, Y. H. Zhu, X. Z. Yang, J. Wang*. Cancer Stem 细胞 Therapy Using Doxorubicin Conjugated to Gold Nanoparticles via Hydrazone Bonds. Biomaterials,2014, 35, 836-845.

T. M. Sun, Y. Wang, Y. C. Wang, Y. Xia*. Using SV119-Gold Nanocage Conjugates to Eradicate Cancer Stem Cells through a 组合 of Photothermal and Chemo Therapies. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2014, 3, 1283-1291

Y. C. Wang#, Y. Liu#, H. Luehamn, X. Xia, D. Wan, C. Cutler, Y. Xia*. Radioluminescent Gold Nanocages with Controlled Radioactivity for Real-时间 in vivo Imaging. Nano Letters, 2013, 13, 581-585.

Y. C. Wang#,K. C. L. 黑色#, H. Luehmann, W. Li, Y. Zhang, X. Cai, D. Wan, S. Liu, M. Li, P. Kim, Z. Li, L. V. Wang, Y. Liu*, Y. Xia*. Comparison Study of Gold Nanohexapods, Nanorods, and Nanocages for Photothermal Cancer Treatment. ACS Nano,2013, 7, 2068-2077.

D. Wan, X. Xia, Y. C. Wang, Y. Xia*. Robust Synthesis of Gold Cubic Nanoframes through a 组合 of Galvanic Replacement, Gold Deposition, and Silver Dealloying. Small,2013, 9, 3111-7

K. J. Chen, H. F. Liang, H. L. Chen; Y. C. Wang; P. Y. 成姓; Liu, H. L. Liu; Y. Xia*, H. W. Sung*.A Thermoresponsive Bubble-Generating Liposomal System for Triggering Localized Extracellular Drug Delivery. ACS Nano,2013, 7, 438-446.

Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, L. Wang, Y. C.Wang, X. Cai, C. Zhang, L. V. Wang, Y. Xia*. Labeling Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells with Au Nanocages for in vitroand in vivoTracking by Two-Photon Microscopy and Photoacoustic Microscopy. Theranostics, 2013, 3, 532-543.

W. Li#, F. Wang#, Z. Liu, Y. C. Wang, J. Wang*, F. Sun*. Gold Nanoparticles Elevate 等离子体 Testosterone Levels in Male Mice without Affecting Fertility. Small, 2013, 9, 1708-1714.

W. Li#, C. Sun#, F. Wang, Y. C. Wang, Y. Zhai, M. Liang, W. Liu, Z. Liu, J. Wang*, F. Sun*. Achieving a New Controllable Male Contraception by the Photothermal Effect of Gold Nanorods. Nano Letters, 2013, 13, 2477-2484.

H. X. Wang#, M. H. Xiong#, Y. C. Wang, J. Zhu. J. Wang*. N-Acetylgalactosamine Functionalized Mixed Micellar Nanoparticles for Targeted Delivery of si核糖核酸 to Liver. Journal of Controlled Release, 2013, 166, 106-114.

J. Wu#, T. M. Sun#, X. Z. Yang*, J. Zhu, X. J Du, Y. D. Yao, M. H. Xiong, H. X. Wang, Y. C Wang, J. Wang*. Enhanced Drug Delivery to Hepatocellular Carcinoma with a Galactosylated Core–Shell Polyphosphoester Nanogel. Biomaterial Sciences, 2013, 1, 1143-1150.

Y. C. Wang#, Y. Liu#,*, H. Luehmann, X. Xia, P. Brown, C. Jarreau, M. Welch, Y. Xia*. Evaluating the Pharmacokinetics and In VivoCancer Targeting Capability of Au Nanocages by Positron Emission Tomography Imaging. ACS Nano,2012, 6, 小行星58805888.

Y. C. Wang, Y. Wang, F. Zhou, P. Kim, Y. Xia*. Protein-Protected Au Clusters as a New Class of Nanoscale Biosensor for Label-Free 荧光 Detection of Proteases. Small, 2012, 8, 3769-3773.

S. Xie, M. Jin, J. Tao, Y. C. Wang, Z. Xie, Y. Zhu, Y. Xia*. Synthesis and Characterization of Pd@MxCu1-x (M=Au, Pd, and Pt) Nanocages with Porous Walls and a Yolk-Shell Structure through Galvanic Replacement Reactions. 化学 of Materials, 2012, 18, 14974–14980.

X. Xia, M. X. Yang, Y. C. Wang, Y. Zheng, Q. Li, J. 成姓*, Y. Xia*. Quantifying the Coverage 密度 of Poly(乙烯 glycol) Chains on the surface of Gold Nanostructures. ACS Nano,2012, 6, 512–522.

X. Z. Yang, S. Dou, Y. C. Wang, H. Y. Long, M. H. Xiong, C. Q. Mao, Y. D. Yao. J. Wang*. Single-Step Assembly of Cationic Lipid-Polymer Hybrid Nanoparticles for Systemic Delivery of siRNA. ACS Nano, 2012, 6, 4955–4965.

M. H. Xiong#, Y. Bao#, X. Z. Yang, Y. C. Wang, B. Sun*, J. Wang*. Lipase-Sensitive Polymeric Triple-Layered Nanogel for "On-Demand" Drug Delivery.Journal of the American Chemical Society2012, 134, 4355–4362.

Y. C. Wang, J. Xu, X. Xia, M. Yang, S. Vangverarong, J. Chen, R. H. Mach, Y. Xia*. SV119-Gold Nanocage Conjugates: a New Platform for Targeting Cancer Cells viasigma2 Receptors. , 2011, 4, 421424.

Y. C. Wang, P. Brown, Y. Xia*. Swarming to the Target. Nature Materials, 2011, 10, 482–483(News \u0026 Views)

Y. C. Wang#,F. Wang#, T. M. Sun, J. Wang*. Redox-Responsive Nanoparticles from the Single Disulfide Bond-Bridged Block Copolymer as Drug Carriers for Overcoming Multi-Drug Resistance in Cancer Cells. Bioconjugate 化学, 2011, 22, 1939–1945

F. Wang#, Y. C. Wang#, S. Dou, M. H. Xiong, T. M. Sun, J. Wang*. Doxorubicin-Tethered Responsive Gold Nanoparticles Facilitate Intracellular Drug Delivery for Overcoming Multidrug Resistance in Cancer Cells. , 2011, 5, 3679–3692

Y. C. Wang,Y. Y. Yuan, F. Wang, J. Wang*,Syntheses and Characterization of Block Copolymers of Poly(aliphatic ester) with Clickable Polyphosphoester. , 2011, 49, 487–494.




今年“杰青”名单出炉!共300人,来自124家单位_科技湃_澎湃新闻-The Paper.澎湃新闻.2020-08-12

目录 22
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