范泽鑫 :中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园研究员

更新时间:2024-09-20 19:29















亚洲树木年轮协会会员,中国树木年轮协会会员,中国生态学会会员,国际木材解剖学家协会会员,云南省省生态学会秘书长会员,Frontiers of Plant Science –Functional Plant Ecology 编委,Plant Diversity 编委。








Zaw Z,Fan ZX*,Brauning A,Xu CX,Liu WJ,Gaire NP,Panthi S,Than KZ.2020.Drought reconstruction over the past two centuries in southern 缅甸 using teak tree-rings: linkages to the Pacific and Indian Oceans.Geophysical Research Letters Doi: 10.1029/2020GL087627.

Gaire NP,Fan ZX*,Shah SK,Thapa UK,Rokaya MB.2020.Tree-ring record of winter 温度 from Humla,Karnali in central 喜马拉雅山脉: A 229 years-long perspective for recent warming trend.Geografiska Annaler: Series A,Physical Geography Doi: 10.1080/04353676.2020.1751446.

Rakthai S,Fu PL,Fan ZX*,Gaire NP,Pumijumnong N,Eiadthong W,Tangmitcharoen S.2020.Increased drought sensitivity results in a declining tree growth of Pinus latteri in northeastern Thailand.Forests 11: 361.

Gaire NP,Fan ZX*,Brauning A,Panthi S,Rana P,Shrestha A,Bhuju DR.2020.Abies spectabilis shows stable growth relations to 温度,but changing response to moisture conditions along an elevation gradient in the central 喜马拉雅山脉Dendrochronologia 60: 125675.

Panthi S,Fan ZX*,Van der Sleen P,Zuidema PA.2020.Long-term physiological and growth responses of Himalayan fir to environmental change are mediated by mean climate.Global Change Biology 26: 1778-1794.

Fan ZX,Brauning A*,Fu PL,Yang RQ,Qi JH,GrieBinger J,Gebrekirstos A.2019.Intra-annual radial growth of Pinus kesiya var.langbianensis is mainly controlled by moisture availability in the Ailao Mountains,Southwestern China.Forests 10: 899.

Zhao F,Fan ZX*,Su T,Li SF,Tang H,Spicer TEV,Zhou ZK*.2019.Tree-ring d18O inferred spring drought variability over the past 200 years in the Hengduan Mountains,Southwest China.Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology 518: 22-33.

Gaire NP,Dhakal YR,Shah SK,Fan ZX*,Brauning A,Thapa UK,Bhandari S,Aryal S,Bhuju DR.2019.Drought (scPDSI) reconstruction of trans-Himalayan region of central 喜马拉雅山脉 using Pinus wallichiana tree-rings.Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology 514: 251-264.

Fan ZX,Axel Thomas*.2018.Decadal changes of reference crop evapotranspiration attribution: spatial and temporal variability over China 1960-2011.Journal of Hydrology 560: 461-470.

Panthi S,Brauning A,Zhou ZK,Fan ZX*.2018.Growth response of 冷杉属 georgei to climate increases with elevation in the central Hengduan Mountains,southwestern China.Dendrochronologia 47: 1-9.

Fan ZX*,Sterck F,Zhang SB,Fu PL,Hao GY.2017.Tradeoff between stem hydraulic efficiency and mechanical strength affects leaf-stem allometry in 28 Ficus tree 物种Frontiers in Plant Science-Functional Plant Ecology doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01619.

Panthi S,Brauning A,Zhou ZK,Fan ZX*.2017.Tree rings reveal recent intensified spring drought in the central 喜马拉雅山脉,Nepal.Global and Planetary Change 157: 26-34.

Jiang YM,Li ZS,Fan ZX*.2017.Tree-ring based February-April relative humidity reconstruction since A.D.1695 in the Gaoligong Mountains,southeastern Tibetan 高原Asian Geographer 34(1): 59-70.

Fan ZX*,Brauning A.2017.Tree-ring evidence for the historical cyclic defoliator outbreaks on Larix potaninii in the central Hengduan Mountains,SW China.Ecological Indicators 74: 160-171.

Fu PL,GrieBinger J,Gebrekirstos A,Fan ZX*,Brauning A*.2017.Earlywood and latewood stable and oxygen isotope variations in two pine 物种 in southwestern China during the recent decades.Frontiers in Plant Science doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.02050.

Hu LF,Fan ZX*.2016.Stem radial growth in response to microclimate in an Asian tropical dry karst forest.Acta Ecologica Sinica 365(5): 401-409.

Fan ZX,Thomas A.2013.Spatiotemporal variability of reference evapotranspiration and its contributing climatic factors in Yunnan Province,SW China,1961-2004.Climatic Change 116: 309-325.

Fan ZX,Zhang SB,Hao GY,Slik FJW,Cao KF.2012.Hydraulic conductivity traits predict growth rates and adult stature of 40 Asian tropical tree 物种Journal of Ecology 100: 732-741.

Fan ZX,Brauning A,Thomas A,Li JB,Cao KF.2011.Spatial and temporal 温度 trends on the Yunnan 高原 (Southwest China) during 1961-2004.International Journal of Climatology 31: 2078-2090.

Fan ZX,Brauning A,Tian QH,Yang B,Cao KF.2010.Tree ring recorded May-August 温度 variations since A.D.1585 in the Gaoligong Mountains,southeastern Tibetan 高原Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology 296: 94-102.

Fan ZX,Brauning A,Yang B,Cao KF.2009.Tree ring 密度based summer 温度 reconstruction for the central Hengduan Mountains in southern China.Global and Planetary Change 65: 1-11.

Fan ZX,Brauning A,Cao KF,Zhu SD.2009.Growth-climate responses of high-elevation conifers in the central Hengduan Mountains in southern China.Forest Ecology and 管理学 258(3): 306-313.

Ze-Xin Fan,Kun-Fang Cao,Peter Becker.2009.Axial and radial variations in xylem anatomy of angiosperm and conifer trees in Yunnan,China.IAWA Journal 30(1): 1-13.

Fan ZX,Brauning A,Cao KF.2008.Tree-ring based drought reconstruction in the central Hengduan Mountains (China) since A.D.1655.International Journal of Climatology 28: 1879-1887.

Fan ZX,Brauning A,Cao KF.2008.Annual 温度 reconstruction from the central Hengduan Mountains,as deduced from tree rings.Dendrochronologia.26: 97-107.

Keyimu M,Li ZS,Zhang GS,Fan ZX,Wang XC,Fu BJ.2020.Tree ring-based minimum temperature reconstruction in the central Hengduan Mountains,China.Theoretical and Applied Climatology Doi: 10.1007/s00704-020-03169-5.

Li ZS,Keyimu M,Fan ZX,Wang XC.2020.Climate sensitivity of conifer growth doesn’t reveals distinct low-high dipole along the elevation gradient in the Wolong National Natural Reserve,SW China.Dendrochronologia (in press)

Aryal S,Gaire NP,Pokhrel NR,Rana P,Sharma B,Kharal DK,Poudel BS,Dyola N,Fan ZX,GrieBinger J,Brauning A.2020.Spring season in western Nepal 喜马拉雅山脉 is not yet warming: A 400-year 温度 reconstruction based on tree-ring widths of Himalayan hemlock (Tsuga dumosa).Atmosphere 11: 132.

Shi CM,Sun C,Wu GC,Wu XC,Chen DL,Masson-Delmotte V,Li JP,Xue JQ,Li ZS,Ji DY,Zhang J,Fan ZX,Shen MG,Ciais P.2019.Summer 温度 over the Tibetan Plateau modulated by Atlantic multidecadal variability.Journal of Climate 32: 4055-4067.

Guo MM,Zhang YD,Liu SR,Gu FX,Wang XC,Li ZS,Fan ZX.2019.Divergent growth between spruce and fir at alpine treelines on the east edge of the Tibetan 高原 in response to recent climate warming.Agricultural and Forest 气象学 276-277: 107631.

Fu PL,Zhu SD,Zhang JL,Finnegan PM,Jiang YJ,Lin H,Fan ZX,Cao KF.2019.The contrasting leaf functional traits between a karst forest and a nearby non-喀斯特 forest in south-west China.Functional Plant Biology 46(10): 907-915.

Ge R,He HL,Ren XL,Zhang L,Yu GR,Luke Smallman T,Zhou T,Yu SY,Luo YQ,Xie ZQ,Wang SL,Wang HM,Zhou GY,Zhang QB,Wang AZ,Fan ZX,Zhang YP,Shen WJ,Yin HJ,Lin lx2019.Underestimated ecosystem turnover 时间 and sequestration under the steady state assumption: a perpective from long-term 数据 assimilation.Global Change Biology 25: 938-953.

Shi CM,Shen MG,Wu XC,成姓 X,Li XY,Fan TY,Li ZS,Zhang YD,Fan ZX,Shi FZ,Wu GC.2018.Growth response of alpine treeline forests to a warmer and drier climate on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau.Agricultural and Forest 气象学 264: 73-79.

Togashi HF,Atkin OK,Bloomfield KJ,Bradford M,Cao KF,Dong N,Evans BJ,Fan ZX,Harrison SP,Zhu H,Liddell MJ,Lloyd J,Ni J,Wang H,Weerasinghe LK,Prentice IC.2018.Functional trait variation related to gap 动力学 in tropical moist forests: A vegetation modelling 透视Perspectives in Plant Ecology,Evolution and Systematics.35: 52-64.

Chen F,Yuan YJ,Fan ZX,Yu sl2018.A winter precipitation reconstruction (CE 1810-2012) in the Southeastern Tibetan 高原 and its relationship to Salween River streamflow variations.Pure and Applied Geophysics doi: 10.1007/s00024-018-1777-1.

Lin H,Chen YJ,Zhang HL,Fu PL,Fan ZX.2017.Stronger cooling effects of transpiration and morphology of the plants from a hot dry 栖息地 than a hot wet habitat.Functional Ecology 31: 2202-2211.doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12923.

Lin H,Chen Y,Song Q,Fu P,Cleverly J,Magliulo V,Law BE,Gough CM,H?rtnagl L,Di Gennaro F,Matteucci G,Mantagnani L,Duce P,Shao C,Kato T,Bonal D,Paul-Limoges E,Beringer J,Grace J,Fan ZX.2017.Quantifying deforestation and forest degradation with thermal response.Science of Total Environment 607-608: 1286-1292.

Tiwari A,Fan ZX,Jump AS,Zhou ZK.2017.Warming induced growth decline of Himalayan birch at its lower range edge in a semi-arid region of Trans-Himalaya,central Nepal.Plant Ecology 218: 621-633.doi: 10.1007/s11258-017-0716-z.

Tiwari A,Fan ZX,Jump AS,Li SF,Zhou ZK.2017.Gradual expansions of moisture sensitive Abies spectabilis forest in the Trans-Himalayan zone of central Nepal associated with climate change.Dendrochronologia 41: 34-43.

Lin H,Fan ZX,Shi LL,Arain A,McCaughey H,Billesbach D,Siqueira M,Bracho R,Oechel W.2016.The cooling trend of canopy 温度 during the maturation,succession,and recovery of ecosystems.Ecosystems doi: 10.1007/s10021-016-0033-8.

Fu PL,Liu WJ,Fan ZX,Cao KF.2017.Is fog an important H₂O source for woody plants in an Asian tropical karst forest during the dry season? Ecohydrology 9(6): 964-972.

Chen YJ,Schnitzer SA,Zhang YJ,Fan ZX,Goldstein G,Tomlinson KW,Lin H,Zhang JL,Cao KF.2016.Physiological regulation and efficient xylem H₂O transport regulate diurnal water and balances of tropical lianas.Functional Ecology doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12724.

Lu HZ,Song L,Liu WY,Xu XL,Hu YH,Shi XM,Li S,Ma WZ,Chang YF,Fan ZX,Lu SG,Wu Y,Yu FH.2016.Survival and growth of epiphytic ferns depend on resource sharing.Frontiers in Plant Science doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.004.16.

Gleason SM,Westoby M,Jansen S,Choat B,Hacke UG,Pratt RB,Bhaskar R,Brodribb TJ,Buchi SJ,Cao KF,Cochard H,Delzon S,Domec JC,Fan ZX,Field TS,Jacobsen AL,Johnson DM,Lens F,Maherali H,Martinez-Vilalta J,Mayr S,McCulloh KA,Mencuccini M,Mitchell P,Morris H,Nardini A,Pittermann J,Plavcova L,Schreiber SG,Sperry JS,Wright IJ,Zanne A.2015.Weak tradeoff between xylem safety and xylemspecific hydraulic efficiency across the woold’s woody plant 物种.New Phytologist 209(1): 123-136.

Chen YJ,Bongers F,Tomlinson K,Fan ZX,Lin H,Zhang SB,Zheng YL,Li YP,Cao KF,Zhang JL.2015.时间 lags between crown and basal sap flows in tropical lianas and co-occurring trees.Tree Physiology doi: 10.1093/treephys/tpv103.

Shi F,Ge QS,Yang B,Yang FM,Charpentier F,Solomina O,Nakatsuka T,Wang NL,Zhao S,Xu CX,Fang KY,Sano M,Chu GQ,Fan ZX,Gaire NP,Usama M.2015.A multi-proxy reconstruction of spatial and temporal variations in Asian summer temperatures over the last millennium.Climatic Change 131: 663-676.

Li MY,Wang LL,Fan ZX,Shen CC.2015.Tree-ring density inferred late summer 温度 variability over the past three centuries in the Gaoligong Mountains,southeastern Tibetan 高原.Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology 422: 57-64.

Chen YJ,Cao KF,Schnitzer SA,Fan ZX,Zhang JL,Bongers B.2015.H₂Ouse advantage for lianas over trees in tropical seasonal forests.New Phytologist 205: 128-136.

Zhang SB,Cao KF,Fan ZX,Zhang JL.2013.Potential hydraulic efficiency in angiosperm trees increases with growth-site 温度 but has no trade-off with mechanical strengthGlobal Ecology and 生物地理学 22: 971-981.

PAGE 2k Consortium.2013.Continental-scale temperature variability during the last two millennia.Nature 地球科学 6: 339-346.

Qin C,Yang B,Melvin TM,Fan ZX,Zhao Y,Briffa 丹麦克朗2013.Radial growth of Qilian juniper on the Northeast Tibetan Plateau and potential climate associations.PLoS ONE 8(11): e79362.

Yang FM,Wang NA,Shi F,Ljungqvist FC,Wang SG,Fan ZX,Lu JW.2013.Multi-proxy 温度 reconstruction from the west Qinling Mountains,China for the past 500 years.PLoS ONE 8(2): e57638.

Tian QH,Zhou XJ,Gou XH,Zhao P,Fan ZX,Helama S.2012.Analysis of reconstructed annual precipitation from tree-ring for the past 500 years in the middle Qilian Mountain.Science China 地球 Sciences 55(5): 770-778.

Yang B,Qin C,Huang K,Fan ZX,Liu JJ.2010.Spatial and temporal patterns of variations in tree growth over the northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the period 1450-2006.The Holocene 20(8): 1235-1245.

Tian QH,Gou XH,Zhang Y,Wang YS,Fan ZX.2009.May-June mean 温度 reconstruction over the past 300 years based on tree rings in the Qilian Mountains of the northeastern Tibetan 高原IAWA Journals 30(4): 421-434.

Cai ZQ,Slot M,Fan ZX.2005.Leaf development and photosynthetic properties of three tropical tree species with delayed greening.Photosynthetica 43(1): 91-98.

周博,范泽鑫*,杞金华.2019.哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林常绿和落叶树种径向生长季节动态及其对气候因子的响应.生态学报,40(5): 1699-1708.

杨绕琼,范泽鑫*,李宗善,温庆忠.2018.滇西北玉龙雪山不同海拔云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)径向生长对气候因子的响应.生态学报,38(24): 8983-8990.

白雪,范泽鑫*.2018.哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林水青树年轮宽度对气候变化的响应.林业科学,54(3): 161-167.

田沁花,张永,陈欣,范泽鑫.2015.EMD方法对祁连山云杉宽度生长量的订正及多尺度分析.第四纪研究.35: 1227-1237.

范泽鑫,曹坤芳2005.树木高生长限制的几个假说.植物学通报22(5): 632-640.

范泽鑫,曹坤芳,邹寿青.2005.云南哀牢山6种常绿阔叶树木质部解剖特征的轴向和径向变化.植物生态学报29(6): 968-975.








2011-2013,国家自然科学基金青年项目“热带季雨林树木形成层活动对季节性干旱气候的响应” ,主持。







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