董岸杰 :中国化学家

更新时间:2024-09-21 13:08





董岸杰共发表了160多篇论文,其中SCI收录论文140多篇。她获得了16项专利,并申报了10项正在审理中的专利。她的研究成果多篇发表在Biomaterials、Soft Matter等国际知名期刊上。














1. 国家自然科学基金(青年基金)(物理化学学科)项目:两亲性聚氨水分散体系超分子自组装及特性的研究。

2. 国家自然科学基金(生命科学部)项目:基于高分子自组装体系研究生物膜的分子自组装与功能性。

3. 国家十五科技攻关项目:中药咳喘膏纳米透皮吸收新制剂的研究开发。

4. 国家科技部中澳合作特别基金项目:基于分子设计和组装开发新型药用高分子材料及纳米药物传递体,中澳合作,2003.6~2005.6。

5. 天津市科委重点攻关项目:中药纳米透皮吸收制剂高分子辅料的研制。

6. 新世纪优秀人才资助项目。

7. 国家自然科学基金:高分子多层次结构对经皮给药功能性调控作用。


1. 国家自然科学基金:高分子载体结构设计及其对艾滋病疫苗的黏膜免疫促进作用。

2. 天津市重点项目:促进软骨再生修复功能的可注射支架材料及应用技术研究。

3. 国家863项目:用于肿瘤介入治疗的纳米材料及其原位凝胶给药系统。


董岸杰教授的科研成果包括发表在Biomaterials、Soft Matter等国际知名期刊上的多篇文章。她获得了发明专利8项,并申报了10项正在审理中的专利。


董岸杰教授与国际知名学者如Victor C. Yang, Ph.D.(密歇根大学药学院)、Jørgen Kjems教授(丹麦奥尔胡斯大学跨学科纳米科学中心)进行了合作交流。国内方面,她与北京大学梁子才教授、国家纳米科学中心梁兴杰教授、天津医科大学汤华教授等课题组紧密合作,推动了相关研究领域的发展。


1. Xu, S.,Wang, W.,Li, X., (...),越南盾, A.,Deng, L, .DocumentSustained release of PTX-incorporated nanoparticles synergized by burst release of DOX·HCl from thermosensitive modified PEG/聚己内酯 hydrogel to improve anti-tumor efficiency, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences,2014, 62:267-273

2. Huang, P.,Song, H.,Wang, W., (...),Kong, D.,Dong, A, .tIntegrin-targeted zwitterionic polymeric nanoparticles with acid-induced disassembly property for enhanced drug accumulation and release in tumor,Biomacromolecules,2014, 15(8):3128-3138

3. Lv, Z.,Chang, L.,Long, X., (...),Deng, L.,Dong, A.,Thermosensitive in situ hydrogel based on the hybrid of hyaluronic acid and modified PCL/PEG triblock copolymer, 2014, Carbohydrate Polymers, 108(1), pp. 26-33

4. Xiang, Y.,Xiao, M.,Han, S., (...),Deng, L.,Dong, A. Preparation and investigation of high solid content PTX-loaded nanoparticles dispersion via nanoprecipitation method, Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition,2014, 25(11), pp 1144-1158

5. Wang, W.,Liu, J.,Li, C., (...),Dong, A.,Kong, D.,Real-时间 and non-invasive fluorescence tracking of in vivo degradation of the thermosensitive PEGlyated polyester hydrogel,2014, Journal of Materials 化学 B, 2(26):4185-4192

6. Huang, P.,Yang, C.,Liiu, J., (...),Liu, J.,Dong, A.,Improving the oral delivery efficiency of anticancer drugs by chitosan coated polycaprolactone-grafted hyaluronic acid nanoparticles,Journal of Materials 化学 B, 2014, 2(25), pp 4021-4033

7. Shi, Y.,Li, Y.,Wu, J., (...),Dong, A.,Zhang, J., A novel transdermal drug delivery system based on self-adhesive Janus nanofibrous film with high breathability and monodirectional 液态水penetration,Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition,2014, 25(7), pp 713-728

8. Wang, W.,Li, C.,Zhang, J.,Dong, A.,Kong, D.Tailor-made gemcitabine prodrug nanoparticles from well-defined drug-polymer amphiphiles prepared by controlled living radical polymerization for cancer chemotherapy, Journal of Materials 化学 B,2014, 2(13), pp 1891-1901

9. Zhao, J.,Liu, J.,Han, S., (...),Dong, A.,Zhang, J. Acid-induced disassemblable nanoparticles based on cyclic benzylidene acetal-functionalized graft copolymer via sequential RAFT and ATRP polymerization, Polymer 化学,2014,5(6), pp. 1852-1856

10. Peng, M.,Xu, S.,Zhang, Y., (...), 越南盾, A., Zhang, R.,Meng, W.Thermosensitive injectable hydrogel enhances the antitumor effect of embelin in mouse hepatocellular carcinoma, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences,2014, 3(3), pp 965-973

11. Wang, W.,Zhang, J.,Li, C., (...),Dong, A.,Kong, D.,Facile access to cytocompatible multicompartment micelles with adjustable Janus-cores from A-block-B-graft-C terpolymers prepared by combination of ROP and ATRP, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,2014, 115, pp 302-309

12. Wang, W.,Deng, L.,Huang, P., (...),Zhang, J.,Dong, A.Toxicity and in vivo biological effect of the nanoparticular self-supported hydrogel of a thermosensitive copolymer for non-invasive drug delivery, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A,2014, 102(1), pp 17-29

13. Han, S.,Wan, H.,Lin, D., (...),Tang, H.,Dong, A. Contribution of hydrophobic/hydrophilic modification on cationic chains of poly(ε-caprolactone)-graft-poly(dimethylamino ethylmethacrylate) amphiphilic co-polymer in gene delivery, Acta Biomaterialia,2014,10(2), pp 670-679

14. Zwitterionic nanoparticles constructed with well-defined reduction-responsive shell and pH-sensitive core for "spatiotemporally Pinpointed" drug delivery,ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,2014,6(16), pp. 14631-14643

15. Zhao, J., Liu, J., Xu, S., (...), Meng, A., Dong*, Graft copolymer nanoparticles with ph and reduction dual-induced disassemblable property for enhanced intracellular curcumin release,ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2013

16 WD Zhang, Q Cheng, ST Guo, DS Lin, PS Huang, (...),AJ Dong*, Gene transfection efficacy and biocompatibility of polycation/脱氧核糖核酸 complexes coated with enzyme degradable PEGylated hyaluronic acid, Biomaterials, 34 (27):6495-6503,2013.

17. DS Lin, Q Jiang, Q Cheng, YY Huang, (...),AJ 越南盾*,Polycation-detachable nanoparticles self-assembled from mPEG-聚己内酯g-SS-PDMAEMA for in vitro and in vivo siRNA delivery, Acta Biomaterialia, 9(8): 7746-7757,2013.

18. DS Lin, Q Cheng, Q Jiang, YY Huang, Z Yang, (...),AJ 越南盾* Intracellular cleavable poly(2-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles for efficient siRNA delivery in vitro and in vivo, Nanoscale, 5 (10) :4291-4301, 2013.

19. WW Wang, LD Deng, SX Xu, X Zhao,N Lv, (...),AJ Dong*, A reconstituted "two into one" thermosensitive hydrogel system assembled by drug-loaded amphiphilic copolymer nanoparticles for the local delivery of 紫杉醇, Journal of Materials 化学, B 1 (4): 552-563, 2013.

20. JH Zhang, XN Lin, JF Liu, JQ Zhao, HX 越南盾, LD Deng,JF Liu, AJ Dong*, Sequential thermo-induced self-gelation and acid-triggered self-release process of drug-conjugated nanoparticles: A strategy for the sustained and controlled drug delivery to tumors, Journal of Materials 化学 , B 1 (36): 4667-4677 , 2013.


天津大学 化工学院.X-MOL.2024-04-01

目录 22
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