董爱武 :董爱武

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1999年、2001年和2003年: 法国科学研究中心植物分子生物学研究所(Institut de Biologie 摩尔éculaire des Plantes/C.N.R.S.),访问学者。



(1) 组蛋白分子伴侣对植物细胞分裂及生长发育的表观遗传调控。

(2) 组蛋白甲基化修饰与识别对植物生长发育的表观遗传调控。



(* 通信作者):

1 LIU, Z., ZHU, Y., GAO, J., YU, F., 越南盾, A. *, and SHEN, W.-H.* (2009) Molecular and reverse genetic characterization of NUCLEOSOME ASSEMBLY PROTEIN1 (NAP1) genes unravels their 函数 in transcription and 核苷酸 excision repair in Arabidopsis thaliana. 植物界 J. , in press.

2 ZHU, Y., LI, Z., XU, B., LI, H., WANG, L., DONG, A., HUANG,H. (2008) Subcellular localizations of AS1 and AS2 suggest their common and distinct roles in plant development. J. Integr. 植物界 Biol. 50, 897-905.

3 XU, B., LI, Z., ZHU, Y., WANG, H., MA, H., 越南盾, A. \u0026 HUANG,H. (2008) Arabidopsis genes AS1, AS2, and JAG negatively regulate boundary-specifying genes to promote sepal and petal development. 植物界 Physiol. 146, 566-575.

4 XU, L., ZHAO, Z., DONG, A., SOUBIGOU-TACONNAT, L., RENOU, J.P., STEINMETZ, A. \u0026 SHEN, W.-H. (2008) Di- and tri- but not monomethylation on histone H3 lysine 36 marks active transcription of genes involved in flowering 时间 regulation and other processes in Arabidopsis thaliana. 摩尔 Cell Biol. 28, 1348-1360.

5 DING, B., ZHU, Y., GAO, J., YU, Y., CAO, K., SHEN, W.-H. \u0026 DONG, A. * (2007) Molecular characterization of three rice SET-domain proteins. 植物界 Sci. 172, 1072-1078.

6 ZHU, Y., 越南盾, A. *, MEYER, D., PICHON, O., RENOU, J.P., CAO, K. \u0026 SHEN, W.-H. * (2006) Arabidopsis NRP1 and NRP2 encode histone chaperones and are required for maintaining post-embryonic root growth. Plant Cell 18,2879-2892.

7 YANG, L., LIU, Z.,LU, F., DONG, A. * \u0026 HUANG,H. * (2006) SERRATE is a novel nuclear regulator in primary microRNA processing in Arabidopsis. 植物界 J., 47, 841–850 (cover story).

8 越南盾, A. *, LIU, Z., ZHU, Y., YU, F., LI, Z., CAO, K. \u0026 SHEN, W.-H. (2005) Interacting proteins and differences in nuclear transport reveal specific functions for the NAP1 family proteins in plants. 植物界 Physiol. 138,1446–1456.

9 YU, Y., DONG, A. \u0026 SHEN, W.-H. (2004). Molecular characterization of the tobacco SET-domain protein NtSET1 unravels its role in histone methylation, chromatin binding and segregation. 植物界 J., 40, 699-711.

10 越南盾, A., ZHU, Y., YU, Y., CAO, K., SUN, C. \u0026 SHEN, W.-H. (2003) Regulation of biosynthesis and intracellular localization of rice and tobacco homologues of nucleosome assembly protein 1. 植物界 216,561-570.

11 XU, L., XU, Y., 越南盾, A., SUN, Y., XU, Y. \u0026 HUANG, H. (2003) The novel as1 and as2 defects in 欧洲杰出建筑师论坛建筑奖 adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity. Development 130,4097-4107.

12 CAPRON, A., SERRALBO, O., FULOP, K., FRUGIER, F., PARMENTIER, Y., DONG, A., LECUREUIL, A., GUERCHE, P., KONDOROSI, E., SCHERES, B. \u0026 GENSCHIK, P. (2003) The Arabidopsis Anaphase-Promoting Complex or Cyclosome: Molecular and Genetic Characterization of the APC2 Subunit. Plant Cell 15, 2370–2382.

13 越南盾, A. *, XIN, H., YU, Y., SUN, C., CAO, K. \u0026 SHEN, W.-H. (2002) The subcellular localization of unusual rice calmodulin isoform, OsCaM61, depends on its prenylation status. 植物界 摩尔 Biol., 48, 203-210.


1 朱炎,刘自强,高娟,沈文辉,董爱武* (2008)植物组蛋白分子伴侣研究进展 自然科学进展 18,734-741 (invited paper).

2 YU,Y., BU, Z.Y., SHEN W.-H., 越南盾, A.* (2009) An update on histone lysine methylation in plants. Prog. Nat. Sci., 19, 407-413 (invited paper)。


2003年 上海市科技启明星

2003年 教育部优秀青年教师;

2007年 第四届中国青年女科学家奖

2008年 上海市“曙光”学者;

2009年 上海市“三八”红旗手。


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