蔺秀云 :北京师范大学心理学部教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 14:51



北京师范大学心理学院,家庭治疗与发展心理学,博士(2004年 9月-2007年 7月)

北京师范大学心理学院,临床心理与心理咨询,硕士(2001年 9月-2004年 7月)


2018.8-: 教授,北京市师范大学心理学部




Associate Editor in Frontiers: Developmental Psychology







2016.12-2017.12,出访加利福尼亚州大学伯克利分校心理系(University of California, Berkeley)

2016.1-2,出访密歇根大学(University of Michigan)

2015.1-2,出访美国诺瓦东南大学(Nova Southeast University),美国加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley),纽约大学(University of New York)

2011.3-2011.8,赴美国Mckay Education School, Brigham Young University,访问研究


2008.7-2009.2,赴美国Pediatrics Department, School of Medicine, Wayne State University访问研究









(2)2020年北京师范大学类SARS病毒防治科研攻关应急项目: 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情下“恐慌”的深层原因及有效应对,2020.3-2021.3, 主持人

(3)2020年北京师范大学心理学部专项课题:疫情下的家庭关系问题与干预研究(腾讯基金、青基会-奔驰星愿基金的资助),2020.3-2022.3, 主持人


(5) 2018年国家自然科学基金青年项目:隔代抚养对儿童情绪的影响:行为与脑机制研究(31800935),2019-2022,主持人

(6) 北京市“十三五”教育科学规划2017年度重点课题:隔代抚养对儿童心理理论和情绪行为的长期影响(BAEA17039),2018-2020,主持人

(7) 2016年度北京市自然科学基金:亲子互动对儿童对立违抗障碍的影响:儿童情绪调节及其神经生理反应的作用机制(7162115),2016-2018,主持人。

(8) 2015年北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室开放课题,抚养方式对儿童情绪影响的认知神经机制(CNLZD1503),2016-2017,主持人。

(9) 2014年心理学院青年教师资助项目,三代互动及其代际传递性对对立反抗症儿童心理病理症状的影响,2014-2016,主持人

(10) 2013年北京市优秀人才培养资助项目,流动儿童的对立违抗行为干预研究(2013D009012000004),2014-2015,主持人

(11) 2013年教育部人文社科基地自主项目,家庭互动方式对儿童对立违抗障碍影响的发展机制, 2013-2016,主持人

(12) 2012年度国家社会科学基金青年项目,流动儿童对立违抗行为及其对城市适应与融入的影响(12CSH014),2013-2015,主持人

(13) 2010年度教育部人文社会科学青年项目,对立违抗行为儿童的家庭互动方式研究(10YJCXLX029),2011-2013,主持人。

(14) 2010年度北京师范大学自主科研基金资助项目,独生子女家庭互动方式与其对立违抗行为的关系研究(105560GK),2011-2013,主持人

(15) 北京师范大学教学建设与改革项目,心理系本科生实践教学体系的完善, 2010-2012,2万,主持人

(16) 北京师范大学免费师范生教材和大纲,心理系学生学校心理健康教育实习指导手册,2009-2010,主持人

(17) 第六轮中国全球基金艾滋病项目,以家庭为基础的艾滋病感染者心理干预的综合模式探讨(G-32),2009-2010,主持人

(18) 2008年度北京市教育科学规划十一五课题,在京流动儿童的学校表现、影响因素和应对策略(BAA08004),2008-2010,主持人

(19) 北京师范大学青年科学基金项目,艾滋病致孤儿童心理创伤评估和干预,2007.12-2009.12,主持人


1) Tan, Y. X., Lin, X*., (2020). Different Trajectories of Panic and Associated Factors among Unmarried Chinese during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, DOI: 10.1111/aphw.12238

2) Chen, H., Lin, X*., Health, M. H., \u0026 Ding, W. (2020). Family violence and oppositional defiant disorder symptoms in Chinese children: The role of parental alienation and child emotion regulation. Child \u0026 Family Social Work, online published, DOI: 10.1111/CFS世界总决赛12782

3) He, T., Su, J., Jiang, Y., Qin S., Chi, P., \u0026 Lin, X*. (2020) Parenting stress and depressive symptoms among Chinese parents of children with and without oppositional defiant disorder: A three-wave longitudinal study. Child Psychiatry \u0026 Human Development, 10.1007/s10578-020-00974-x

4) Chi, P., Wu, Q., Cao, H., Zhou, N., \u0026 Lin, X*. (in press). Relationship-oriented values and marital and life satisfaction among Chinese couples. Journal of Personal and Social Relationships, doi.org/10.1177/0265407520928588

5) Wu, Q., Chi, P., Lin, X., Du, H., Zhou, N., Cao, H., \u0026 Liang, Y. (2020). Gratitude and satisfaction in romantic relationships: Roles of decisional forgiveness and emotional forgiveness. Current Psychology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-020-00780-7

6) Meng, H., Cao, H., Hao, R., Zhou, N., Liang, Y., Wu, L., Jiang, L., Ma, R., Li, B., Deng, L., Lin, Z., Lin, X., \u0026 Zhang, J. (2020). Smartphone use motivation and problematic smartphone use in a national representative sample of Chinese adolescents: The mediating roles of smartphone use 时间 for various activities. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 9(1), 163-174. doi:10.1556/2006.2020.00004

7) Ding W., Meza, J., Lin, X*., He, T., Chen, H., Wang, Y., \u0026 Qin, S. (2020). Oppositional defiant disorder symptoms and children’s feelings of happiness and depression: Mediating roles of interpersonal relationships. Child Indicators Research, 13, 215–235. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12187-019-09685-9

8) Zou, X., Lin, X*., Jiang, Y., Su, J., Qin, S., \u0026 Han, Z. (2019). The Associations between Mothers’ and Grandmothers’ Depressive Symptoms, Parenting Stress, and Relationship with Children: An Actor-Partner Interdependence Mediation Model. Family Process, DOI:10.1111/famp.12502

9) Zhu, Y., Chen, X., Zhao, H., Chen, M., Tian, Y., Liu, C., Han, Z. R., Lin, X., Qiu, J., Xue, G., Shu, H., \u0026 Qin, S. (2019). Socioeconomic status disparities affect children’s anxiety and stress-sensitive cortisol awakening response through parental anxiety. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 103, 96-103.

10) Lin, X., Li, Y., Xu. S., Ding, W., Zhou, Q., Du, H., \u0026 Chi, P. (2019). Family risk factors associated with psychopathology symptoms in Chinese children with oppositional defiant disorder. Front. Psychol. 10: 2062. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02062

11) Ding, W., Lin, X*., Su, J., Jiang, Y., Wu, Q., \u0026 He, T. (2019). The Mutual Influence Between Marital Quality and Child Oppositional Defiant Disorder Symptoms in Chinese Families: Do Child and Parent’s Gender Matter? Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28(8), 2086-2097. DOI: 10.1007/s10826-019-01408-6

12) Chi, P., Tang, Y., Worthington, E. L., Chan, C. L. W., Lam, D. O. B., \u0026 Lin, X*. (2019). Intrapersonal and interpersonal facilitators of forgiveness following spousal infidelity: A stress and coping perspective. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 75, 1896-1915. DOI:10.1002/jclp.22825

13) Jiang, Y., Lin, X.*, Zhou, Q., Hou, X., Ding, W., \u0026 Zhou, N. (2019). Longitudinal dyadic analyses of emotion dysregulation and 母亲child relationship quality in Chinese children with teacher-reported oppositional defiant disorder. Social Development, doi:10.1111/sode.12388.

14) Jiang, Y., Lin, X*., Hinshaw, S. P., Chi, P., \u0026 Wu, Q. (2019). Actor–partner interdependence of compassion toward others with qualities of marital relationship and parent–child relationships in Chinese families. Family Process, 59(2), 740-755. doi: 10.1111/famp.12436.

15) Liu, X.,Lin, X*.,Heath, M. A., Zhou, Q., Ding, W., \u0026 Qin, S. (2017). Longitudinal Linkages Between Parenting Stress and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (对立反抗症) Symptoms Among Chinese Children With ODD.Journal of Family Psychology,http://DXdoi.org/10.1037/fam0000466

16) Wu, Q., Chi, P., Zeng, X.,Lin, X.,\u0026 Du., H. (in press). Roles of anger and rumination in the relationship between self-compassion and forgiveness. mindfulness, doi:10.1007/s12671-018-0971-7

17) Li, L.,Lin, X*.,Hinshaw, S. P., Du, H., Qin, S., \u0026 Fang, X. (2017). Longitudinal Associations between Oppositional Defiant Symptoms and Interpersonal Relationships among Chinese Children.Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology,10.1007/s10802-017-0359-5

18) Lin, X.,Zhang, Y., Chi, P., Ding, W., Heath, M. H., Fang, X.,Xu, S*. (2017). The mutual effect of marital quality and parenting stress on child and parent depressive symptoms in families of children with oppositional defiant disorder.Front. Psychol. 8:1810. doi: 10.3389/fpsYG娱乐2017.01810

19) Liu, X.,Lin, X*.,Xu, S., Olson, S. L., Li, Y., \u0026 Du, H. (2017). Depression among children with oppositional defiant disorder: Contributions of parent and child risk factors.Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26(11), 3145-3155. DOI: 10.1007/s10826-017-0823-4

20) Tang, Y.,Lin X*.,Chi, P., Zhou, Q., Hou, X. (2017). Multi-Level Family Factors and Affective and Behavioral Symptoms of Oppositional Defiant Disorder in Chinese Children.Frontier in Psychology. 8:1123. doi: 10.3389/fpsYG娱乐2017.01123

21) Liu, X.,Lin, X*.,Zhou, Q., Zhou, N., Li, Y., \u0026 Lin, D. (2017).Family and individual risk and protective factors of depression among Chinese migrant children with oppositional defiant disorder symptoms.Frontier in Psychology, 8, article 508,doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00508

22) Lin, X.,Li, L., Heath, M. A., Chi, P., Xu, S., \u0026 Fang, X. (2016). Multiple levels of family factors and oppositional defiant disorder symptoms among Chinese children.Family Process,online published,doi: 10.1111/famp.12269

23) Lin, X., Li, L., Chi, P., Wang, Z., Heath, A.M., Du, H., \u0026 Fang, X. (2016). Parental maltreatment and interpersonal relationship impairments among children with oppositional defiant disorder in Chinese mainland.Child Abuse \u0026 Neglect, 51, 192-202.DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2015.10.013

24) Li, L.,Lin, X*.,Chi, P., Heath, M. A., Fang.X., Du, H., \u0026 Wang, Z. (2016). Maltreatment and emotional and behavioral problems in Chinese children with and without oppositional defiant disorder-main document: The mediating role of the parent-child relationship.Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 31(18), 2915-2939. DOI: 10.1177/0886260515624234

25) Lin, X.,Xu, S., Heath, M. A., Chi, P., Li, Y., \u0026 Ding, W. (2016). Family Risk Factors Associated with Psychopathology Symptoms in Chinese Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder: Does Child Emotion Regulation Mediate Risk of Psychological Impairment?International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology,submitted

26) Lin, X.,Chi, P., Zhang, L., Zhang, Y., Fang, X., Qiao, S., \u0026 Li, X., (2016).Disclosure of HIV serostatus and sexual orientation among HIV-positive men who have sex with men in China. Community Mental Health Journal, 52(4), 457-465.DOI: 10.1007/s10597-015-9879-z

27) Lin, X.,Fang, X., Chi, P., Heath, M. A., Li, X., Chen, W. (2016). Social ecological factors associated with future orientation of children affected by parental HIV infection and 艾滋病Journal of Health Psychology, 21(7), 1404-1414. DOI: 10.1177/1359105314554817

28) Lin, X.,Fang, X., Chi, P.,Li, X.,Chen, W., Heath, M. A.(2014).Grief-processing-based psychological intervention for children orphaned by 艾滋病 in central China: A pilot study.School Psychology International, 35(6), 609-626. DOI: 10.1177/0143034314535617

29) Zhou, N., Cao, H., Li, X., Zhang, J., Yao, Y., Gen.G, X.,Lin, X.,Hou, S., Liu, F., Chen, X., \u0026 Fang, X. (In Press). Internet addiction, problematic Internet use, non-problematic Internet use among Chinese adolescents: Individual, parental, peer, and sociodemographic correlates. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. (SSCI, Q1; 5-year IF: 3.308; 2016 IF: 2.543)

30) Lan, J., Li, X., Cao., H.,Zhou, N.,Lin, X.,Deng, L., \u0026 Fang, X. (In press). Inequity of sacrifice and marital satisfaction in Chinese young couples.Journal of Family Therapy,DOI: 10.1111/1467-6427.12153

31) Wu, Q., Chi, P.,Lin, X.,\u0026 Du, H. (in press). Child Maltreatment and Adult Depressive Symptoms: Roles of Self-Compassion and Gratitude. Child Abuse \u0026 Neglect. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2018.03.013

32) Hu, W., Fang, X., Chen, H., Deng, L., \u0026Lin, X.(2015).The Relationship Between Three-Domain Competences and Internalizing and Externalizing Problems in Chinese High School Students.Child Indicator Research,8(4), 943–959.DOI 10.1007/s12187-014-9290-2

33) 殷锦绣, 蔺秀云*, 唐莹莹, 张海琴, 李晓莉 (2020). 家庭教养方式的亲子感知差异——测量、来源及影响. 北京师范大学学报(社会科学版), 280(04), 48-59

34) 王玉龙,陈慧玲,覃雅兰, 蔺秀云*.(2019). 青少年自伤行为的自我惩罚功能:源于内疚感还是羞耻感?心理发展与教育, 35(02), 219-226.

35) 王中会,蔺秀云*. (2018).流动儿童的亲子依恋与其城市适应的关系:心理韧性的中介作用。心理发展与教育, 34(3), 284-293.

36) 何婷,宋子婧,丁菀,刘伟,蔺秀云*. (2018).父母心理控制与对立违抗障碍儿童抑郁和攻击行为的关系:父子依恋和母子依恋的中介效应。心理发展与教育, 34(02), 219-228.

37) 侯香凝,丁菀,王海平,王莹,蔺秀云*.(2017).父母早期受虐与子女对立违抗症状的关系:亲子虐待和儿童愤怒管理的作用。心理发展与教育, 33(6), 734-743.

38) 王中会,蔺秀云*,黎燕斌. (2016).流动儿童心理韧性对文化适应的影响:社会认同的中介作用。心理发展与教育, 32(6), 656-665. DOI: 10.16187 /j.cnki.issn1001-4918

39) 王玉龙,覃雅兰,肖璨,蔺秀云*. (2016).父母冲突与青少年自伤的关系:一个有调节的中介模型。心理发展与教育, 32(3), 377-384. DOI: 10.16187 /j.cnki.issn1001-4918.(通讯作者)

40) 王中会,蔺秀云*,侯香凝方晓义 (2016).流动儿童城市适应及影响因素:过去20年的综述。北京师范大学学报(人文社科版), 2(总第253期), 37-47.(通讯作者)

41) 黎燕斌,侯香凝,蔺秀云*,王中会,方晓义,李俊红. (2016).父母情绪调节困难对流动儿童对立违抗症状的影响:亲子冲突解决方式和儿童情绪调节的作用。心理发展与教育,32(2), 41-52.Doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.02.06.(通讯作者)

42) 黎燕斌,蔺秀云*,侯香凝方晓义,王中会. (2016).虐待对流动儿童对立违抗症状的影响机制。心理发展与教育,32(1), 89-97. (通讯作者)Doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.01.00

43) 张菁宸,黎燕斌,张玉麟,蔺秀云*,侯香凝. (2015).对立违抗症状流动儿童的心理适应、学校适应和社会适应特点分析。中国临床心理学杂志, 23(6), 1035-1039. DOI: 10.16128/j.cnki.1005-3611.2015.06018.(通讯作者)

44) 袁晓娇,方晓义,邓林园,蔺秀云.(2015).原生家庭支持与干涉量表的编制。中国临床心理学杂志, 23(2), 242-245【DOI】10.16128/j.cnki.1005-3611.2015.02.012

45) 袁晓娇,方晓义,邓林园,蔺秀云. (2015).姻亲关系与姻亲冲突下伴侣支持与婚姻质量的关系。心理与行为研究, 13(2), 179-184

46) 蔺秀云,黎燕斌,张玉麟,何杰,方晓义. (2015).父母亲职压力与儿童对立违抗行为的关系:一项交叉滞后分析。心理与行为研究,13(2),153-161.

47) 刘杨,李泽,蔺秀云*,范腾艳.(2015).对立违抗障碍儿童的家庭教养方式及对其症状的影响——一项质性研究分析。中国特殊教育, 1, 55-62.(通讯作者)

48) 蔺秀云,李龙凤,黎燕斌,王中会,陈琦方晓义(2014).父母心理控制对有ODD症状儿童的抑郁、攻击的影响。心理发展与教育, 30(6), 660-670

49) 李泽,蔺秀云*,刘杨,李俊红,何杰,曹艳瑛. (2014).对立违抗障碍儿童心理特点分析:家庭系统观角度。中国临床心理学杂志, 22(4), 610-614.(通讯作者)

50) 蔺秀云,李文琳,李泽,王中会,范腾燕,刘杨. (2014).对立违抗障碍家庭问题分析。北京师范大学学报(人文社科版), 3(总第243), 23-32

51) 李文琳,李龙凤,蔺秀云*,刘伟,杨培荣,姚静薇.(2014).ODD儿童的亲子关系、师生关系及同伴关系特点分析。中国临床心理学杂志, 22(3), 428-432.(通讯作者)

52) 王中会, Gening Jin,蔺秀云*. (2014).流动儿童心理韧性对其抑郁、孤独的影响。中国特殊教育,(4), 54-59(通讯作者)

53) 王中会,徐玮沁,蔺秀云*. (2014).流动儿童的学校适应与积极心理品质。中国心理卫生杂志, 28(4), 267-270(通讯作者)


2020.8, 荣获北京师范大学教学名师奖


2020.6, 获得北京市“优秀共产党员”荣誉称号

2018.10, 获得北京师范大学“优秀新生导师”荣誉称号

2018.7, 获得北京师范大学“优秀共产党员”荣誉称号

2014.7, 荣获中国教育学会“首届基础教育科研成果网络博览会”二等奖, 成果名称“做学生需要的心理教师”.

2014.6, 荣获北京师范大学“京师英才一等奖

2013.10, 荣获北京师范大学“京师英才一等奖”

2013.12, 荣获北京师范大学“优秀辅导员”和“十佳辅导员”称号

2012.11, 荣获北京师范大学“深度辅导先进个人”称号

2007.6, 获得北京师范大学优秀毕业研究生称号


(1) 蔺秀云, 江永强著. 幸福祖辈的心健康. 上海人民出版社, 978-7-5476-1602-4, 2020.10

(2) 蔺秀云, 高鹏飞, 丁菀译。日益亲密: 高质量关系的日常互动细节. 化学工业出版社, ISBN978-7-122-36571-2, 2020.9

(3) 方晓义主编, 蔺秀云副主编. 家安心安:新冠肺炎疫情下的家庭心理自助手册。北京师范大学出版社, ISBN 9787303257591, 2020.4

(4) 方晓义、蔺秀云等翻译. 家庭治疗:概念与方法. 北京师范大学出版社, ISBN:9787303238316, 2018.

(5) 蔺秀云, 王晓菁, 刘胜男译. 为什么我的青春期孩子不和我说话. 化学工业出版社,ISBN 978-7-122-36997-0, 2020.9

(6) 蔺秀云,袁泉, 谭玉鑫译. 依恋与情绪聚焦治疗. 化学工业出版社,ISBN 978-7-122-30806-6, 2020.2

(7) 蔺秀云, 房超, 何婷译. 家庭治疗:100个关键点与技巧. 化学工业出版社,ISBN 978-7-122-30078-2, 2017.9

(8) 蔺秀云译. 厄勒克特拉vs俄狄浦斯:错综复杂的母女关系. 广西漓江出版社, ISBN 978-7-5407-7010-5, 2014.5

(9) 王建平主编. 蔺秀云, 胡清芬, 崔永华. 儿童心理病理学 中央广播电视大学出版社, 2013.11

(10) 罗晓路,夏翠翠主编,蔺秀云,徐守森副主编。大学生心理健康教育,上海交通大学出 版社, 2012.1

(11) 蔺秀云, 王晓菁著. 做学生需要的心理教师。北京师范大学出版社, 2011年3月.

(12) 蔺秀云, 徐守森译;(美)诺曼·怀特著. 亲爱的我们可以不吵架. 北京华文出版社, 2011 年6月.

(13) 蔺秀云, 徐守森译;(美)玛德莲·赫克著. 盲点:为什么聪明人也犯傻. 北京金城出版社, 2011年4月.

(14) 蔺秀云编著. 《责任胜于能力》. 科学出版社,2009.3

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