衡伟 :讲师

更新时间:2024-09-21 14:57







1. CYP86A1-CPR2复合体调控褐皮梨木栓质单体 二酸合成机理研究(31972985), 国家自然科学基金,2020.01-2013.12,主持人.

2.  梨果皮褐色形成的分子解析及相关基因克隆(31101519),国家自然科学基金,2012-2014,主持人.

3. 褐皮芽变形成机理及相关基因克隆(2012SQRL060ZD),安徽省高校优秀青年人才基金重点项目,2012-2014,主持人.



1. 衡伟,张绍铃,张妤艳,吴俊李秀根 12个梨品种S基因型的鉴定 [J]. 园艺学报, 2007, 34: 853-858.

2. 衡伟, 张绍铃, 方成泉, 吴俊, 吴华清. 梨20个品种(种)S基因型的鉴定及S40-和S41-RNase基因序列分析 [J]. 园艺学报, 2008, 35: 313-318.

3. 吴华清, 衡伟, 李晓, 黄绍西, 张绍铃. 大果黄花梨自交亲和性变异机制研究 [J]. 南京农业大学学报, 2007, 30: 29~33.

4. 衡伟, 陈捷, 叶振风, 贾兵, 张水明, 孙俊, 朱立武砀山酥梨’幼果萼片发育及其调控技术研究 [J]. 安徽农业大学学报, 2010, 37(2):238~143.

5. 衡伟, 朱立武, 孙俊, 叶振风, 张学堂, 王钦孔, 毛吉明, 杜发礼. 早熟梨新品种‘早伏酥’ [J].园艺学报, 2010, 37(3):499~500.

6. W. HENG, H. Q. WU, Q. X. CHEN, J. WU, S. X. HUANG, S. L. ZHANG. Identification of S-genotypes and novel S-RNase alleles in Prunus mume [J]. The Journal of Horticultural Science﹠Biotechnology, 2008, 83: 689~694.

7. W. HENG, C. Q. FANG, H. Q. WU, J. WU and S. L. ZHANG. Identification of S-genotypes and novel S-RNases in native Chinese pear [J]. The Journal of Horticultural Science﹠Biotechnology, 2008, 83: 629~634.

8. Wei Heng, Jun Wu, Huaqing Wu, Yufen Cao, Takeshi Nishio, Shaoling Zhang. Recognition specificity of self-incompatibility in Pyrus and Malus [J]. Molecular breeding, 2010 (已接受).

9. Wei Heng, Ziteng Wang, Xianghong Jiang, Bing Jia, Pu Liu, Li Liu, Zhenfeng Ye, Liwu Zhu. The role of polyamines during exocarp formation in a 俄语t mutant of ‘Dangshansuli’ pear (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.). Plant Cell Rep, 2016, 35:1841–1852.

10. Wei Heng, Meng-越南盾 Wang, Jin-yu Yang, Zi-teng Wang, Xiang-hong Jiang, Li-wu Zhu. Relationship between 过氧化氢 in polyamine 新陈代谢 and lignin in the exocarp of a russet mutant of ‘Dangshansuli’ pear (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.). 植物界 摩尔 Biol Rep, 2016, 34:1056–1063.

11. Wei Heng, Bing Jia, Hai-na Huang, Jin-yu Yang, Zi-teng Wang, Pu Liu, Li Liu, Zhen-feng Ye, Li-wu Zhu. Identification of russet-associated microRNAs in the exocarp of a Dangshansuli pear mutant (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.) by high-throughput sequencing. Tree Genetics \u0026 Genomes, 2016, 12:107.

12. Wei Heng, Li Liu, Meng-dong Wang, Bing Jia, Pu Liu, Zhen-feng Ye, Li-wu Zhu. Differentially expressed genes related to the formation of russet fruit skin in a mutant of ‘Dangshansuli’ pear (Pyrus bretchnederi Rehd.) determined by suppression subtractive hybridization. Euphytica, 2014, 196:285–297.

13. W. Heng, B. Jia, L. W. Zhu, Z. F. Ye and L. Q. 吴语 Identification of the suspected disease pathogen of Chinese pear ‘Dangshansuli’ and its fungicides screening. The Journal of Horticultural Science﹠Biotechnology, 2011, 86(4): 343–348.

14. Wei Heng, Jun Wu, Hua Qing Wu, Shu Tian Tao, Kai Jie Qi, Chao Gu, and Shao Ling Zhang. Identification and Characterisation of SFBs in 李属 mume. 植物界 摩尔 Biol Rep, 2012, 30(4): 878–884.


1. 朱立武贾兵,衡伟,叶振风,刘莉,刘普,吴湘琴,王子腾,张海,何家轩.梨熟期配套新品种选育及优质安全高效生产关键技术研发与应用. 安徽省科技进步二等奖, 2017.

2. 朱立武, 张学堂, 王钦孔, 毛吉明, 孙其宝, 衡伟. 梨新品种选育与主要病害防控技术研究及示范推广. 安徽省科技进步三等奖, 2011.

3. 朱世东,汪承刚,姜家生,衡伟,戴祖云. 一主线两融合三维度 ;实践教育模式的探索与实践. 全国农业专业学位研究生教育指导委员会, 2018.



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