赵立平 :上海系统生物医学研究中心副主任

更新时间:2024-09-21 05:59

赵立平,博士生导师,现任上海系统生物医学研究中心副主任,国际微生物生态学会(ISME)常务理事,以及Systematic and Applied Microbiology等国际刊物的编委。2014年,他当选为美国微生物科学院院士。赵立平热爱教学工作,主讲本科“微生物学”课程,采用国际最新教材,英文授课。他积极研究教学规律,曾在2002年5月参加在美国盐湖城召开的“第九届本科微生物学教学国际研讨会”,并在会上交流论文。此外,他还为研究生开设“微生物分子生态学”和“微生物生态基因组学”等课程。


在国内最早系统开展微生物分子生态学研究,在复杂微生物群落结构分析技术和统计计算方法等方面做了很多创新性工作。对广泛使用的PCR-DGGE技术做了重要改进,成为国际上使用该技术研究微生物生态学的先进实验室之一;创新建立了基于随机扩增指纹图技术和分子杂交技术,分析对比群落结构,发现重要功能细菌基因组片段作为分子标记的技术方法。对人和动物的肠道、处理工业废水的生化池、土壤、油藏等环境中的微生物群落结构与功能的关系做了大量的研究工作,取得了有意义的结果。在PNAS(Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences),NRDD(Nature Review Drug Discovery),AEM(Applied and Environmental Microbiology)、ISME Journal,现代生物出版集团 Bioinformatics,Journal of Proteome Research,Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Microbial Ecology、FEMS Microbiology Ecology、Journal of Microbiological Methods、FEMS Microbiology Letters、《微生物学报》、《生态学报》等刊物发表相关论文二十余篇,研究工作得到国际同行的关注。应邀在第八届细菌遗传学与生态学国际研讨会(里昂)上做keynote报告,在第十届国际微生物生态大会环境生物技术分会(墨西哥坎昆)做报告。在第十一届国际微生物生态大会人体微生态分会(奥地利维也纳)做报告,并联合主持“污泥元基因组学”圆桌讨论会。在2006年8月被选为国际微生物生态学会12名常务理事之一。近年来,积极推动系统生物学理念在微生物生态学领域特别是人体肠道菌群研究中的应用,注重发展用代谢组学和元基因组学相结合的方法研究肠道菌群在肥胖、糖尿病等复杂疾病中的作用,并积极探讨用肠道菌群的整体结构变化来监测人体健康变化、评价中医药疗效的问题,开始形成一个新的以元基因组学研究为核心的人体系统生物学新方向。


1、Li M,Wang B,Zhang M,Rantalainen M, Wang S, Zhou H, Zhang Y, Shen J, Pang X, Zhang M, Wei H, Chen Y, Lu H, 左姓 J, Su M, 裘姓 Y,Jia W, Xiao C, Smith LM, Yang S, Holmes E, Tang H, Zhao G, Nicholson JK, Li L, Zhao L.Symbiotic gut microbes modulate human metabolic phenotypes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 105(6):2117-22., 2008

2、Jia W,Li H, Zhao L \u0026 J. K. Nicholson. Gut microbiota: a potential new territory for drug targeting. Nature 商品评价 Drug Discovery,7:123-129, 2008. (IF:20.97)

3、Piao Z, Yang L, Zhao L, Yin S. Actinobacterial community structure in soils receiving long-term organic and inorganic amendments. Appl Environ Microbiol., 74(2):526-30, 2008

4、Wei G, Lu H, Zhou Z, Xie H, Wang A, Nelson K, Zhao L. The microbial community in the feces of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) as determined by PCR-TGGE profiling and 克隆 library analysis. Microb Ecol. 54(1):194-202, 2007

5、Pang X, X Hua, Q Yang,D Ding, C Che, L Cui, W jia, P Bucheli and L Zhao. Inter-物种 transplantation of gut microbiota from human to pigs. The ISME Journal, 1(2):156-162, 2007

6、Zhang M, B Liu, Y Zhang, H Wei, Y Lei, and L Zhao, Structural shifts of mucosa-associated Lactobacilli and Clostridium leptum subgroup in patients with ulcerative 结肠炎, Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 45(2):496-500, 2007

7、Yan X, Z Xu, X Feng, Y Liu, B Liu, X Zhang, C Zhu, L Zhao. Cloning of Environmental Genomic Fragments as Physical Markers for monitoring Microbial populations in Coking Wsatewater Treatment System. Microbial Ecology. 53:163-172,2007

8、Chen M, M Su, L Zhao, J Jiang, P Liu, J Cheng, Y Lai, Y Liu, W Jia*, Metabonomic Study of Aristolochic Acid-Induced Nephrotoxicity in 鼠科, Journal of proteom research. 5:995-1002, 2006

9、Shen J, B Zhang, G Wei, X Pang, H Wei, M Li, Y Zhang, W Jia, and L Zhao. Molecular Profiling of the Clostridium leptum Subgroup in Human Fecal Microflora by PCR-Denaturing Gradient 凝胶 Electrophoresis and 克隆 Library Analysis. Applied and environmental microbiology, 72(8):5232-5238, 2006.

10、Liu B, F Zhang, X Feng, Y Liu, X Yan, X Zhang, L Wang, L Zhao.Thauera and Azoarcus as Functionally Important Genera in a Denitrifying Quinoline Removal Bioreactor as Revealed by Microbial Community Structure Comparison. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 55(2):274-86,2006.

11、Pang, X., D. Ding, G. Wei, M. Zhang, L. Wang, and L. Zhao. Molecular profiling of 拟杆菌属 spp. in human feces by PCR-温度 gradient 凝胶 electrophoresis. J Microbiol Methods. 61:413-417,2005.

12、Chen M, L Zhao, and W Jia*, Metabonomic Study on the Biochemical Profiles of A Hydrocortisone-Induced 动物界 Model, Journal of proteome research, 4:2391- 2396, 2005,

13、Zhang, X., X. Yan, P. Gao, L. Wang, Z. Zhou, and L. Zhao. Optimized 序列 retrieval from single bands of 温度 gradient gel electrophoresis profiles of the amplified 16S rDNA fragments from an activated sludge system. J Microbiol Methods, 60:1-11, 2005.

14、Zhao Y., W. Li, Z. Zhou, L. Wang, Y. pan, L. Zhao. 动力学 of Microbial Community Structure and Cellulolytic Activity in Agricultural Soil Amended with two Biofertilizers. European Journal of Soil Biology. 41:21-29, 2005.

15、Cao, Y, L. Wang, K. Xu, C. Kou,Y. Zhang, G. Wei, J. He, Y. Wang, L. Zhao. Information theory-based algorithm for in silico prediction of PCR products with whole genomic sequences as templates. 现代生物出版集团 生物信息学, 6(1):190-, 2005.

16、Wei, G., L. pan, H. Du, J. Chen, and L. Zhao.ERIC-PCR fingerprinting-based community 脱氧核糖核酸 hybridization to pinpoint genome-specific fragments as molecular markers to identify and track populations common to healthy human guts. J Microbiol Methods, 59:91-108, 2004.

17、Zhang,X.,P.Gao,Q.Chao,L. Wang,E.Senior, and L. Zhao. Microdiversity of phenol- 羟化酶 genes among phenol-degrading isolates of Alcaligenes sp. from an activated sludge system.FEMS Microbiol Lett, 237:369-75,2004.









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