邓旺秋 :邓旺秋

更新时间:2024-09-21 22:57




Deng WQ, Li TH, Hosen MI.Amanita rufobrunnescens, a new 物种 ofAmanita sectionAmidella from South China.Phytotaxa, 2016, 243(2):147–154(SCI)

Deng WQ, Li TH, Wang CQ, Li T, Shen YH. A new crepidotoidEntoloma species from Hainan Island (China), Mycoscience, 2015,56:340-344(SCI)

Battistin E, Deng WQ, Li TH, Gelardi M. A new 物种 ofEntoloma s. l. (Agaricales) from Nan’ao Island, south-eastern China. Sydowia, 2014, 66(2): 257-264(SCI)

Wang CQ, Li TH, Zhang M, Deng WQ. A new species ofHygrocybe subsect.Squamulosae from South China, Mycoscience, 2015, 56: 345-349(SCI)

Xia YW,Li TH, Deng WQ, Jiang Xu. A newCrinipellis物种 with floccose squamules from China. Mycoscience, 2015, 56:476-480(SCI)

Hosen MI, Li TH, Deng WQ.Amanita cinereovelata, a new species of Amanita sectionLepidella from Bangladesh. Mycological Progress, 2015,DOI: 10.1007/s11557-015-1058-7(SCI)

Wang CQ, Li TH, Huang H, Xia YW, Deng CY, Deng WQ.Marasmius albopurpureus, anew 物种 of sectionGlobulares from Baili Island, China. Mycological Progress, 2015,10.1007/s11557-015-1053-z(SCI)

Li P, Deng WQ, Li TH. The molecular diversity of toxin gene families in lethal鹅膏属mushrooms. Toxicon, 2014, 83: 59-68(SCI)

Qiu CS, Yan WJ, Deng WQ, Song B, Li TH. Genetic Diversity Analysis of withHypsizygus marmoreus Target Region Amplification Polymorphism. The Scientific World Journal, 2014,http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/619746

Li P, Deng WQ(通讯作者), Li TH. Molecular cloning of α-amanitin and characterization of its expression pattern in different parts and development stages of鹅膏属 exitialis fruitbody. Mycological Progress, 2014, DOI 10.1007/s11557-014-0988-9(SCI)

Li TH , Hu HP, Deng WQ , Wu SH, Wang DM, Tsering T.Ganoderma leucocontextum, a new member of theG. lucidum complex from southwestern China. Mycoscience, 2015, 56:81-85(SCI)

Deng WQ, Li TH, Li P, Yang ZL. A new 物种 ofAmanita sectionLepidella from South China. Mycological Progress. 2014, 13(2):211-217(SCI)

Li P, Deng WQ(同等第一作者), Li TH, Song B, Shen YH. Illuminabased de novo transcriptome sequencing and analysis ofAmanita exitialis basidiocarps. Gene, 2013, 532(1):63-71(SCI)

Deng WQ, Shen YH, Li TH . A small cyathiform new 物种 ofClitopilus from Guangdong, China. Mycosystema, 2013, 32(5): 781-784

Qiu CS, Yan WJ, Li P, Deng WQ, Song B, Li TH. Evaluation of Growth Characteristics and Genetic Diversity of Commercial and Stored Lines ofHypsizygus marmoreus. International Journal of Agriculture \u0026 生物学, 2013, 15(3): 479-485

Qiu CS, Yan WJ, Li P Deng WQ, Song B, Li TH. Analysis of the genetic diversity and relationship withinHypsizygus marmoreus based on sequence-related amplification polymorphism. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 2013, 7(1): 1-9

Deng WQ, Li TH,Jiang ZD,Shen YH. A new 物种 ofClitopilus from Southwestern China, Mycotaxon, 2012, 122:443-447(SCI)

Deng WQ, Li TH, Xi PG, Gan LX, Xiao ZD, Jiang ZD. Peptide toxin components ofAmanita exitialis basidiocarps. Mycologia, 2011, 103: 946-949(SCI)


一种固态发酵真姬菇菌糠生产蛋白饲料的方法及其所生产的蛋白饲料. (中国: ZL201210518291.4李挺, 宋斌, 李泰辉, 沈亚恒, 林敏, 邓旺秋).

鉴别白毒鹅膏的特征性核酸序列、核酸分子探针和方法(授权号:201210216135.2,广东省微生物研究所,发明人:李挺 宋斌 李泰辉 邓旺秋)

一种分枝虫草菌株及其子实体和人工栽培方法(宋斌 林群英 李泰辉 林敏 李挺 邓旺秋 沈亚恒)

一种铅大青褶伞子实体的生产方法(ZL 200910038536.1;发明人:李泰辉,林群英,钟月金,宋斌,黄浩,邓旺秋)









广东省微生物研究所 研究员.广东省微生物研究所网站.2018-05-09

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