陈受宜 :陈受宜

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1.Song QX, Liu YF, Hu XY, Zhang WK, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2011) Identification of miRNAs and their target genes in developing soybean seeds by deep sequencing. 现代生物出版集团 植物界 Biology, 11:5 (doi:10.1186/1471-2229-11-5)。

2.Hao YJ, Song QX, Chen HW, Zou HF, Wei W, Kang XS, Ma B, Zhang WK*, Zhang JS*, Chen SY*. (2010) Plant NAC布雷达type transcription factor proteins contain a NARD domain for repression of transcriptional activation. 植物界, 232:1033–1043. DOI 10.1007/s00425-010-1238-2。

3.Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2010) 乙烯 signaling in rice. Chinese Science Bulletin. 55(21): 2204-2210.


5.Ouyang SQ, Yun-Feng Liu, peng Liu, Gang Lei, Jie He, Biao Ma, Wan-Ke Zhang, Zhang JS*, Chen SY*(2010) 捕手like kinase OsSIK1 improves drought and salt stress tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa) plants (p ). 植物界 Journal, 62: 316-329。

6.Wei W, Huang J, Hao YJ, Zou HF, Wang HW, Zhao JY, Liu XY, Zhang WK, Ma B, Zhang JS* and Chen SY* (2009) Soybean GmPHD-type transcription regulators improve stress tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. PLoS ONE, 4(9):e7209.

7.Xie ZM, Zou HF, Lei G, Wei W, Zhou QY, Niu CF, Liao Y, Tian AG, Ma B, Zhang WK, Zhang JS* , Chen SY* (2009) Soybean Trihelix transcription factors GmGT-2A and GmGT-2B improve 植物界 tolerance to abiotic strtransgenic arabidopsis. PLoS ONE,. 4(9): e6898.

8.Chen T, Liu J, Lei G, Liu YF, Li ZG, Tao JJ, Hao YJ, Cao YR, Lin Q, Zhang WK, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2009) Effects of tobacco 乙烯 receptor mutations on receptor kinase activity, 植物界 growth and stress responses. Plant and Ce ll Physiology, 50:1636-1650.

9.Mu RL, Cao YR, Liu YF, Lei G, Zou HF, Liao Y, Wang HW, Zhang WK, Ma B, Du JZ, Yuan M, Zhang JS*, Chen SY* (2009) An R2R3-type transcription factor gene AtMYB59 regulates root growth and cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis Cell Research. 19(11):1291-1304。

10.Wuriyanghan H, Zhang B, Cao WH, Ma B, Lei G, Liu YF, Wei W, Wu HJ, Chen LJ, Chen HW, Cao YR, He SJ, Zhang WK, Wang XJ, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2009) The 乙烯 Receptor ETR2 Delays Floral Transition and Affects Starch Accumulation in Rice. Plant Cell, 21: 1473-1494.

11.Cao YR, Chen SY and Zhang JS* (2008) Ethylene signaling regulates salt stress response: an overview. 植物界 Signaling \u0026 Behavior. 3(10): 761-763.

12.Liao Y, Zou HF, Wang HW, Zhang WK, Ma B, Zhang JS* and Chen SY* (2008) Soybean GmMYB76, GmMYB92 and GmMYB177 genesconfer stress tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Cell Research. 18: 1047-1060.

13.Zhou QY, Tian AG, Zou HF, Xie ZM, Lei G, Huang J, Wang CM, Wang HW, Zhang JS* and Chen SY* (2008) Soybean WRKY-type transcription factor genes, GmWRKY13, GmWRKY21, and GmWRKY54, confer differential tolerance to abiotic stresses in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. 植物界 Biotechnol J. 6(5):486-503.

14.Liao Y, Zou HF, Wei W, Hao YJ, Tian AG, Huang J, Liu YF, Zhang JS* and Chen SY* (2008) Soybean GmbZIP44, GmbZIP62 and GmbZIP78 genes 函数 as negative regulator of ABA signaling and confer salt and freezing tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis. 植物界 228:225-240.

15.Li ZG, Cao YR, Zhang JS*, Chen SY* (2008) Characterization of Arabidopsis calreticulin mutants in response to and salinity stresses. Progress in Natural Science 18:1219-1224.

16.Cao YR, Li ZG, Chen T, Zhang ZG, Zhang JS and Chen SY (2008) Overexpression of tobacco small G protein NtRop1 causes salt sensitivity and peroxide production in transgenic plants. Science in China (Series C), 51(5): 383-390.

17.Wang CM, Wang HW, Zhang JS and Chen SY. (2008) A seed-specific AP2-domain transcription factor from soybean pays a certain role in regulation of seed germination. Science in China (Series C-Life Sciences). 51: 336-345.

18.Wang CM, Wu XL, Jia FX, Zhang JS* and Chen SY* (2008). Genetic variations of glycinin subunit genes among cultivated and wild type soybean 物种 Progress in Natural Science. 18: 33-41.

19.Liu J, Ha Da, Xie ZM, Wang CM, Zhang WK, Zhang JS* and Chen SY* (2008) Ectopic expression of soybean GmKNT1 in Arabidopsis results in altered 欧洲杰出建筑师论坛建筑奖 morphology and flower identity. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 35: 441-449.

20.Hei-Wen Wang, Bo Zhang, Yu-Jun Hao, Jian Huang, Ai-Guo Tian, Yong Liao, Jin-Song Zhang, Shou-Yi Chen, The soybean Dof-type transcription factor genes, GmDof4 and GmDof11, enhance lipid content in the seeds of transgenic Arabidopsis 植物界, Plant Journal, 2007, Nov;52(4):716-29. Epub 2007 Sep 18.

21.Wan-Hong Cao, Jun Liu, Xin-Jian He, Rui-Ling Mu, Hua-Lin Zhou, Shou-Yi Chen, and Jin-Song Zhang , Modulation of EthyleneResponses Affects 植物界 Salt-Stress Responses ,Plant Physiol. 2007 143: 707-719. First Published on December 22, 2006;10.1104/pp106.094292。

22.Hua-Lin Zhou, Wan-Hong Cao, Yang-Rong Cao, Jun Liu, Yu-Jun Hao, Jin-Song Zhang, Shou-Yi Chen,Roles of 乙烯 捕手 NTHK1 domains in 植物界 growth, stress response and protein phosphorylation,FEBS Letters 580 (2006) 1239–1250。

23.Hua-Lin Zhou, Jie He, Yang-Rong Cao, Tao Chen, Bao-Xing Du Cheng-Cai Chu, Jin-Song Zhang and Shou-Yi Chen, OsGLU1,a putative membrane-bound endo-1, 4-b-D-glucanase from rice, a.ects 植物界 internode elongation, Plant Molecular Biology ,2006, 60(1):137-151。

24.Xin-Jian He, Rui-Ling Mu, Wan-Hong Cao, Zhi-Gang Zhang, Jin-Song Zhang, Shou-Yi Chen. AtNAC2, a transcription factor。

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25.Guang-Zuo Luo_, Hui-Wen Wang_, Jian Huang_, Ai-Guo Tian, Yong-Jun Wang,Jin-Song Zhang and Shou-Yi Chen, A putative plasma membrane cation/proton antiporter from soybean confers salt tolerance in Arabidopsis, 植物界 Molecular Biology 59, issue 5,pp. 809-820,2005。

26.Zhi Gang Zhang, Hua Lin Zhuo, Tao Chen, Yan Gong, Wan Hong Cao, Yu Jun Wang,Jin Song Zhang, Shouyi Chen, Evidence for serine/ threonine and hisditine kinase activit in the tobacco 乙烯 receptor protein NTHK2, 植物界 Physiology, 2004,136,2971-2981。

27.Tian AG, Luo GZ, Wang YJ, Zhang JS, Gai JY, Chen SY. ,Isolation and characterization of a Pti1 homologue from soybean, J Exp Bot. 2004 Feb;55(396):535-7.

28.Ai-Guo Tain, Jun Wang, Peng Cui, Yujun Han, Hao Xu, Lijuan Cong, Xiangang Huang, Xiaoling Wang, Yongzhi Jiao, Bangjun Wang,Yongjun Wang, Jinsong Zhang, Shouyi Chen, Characterization of soybean genomic features by analysis of its expressed sequence tags,Theor. APPL 獛属, 2004 108:903-913。

29. Shunhong Dai, Zhihong Zhang, Shouyi Chen, and Roger N. Beachy RF2b, A rice bZIP transcription activator, interacts with RF2a and is involved in symptom development of rice tungro disease , PNAS, 2004 101: 687-692;




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