韩玉珍 :中国农业大学生物学院教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 08:35














韩玉珍教授在国际重要期刊如Plant Physiology、Journal of Expermental 植物学、Frontiers in Plant Science、Plant Molecular Biology等发表多篇论文。其代表论文包括:

- Yan X, Yan Z, Han Y* (2017), RRP42, a Subunit nit of Exosome, Plays an Important Role in Female Gametophytes Development and Mesophyll Cell Morphogenesis in Arabidopsis. Front. Plant Sci., 8 (981) :1-13

- Yan Z, Jia J, Yan X, Shi H, Han Y*(2017), Arabidopsis KHZ1 and KHZ2, two novel non-tandem CCCH zincfinger and K-homolog domain proteins, have redundant roles in the regulation of flowering and senescence. Plant 摩尔 Biol 95:549–565

- Liu L,Jiang Y,Zhang X,Wang X,Wang Y, Han Y, Coupland G,Jin JB, Searle I, Fu Y-F*, Chen F (2017),Two SUMO proteases SUMO PROTEASE RELATED TO FERTILITY1 and 2 are required for fertility in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 175:1703~1719

- 杨敏 韩玉珍* (2015), 真核生物核酸外切体(exosome)的研究进展,生物化学与生物物理进展42(2): 140-146

- 杨敏, 王翠玲, 韩玉珍*(2015)拟南芥核酸外切体亚基RRP41L与RRP42及RRP45B的互作关系,植物生理学报,51 (1): 73~78

- Yan C, Yan Z, Wang Y, Yan Y and Han Y* (2014), Tudor-SN, a component of stress granules, regulates growth under salt stress by modulating GA20ox3 mRNA levels in Arabidopsis J of Exp. Bot. ,65 (20):5933–5944

- Yang M, Zhang B , Jia J, Yan C, Habaike A, and Han Y* (2013) ,RRP41L, a Putative Core Subunit of the Exosome, Plays an Important Role in Seed Germination and Early Seedling Growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol.,161:165-178

- Zhang B, Jia J, Yang M, Yan C, and Han Y* (2012), Overexpression of a LAM Domain Containing 核糖核酸Binding Protein LARP1c Induces Precocious Leaf Senescence in Arabidopsis. Molecules and Cells, 34:367-374

- Huang G, Ma J, Han Y, Chen X, Fu YF系列火箭发动机 (2011) Cloning and expression analysis of the soybean CO-Like gene GmCOL9. Plant 摩尔 Biol Rep, 29:352–359

- Liu L, Ma J, Han Y, Chen X, Fu Y-F* (2011),The Isolation and Analysis of a Soybean CO 同系物 GmCOL101,俄语 Journal of Plant Physiology, 58( 2):330–336

- Jiang Y, Han Y, Zhang X , Fu YF系列火箭发动机* (2011), Expression Profiles of a CONSTANS Homologue GmCOL11 in Glycine max, Russian Journal of Plant Physiology,58(5):774-780

- Liu S, Jia J, Gao Y, Zhang B, Han Y* (2010), The AtTudor2, a Protein with SN-Tudor domains, is involved in control of seed germination in Arabidopsis. Planta, 232:197-207

- Song M ,Liu S ,Zhou Z,Han Y* (2008), TfPLC1, a gene encoding phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C, is predominantly expressed in reproductive organs in Torenia fournieri. Sex Plant Reprod,21:259-267

- Song M and Han Y* (2008)Molecular Cloning and Characterization of a Phosphoinositide- Specific Phospholipase C from Torenia Fournieri. Russ J of Plant Physiol, 2008, 55:385–389.

- Guo F, Yu L, Watkins S, Han Y* (2007), Orientation of microtubules suggests a role in mRNA 搬运作用 in fertilized eggs of Chinese 松属 (Pinus tabulaeformis). Protoplasma, 231:239–243

- 罗滟苏,宋梅芳,韩玉珍* (2006), 蓝猪耳胚珠磷脂酶C基因启动子克隆、序列分析及表达载体的构建。农业生物技术学报,15:63-267

- Han Y, Yu J, Guo F, Watkins SC (2006), Polysomes are associated with microtubules in fertilized eggs of Chinese 松属 (Pinus tabulaeformis). Protoplasma,227: 223-227

- Qi Y-B, Bai J, Han Y* (2005), Transformation of Torenia fournieri with GFP-mTn chimeric gene mediated by 农杆菌属 tumefacienc and visualization of actin 细胞骨架 in living cells. 实验生物学报, 38:91-95

- 陈丙春, 齐一伯, 唐宇, 韩玉珍* (2005), 根癌农杆菌介导的蓝猪耳转化的研究. 农业生物技术学报,13:299-303

- Han Y, Huang B-Q, Guo F, Zee S-Y, Sperm extract and triphosphate insitol(InsP3) induced cytoplasmic increase in the central cell of Torenia fournieri. Sex Plant Rep., 2002 15:187-193

- Han Y, Huang B-Q, Zee S-Y, Yuan M(2000), Symplastic 传播学 between the central cell and the egg apparatus cells in the embryo sac of Torenia fournieri Lind. before and during fertilizalion. Planta 211:158-162

- 陈其军 韩玉珍* (2001) 大麻性别的RAPD和SCAR分子标记,植物生理学报 27:173-178




韩玉珍教授主持了多项国家自然科学基金面上项目,包括“盐胁迫诱导的拟南芥细胞质应激颗粒(stress granules)的形成及功能分析”(2016-2019)、“依赖微管的mRNA定位与维管植物发育的调控”(2007-2009)、“蓝猪耳胚珠表达的磷脂酰肌醇特异的磷脂酶C基因 TfPLC1的功能分析”(2006-2008)、“肌醇三磷酸/钙信号系统与被子植物门双受精”(2003-2005)以及“植物双受精过程中胚囊细胞微丝骨架和钙的动态与功能”(2001-2003)。此外,她还主持了教育部博士点基金项目“拟南芥Tudor-SN蛋白调控植物生长发育及抗逆性的作用机理”(2013-2015),并参与了国家自然科学基金项目“基于蛋白互作网络和基因表达数据的拟南芥成花转变过程分析”(2011-2013)以及重大基础研究前期研究专项项目“药用植物杜仲等特异基因资源挖掘及其功能研究”(2004-2005)。





教授 韩玉珍.中国农业大学生物学院.2021-12-26

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