Irma :2017年的大型风暴

更新时间:2023-09-22 18:00

飓风厄玛(英语:飓风 Irma)是一场极其强劲和灾难性的佛得角型飓风,就最大持续风速来说,厄玛是自2005年的飓风威尔玛以来在大西洋地区观察到的最强热带气旋,以及在大西洋开放地区的最强风暴。厄玛是有记录以来首个袭击向风群岛的五级飓风,另一场五级飓风飓风玛丽亚在两周后紧随其后。当时,它是被认为大西洋上记录以来第二强大热带气旋,其风力已升至“极度危险”级别。厄玛是自2005年飓风卡崔娜以来袭击美国本土最强烈的飓风,自同年威尔玛以来首场登陆佛罗里达州的大型飓风,及自2004年飓风查利以来首场袭击该州的四级飓风。由于飓风厄玛对于美国等多个国家及地区造成严重灾情,因此厄玛已从飓风命名序列中除名。






美国国家飓风中心(NHC)指出,威力强大的飓风厄玛即将对加勒比海东部许多地区构成威胁,有若干岛屿位在飓风警告范围,波多黎各和维京群岛则在戒备下。飓风厄玛5日晚上或6日凌晨将侵袭波多黎各东方的向风群岛(Leeward Islands),使水位超出正常3米,某些地区降雨量将达到25厘米,还会掀起“有破坏性的大浪”。



Given that Irma's forecast track was along much of the Caribbean island chain, hurricane warnings were issued for the northern Leeward Islands, Puerto Rico, and parts of Hispaniola on September 5.


The NHC issued several watches and warnings for the Southeastern United States. The first watches and warnings were issued at 15:00 UTC on September 7, which was a hurricane watch from the Jupiter Inlet to Bonita Beach, including the Florida Keys and Lake Okeechobee. The watches and warnings were expanded into Georgia and South Carolina on September 9. At 21:00 UTC on that day, the advisories reached their maximum extent, with a 飓风 warning covering the entire east coast of the state, the west coast from Indian Pass southward, and the Florida Keys; a hurricane watch was in place for the remainder of the state.










Irma set multiple records for intensity, especially at easterly longitudes, 时间 spent at such an intensity, and its intensity at landfall. When Irma reached Category 5 intensity with winds of 175 mph (282 km/h) at 11:45 UTC on September 5 at 57.7°W, it became the easternmost Atlantic 飓风 of this strength on record, surpassing Hurricane David of 1979, later beaten by Hurricane Lorenzo 2 years later. By 00:15 UTC on September 6, Irma reached peak intensity with 180 mph (285 km/h) winds and a minimum 压强 of 914 mbar (914 hPa; 27.0 inHg). This ties it with 飓风 Mitch of 1998 and Hurricane Rita of 2005 as the sixth-strongest Atlantic hurricane by wind speed. Only five other Atlantic hurricanes have been recorded with wind speeds higher than Irma: Hurricane Allen of 1980, which had maximum sustained winds of 190 mph (310 km/h), and the 1935 Labor Day hurricane, Hurricane Gilbert of 1988, 飓风 Wilma of 2005, and Hurricane Dorian of 2019, all of which had peak W-inds. of 185 mph (298 km/h). At the time, Irma was also the strongest hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic Ocean outside the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico; later surpassed by Hurricane Dorian, and was the strongest Atlantic hurricane since Wilma in terms of maximum sustained winds, and the most intense in terms of 压强 since Dean in 2007. In addition, Irma achieved one of the longest durations of Category 5 strength winds, and the third-highest accumulated cyclone 能量 (ACE) index for a tropical cyclone in the Atlantic basin, with a value of 64.9 units. Only the 1899 San Ciriaco hurricane and Hurricane Ivan in 2004 achieved higher values.


Because of the extensive damage and loss of life the 飓风 caused in the northeastern Caribbean and the United States, particularly in Florida, the World Meteorological Organization retired the name Irma from its rotating naming lists in April 2018; it will never again be used for another Atlantic 飓风 It was replaced with Idalia for the 2023 season.

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