冯帅章 :暨南大学经济与社会研究院院长

更新时间:2024-09-20 19:50










教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划, 2012年

宝钢优秀教师奖,2012年 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,2008年 上海市浦江人才计划,2007年






2006 康奈尔大学美国经济学博士


1997 复旦大学 经济学硕士

1994 上海机械学院(现上海理工大学)经济学学士




Cai, Ruohong, NeliEsipova, Michael Oppenheimer, and ShuaizhangFeng “"International migration desires related to subjective well-being", IZA Journal of Migration 3(1), 2014, 1-20.

Feng, Shuaizhang. “Identification and statistical inference using matched March CPS data, with an application to U.S. poverty 动力学”, Journal of Economic and Social Measurement 38, 2013, 159-170.

Chen, Yuanyuan, ShuaizhangFeng, “Access to public schools and the education of migrant children in China”. China Economic Review 26, 2013, 75-88.

Feng, Shuaizhang, Yingyao Hu. “Misclassification errors and the underestimation of U.S. unemployment rates”. American Economic Review 103(2), 2013, 1054-1070.

Burkhauser, Richard V., ShuaizhangFeng, Stephen Jenkins and Jeff Larrimore. “Recent Trends in Top Income Shares in the USA: Reconciling Estimates from March CPS and IRS Tax Return Data” Review of Economics and 统计学 94(2), 2012, 371-388. ( Article)

Chen, Yuanyuan, ShuaizhangFeng. “Parental Education and Children’s Wages: Evidence from China.” Frontiers of Economics in China 6(4), 2011, 568-591.

Burkhauser, Richard V., ShuaizhangFeng, Stephen Jenkins and Jeff Larrimore. “Trends in United States Income Inequality Using the Internal March Current Population Survey: The Importance of Controlling for Censoring.” Journal of Economic Inequality9, 2011, 393–415.

Jenkins, Stephen P., Richard V. Burkhauser, ShuaizhangFeng, and Jeff Larrimore. “Measuring Inequality Using Censored Data: A Multiple Imputation Approach.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A174, part 1,2011, 63-81.

Feng, Shuaizhang, Alan B. Krueger, Michael Oppenheimer. “Linkages Among Climate Change, Crop Yields and Mexico-US Cross-border Migration” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America107(32), 2010, 14257-14262.

Burkhauser, Richard V., ShuaizhangFeng, and Jeff Larrimore. “Improving imputations of top incomes in the public-use Current Population Survey by using both cell-means and variances.” Economics Letters 108, 2010, 69-72.

Burkhauser, Richard V., ShuaizhangFeng, and Stephen Jenkins. “Using a P90冲锋枪/P10 Ratio to Measure Inequality Trends with the Public Use Current Population Survey: A View from Inside the Census Bureau Vaults.” The Review of Income and Wealth 55(1), 2009, 166-185.

Feng, Shuaizhang. “Longitudinal Matching of Recent Current Population Surveys: Methods, Non-matches and Mismatches.” Journal of Economic and Social Measurement 33(4), 2008, 241-252.

Larrimore, Jeff, Richard V. Burkhauser, ShuaizhangFeng and Laura Zayatz. “Consistent Cell Means for Topcoded Incomes in the Public Use March CPS (1976-2007).” Journal of Economic and Social Measurement 33(2-3), 2008, 89-128.

Feng, Shuaizhang and Richard V. Burkhauser.“Generalized Percentile Ratios as Robust Measures of Labor Earnings Inequality.” International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies 1(2), 2008, 117-125.

Feng, Shuaizhang, Richard V. Burkhauser and J.S. Butler. “Levels and Long-Term Trends in Earnings Inequality: Overcoming Current Population Survey Censoring Problems Using the GB2 Distribution,” Journal of Business and Economic 统计学 24(1), 2006, 57-62.

Feng, Shuaizhang. “Rationality and Self-control: The Implications for Smoking Cessation.” Journal of Socio-economics 34, 2005, 211-222.

Feng, Shuaizhang. “Detecting errors in the Current Population Survey: A Matching Approach.” Economics Letters 82(2), 2004, 189-194.

Burkhauser, Richard V., J.S. Butler, ShuaizhangFeng, Andrew J. Houtenville. “Long Term Trends in Earnings Inequality: What the CPS Can Tell Us,” Economics Letters 82(2), 2004, 295-299.

Feng, Shuaizhang. “The Longitudinal Matching of Current Population Surveys: A Proposed Algorithm.” Journal of Economic and Social Measurement 27(1-2), 2001, 71-91.


卢晶亮,冯帅章,2015,贸易开放、劳动力流动与城镇劳动者性别工资差距,财经研究 41卷第12期。


冯帅章,陈媛媛,2012,学校类型与流动儿童的教育-来自上海市的经验证据, 经济学(季刊)11卷第4期。

许玲丽,冯帅章,陈小龙,2008,成人高等教育的工资效应, 经济研究 2008年第12期。

艾春荣, 冯帅章, 吴玉玲,2007,微观统计数据的公布及相应的保密方法,统计研究 24卷第6期。


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