宋化灿 :中山大学化学工程与技术学院

更新时间:2024-09-21 13:58

宋化灿,山东大学化学系有机化学专业本科毕业,中山大学化学系有机化学专业博士毕业。1996年6月中山大学有机化学专业博士毕业留校任教至今,先后任讲师、副教授、教授。先后于1998和1999年赴美国Brigham Young University和2001—2002年赴台湾大学做博士后研究各一年。主讲过《有机化学》《有机分析》《有机化学实验》《物理有机化学》等课程。公开发表研究论文60余篇。







1996年6月中山大学有机化学专业博士毕业留校任教至今,先后任讲师、副教授、教授。先后于1998和1999年赴美国Brigham Young University和2001-2002年赴台湾大学做博士后研究各一年。主讲过《有机化学》、《有机分析》、《有机化学实验》、《物理有机化学》等课程。公开发表研究论文60余篇。



·1998年9月-1999年8月,美国Brigham Young University,博士后;










1. 教育部留学回国人员启动基金;


3. 广州市科技局重点应用基础研究项目(98-J-013-01);

4. 广州市科技局(01-J-015-01);

5. 广东省科技厅重点攻关项目(2003C103006);

6. 含多聚、寡聚和单氨基葡萄糖新型抗癌药物的研发;

7. 头孢唑兰的合成工艺;

8. 头孢卡品的合成工艺;

9. 广东省科技厅重点引导项目(2004B30101007)。


11、广东省教育部产学研结合项目“高性能氯化聚丙烯改性树脂的研发” 2009-2010;

12、广东省教育部产学研结合项目“低硫低碳制革工艺和助剂的研究开发”, 2010-2011;

13、广东中烟公司项目“主要烟用香料转移行为对卷烟品质的影响及其应用研究” 2009-2011










1. Ning Su, Jerald S. Bradshaw, Xian Xin Zhang, Hua-Can Song, Paul B. Savage, Guaoping Xue, Krzysztof, Krakowiak, and Reed M. Izatt, Synthesis and metal ion complexation of novel 8-Hydroxyquinoline-containing diaza-18-crown-6 ligands and analogs,J. Org. Chem. 1999, 64, 8855

2, Jerald S. Bradshaw, Hua-can Song, Guoping Xue, R. Todd Bronson, Joseph A. Chiara, and Reed, M. Izatt, Synthesis of diazadi(and tri)thiacrown ethers containing two 5-substituent(or 2-甲基)-8-hydroxyquinoline side arms, Supra摩尔 Chem. 2001, 13, 499

3, Hua-Can, Song, Yi-Wen Chen, Xiang-Li Zheng, Bai-Ning Ying, Study on second harmonic generation of 10-hydrocarbylacridiones, Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2001, 57 , 1717

4, Guo-ping Xue, Jerald S. Bradshaw, Hua-can Song, R. Todd, Bronson, Paul B. Savage, Reed, M. Izatt, A convenient synthesis and preliminary photophysical study of novel fluoroionophores: 澳门特别行政区rocyclic polyamines containing two dansylaminoethyl side arms. Tetrahedron, 2001, 57, 87

5, Hua-Can Song, Rui Jiang Jin, Xiang Li Zheng, Bai Ning Ying. Study on second harmonic generation of 9-(substituted-benzylidene-10-甲基)-9,10-dihydroacridines, Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2001, 57, 2729

6, Hua-Can Song, Jearld S. Bradshaw, Yi-Wen Chen, et al. Synthesis of diazadithiacrwn ethers containing two 8-hydroxyquinoline side arms, ARKIVOC, 2001 ISSUE in 荣耀 of Prof. Miha Tisler. 2001, 2, Part3, ms 0116.

7, Hua-Can Song, Yi-Wen Chen, Ji-Guo Song, Paul B. Sarage, Guo-Ping Xue, Jeseph A. Chiara, Krzysztof E. Krakowoak, Reed M. Izatt and Jerald S. Bradshaw. New diazdi (and tri) thia-21-C-Clown7 ethers containing 8-hydroxyquinoline side arms, J. Heterocyclic Chem. 2001, 38, 1369

8, Hua-Can Song, Jerald S. Bradshaw, Yi-Wen Chen, Guo-Ping Xue, Wei-Ming Li, Krzysztof E. Krakowoak, Paul B. Sarage, Zun-le Xu and Reed M. Izatt. Synthesis of new crown ethers containing appended 吡啶, 10-hydroxybenzoquinoline, 8-hydroxyquinoline and 2-amino-1-hydroxybiphenyl sidearms, Supra摩尔 Chem. 2002, 14, 263

9, Chin-Fa Lee, Liu Chin-Yuan, Hua-Can Song, et al, Bidirectional iterative synthesis of alternating benzene-呋喃 oligomers towards molecular wires, Chem. Commun. 2002, 2824

10, Hua-Can Song, Ping Huan, Bai-Ning Ying, Molecular complexes of antipsychotic pharmaceutical parent molecule 吩噻嗪 and unsaturated acid anhydrides. Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2003, 59, 1509

11, Hua-Can Song, Wei-Ming Li, Guang-Rong Liu, Zun-Le Xu. Study on the optical properties of 4,4’-bis-(2-(substituted-styryl))-联苯 and 1,4-bis-(2-(substituted-styryl)) benzene Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2003, 59, 2041

12, Hua-Can Song, Yi-Wen Chen, Jun-Hua Yao, Zun-Le Xu, Jeaald S. Bradshaw and Reed M. Izatt. Syntheses of diazadithiacrown ethers containing appended 香豆素 or 1-aminonaphthene as sidearms J. Heterocyclic Chem. 2003, 40, 475

13, Huang, Z.-L.; Li, N.; Sun, Y.-F.; Wang, 赫兹; Song, H.-C.; Xu, Z.-L. Synthesis and photophysical characterization of two new coumarinyl-based organic molecules with two-photon induced fluorescent emission, J. 摩尔 Structure, 2003, 657, 343

14, Hua-Can Song, Huan Wen, Wei-Ming Li, Study on the second-order optical behavior of 4-(substituted-benzylidene)-2-phenyl-4H-恶唑5-one, Spectrochimica Acta Part A. 2004, 60, 1587


1. 1-(1-Arylethylidene)Thiosemicarbazide derivatives: A new class of tyrosinase inhibitors,Bioorganic and Medicinal 化学, 2008, 1096;

2. Synthesis and cytotoxic activities of 1-benzylidine substituted β-carboline derivatives,Bioorganic \u0026 Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2008, 6558;

3. Synthesis and in vitro cytotoxic evaluation of novel 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl substituted β-carboline derivatives,European Journal Medicinal Chemistry,2008, 533;

4. Synthesis and biological evaluation of helicid analoguesas novel acetylcholinester as einhibitors,European Journal Medicinal 化学, 2008, 166;

5. The synthesis and preliminary optical study of 1-alkyl-2,4,5-triphenylimidazole derivatives,Dyes and Pigments, 2008, 17;

6. Synthesis and biological evaluation of helicid analogues as mushroom tyrosinase inhibitors,Bioorganic \u0026 Medicinal 化学 Letters, 2008, 6490;

7. A class of potent tyrosinase inhibitors: Alkylidenethiosemicarbazide compounds,European Journal Medicinal Chemistry, 2009, 1773;

8. Synthesis and antibacterial evaluation of novel 4-alkyl substituted phenyl β-aldehyde ketone derivatives,European Journal Medicinal 化学, 2009, 1737;

9. Discovery of 4-functionalized phenyl-O-β-d-glycosides as a new class of mushroom tyrosinase inhibitors,Bioorganic \u0026 Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2009, 6157;

10.Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel4-hydroxybenzaldehyde derivatives as tyrosinase inhibitors,European Journal of Medicinal 化学, 2009, 1737;

11. Synthesis and evaluation of 5-benzylidene(thio)barbiturate-β-d-glycosides as mushroom tyrosinase inhibitors,Bioorganic \u0026 Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2009, 4055;

12. Inhibitory effects of 5-benzylidene barbiturate derivatives on mushroom tyrosinase and their antibacterial activities,European Journal of Medicinal 化学, 2009, 4235;

13. Synthesis and antibacterial evaluation of novel 4-alkyl substituted phenyl β-aldehyde ketone derivatives,European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2009, 1737;

14. Synthesis and optical behaviors of 2-(9-phenanthrenyl)-, 2-(9-anthryl)-, and 2-(1-pyrenyl)-1-alkylimidazole homologues,Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2009, 233;

15. Biological evaluations of novel vitamin C esters as mushroom tyrosinase inhibitors and antioxidants,Food 化学, 2009, 381;

16. Synthesis of 4-[(diethylamino)methyl]phenol derivatives as novel cholinesterase inhibitors with selectivity towards butyryl cholinesterase,Bioorganic \u0026 Medicinal Chemistry Letters,2010, 3254;

17. Synthesisandcytotoxicevaluationof N-benzylatedquaternary b-carboline amino acid ester conjugates,European Journal of Medicinal 化学, 2010, 1515;

18. Synthesis and preliminary optical study of 1,3,4-oxadiazole derivatives containing imidazole units,Dyes and Pigments, 2010, 249;

19. Synthesis of novel β-carbolines with efficient 脱氧核糖核酸binding capacity and potent cytotoxicity,Bioorganic \u0026 Medicinal 化学 Letters, 2010, 3876;

20. Design, synthesis and 3D-QSAR of β-carboline derivatives as potent antitumor agents,European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2010,2503;

21. Synthesis, cytotoxic activities and 脱氧核糖核酸 binding properties of β-carboline derivatives,European Journal of Medicinal 化学, 2010, 4740;

22. Synthesis and cytotoxic evaluation of 1-carboxamide and 1-amino side chain substituted β-carbolines,European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2010, 5513;

23.Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel4-hydroxybenzaldehyde derivatives as tyrosinase inhibitors,European Journal of Medicinal 化学, 2010, 639;

24. α-Glucosidase and α-amylase inhibitory activities of guava leaves,Food Chemistry, 2010, 6;

25. Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of 3-(4-halophenyl)-3-oxopropanal and their derivatives as novel antibacterial agents,Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2010, 1127;

26. Rational 设计 and synthesis of 4-O-substituted phenylmethylene thiosemi- carbazones as novel tyrosinase inhibitors,Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2010, 752;

27, Design, synthesis and evaluation of difunctionalized 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde derivatives as novel cholinesterase inhibitors,Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2010, 1216;

28.Synthesis and biological evaluation of novelB-Carbolines as potent cytotoxic and 脱氧核糖核酸 intercalatingagents,Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2010, 901.

29. Synthesis and cytotoxicity of A-homo-lactam derivatives of cholic acid and 7-deoxycholic acid, Steriods, 2011, 76,690;

30. Synthesis and cytotoxicity of 17a-aza-D-homo-androster-17-one derivatives, Bioorganic \u0026 Medicinal 化学 Letters, 2011, 21,3641;

31. Refinement of arylthiosemicarbazone pharmacophore in inhibition of mushroom tyrosinase, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2011, 46, 4330;

32. Synthesis and biological evaluation of 1,9-disubstituted b-carbolines as potent 脱氧核糖核酸 intercalating and cytotoxic agents, European Journal of Medicinal 化学, 2011, 46, 5127;

33. Design, synthesis and in vitro and in vivo antitumor activities of novel bivalent β-carbolines, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013, 60, 10;

34. Synthesis and Neuroprotective Action of Xyloketal Derivatives in Parkinson’s Disease Models,Marine Drugs2013,11, 5159;

35. Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of N13-SubstitutedEvodiamine Derivatives against Human Cancer Cell Lines,Molecules2013,18, 15750;

36. Rational 设计, synthesis and structure–activity relationships of 4-alkoxy- and 4-acyloxy-phenylethylenethiosemicarbazone analogues as novel tyrosinase inhibitors, Bioorganic \u0026 Medicinal 化学, 2015, 23, 924;

37. Structure-based modification of 3-/4-aminoacetophenones giving a profound change of activity on tyrosinase: From potent activators to highly efficient inhibitors, European Journal of Medicinal 化学, 2015, 93, 255;

38. Rh(III)-catalyzed and 乙醇involved carbenoid C–H insertion into N-phenoxyacetamides using a-diazomalonates, Chemcal Communication, 2015, 51, 5868;

39. A new and efficient ZnCl2-catalyzed synthesis and biological evaluation of novel 2-amino-3,5-dicyano-4-aryl-6-arylaminopyridines as potent antibacterial agents against Helicobacter pylori (HP), Tetrahedron, 2015, 71, 8628.


中山大学 化学工程与技术学院.x-mol.2024-03-27

目录 22
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